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Dameon Wolf's Journal
« on: December 02, 2008, 07:30:21 am »
I figured I might as well start a mini journal while I have the energy. I will be starting a blog but for now I'll just document my journey.

I had eggs over the weekend, but for lunch I had salmon and tuna sushimi!  :) My body seems to have really enjoyed it. After the doctors told there was nothing obviously wrong from the ultra sound, I thought I might as well push forward. The sushimi was obviously frozen, and lacking in some real good taste. Now I want to make my own! I'm gonna go get some fresh salmon and tuna from the fish market tomorrow. I figure if my body does okay on a few weeks of fish, beef jerkey will be my next experiment! The fat from the fish was OBVIOUSLY interpreted way different than raw vegan fats. I can't explain it, but my body actually felt less offended by the fish than like nuts or oils. My raw vegan days are now officially over. :)

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Re: Dameon Wolf's Journal
« Reply #1 on: December 02, 2008, 09:25:57 am »
Glad it felt good to you.

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Re: Dameon Wolf's Journal
« Reply #2 on: December 09, 2008, 04:16:13 pm »
    I'm glad you're doing good too.  It's been more than a week since you ate those foods now.  Are you going to still journal here every now and again?

    In the other coloumn you said the unsalted unpasteurised cheese helped your nausea.  Sounds like pretty good intuition to me.  I know a lady from one of the old PD forums who had nausea problems, and AV recommended the cheese to her for it.  How much are you eating?  It sounds like you're eating less.
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Re: Dameon Wolf's Journal
« Reply #3 on: December 13, 2008, 01:32:39 am »
Okay, I think it's time for an update. Many people I've found seem too try many things, and end up finding this one miracle for them selves. At the moment I'm speaking in the context of healing. I realized a few months ago, that this was not going to be my journey. It wasn't a depressing realization, it was more an understanding that there is too much "substance" in my life too just find this one miracle and be all healthy again. My healing seems to be strictly based on my self restraint. Mind you that's a given with most people, but most people don't have to take it to the extreme that I do.

When I was focusing on high fruit, low fat raw vegan a lot of my "liver" problems went away. I quote the word liver because in reality I'm ALWAYS guessing what's wrong with me. I've been checked out by the doctors, and the most they have concluded is that: I'm hypoglycemic and my spleen is enlarged. The furthest test they did was an ultrasound. As I was saying my liver issues went away, but then what ended up happening is I began to loose insane amounts of weight. Along with that I began to feel very weak, and very frail. I kind of sensed that it was giving my liver a break from things like ammonia ext ext. But it wasn't the answer because my liver would not have had the tools to properly repair it self with detoxing only fruit. Not to mention I was eating big salads every night, and I actually got food poisoning from one of the salads. Go figure, lol.

This is a major balancing game for me. I've been now raw omnivore for just about 2 weeks. Here is what I have noticed:

- After getting used too the idea of eating raw meat, my HEAVY anxiety went away. Still there, but reduced.
- Memory is better
- Cognitive function is better
- Verbal skills are better
- Already gaining a bit of fat
- Feeling more happy to do things
- Better attention span
- In general I'm more calm for sure
- Less stiff necks
- All around cognitive function much stronger

- Progression
- When I first started my digestive system fell out of whack and I was getting strange smelling stools.
- Gastritis when starting is better.
- Not currently breaking out.


- What I think are liver issues are coming back. I'll explain. When I consume heavy fats/proteins I begin to get aching feelings in my upper right quadrant area.
This was majority triggered the other week from raw eggs. The other day I also went absolutely crazy on raw honey. I ate a KG in a day. Now I'm on day 2 of my sugar break and my liver area is aching a lot. I'm also hearing lots of rumbling sounds coming from that area, and I'm getting those toxic blood waves again. When I say toxic blood waves, it's like literally there is some chemical in my blood that hits my head in waves and causes my vision to become blurry, my brain looses track of where my body is, I become very disoriented and feel like I'm floating at times. I was told by some people it's my liver unable to properly detox ammonia. Once again, all speculation.
- Less energy
- Digestion slower(once every two days)
- Muscle aches and pains
- Head aches
- Slight abdominal discomfort(Very normal)

So here is where I think I stand. So far I've been eating a 16 ounce steak every night for the last 6 days. I've come to the conclusion that I don't need that much protein. I also will admit I've been making dips for my steak. Some times I use a bit of raw soy sauce, or I mix up lemon and tahinni. I also have been grabbing sashimi every day, just to get meals in at lunch. I've also in the last two days cut out sugar.

