Author Topic: Tell me 25 things about yourself  (Read 6238 times)

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Offline TylerDurden

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Tell me 25 things about yourself
« on: September 21, 2008, 02:41:00 am »
OK, here's a game I came across, elsewhere, so let's try it here:-

1) INTP personality type(mostly).
2) I have light brown hair(dark blond in the summer sun).
3) I have light-brown eyes(used to be very dark-brown in pre-rawpaleo days).
4) I'm 6ft tall.
5) I'm obsessed about science(NASA/Space exploration/SETI etc.) as well as science fiction(more SF books than SF movies, but both).
6) I eat a raw-animal-food diet, including rotting meat etc.
7) I'm a fan of Schopenhauer.
8)I love quotations
9) I LOVE  skiing.
10) I'm a fan of comics like 2000AD.
11) I'm a fan of martial arts such as Judo.
12) I like heavy metal music(ACDC/Manowar etc.)
13) I speak 3 modern languages fluently.
14) I've visited 4 of the 7 continents.
15) I'm familiar with much/most of the vocabulary of Latin and Ancient Greek.
16) I love Roleplaying and strategy-based  PC games.
17) I'm a religious atheist - of Roman Catholicist persuasion(pre-Vatican II-traditionalist). I would prefer to be something cooler such as a Mormon Fundamentalist, though.
18) My politics is Bismarckian in tone.
19) I have an absolute fascination with the Ancient World in general(Carthage, Ancient Persia etc.)
20) I love mountain-hiking in really remote, desolate areas.
21)  I hate bureaucracy.
22) I love mythology.
23) I'm an expert in, and fan of, general knowledge.
24) I dislike giving money to charity for numerous, well-thought-out reasons(unless it's for wildlife).
25) I hate beta-males(but not other types such as alphas or nerds).
« Last Edit: September 21, 2008, 03:39:40 am by TylerDurden »
"During the last campaign I knew what was happening. You know, they mocked me for my foreign policy and they laughed at my monetary policy. No more. No more.
" Ron Paul.

Offline Squall

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Re: Tell me 25 things about yourself
« Reply #1 on: September 21, 2008, 04:55:34 am »
Is the object to follow your exact format, or to just list 25 things about yourself?
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Offline TylerDurden

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Re: Tell me 25 things about yourself
« Reply #2 on: September 21, 2008, 05:44:35 am »
Is the object to follow your exact format, or to just list 25 things about yourself?

Just list 25 things about yourself. Forget about the format.
"During the last campaign I knew what was happening. You know, they mocked me for my foreign policy and they laughed at my monetary policy. No more. No more.
" Ron Paul.

Offline boxcarguy07

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Re: Tell me 25 things about yourself
« Reply #3 on: September 21, 2008, 06:31:14 am »
alright, here goes:

1. I am 5'10, 179 lbs
2. I have brown hair and blue eyes
3. I am a music major
4. I want to become a composer
5. I play guitar and drums, and I'm learning the piano
6. After I get moderately good at the piano, I'd like to learn another instrument, such as the violin or saxophone
7. I get super super SUPER happy for almost no reason, multiple times per day. There is no down-side to this either. There are highs, but no lows. This is ever since RPD, btw.
8. I'm kind of a loner, and I'm happy with that. That's not to say I don't enjoy the company of my friends, and others.
9. I can't wait to get a puppy someday
10. I have a crush (so weird to say "crush" at age 21, huh. but that's really all it is right now)
11. I like to smell my fingers. Not when there's anything gross on them (unless you count earwax as gross) but just at random, to see what they smell like.
12. I always whistle while I walk. Sometimes I whistle and snap my fingers while I walk.
13. I work with children
14. I love to lift weights
15. I wake up every morning and either go to the gym or watch the sunrise
16. There is not a single moment of the day when there is not music going through my head.
17. I like math and numbers
18. The beauty of nature takes my breath away
19. I think human beings are WEIRD!!
20. I have a general distrust of the government and big corporations
21. I think Ron Paul would have made one of the best Presidents we've ever had. I don't like either remaining candidate.
22. I have a cellphone but I don't like it and I carry it on me as little as possible
23. My bike is my main mode of transportation
24. I drink a gallon of bottled spring water a day. I save up all of the plastic gallon bottles until I pretty much have no room for any more than I recycle them.
25. I like to put things off until the last minute, but I always get them done, and done well.

