Author Topic: Raw Vegan to Raw Every Thing  (Read 9194 times)

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Offline DameonWolf

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Raw Vegan to Raw Every Thing
« on: November 23, 2008, 12:01:50 am »
Hey all, so I've been raw for around 7 months but like most I was sucked into the raw vegan movement. I didn't become a raw vegan for ethical reasons, strictly for health issues. I'm just turning 20, and for the last 3 years I've suffered from crazy random bouts of bad health. Included symptoms:

Lower Abdominal Pain
Upper Right Abdominal Pain
Lower Back Pain
Upper Back Pain
Acid Reflux
Heart Burn
Stiff Necks
Swollen Lymph Glands
Floaters in Eyes
Neurological Double Vision
Pale Skin
Major Anxiety Emotion Issues
Obstructed Bile Flow
Congested Sinus's
Temporary Bouts of Jaundice
Black Circles Under Eyes
Freezing Hands and Feet
Severe Mental Disturbances, Confusion, Rage, Tunnel Vision, Speech Difficulties

Going raw helped A LOT of these problems at first. Then they began to return for some reason. I cant even make a solid statement into what I think is going on with me any more. I'm getting to the point where I feel my body is ready to begin major repairs but it just feels like it doesn't have the tools for that. I started off high fat raw vegan, and there is some thing about the raw fats us raw vegans consume that is All the nuts and oils actually caused me to have stiff necks, head aches, confusion. I noticed when I went to a raw vegan potluck, a lot of the raw vegans had these strange blank confused looks in their eyes. And many of them including my self at times seem to make very unquardinated conversation. Maybe it's just me but some thing was very off about every thing.

But many of you may not realize that there is in fact a huge split happening among the raw vegan community. You see Dr Doug Graham's book 80/10/10 has managed to sink in and it's become the low fat bible of so many failing raw vegans. I'm sure some of you have witnessed Durianrider running his big mouth on you tube, he is also preaching what Doug Graham started. His theories goes as following, get 80 percent of your calories from carbs, 10 percent from fats and 10 percent from proteins. Literally you're supposed to eat any where between 2000 and 4000 calories of fruit a day. It seems to be working great for some, but not me like was promised.

Any way, enough ranting I'm here because my mind is open and I'm looking for true healing of my body. Personally, I don't want to be skinny like durianrider, it DOESN'T FEEL NORMAL to have such a low weight. I'm 19 years old and 119lbs at 5'8. Granted, I'm still strong I still work out and my muscles seem to be alright. But I want to be my normal weight again, 140lbs made me VERY comfortable. I figure animal foods and exercise will be able to help me with that, I hope any way. By the way I'm not basing the raw vegans high fat or low fat, for some it obviously works great for. I don't think my body is formatted that way. I do love fruits though, lol.

So, hello every one! I'm Dameon! ^_^


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Re: Raw Vegan to Raw Every Thing
« Reply #1 on: November 23, 2008, 01:27:15 am »
Hi Dameon and welcome

Sounds like your metabolic type is more of a protein/fat type and in that case you NEED fat/protein from animal/fish. I found out this about myself when I also experimented with raw vegan. Didn't take too long before I developed blood sugar problems. I would get dizzy when standing up and stuff like that.. After I have reintroduced fish and animal foods in my diet that has disappeared. I eat everything very rare and some things raw. I've really overcome my sugar addiction, but I know that if I start eating even 3-4 fruits per day again my cravings for sugar will probably come back. That's why I'm trying to avoid fruits completely for a while.

Some people, specifically those with carbohydrate type metabolism (slow oxidizers) are probably the ones doing so great on vegan and raw vegan diets, and that's where I guess I fooled myself. I thought if a diet is so great for so many people then it should also work for me! But it didn't. We are all different on a biochemical level.

Offline DameonWolf

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Re: Raw Vegan to Raw Every Thing
« Reply #2 on: November 23, 2008, 03:27:06 am »
Seeker, how much different are fats from nuts and fats from animals? I don't seem to do very well with nuts, they don't digest very well. Did you find this?

