7000+ Kcals is indeed not very extreme for a 200km/a day biker. Tour the France guys eat up to 8000-9000 kcal a day.
You're right, I found some links with varying figures around that area, such as this one claiming "7,000 to 10,000 calories per day":
http://scienceline.org/2008/07/blog-mahan-cheeseburgers/ However, that doesn't necessarily mean DR's diet is healthy for most folks in the long run, of course.
Large amount of raw carbs don’t seem to cause much problems if one burns them constantly through exercise.
DR does have at least a couple of problems which his videos revealed that I don't have handy at the moment, but he of course doesn't admit that they're problems (one is a B12 deficiency that he claims is just as much a problem for meat eaters, but I haven't seen him provide any scientific data that shows this, whereas as there is data showing vegetarians and vegans have higher rates of B12 deficiency--
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/14656029). I agree with GS and the others on this one, burning off the calories likely helps minimize damage, but 30-70 bananas a day doesn't seem wise (he also eats other foods, like durian, obviously, and lettuce). I don't think extreme diets like those of Tour de France bikers are advisable for either themselves or others in the long run just because they stay lean.
Judging from his vids DR has been losing weight steady but still looks rather healthy.
I don't think he looks all that fantastic, though he looks better than a number of other male 811ers who deteriorated more rapidly. To me he looks worse than he did years ago, and looks can also be deceiving, as Tyler has pointed out on multiple occasions. Lance Armstrong actually looked much better during his Tour days than DR and Lance reportedly ate this:
"In terms of foods, he loves pasta and also seeks whole grains like brown rice and oats, multigrain breads, and lots of vegetables. Protein sources include primarily eggs, fish, poultry, and low-fat dairy products like yogurt. Fat plays important roles in endurance athletics and health, so we don't massively cut his fat intake. Rather, Lance tries to stick with unsaturated fats from olive and canola oils, seeds, nuts, and fish."
http://www.sportsgeezer.com/sportsgeezer/2005/07/how_to_eat_like.htmlIt is amazing what the human body can survive on for some years, and it does at least seem to support the common view that humans are more flexible in what they can tolerate than other primates and many mammals.
The fact that he has to eat more and more is a clear warning.
If he is eating more then that is indeed a warning sign, though I don't know that he necessarily is and the figures you shared suggest that his upper intake could just be his intake when doing longer races/training.
200+grams of fibre aday... well I gues he goes to the toilet a lot! 
Yes and Doug Graham claimed in a video that it's a good thing because chimps do it.

Seems like it could be a problem during races.