Offline Squall

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Re: Tell me 25 things about yourself
« Reply #4 on: September 21, 2008, 08:08:13 am »
1. I have blonde hair and blue eyes
2. I was born in the US South (Arkansas), spent most of my childhood in Alaska, and my teenage years in southern California
3. Although I spent 8.5 years in the navy, I only ever visited Dubai (UAE), Bahrain, and Singapore. And Hawaii, too, but that isn't exactly foreign for me.
4. I'm a software developer working for a large corporation
5. I'm not a large fan of the corporate culture or the market implications of governments insulating business firms from risk
6. I don't have a degree. I consider myself an economics major but have postponed school indefinitely (mainly for real world business experience)
7. I like to read books, but the only fiction I enjoy these days is satire
8. I have a motorcycle I haven't ridden in months ... mainly because its registered in another state (and its expired ... oops!)
9. I hate math
10. I drink coffee out of tea cups and tea out of coffee mugs (trying to quit these though)
11. Most of the rock bands I really like are either run-of-the-mill vegetarians, PETA-supporting vegans, or left-leaning punk rockers. (Is it too much to ask for a meat-eating Libertarian group?)
12. I think politics is a sham, and agree with the saying: 'Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on whats for dinner'
13. The things I'm most passionate about these days are: nutrition, economics, web programming
14. Of all the people my friends know, I'm almost positive they would consider me the weirdest
15. I don't swim very well.
16. World of Warcraft might have destroyed my previous relationship (I've been playing since it came out)
17. Courier New is my favorite font
18. Many women I have met in the past have thought I was gay because I can articulate and I have more than three facial expressions
19. I have a wide screen LCD TV of good quality but I never watch it.
20. I think the majority of television programs are making an already ignorant population even worse
21. I am somewhat of a perfectionist, and could consider myself OCD in many respects
22. I think Western Civilization has been somewhat of a mixed bag for the world, with its peak being between the mid-eighteenth to the mid-nineteenth century.
23. I agree with boxcarguy07 regarding Ron Paul, although ordinarily I'm of the opinion that politicians are unique in history as being the only members of society who actually get paid to make it worse whereas everyone else works to enrich the lives of others through exchange
24. Many people take my analyses and constructive criticisms of problems in society as being overly pessimistic and contrarian ... but of course I'd never agree with that ;)
25. I'm a giant nerd when it comes to properly declining latin nouns that are still used in modern language (appendix, index, analysis, etc.)
The fact that an opinion has been widely held is no evidence whatever that it is not utterly absurd.

- Bertrand Russell

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Re: Tell me 25 things about yourself
« Reply #5 on: September 21, 2008, 10:41:10 am »
1. I'm a fair skinned mixed breed Filipino.
2. I'm 5'5" short and 120 lbs light weight today but on the BMI scale I'm normal.
3. I'm on RPD because I used to be fat and sick of an incurable eczema so I learned to be an anything that works altruistic healer.  RPD just works.  See
4. I'm the webmaster of Pro-Life Philippines at and my company makes and maintains that website as volunteer work.
5. I was never religious ever.
6. I do not use contraception, it's not paleo, not natural and unhealthy.
7. I believe humans are paleolithically, neolithically and naturally polygamous I support the Pro-polygamy movement.
8. I love making children.
9. I love raising, taking care of children, playing with children... my own children... not other people's children.
10. I make a living by running my own web development firm
11. I'm a computer geek / network administrator / web developer / consultant.
12. I'm an incurable truth seeker and will follow truth wherever it may lead.
13. I like science stuff, but I like truthful science, not brainwashing and commercial science.
14. I like astronomy stuff, I own a telescope, I know the constellations and lean more to the insights of the Electrical Universe proponents such as and James McCanney
15. I'm a committed family / families man.
16. I grew up with many family businesses and I'm open to trading.  Any products you need to import from the Philippines?
17. I love it here in the Philippines and I have no plans of leaving.
18. I've traveled around the world to a good number of countries, my mom used to own a travel agency.
19. I teach people how to get pregnant at
20. I have a regularly updated health blog
21. I'm a wanna be internet marketer, still learning the ropes, any other internet marketers out there?
22. I'm always open to new business ideas, let's do business together.
23. I respect all the health gurus, healers whether vegan, fruitarian or rpd and I try to learn from all of them.
24. My dream is to stay biologically young and healthy 100++, grow and raise as many biological descendants as possible.
25. My dream is to earn large amounts of money with minimal amounts of time input so I have more time for my descendants.
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My blogs: Cure Manual, My Health Blog, Eczema Cure & Psoriasis Cure

Offline Squall

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Re: Tell me 25 things about yourself
« Reply #6 on: September 21, 2008, 11:21:39 am »

I like this site, too! I remember when I was a kid and learning about astronomy was so fun. Then it just kinda stagnated until I found that site. Its like I'm a kid again!
The fact that an opinion has been widely held is no evidence whatever that it is not utterly absurd.