Cutting out sugar in the last two days has caused the following:

- Decreased mental function
- More anxiety
- Depression
- Low energy
- Head aches
- More liver aches
- Higher sex drive(Yup bizarre...)

I think this is a good sign, and considering how insane I get when I go nuts on the fruits I should probably continue my fruit break. I also don't think honey is for me, at least not with out fiber. I really believe that sugar with out a natural attached fiber is not good for people with liver problems. My plan is too stop consuming any of the polyunsaturated fats, drop my protein intake as much as possible, and up my saturated fat intake. I may choose to do some further liver flushes, and it that case I will be needing the olive oil. But I want to give no carbs about a two week chance. I am getting the feeling that high fruit, medium fat, low protein might be where I want to end up. At this point though, I'm eating meat indefinitely. My brain works so much better with it than with out it. However if my liver continues too have an issue with the proteins even once I lower them, I will change my game plan.

So where am I at? I'm very close to where I was before my last fast, BUT with a stronger brain. Meat has already proved to me that my cognitive side operates in a superior fashion with animal fats/proteins. I'm now a fully decided raw omnivore. My only problem now is finding which balance reduces stress on my liver, gives me the energy I need and allows my body the proper tools it needs to heal a lot of issues.

« Last Edit: December 13, 2008, 01:38:00 am by DameonWolf »

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Re: Dameon Wolf's Journal
« Reply #4 on: December 13, 2008, 02:01:50 am »
Hey there Dameon.

It is good to hear about all the pros you are experiencing with this diet.
I have a feeling a lot of the cons will clear up sooner or later as well.

You seem open to experimentation, which is always a good thing.
I wish you peace and wellness!


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Re: Dameon Wolf's Journal
« Reply #5 on: December 13, 2008, 02:22:45 am »
Kudos for seeking health and balance so tenaciously. With that attitude I'm sure you'll succeed!

I'm learning to listen to my body, as you are. The "instincto" approach is to eat whatever you crave until you have a "taste change" and the food no longer "tastes good (appealing)." I've been trying that approach myself. This is easier to do if you're only eating one thing at a time, or eating very simple meals, without sauces or gimmicks to mask that "taste change" experience. I'm finding that to be successful. It's not my body that wants coffee and cake all the time!

I appreciate your comment that the healing experience for you is not going to be a singular "miracle" - I can relate to that.

Best wishes on your journey!

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Re: Dameon Wolf's Journal
« Reply #6 on: December 13, 2008, 08:28:10 am »

When I was focusing on high fruit, low fat raw vegan a lot of my "liver" problems went away. ... I'm hypoglycemic and my spleen is enlarged. The furthest test they did was an ultrasound. ... my liver would not have had the tools to properly repair it self with detoxing only fruit. Not to mention I was eating big salads every night, and I actually got food poisoning from one of the salads. ...

This is a major balancing game for me. I've been now raw omnivore for just about 2 weeks. Here is what I have noticed:

- Progression
- When I first started my digestive system fell out of whack and I was getting strange smelling stools.
- Gastritis when starting is better.
- Not currently breaking out.


- What I think are liver issues are coming back. I'll explain. When I consume heavy fats/proteins I begin to get aching feelings in my upper right quadrant area.
This was majority triggered the other week from raw eggs. The other day I also went absolutely crazy on raw honey. I ate a KG in a day. Now I'm on day 2 of my sugar break and my liver area is aching a lot. I'm also hearing lots of rumbling sounds coming from that area, and I'm getting those toxic blood waves again. When I say toxic blood waves, it's like literally there is some chemical in my blood that hits my head in waves and causes my vision to become blurry, my brain looses track of where my body is, I become very disoriented and feel like I'm floating at times. I was told by some people it's my liver unable to properly detox ammonia. Once again, all speculation.
- Less energy
- Digestion slower(once every two days)
- Muscle aches and pains
- Head aches
- Slight abdominal discomfort(Very normal)

So here is where I think I stand. So far I've been eating a 16 ounce steak every night for the last 6 days. I've come to the conclusion that I don't need that much protein. I also will admit I've been making dips for my steak. Some times I use a bit of raw soy sauce, or I mix up lemon and tahinni. I also have been grabbing sashimi every day, just to get meals in at lunch. I've also in the last two days cut out sugar.

