Author Topic: Questions about how to get started  (Read 6487 times)

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Offline squallz3r0

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Questions about how to get started
« on: November 25, 2008, 03:55:15 am »
I'm going from a low carb diet to no carb diet and i need some help on figuring out how to do this right. I've got a few questions that i'll just list.

I read somewhere that if you go all meat then you need to eat a lot of fat along with it.

How much is a good ratio, meat to fat?

And does the fat come in the meat or do i buy it seperate?

Also, can i trust the meat at the local h.e.b or walmart?

what is suet? Do i need to eat that?

How should i prepare the meat in order for it to be a tasty zero carb meal?

How should i cook the meat?

Are there any meats out there that i should watch out for, good or bad?

If i decide later on to eat the meat raw can i trust the local h.e.b or walmart?

If not, i live in houston, does anyone know of anyone who does sell grassgrazed meat?

Offline TylerDurden

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Re: Questions about how to get started
« Reply #1 on: November 25, 2008, 05:37:37 am »
I'm going from a low carb diet to no carb diet and i need some help on figuring out how to do this right. I've got a few questions that i'll just list.

I read somewhere that if you go all meat then you need to eat a lot of fat along with it.

How much is a good ratio, meat to fat?

And does the fat come in the meat or do i buy it seperate?

Also, can i trust the meat at the local h.e.b or walmart?

what is suet? Do i need to eat that?

How should i prepare the meat in order for it to be a tasty zero carb meal?

How should i cook the meat?

Are there any meats out there that i should watch out for, good or bad?

If i decide later on to eat the meat raw can i trust the local h.e.b or walmart?

If not, i live in houston, does anyone know of anyone who does sell grassgrazed meat?

Don't cook the meat at all. Least worst cooking is boiling(if you retain the water).

Walmart etc are to be avoided like the plague. Buy 100% grassfed meats from small-time farmers. Wory less about organic status as most grassfed farmers don't feed their animals on antibiotics etc.Suet is one type with lots of fat as is tongue, marrow, muscle-meat fat, brains eyeballs, hide-fat etc. Most zero-carbers go for a ratio of 670-80% fat by calorie, not percentage.
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Offline squallz3r0

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Re: Questions about how to get started
« Reply #2 on: November 25, 2008, 06:29:00 am »
Thank you for that information. I've located a 100 percent grassfed farm in brenham TX that i could purchase products from. Just not sure which ones to buy or how much. He has cow beef, chicken and pigs.

Could you go through what parts of what animals you buy, how much would be enough for one person, and how often do i need to buy to keep in stock?

And also i'm curious as to what your meals consist of to keep a level of balance between fat/meat, or to maintain the ratio of fat calories throughout each day. What does your regular day of eating consist of? How do you prepare your raw meat? Do you switch up between different meats each day?

Offline squallz3r0

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Re: Questions about how to get started
« Reply #3 on: November 25, 2008, 06:39:36 am »
Also, i was wondering what happens when you heat the meat.


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Re: Questions about how to get started
« Reply #4 on: November 26, 2008, 03:35:22 am »

have you read any of the articles on the raw paleo info site or any of the sticky posts on this forum?

wouldn't it make more sense to ask questions, as a well informed person, after reading the material already provided & then agreeing, disagreeing, or doubting it or maybe offering better alternatives?

Offline TylerDurden

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Re: Questions about how to get started
« Reply #5 on: November 26, 2008, 07:42:46 pm »
Also, i was wondering what happens when you heat the meat.

Read this topic as well as all the other topics on the child boards section of the General Discussions forum:-
"During the last campaign I knew what was happening. You know, they mocked me for my foreign policy and they laughed at my monetary policy. No more. No more.
" Ron Paul.

Offline TylerDurden

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Re: Questions about how to get started
« Reply #6 on: November 26, 2008, 07:54:04 pm »
Thank you for that information. I've located a 100 percent grassfed farm in brenham TX that i could purchase products from. Just not sure which ones to buy or how much. He has cow beef, chicken and pigs.

Could you go through what parts of what animals you buy, how much would be enough for one person, and how often do i need to buy to keep in stock?

And also i'm curious as to what your meals consist of to keep a level of balance between fat/meat, or to maintain the ratio of fat calories throughout each day. What does your regular day of eating consist of? How do you prepare your raw meat? Do you switch up between different meats each day?

I can't give you exact figures as everyone is so different in terms of metabolic-rate/exercise-rate and therefore the amounts they need to eat each day. Plus, everyone has different access to foods. For example, it's much more difficult for me tog et hold of raw bison here in the UK, than in the US - on the other hand, I can get hold of wild-hare carcasses with ease.

Kinds of foods I eat(very rough sample, some are available only seasonally or on holiday(most are grassfed/organic or at least naturally-reared or free-range):- horsemeat, sea-urchin eggs, mussels, lobster, crab, swordfish, kingfish, oysters,organs(tongue, brains, kidney, liver, heart,suet, marrow, muscle-meats) from beef/lamb/mutton/venison/goat and , rarely grainfed pork(you can't get pasture-fed pork easily in the UK). Also, wild mallard duck carcasses and  goose-/duck-/quail-/pheasant-/chicken-eggs, free-range turkey breast-fillets and wild boar muscle-meat, shark-meat etc. etc.

Either buy direct from farms or buy from farmers' markets. I've heard that farmer's markets in the US aren't as good as the ones in the UK , though.
"During the last campaign I knew what was happening. You know, they mocked me for my foreign policy and they laughed at my monetary policy. No more. No more.
" Ron Paul.


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