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Re: Tell me 25 things about yourself
« Reply #7 on: September 21, 2008, 05:38:44 pm »
Same feeling there about, Squall.  I waited forever for their movie to finish.  Then it was available on Google Video.  I watched it with my wife.  She got bored half way, I loved every minute of it. I think every science geek should see that movie.

The parallelism of the electric universe paradigm and truth about healing paradigm is so much alike.  Predictable, it works.  Just like RPD.

Another thing about myself as RPDer

26. I do not drink water.  I make it a point not to drink plain water, whether alkaline, mineral, spring, distilled, scalarized or whatever.  I'm convinced that natural hygiene principles about drinking is correct.  We should get our water from our raw food: fruits, raf, and we've got coconuts all year round.  Maybe that is why I can do this.  If I lived in a place without coconuts, I would have no choice but to drink water with squeezed fruit juice in it.

« Last Edit: September 21, 2008, 05:41:58 pm by goodsamaritan »
Linux Geek, Web Developer, Email Provider, Businessman, Engineer, REAL Free Healer, Pro-Life, Pro-Family, Truther, Ripple-XRP Fan

I'm the network administrator.
My business: Website Dev & Hosting and Email Server Provider,
My blogs: Cure Manual, My Health Blog, Eczema Cure & Psoriasis Cure

Offline stevesurv

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Re: Tell me 25 things about yourself
« Reply #8 on: September 22, 2008, 03:35:57 am »
1.  INFJ personality type.
2.  Former Marine bandsman.
3.  I'm about to enlist in the U.S. Army psyop program as  a reservist and go to school for civil engineering.
4.  I have a relentless desire to help people.
5.  I had an extremely rough time with drugs and alcohol...especially booze.
6.  I'm an Eagle Scout.
7.  I haven't had a girlfriend in over 10 years.
8.  Thoughts of radiant well-being consume my life.
9.  I've recently rejected Christianity and feel silly for having believed in it.
10. I love to ride my mountain bike.
11. I'm obsessed with food as medicine.
12. I'm not an "expert" in anything.
13. I miss my Mom.
14. I feel fortunate for having the ability to understand my own limited understanding of reality.
15. I live in a double-wide trailer with a room mate who couldn't care less about bettering himself.
16. I currently work as a custodian at a Christian private school.
17. I love electronic music and I'm really good at mixing it with a couple decks and a mixer.
18. I love acting.
19. I try to view fellow humans in an objective way. The way I view other species.
20. I dream of...well...not literally...of raising my future children on a raw paleolithic diet.
21. I've been hit by a car...twice.
22. I have hepatitis c.
23. I want to sail around the world one day.
24. I want to live in Germany.
25. I'm grateful for this forum.


Offline Sully

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Re: Tell me 25 things about yourself
« Reply #9 on: September 23, 2008, 11:28:17 pm »
1. I'm 5ft, 11
2. My full name is Suleiman Abu Qdairi
3. My dad is Arabian (was deported when i was a baby)
4. i can do 20  pushups only on my index and thumbs
5. I had a pony tail 1 year ago
6. i had a vegan and raw vegan diet
7. i was born in Milwaukee
8. i weight about 130 pounds
9. i can't swim well (can't even find suitable place to practice, chlorine)
10. i have smoked marijuana before
11. i can do a one handed kart wheel
12. i can do the front splits
13. my mom is 57 years old
14. i have a mini fridge in my room
15. i am 17 years old
16. i was born 1991
17. my birthday is Aug. 9th
18. RAF i have eaten so far=  beef, beef liver, bison, eggs, cheese (only to try), and chicken 
19. my hair is dark brown
20. my eyes are dark brown
21. i gather 99.9% of my plant foods
22. my cat died
23. i was hit by a car on my bike 3 days ago, (I'm fine)
24. i practice martial arts
25. i have never been circumcised

Significant.....26. I want to be naked,  if it's not too cold.
« Last Edit: September 23, 2008, 11:41:26 pm by Sully »

Offline boxcarguy07

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Re: Tell me 25 things about yourself
« Reply #10 on: September 24, 2008, 12:00:55 am »
what is up with people on this forum getting hit on their bikes? haha glad you're okay

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Re: Tell me 25 things about yourself
« Reply #11 on: September 24, 2008, 12:04:47 am »
Yeah, she smacked into my front tire. The rim is all bent up. I'm glad I'm ok, so I can still train. :)

She asked me if I was ok, i said yeah.
Then she asked me if i needed a ride, i said no.
Then she took off right away, I don't think she wanted to pay for my bike....
« Last Edit: September 24, 2008, 12:06:23 am by Sully »


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