Cutting out sugar in the last two days has caused the following:

- Decreased mental function
- More anxiety
- Depression
- Low energy
- Head aches
- More liver aches
- Higher sex drive(Yup bizarre...)

I think this is a good sign, and considering how insane I get when I go nuts on the fruits I should probably continue my fruit break. .... My plan is too stop consuming any of the polyunsaturated fats, drop my protein intake as much as possible, and up my saturated fat intake. I may choose to do some further liver flushes, and it that case I will be needing the olive oil. But I want to give no carbs about a two week chance. I am getting the feeling that high fruit, medium fat, low protein might be where I want to end up. At this point though, I'm eating meat indefinitely. My brain works so much better with it than with out it. However if my liver continues too have an issue with the proteins even once I lower them, I will change my game plan.

So where am I at? I'm very close to where I was before my last fast, BUT with a stronger brain. Meat has already proved to me that my cognitive side operates in a superior fashion with animal fats/proteins. I'm now a fully decided raw omnivore. My only problem now is finding which balance reduces stress ....

    I think Tyler said that it's not a good idea to switch back and forth too quickly from low carb to no carb and back.  That it may take six weeks to adjust each way/time, hence it may not be worth it, if you wont do it long term.  He chooses to keep fruit in his diet.  Dameon, do you plan on going back to some carbs soon?  If not, what I just brought up, is not really a concern.  I too am thinking to go no carb. I ate a good portion of (raw) liver today, so obviously I have not been no carb recently.
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Re: Dameon Wolf's Journal
« Reply #7 on: December 13, 2008, 10:24:59 am »
Yeah he is probably right, unfortunately I already cracked and had some carbs. I'm not disappointed in my self, I'm very spur attic like that. Easing into things has never been my style unfortunately, and that in it self could be doing my body some real rough work. I think I'm going to try the following:

20 Carbs / 60 Fat / 20 Protein
Carbs always with fat
Only fruits
Give it a month attempt, then adjust

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Re: Dameon Wolf's Journal
« Reply #8 on: December 14, 2008, 08:26:35 pm »
If you do ever go ZC, you have to eat mostly fat and a little protein. Some of the symptoms you described above sound very familiar to me and were due to lack of fat, too much protein. I've been ZC since Aug 1, 2008 and on and off since summer of 2007.

Should you decide to include fruits or carbs, make that a small proportion of what you eat. The more fat, the better. It's ok to go "crazy" with fat...your body will quickly let you know when you've hit the maximum. Saturated fat is should definetly be the most sought after fat. Best of luck in your journey.

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Re: Dameon Wolf's Journal
« Reply #9 on: December 14, 2008, 10:32:16 pm »
Is it normal to feel very "saturated" at first, lol? What I mean by that is after having a bunch of fat(which I only just started doing) my blood feels very thick and my neck gets a bit tight. Any one experience this? Does the body get more used to the fat?


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Re: Dameon Wolf's Journal
« Reply #10 on: December 14, 2008, 10:49:26 pm »
That is the sensation I used to have when eating rich foods too. I think for me it's psychological. I started drinking a small amount of red wine to relax my digestive tract. I hope this changes as I learn to love fat for the nourishing food it really is.

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Re: Dameon Wolf's Journal
« Reply #11 on: December 15, 2008, 02:34:50 am »
Yes. Definetly psychological.

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Re: Dameon Wolf's Journal
« Reply #12 on: December 15, 2008, 12:27:29 pm »
So, interesting development I should share. When I woke up this morning I felt very anxious. I had some beef fat with a small cut of beef ribs. The anxiety remained, and I also felt once again very saturated with fat BUT no stiff neck. My skin felt very oily so did my hair, but my skin didn't feel closed. I waited a while until my fruit cravings took over, and then I binged. I noticed almost instantly that my blood felt different. Then I felt my skin essentially become closed and sticky, and then a break out I thought I was going to have really started to kick in. My blood sugar got even more thrown off, so I added in fat to normalize it. Then wallah, stiff neck began to come along with pain behind my ear. I also became very confused and started feeling kind of sick.

I think what's happening is the sugar/carbs cause the fat to oxidize and essentially get thicker. Does this sound reasonable? The other thing I can think of is I was eating under ripe bananas which are very starchy. Would starch play a roll? Any thing to back it up?