Offline TylerDurden

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Re: Raw Vegan to Raw Every Thing
« Reply #3 on: November 23, 2008, 03:35:52 am »
Welcome to the forum! You should be aware that some people who've been long-term 100% Raw Vegan can have initial difficulties digesting meats, (perhaps even raw meats?), and need time to adjust. You haven't been doing Raw Vegan as long as some, so it shouldn't be an issue, though. In the meantime, have a look at the child-boards of the general discussions forum as they contain basic info for RAF newbies.
« Last Edit: November 23, 2008, 08:28:21 pm by TylerDurden »
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Offline DameonWolf

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Re: Raw Vegan to Raw Every Thing
« Reply #4 on: November 23, 2008, 05:54:11 am »
My plan was to avoid most of the dairies and start with simple free range organic eggs. And once I get used to that move onto some fish.


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Re: Raw Vegan to Raw Every Thing
« Reply #5 on: November 24, 2008, 12:29:47 am »
Welcome, I just joined as well. I also had metabolic issues when I moved to and then from a vegetarian diet. I've concluded that animal fats and proteins are absolutely necessary, if only for the endocrine system.

I'm also slowly increasing my RAF intake.

As for nuts, I only eat them alone, only one type at a time, and eat mostly macadamias - they are high in saturated fat and thus very chemically stable.

You may want to look into "food combining" (which is actually "food separating"); I've had good luck curbing chronic indigestion using these techniques. A good site is:

Offline TylerDurden

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Re: Raw Vegan to Raw Every Thing
« Reply #6 on: November 24, 2008, 01:13:39 am »
It's a good idea to soak nuts in water  for 24 hours beforehand to get rid of some of the antinutrients within them.
"During the last campaign I knew what was happening. You know, they mocked me for my foreign policy and they laughed at my monetary policy. No more. No more.
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Offline akaikumo

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Re: Raw Vegan to Raw Every Thing
« Reply #7 on: November 24, 2008, 08:33:21 am »
You have neurological double vision? That's interesting. I've suspected the multiple-images I have might be neurological, as the glasses I was prescribed don't touch it. Not really interested in going to another idiot eye-doctor to find out for sure though. I'm not raw-paleo yet, just aspiring, so I can't say whether it will help that or not. I guess we'll find out.

I would definitely avoid dairy if you have anxiety problems. It flairs up my anxiety and depression far worse than even wheat does. Eggs might be a good start, otherwise you might try fish, a lot of people seem to have an easier time getting used to it then red meats (myself included).

Good luck. Keep us updated on your health changes.  :)
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Offline DameonWolf

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Re: Raw Vegan to Raw Every Thing
« Reply #8 on: November 24, 2008, 10:33:09 am »
Thanks for the anxiety tip. Probably the hormones I'm assuming. Do eggs give you the anxiety issue? Or just like milk and cheeses?

Offline reyyzl

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Re: Raw Vegan to Raw Every Thing
« Reply #9 on: November 24, 2008, 03:12:19 pm »
Hi Dameon,

    Welcome!  I too made big changes in diet.  I actually didn't like meat before.  Eating raw eggs don't give me any anxiety, and I did have a lot of anxiety before.  Eating grains gave me anxiety, a lot!  Raw sour cream definitely doesn't give me any anxiety, but the reverse is true.  Raw meat with honey gets me feeling the best in those respects. 

Enjoy the trip :) 

Whole health to you,


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Too often we get caught up trying to get to the end. What is most important however is to discover the beginning. We don’t solve problems or start to heal unless we can be willing, be kind, laugh a little and commit to seeking until we find. If we can, we’ll get started. I’ll meet you at the beginning!
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Re: Raw Vegan to Raw Every Thing
« Reply #10 on: November 26, 2008, 05:06:10 am »
Hey all, so I've been raw for around 7 months but like most I was sucked into the raw vegan movement. I didn't become a raw vegan for ethical reasons, strictly for health issues. I'm just turning 20, and for the last 3 years I've suffered from crazy random bouts of bad health. Included symptoms:

Lower Abdominal Pain
Upper Right Abdominal Pain
Lower Back Pain
Upper Back Pain
Acid Reflux
Heart Burn
Stiff Necks
Swollen Lymph Glands
Floaters in Eyes
Neurological Double Vision
Pale Skin
Major Anxiety Emotion Issues
Obstructed Bile Flow
Congested Sinus's
Temporary Bouts of Jaundice
Black Circles Under Eyes
Freezing Hands and Feet
Severe Mental Disturbances, Confusion, Rage, Tunnel Vision, Speech Difficulties

Going raw helped A LOT of these problems at first. Then they began to return for some reason. I cant even make a solid statement into what I think is going on with me any more. I'm getting to the point where I feel my body is ready to begin major repairs but it just feels like it doesn't have the tools for that. I started off high fat raw vegan, and there is some thing about the raw fats us raw vegans consume that is All the nuts and oils actually caused me to have stiff necks, head aches, confusion. I noticed when I went to a raw vegan potluck, a lot of the raw vegans had these strange blank confused looks in their eyes. And many of them including my self at times seem to make very unquardinated conversation. Maybe it's just me but some thing was very off about every thing.

