Author Topic: Should I use milk?  (Read 16112 times)

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Re: Should I use milk?
« Reply #25 on: October 23, 2012, 05:49:57 pm »
Many thanks Chris for your fanatical support and determined encouragement, I can feel your enthusiasm radiating from your words :)

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Re: Should I use milk?
« Reply #26 on: October 23, 2012, 08:48:37 pm »
Bad luck...! It's probably better to be, or to have become, intolerant to dairy. Of course, milk neither kill us immediately nor necessarily induce problems straight away: if our body is in a state of tolerance, it doesn't react and thus accumulates bit by bit some foreign proteins and other abnormal molecules instead of eliminating them. Severe health troubles may appear years and/or decades later.

But if you have nothing else to eat, it's certainly wiser to eat dairy rather than starve to death.   ;)

milk sure is controversial, but what i find interesting is how certain tribes who consume lots of raw milk, kefir and stuff are said to have an above average life span and few if any diseases. if (nonhuman) milk is so unhealthy and foreign proteins accumulate in the body, eventually causing all kinds of problems, why don't these people get sick and die earlier rather than later?

imo it has to do with the problems our own diet as newborns/babies and possibly that of our parents created, meaning the building of antibodies to certain antigenes in the milk. people whose bodies built these antibodies will react to milk antigenes during their whole live and these autoimmune reactions are what causes problems.

notwithstanding the above, i think we all agree that real milk is raw, and any heated "milk" from the supermarket is a toxin which will indeed always create problems eventually.

and if somebody doesn't have serious problems with raw milk, just some digestive issues (bloating, gas etc.), it's because the gut flora is not prepared for the lactose. if such a person would start with low doses of kefir for example, and increase them every day he/she would eventually notice that the digestive problems are completely gone because the gut is colonized with just the right bacteria to digest the lactose before it can reach the colon and there be fermented by other bacteria or yeasts which produce plenty of gas.

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Re: Should I use milk?
« Reply #27 on: October 23, 2012, 09:35:53 pm »
milk sure is controversial, but what i find interesting is how certain tribes who consume lots of raw milk, kefir and stuff are said to have an above average life span and few if any diseases. if (nonhuman) milk is so unhealthy and foreign proteins accumulate in the body, eventually causing all kinds of problems, why don't these people get sick and die earlier rather than later?

imo it has to do with the problems our own diet as newborns/babies and possibly that of our parents created, meaning the building of antibodies to certain antigenes in the milk. people whose bodies built these antibodies will react to milk antigenes during their whole live and these autoimmune reactions are what causes problems.

notwithstanding the above, i think we all agree that real milk is raw, and any heated "milk" from the supermarket is a toxin which will indeed always create problems eventually.

and if somebody doesn't have serious problems with raw milk, just some digestive issues (bloating, gas etc.), it's because the gut flora is not prepared for the lactose. if such a person would start with low doses of kefir for example, and increase them every day he/she would eventually notice that the digestive problems are completely gone because the gut is colonized with just the right bacteria to digest the lactose before it can reach the colon and there be fermented by other bacteria or yeasts which produce plenty of gas.
OOOOPs you're starting the argument again.

In tribes where milk is a substantial part of their diet as with tribes where tarantulas, etc etc are a large part of their diet, you would probably find if you went way back in time, that the tribe was probably starving, when someone hit on the idea of eating whatever it is, and then as they started to eat whatever it is, necessity (otherwise starvation) probably caused any persons who could not handle the food to die off, so only the progeny of those who could handle it lived. 

BTW You were doing great till you started suggesting that people had a problem they had to cure.

Makes a great theory but here are some facts.

If I eat garlic, I feel sick if it's just a small amount. If it's a large amount, I feel like a million tiny ants are crawling all over the inside of my epidermal layer. It is a torment which prevents sleep.

Yet I know people who can practically sit down to a meal of garlic and be happy as a lark.

However you can go to "HE double-hockey stick" if you believe you are going to get me to experiment with eating fermented garlic so as to ease me into enjoying and benefitting from it. LOL

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Re: Should I use milk?
« Reply #28 on: October 23, 2012, 10:08:53 pm »
Yet I know people who can practically sit down to a meal of garlic and be happy as a lark.
Are these people raw paleo? I could eat plenty of raw garlic with no problems whatsoever while I was eating unrestricted cooked. Now on raw paleo however, it's same experience as yours.. I even get headaches, not only stomach pain.

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Re: Should I use milk?
« Reply #29 on: October 24, 2012, 04:25:47 pm »
Many thanks Chris for your fanatical support and determined encouragement, I can feel your enthusiasm radiating from your words :)

Your welcome! Keep the Faith! You're doing GREAT!

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Re: Should I use milk?
« Reply #30 on: October 24, 2012, 10:32:33 pm »
Are these people raw paleo? I could eat plenty of raw garlic with no problems whatsoever while I was eating unrestricted cooked. Now on raw paleo however, it's same experience as yours.. I even get headaches, not only stomach pain.
Yes they are eaters of cooked food.

Ayurveda explains that the garlic is a digestive, so it helps to motivate the digestion in people who have low digestive powers generally for whatever reason. Many things do this and onions is one. Usually associated (but definitely not necessarily) with people who have weight issues.

If someone is like this their intestinal tract is likely to be coated with a liberal dose of undigested food and is a perfect candidate for a laxative treatment.

My ex was like that. She could sit down and eat a raw onion. Straight uncooked.

When I went to a Vaidya with the family, he suggested to her to try a dose of 1 - 2 tsp of castor oil. The result was somewhere between hilarious and mind boggling.

When it started working, first she sat on the toilet and actually completely filled up the bowl twice, to the point where it had to be flushed. Then when she finally finished, she got up and announced it was meal time. Since she was always not the hungry type, I dawdled a bit getting ready, so then she announced it again shortly after. A short time later she announced she was going out the door to a restaurant (We were at a hotel) and left. She had experienced hunger for the first time since I had known her. It was amazing.

Her mother had died of bowel cancer. I have no doubt that if her mother had've taken castor, she would still be alive today. Funny thing about preventative medicine is that you never know that it prevented anything, because you fail to get sick.

Ultimately I repeat once again ad nauseum, that I believe eating raw would have prevented her problem, negating the need for the castor.

I on the other hand can practically digest nails. Milk can be a bit of a problem for some people to digest, but for me. I almost need it to slow down my digestion. It may be somehow associated with my eating so fast, not sure whether eating too fast causes my digestion to speed up or whether my digestive strength allows fast eating so I do. Fascinating question.....

However pasteurized is a no go for me. The only way I can drink pasteurized milk is to bring it to a boil, take it off the burner, till the foam settles then, put it on again till it foams, then take it off, add turmeric and ginger ( an Ayur. recipe to increase digestibility) and then drink it.


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