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Re: Dameon Wolf's Journal
« Reply #13 on: December 15, 2008, 03:19:17 pm »
So, interesting development I should share. When I woke up this morning I felt very anxious. I had some beef fat with a small cut of beef ribs. The anxiety remained, and I also felt once again very saturated with fat BUT no stiff neck. My skin felt very oily so did my hair, but my skin didn't feel closed. I waited a while until my fruit cravings took over, and then I binged. I noticed almost instantly that my blood felt different. Then I felt my skin essentially become closed and sticky, and then a break out I thought I was going to have really started to kick in. My blood sugar got even more thrown off, so I added in fat to normalize it. Then wallah, stiff neck began to come along with pain behind my ear. I also became very confused and started feeling kind of sick.

I think what's happening is the sugar/carbs cause the fat to oxidize and essentially get thicker. Does this sound reasonable? The other thing I can think of is I was eating under ripe bananas which are very starchy. Would starch play a roll? Any thing to back it up?

    I can eat some under-ripe banana with raw fat and feel fine, but I never tried mixing the banana that way on the same day with other fruit.  I also don't eat one banana like that in less than several hours.  I don't know if they're supposed to be mixed with other fruit or not, I just haven't.
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Re: Dameon Wolf's Journal
« Reply #14 on: December 17, 2008, 11:17:28 am »
Hey all, yeah cutting out carbs is crazy. Reminds me a lot of cutting out any of my previous addictions. This constipation thing though is a little more serious for me. It's not psychological, when I don't go to the washroom once a day I get very disoriented, I feel internal pressure, I can feel my pulse all over my body, I get head aches and neck aches and then I begin to get kind of delirious. I'm sure some of this was just from lack of carbs, but some of it is the constipation. I really cant explain why it happens, I just know it does. It actually started happening after I had colonics done a few years ago. So for me I guess the real trick is keeping my system flowing.

I think the heavy protein blasts I dropped in the other week probably are what is really causing me constipation now. So here is my game plan, gonna be doing the high fruit too clear my stomach out while getting minimal amounts of meat and fat. Then once I feel comfortable again I'll go for raw carnivore. I've decided it's a bad game plan to mix high carbs with high fat, it seems like I get the worst of my problems doing that. I think raw carnivore will work great for me if I can just keep my digestive system moving nicely. I may have to take a week off too adjust too it. Any way, I'm learning so much once again.

Another person also recommended blended salads too help with constipation and that stuff. Will that effect my transition into burning fat as energy if I have blended salads now and then?

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Re: Dameon Wolf's Journal
« Reply #15 on: December 17, 2008, 11:49:09 am »

I think the heavy protein blasts I dropped in the other week probably are what is really causing me constipation now. So here is my game plan, gonna be doing the high fruit too clear my stomach out while getting minimal amounts of meat and fat. Then once I feel comfortable again I'll go for raw carnivore. I've decided it's a bad game plan to mix high carbs with high fat, it seems like I get the worst of my problems doing that. I think raw carnivore will work great for me if I can just keep my digestive system moving nicely. I may have to take a week off too adjust too it. Any way, I'm learning so much once again.

Another person also recommended blended salads too help with constipation and that stuff. Will that effect my transition into burning fat as energy if I have blended salads now and then?

    When I was fruitarian, I could not pass anything.  I got so incredibly blocked up.  It was really sick.  I tried blended salad and it worked like a total charm.  I don't know how or if it will work for us on raw meat.
"Genuine truth angers people in general because they don't know what to do with the energy generated by a glimpse of reality." Greg W. Goodwin

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Re: Dameon Wolf's Journal
« Reply #16 on: December 17, 2008, 12:03:36 pm »
That's interesting, fruit seems to keep me moving. I think it does any way, lol. Another example of how we're all different. Never the less even though it keeps me moving, it doesn't keep me feeling healthy. It also WHACKS out my blood sugar level unless I consume low fat, but when I consume low fat I loose lots of weight and end up at 119. But the reality here could be the only reason I got constipated was because for at least 5 or 6 days I was way over doing the protein. Just need to come at it from another angle. If it happens next time, I'll be trying the blended salad. And if that fails Barefoot MH's LBB has never done me any harm.

