Author Topic: Bloating, digestive problems?  (Read 18014 times)

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Offline aLptHW4k4y

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Re: Bloating, digestive problems?
« Reply #25 on: March 28, 2013, 04:32:20 am »
Suiren, you can just search the internet. The first link that I found said: "Adult women need about 46 grams protein a day."
Which sounds about right. So 100-200 grams meat/fish would be enough for you.
Raw grass fed is best
Sure, while at the same time it will have more or less INSIGNIFICANT impact on your health. It doesn't make sense to waste time discussing it, or money (especially if you don't have much) buying it.

Offline jessica

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Re: Bloating, digestive problems?
« Reply #26 on: March 28, 2013, 04:40:01 am »


Iodine is regulated in many ways in the thyroid.  However, the most important pathway is the conversion of iodide into iodine through an oxidation reaction. 

This requires an enzyme called TPO or thyroperoxidase.  It also requires hydrogen peroxide.  If too much hydrogen peroxide is left in the thyroid, however, it leads to Hashimoto’s disease, a common thyroid problem.

The mineral that helps control hydrogen peroxide is selenium.
It is needed to make glutathione peroxidase, whose function, among many others, is to detoxify hydrogen peroxide after it has done its job in the thyroid gland.

Selenium is also required later in the metabolism of the thyroid hormone in the conversion of of the relatively inactive T4 to the active thyroid hormone T3.  The enzyme primarily responsible for this conversion is iodothyronine  deiodinase.  This enzyme also requires selenium to function properly. 

Any deficiency of selenium in the body will impair T3 production and thus cause hypothyroidism symptoms, even if the body is producing plenty of T4.  This is sometimes called a conversion problem, as opposed to an iodine deficiency problem.

Thus selenium is critical for two phases of thyroid hormone production.  It is thus considered a close relative to iodine in the correction of thyroid difficulties.  For more information about selenium, see the article on this website entitled Selenium, A New Mineral For Health and Healing.

this is from

Offline LePatron7

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Re: Bloating, digestive problems?
« Reply #27 on: March 28, 2013, 04:49:51 am »
Jessica I've actually heard those qualities in seaweed actually make it bad for the gut. And thats why it's illegal on the scd
Disclaimer: I was told I was misdiagnosed over 10 years ago, and I haven't taken any medication in over a decade.

Offline Suiren

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Re: Bloating, digestive problems?
« Reply #28 on: March 28, 2013, 05:27:38 am »
maybe just try and add more offal anyway, if you can get it.  and think about digestive enzymes and those probiotics I mentioned, if anything they will help you digest the carbohydrates you are eating and hopefully cut down on the gas.  I think if your guts heals enough from this you will be able to slowly taper off carbs without losing weight and also stop supplementing, this could take a year of good steady healing tho.

I will definitely look into the digestive enzymes and probiotics too. I have been considering them for weight gain before, but now I have even more reasons.
The weight loss is not my biggest concern when dropping carbs, I lost it slowly over time and the stabilized at a lower weight. But what was scary is how it threw my body off and all those problems I listed above appeared (liver, thyroid, gallbladder, hair loss, PMS, acne, fatigue, inflammation)
But I suppose if my gut is better I will be absorbing my foods much differently. So it might be a different story.
I was not planning to go very low on carbs again. That was more or less a coincidence that this happened. I think my carb intake (about 170) is not extremely high compared to a lower carb SAD diet (275g)? At least I am not binging on carbs  ;) I like eating a small amount of veggies and fruits...a little bit of everything, just balanced atm.
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Offline Suiren

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Re: Bloating, digestive problems?
« Reply #29 on: March 28, 2013, 05:29:41 am »
Suiren, you can just search the internet. The first link that I found said: "Adult women need about 46 grams protein a day."
Which sounds about right. So 100-200 grams meat/fish would be enough for you.

My recent food journal entries say I consume about 56g. I guess that is fine too :)

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to helpe and to hæle gehwæþre, gif hi his hlystaþ æror.


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