I had run out of food and was desperately searching for a good source of pasture lamb. I found a guy who was raising grainfed lambs, but he said he had some pasture Ewes that he would sell so I went out to his farm and bought a one year old that had been on raised on pasture. It looked well enough, but once I got to cutting into it I found that it had a real foul gamy taste and there were some odd looking cyst.
This was Friday night. I had also worked all week and had a cut on my hand that was exposed to the animal when I was cleaning the animal. 12 hours after exposure to the carcase I developed a large blister over the cut and a few hours after that my hand started to swell and a rash began to move up my arm. Then I began to have a swollen lympnode on my upper arm. I assumed it to be a skin infection from where I cut myself on the edge of an electrical box and then foolishly I let it be exposed to all types of nastiness. I went to the ER last night and got a prescription for 100 milligrams of doxycycline for a skin infection.
Just two hours I began to cut into a hunk of fat from the animal and found a lympnode that appears to be infected with Caseous Lymphadenitis. I am now wondering if perhaps my infection may infact be a result of having my wounded hand come into direct contact with a diseased animal.
This sucks, not only do I have an infection , but I have no money at all, and I feel that I must throw out the food that was suppose to feed me for the next week. It tasted foul from the first few bits, and I should of trusted my instincts from the beginning. I have already eaten about 5 pounds of it, but from what I have read, the bacteria is only contracted through open sores so I should be alright as long as I can fight off the infection in my hand.

This is the blister that formed over my original cut after exposure to the animal

This is after I popped the blister accidentally while wrestling around with the misses

This is a picture of the clearly diseased lymphnode

Its a text book case of Caseous Lymphadenitis
http://www.infovets.com/books/smrm/F/F108.htmIts a bit scary , but I feel fine otherwise and am hopeful that my body will overcome whatever is causing my infection.
Just wondering if anyone else has had experience with diseased animals.