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Re: Dameon Wolf's Journal
« Reply #17 on: December 17, 2008, 01:14:10 pm »
Quote from: Organic steve11/7/2006All Experts
the main active ingredient in the LBB is cascara sagrada.  the more knowledgable herbalists will tell you this should not be taken alone, even though i have done so and suffered no ill effects.  but this is the gist of the LBB formula in that it has other herbs in it that assist the bowels and buffer the harshness of cascara sagrada alone.

    I suspect you could be right.  We are very different.  I know very well when herbs are in a synergistic mix, their effects can be quite different.  Still, I doubt I would take LBB, as a nurse once gave me a dose of cascara sagrada, and it was horrible.
"Genuine truth angers people in general because they don't know what to do with the energy generated by a glimpse of reality." Greg W. Goodwin

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Re: Dameon Wolf's Journal
« Reply #18 on: December 17, 2008, 09:41:52 pm »
What happened?

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Re: Dameon Wolf's Journal
« Reply #19 on: December 18, 2008, 02:50:24 am »
Sorry if this post seems strangely scattered. My normal mind state has a more structured way of writing things like these, but I wanted to get this out of my head as scattered as it may be.

Yeah, so I'm sure now I have been running into liver trouble. Some of my stools are as white as a ghost, which as usual is my indicator to me my liver is sad, lol. It's tricky business when your liver is struggling. Take a look at why the different approaches have difficulty working:

- High Fat: Liver has trouble processing fats, thus the fats don't digest well and end up aimlessly floating around the body. This can cause many disturbances.

- High Protein: When the liver has trouble detoxifying, protein is dangerous because it's by product is ammonia. Then you end up with a brain full ammonia and people think you're as dumb as a drunk monkey. lol.

- High Carbs: Your liver also processes sugars, and if it has trouble doing that you end up with excess sugar in the blood which means excess insulin. Excess insulin can then crash your blood sugar and cause you to begin panicking. It also feeds candida and/or other things around creating imbalance and making you sicker. Not to mention it strains the pancreas which then becomes diseased.

- Herbs: Some herbs are very good for the liver, however some are toxins that stimulate the adrenals making you think you're getting better. In my belief the most herbs will do for the liver is protect it against being damaged by the toxins it cant process.

- Fasting: Fasting seems to be a powerful way to correct liver issues HOWEVER; if one is already deficient because nutrients ext are depleted it can be a dangerous game. Not to mention fasting takes a ridiculously long time to recover from the longer you do it. Juice fasting is easier to recover from, but the problem with juice fasting is it too puts a strain on the liver/pancreas ext ext.

- Liver Flushing: Probably the most powerful for the LIVER. However; a key issue with liver flushing is usually it incorporates Epsom salts. Epsom salts can be very dehydrating and horribly harsh on the kidneys. Some people have in fact ended up in the hospital because of loss of electrolytes from the epsom salts. There is no doubht in my mind though that liver flushing works. It's even been hinted at in the British Journal of Surgery. They had a patient who had a serious gallstone problem and was in dire need in getting his gallbladder removed. Ultrasound showed numerous gallstones stuck in his gallbladder. He ended up going home and trying the liver flush, then returning for an ultrasound. The gallstones were no longer there, and he didn't need surgery. Again, British Journal of Surgery recorded this.

- Enemas: Enemas are a crutch, they remove garbage from the intestines lowering the secretion of toxic material into the liver. They don't however address the issue of why the liver is having trouble processing toxins in the first place.

I'm sure there are many things I'm missing, but you all get the picture of how tricky it is dealing with a sick liver. This is why most people in alternative medicine REFUSE to deal with liver cirrhosis, it's just too finicky. There's no clear way in dealing with it. Now I haven't been officially diagnosed with cirrhosis, but my poor liver function came about after a bad drinking episode a few years back. It may not be my liver could be my pancreas, but I'm really suspecting my liver.

The answer to this problem I feel is a multi-dimensional approach. I'll list the solutions:

1. First of all one of the keys is keeping my digestive system moving. I can not afford to be constipated, because I feel that not having a movement every day begins to damage me. Many of you may not believe in the dreaded "toxins" but I happen too. Western Medicine came up with the term in human health for a reason. Your liver and your kidneys filter toxins that come into your body through your lungs, your skin and your intestines. If your liver and kidneys are strong, you can have junk sitting in your intestines that just won't bother you. If you have a weak liver/kidneys, toxins will not be processed properly and will begin to damage your body. Think of it like disarming mines. That's essentially what your liver/kidneys are doing on a day to day bases, they are taking some thing that is dangerous and rendering it harmless. If they screw up in doing this, they get hurt.