But many of you may not realize that there is in fact a huge split happening among the raw vegan community. You see Dr Doug Graham's book 80/10/10 has managed to sink in and it's become the low fat bible of so many failing raw vegans. I'm sure some of you have witnessed Durianrider running his big mouth on you tube, he is also preaching what Doug Graham started. His theories goes as following, get 80 percent of your calories from carbs, 10 percent from fats and 10 percent from proteins. Literally you're supposed to eat any where between 2000 and 4000 calories of fruit a day. It seems to be working great for some, but not me like was promised.

Any way, enough ranting I'm here because my mind is open and I'm looking for true healing of my body. Personally, I don't want to be skinny like durianrider, it DOESN'T FEEL NORMAL to have such a low weight. I'm 19 years old and 119lbs at 5'8. Granted, I'm still strong I still work out and my muscles seem to be alright. But I want to be my normal weight again, 140lbs made me VERY comfortable. I figure animal foods and exercise will be able to help me with that, I hope any way. By the way I'm not basing the raw vegans high fat or low fat, for some it obviously works great for. I don't think my body is formatted that way. I do love fruits though, lol.

So, hello every one! I'm Dameon! ^_^

    Hi Dameonwolf,

    I see durianrider (aka Harley) around online a lot too, and I've listened to Doug Graham interviews.  You know me I think,  ;) as I post a lot on the mostly vegan raw forums.  If you're who I think :) one could say maybe that you helped me find the paleo forum.  Anyway, it is my experience that diet works best when we believe in it.  We need to know ourselves, our own bodies, and work in conjunction with our instincts.  I think that's what really works when eating raw.  I underlined some of your words above.  Maybe you could re-read them.  I do think with reason that you've hit on something here.  I've also seen and read about too many people who suffered greatly by trying fruitarianism when they had neurological problems.  What I mean is:  they did pretty permanent damage to themselves that then lasted for many years.  I wish you the best in health.  Welcome.

    Your new friend,

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Re: Raw Vegan to Raw Every Thing
« Reply #11 on: November 26, 2008, 05:11:36 am »
PS You can eat some fruit RPDing.  In primal diet, we eat our fill of raw animal fats first, or raw coconut cream, and then eat a small portion of fruit, which at this point really does feel like enough fruit.  Also, you could mix that fruit in with the fat instead.  I think it's best to keep carbs below seventy-five grams per day.
"Genuine truth angers people in general because they don't know what to do with the energy generated by a glimpse of reality." Greg W. Goodwin

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Re: Raw Vegan to Raw Every Thing
« Reply #12 on: November 30, 2009, 08:37:44 am »
    How are you doing DameonWolf?
"Genuine truth angers people in general because they don't know what to do with the energy generated by a glimpse of reality." Greg W. Goodwin

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Re: Raw Vegan to Raw Every Thing
« Reply #13 on: March 16, 2010, 01:17:20 am »
Good Going , Damien!

I only regret this forum wasn't around when I was 20, you've got insight anyway
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Offline kurite

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Re: Raw Vegan to Raw Every Thing
« Reply #14 on: March 17, 2010, 01:08:48 pm »
Starting out with eggs is your best bet. For most they digest very easily and its much easier mentally (in my opinion) to start with raw eggs rather than raw meat.
good luck
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Offline chucky

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Re: Raw Vegan to Raw Every Thing
« Reply #15 on: March 17, 2010, 09:49:35 pm »
Hi Dameon,

    Welcome!  I too made big changes in diet.  I actually didn't like meat before.  Eating raw eggs don't give me any anxiety, and I did have a lot of anxiety before.  Eating grains gave me anxiety, a lot!  Raw sour cream definitely doesn't give me any anxiety, but the reverse is true.  Raw meat with honey gets me feeling the best in those respects.  

Enjoy the trip :)  

Whole health to you,


Your meat and honey combo might be backed up by science research. Check it out:


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