SO to keep my digestive system moving I can employ some of the following things:

- Laxatives

Cons: Potential addiction, damage to intestines, some are toxic.

- Enemas(Any kind)

Cons: Potential addiction

- Oils

Cons: Weaker, won't work if the constipation is based on slight blockage.

- Citrus

Cons: Weaker, won't work if the constipation is based on slight blockage.

- Salts

Cons: Dehydrating, damaging to intestines, harsh on kidneys.

- Eggs

Cons: Gastritis

Again, other options but those are what are standing out to me. So looking at those options I would say my goal should be too pick the least damaging most nourishing solutions. Oils, citrus, eggs and enemas for backup. Mix those together and what do we got? The egg, oil, lime potion with an enema if needed. Of course this is also a type of liver flush, so that’s getting two birds with one stone. We got a package to aid constipation and help the liver detoxify.

The next issue is obviously diet. Specifically which ratios. The options are as follows:

A) High fat, low protein, high carb, low sugar, raw vegan
B) Low fat, low protein, high carb, raw vegan
C) High fat, high protein, no carbs, raw carnivore
D) High fat, low protein, no carbs, raw carnivore
E) High fat, low protein, low carbs, raw omnivore
F) High fat, high protein, low carbs, raw omnivore
G) Low fat, low protein, high carb, raw omnivore
H) Low fat, high protein, high carb, raw omnivore

Okay so looking at each of those options, I have to decipher first which of the three excesses is the most damaging to the liver. Off the bat, protein. Hands down, protein is by far the most damaging when one has liver trouble. Okay so options C, F and H are gone.

Next, we take a look at which options cause constipation. Heavy amounts of nuts mess me up, always have, always will. Okay so option A is gone. Heavy proteins also cause me constipation, those are already gone. So A, C, F and H are gone.

Next, we’re onto which options cause overt stress to my liver/pancreas. As much as I love fruit, too much of it always feels taxing. It feels as if the sugars provide temporary relief, but then are followed by aches and pains in my upper abdominal area. I also begin getting sugar crashes making me sweat profusely. Fruits do help my digestion, but I feel Tyler is right and that going TOO much is not good. No absorption. For me ideally I have one good movement a day. My body feels happy with one good movement a day, no more, no less. So options B and G are gone.

Now we’re left of course with options D and E. Since it’s obvious I’m having so much trouble cutting out the carbs, E looks like the most logical answer at this time.

Nutrients. A few nutrients I wish too highlight:

Vitamin A - It appears that people with liver disorders seem to suffer from a deficiency of Vitamin A. Now like most questions around deficiency, will supplementation aid in healing or hampering? I would say it can do both. The key word here is excess. Excess seems to be a livers worst enemy when dealing with most processes. So my thinking is maybe a bit of raw liver on occasion to help healing. Liver is EXTREMELY high in protein, which as I discussed before I believe will hurt me. So maybe a bit of raw beef liver every few days or so will be a nice treat for my liver.

Notice how I said the liver is extremely high in protein. Interesting huh? The fact that our livers are high in protein(at least I think Humans are the same) but the answer to healing a liver is the opposite of what it’s made of. Obviously we NEED protein, plain and simple. Not only do we need protein, I believe we need the BEST protein. But an excess of protein I believe turns against us.

Omega Fatty Acids - These for me seem to do wonders in healing my brain. Due to the toxic load in my blood my mind at times takes a quite a beating. So a bit of fish is definitely on the menu. Of course grass fed beef as well.

Vitamin C - Vitamin C is all around some thing we need. I’ve seen notes that it aids the liver in detoxification. Again, a bit of liver will give me some vitamin C. If I choose to eat a peace of fruit every day or so, then that will also help.

Herbs - Three plants stick out for better liver function. Milk thistle, artichoke and dandelion. Not much, a small shot glass worth of the mix may just help my liver.

Fasting - So as I mentioned before, fasting is very powerful for healing the liver but very depleting. Some believe that the only true fast is a water fast. I my self don’t subscribe to this, I believe it’s the most powerful but also the most risky. With a water fast you must ABSOLUTELY rest rest rest. Being active after a week or so of water fasting is a NO NO. Some people can do it, but some people have been known to croke very suddenly by trying to do too much while water fasting.

So the question is why is fasting so powerful at times. The reality is less digestion. The less digestion that takes place, the more powerful the fast. Bottom line, your body is trying to do what it does during fasting ALL THE TIME. It just is more capable of doing it during a fast.

An issue which I have with fasting is my weight. Currently I weight 123 lbs at 5’8. That’s embarrassing enough for me, although I’m aware it could be much worse. If I started fasting today, I would loose a lb a day all the way down to 105. NO. Not going to do it.

So how do we achieve lower digestion in combination with the solutions above, with out loosing much weight. As most of you know the answer is in fact intermittent fasting. So with out getting too crazy, let’s say that 16 hours out of every day is fasting time. That leaves 8 hours of an open food window. The liver potion apparently makes one very tired, so let’s move that too the night time on the days that I do it. Here is what is reasonable to me, on the days that I do the liver potion I eat in the morning, leaving the entire day for my gallbladder to recharge. The morning after the potion I can take a small quantity of maintenance herbs and maybe have a fruit like an apple. The rest of the day is fasting.

So I’m incorporating what I deem as a logical package to help detoxify and heal my liver. The package is as follows:

- Day 1 -

Morning - 1/2 lb of Suet - 1600 to 1900 Calories
              -`1/4 to 1/2 lb of Meat, Average 200 to 400 Calories

Lunch - Liver Tonic

Night - Liver potion: 2 - 4 Raw Eggs, 1 - 2 tbsp sunflower oil, 2 - 4 juice of limes

Day 2 -

Morning - Enema if needed
      - Single peace of fruit

Lunch - Liver Tonic

Dinner - 1/2 lb of Suet - 1600 to 1900 Calories
            -`1/4 to 1/2 lb of Meat, Average 200 to 400 Calories

So I think I’m going to try this protocol. Again the key problem in my life is EXCESS.  SO far excess animal fat doesn’t seem to cause any notable problems besides feeling very congested and...well full of fat, lol. I also believe if I have one movement a day, the fat issue will not be as big of a deal.

Excess in general is what kills me, limitation I believe is my salvation. The price of the above life style seems to be no more than 15 dollars a day CND. So ladies and gentleman, that is what my mind today has led me to come up with. Please constructively criticize it, I know many of you aren’t down with the greens or the fruits but I want to hear opinions.

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Re: Dameon Wolf's Journal
« Reply #20 on: December 18, 2008, 03:43:08 am »
High Fat, moderate in protein, low in carbs.

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Re: Dameon Wolf's Journal
« Reply #21 on: December 18, 2008, 03:48:23 am »
Yup, exactly what I'm thinking.


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Re: Dameon Wolf's Journal
« Reply #22 on: December 18, 2008, 05:45:31 am »
As sully said: High fat, moderate protein, low carb.

Remember that fructose is one of the most taxing things on the liver! Fructose, unlike glucose, can only be metabolized in the liver. Glucose on the other hand can be metabolized and stored in muscles around the body too. Fruits, especially sweet fruits, contain lots and lots of fructose. There are some fruits though that are particularly bad because their glucose:fructose ratio is way off (too much fructose). Examples of these are apples and pears. A more balanced fruit would be grapefruit.

Still in your case it's so clear it's so clear that you have a sugar addiction you need to break completely. It's NOT normal to feel panicky when you are not eating fruit.

I recommend you even go zero carb for a couple of weeks to kick-start your body's own energy producing/converting mechanism. After some weeks (or just a couple of days might be enough) on zero carb, add any above ground vegetable you want (that's all vegetables, except carrots and beets), and one fruit: avocado (this fruit contains almost no sugar, plenty of fat, and also contains a lot of fiber if you feel your body needs that for combating constipation).

If you feel like you have enormous cravings while trying to go zero carb, try these steps:
- Rid your house of all sweets, sugars, fruits, processed foods...
- Every time you feel cravings for fruit/sugar, and you feel like you just can't swallow down any more meat, take an advocado, some cold pressed vegetable oil (like sunflower or oliver) and mix together to make guacamole. Add garlic or chili if you want. Eat this until the craving is gone or until you are completely stuffed. This really works and you are not giving in to your cravings for fructose fast into the blood stream

You can add low sugar fruits only when you don't crave them anymore. I know this sounds weird but this is the way to break you sugar addiction. And if you know your sugar addiction is huge then maybe you don't even need to add back fruits in any form.. Maybe a treat of 1 mango per week will be enough, since you will feel

The liver tonics you mentioned were good. Raw fats help the liver. Raw egg yolks, organic extra virgin olive oil, cold pressed sun flower oil, all great. You can drink these by the cup in the morning if your liver is in a bad condition. No restriction on raw cold pressed oils (I recommend coconut oil and olive oil).

You should see results pretty fast. The liver is one of the fastest generating organs in the body. The cells divide/renew at a very fast paste. If you give your liver the possibility to excrete toxins with the cold pressed oils, raw egg yolks (and maybe a little lime) then the issues you were having should disappear in a couple of weeks, even less.

Even if the liver isn't the problem, detoxing it with raw fats will only help the rest of the body.

By the way High Protein diet puts a lot more strain on the kidneys than on the liver... I don't think the liver is affected that much by your protein intake.
« Last Edit: December 18, 2008, 05:51:03 am by Seeker »

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Re: Dameon Wolf's Journal
« Reply #23 on: December 18, 2008, 08:07:24 am »

You should see results pretty fast. The liver is one of the fastest generating organs in the body. The cells divide/renew at a very fast paste. If you give your liver the possibility to excrete toxins with the cold pressed oils, raw egg yolks (and maybe a little lime) then the issues you were having should disappear in a couple of weeks, even less.

i'm sorry, but I have to lol here  ;D
is English your first language?

Offline DameonWolf

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Re: Dameon Wolf's Journal
« Reply #24 on: December 18, 2008, 09:38:02 am »
As sully said: High fat, moderate protein, low carb.

Remember that fructose is one of the most taxing things on the liver! Fructose, unlike glucose, can only be metabolized in the liver. Glucose on the other hand can be metabolized and stored in muscles around the body too. Fruits, especially sweet fruits, contain lots and lots of fructose. There are some fruits though that are particularly bad because their glucose:fructose ratio is way off (too much fructose). Examples of these are apples and pears. A more balanced fruit would be grapefruit.

Still in your case it's so clear it's so clear that you have a sugar addiction you need to break completely. It's NOT normal to feel panicky when you are not eating fruit.

I recommend you even go zero carb for a couple of weeks to kick-start your body's own energy producing/converting mechanism. After some weeks (or just a couple of days might be enough) on zero carb, add any above ground vegetable you want (that's all vegetables, except carrots and beets), and one fruit: avocado (this fruit contains almost no sugar, plenty of fat, and also contains a lot of fiber if you feel your body needs that for combating constipation).

If you feel like you have enormous cravings while trying to go zero carb, try these steps:
- Rid your house of all sweets, sugars, fruits, processed foods...
- Every time you feel cravings for fruit/sugar, and you feel like you just can't swallow down any more meat, take an advocado, some cold pressed vegetable oil (like sunflower or oliver) and mix together to make guacamole. Add garlic or chili if you want. Eat this until the craving is gone or until you are completely stuffed. This really works and you are not giving in to your cravings for fructose fast into the blood stream

You can add low sugar fruits only when you don't crave them anymore. I know this sounds weird but this is the way to break you sugar addiction. And if you know your sugar addiction is huge then maybe you don't even need to add back fruits in any form.. Maybe a treat of 1 mango per week will be enough, since you will feel

The liver tonics you mentioned were good. Raw fats help the liver. Raw egg yolks, organic extra virgin olive oil, cold pressed sun flower oil, all great. You can drink these by the cup in the morning if your liver is in a bad condition. No restriction on raw cold pressed oils (I recommend coconut oil and olive oil).

You should see results pretty fast. The liver is one of the fastest generating organs in the body. The cells divide/renew at a very fast paste. If you give your liver the possibility to excrete toxins with the cold pressed oils, raw egg yolks (and maybe a little lime) then the issues you were having should disappear in a couple of weeks, even less.

Even if the liver isn't the problem, detoxing it with raw fats will only help the rest of the body.

By the way High Protein diet puts a lot more strain on the kidneys than on the liver... I don't think the liver is affected that much by your protein intake.

Seeker, thank you for the long detailed amount of advice. The sugar addiction in me is strong. I ate a bunch of fruit last night and felt fine, this morning when I attempted the same thing it triggered massive liver pains. After getting a bunch of fat in, within a few hours the pain subsided. So I would rather be confused and saturated, then confused and in pain. Nothing worse than being nauseated AND delirious at the same time.


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