Author Topic: Once I realized being "normal" is being ill.  (Read 10099 times)

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Once I realized being "normal" is being ill.
« on: January 04, 2014, 06:58:45 pm »
In december 2012 I had these weird instances, at work, where I simply had to stop moving, had to sit down or just lean against a wall and rest 'cause my vision got slightly blurry and just felt a little weird, but it went as it came, rather swiftly. A physical job, in a fruit and vegetable, and such, warehouse. An easy job, constant moving around lifting boxes and crates, checking the quality of goods, it was an active job. Didn't know then the blurriness and weird feeling was of any indication of something bad, didn't then know anything really, so I just went on the same. It got progressively worse over about eight months, to the point where I had several instances of those a work-day, the need to rest going up to twenty or so minutes before getting better, to not listen to my body and simply going onward despite it would've resulted in loss of consciousness, I have no doubt in that. Never went that far with those fits, thanks to me being rather sensitive anyway, so I noticed before too late.
All that time I was on the "normal" diet.

At one point I decided to eat something else for a change, went for f-ing spaghetti. the result was the kind of tummy ache/nausea/hell I have never had in my life before. Lasted for about five hours, constant suffering. While suffering I had some of the spaghetti left, on the fridge, just sitting there, and repeatedly my focus went to it with an emotion/feeling/notion indicating "do not eat that/never eat that/not food". That notion was repeatedly, every single time, directed at that stuff on a plate on the fridge. At that time I knew as good as nothing at all about diet. So I thought, why would my subconsciousness give me such a message? After all, its spaghetti - a normal food.

Then a few days later I noticed, in facebook, someone sharing an article. About wheat.
It had every symptom I experienced listed there, and more. Grain products out of my diet for life.

Then I googled more and found this forum. Tried raw meat and it wasn't bad. Began adding more and more raw. Got some beef, body began craving it once I showed some in my mouth. Managed to get some beef fat - best stuff I've ever had.

I also was from morning to night, all the time, the entire day, so tired. When I woke up, put my clothes on, I didn't even feel like taking them off again to go back to sleep, for months like that. I, of course, didn't think there was anything wrong with it. Once I changed my diet that got fixed in a few days.

While transitioning I, for about five days, got way too little fat, didn't know to check how much I needed. I still had those fits, and with those five days it got so extremely bad that for about a whole week I couldn't sleep properly, lucky if two hours straight a time. My chest, inside, felt like it was burning and swollen, like there's not enough room. It was palpitating, could visibly see my chest going up and down in my heart's rhythm.
Left the job of course, would've left either way. The workers there were kind of morons anyway, the manager the biggest of all.
On raw diet, as much as I can here. Just suffering and waiting till it gets better. Did, still does, get better, but so slowly. Heart doesn't heal quick.
As well, from my work they sent all employees to check their health, primarily heart and related, that was in march or april when I already had those fits rather regularly. In hindsight you'd think they'd find something wrong, but no, I'm one of the healthiest persons they've seen. Imbeciles.

Right before the fits turned into a real heart problem I had some days of real clarity, physically and mentally. Vision got better, like I can finally see the world I live in in true clarity. As well I noticed my teeth getting stronger and healthier, my hands feeling better from handling fat barehanded, as well certain mental "blocks" I've had my whole life just were gone, and I didn't before even know I had something like that.
There's this compulsory military service thing here. I didn't go of course, they branded me "asperger's", I know now for a fact that psychology is total BS as well. Not to mention many characteristics they ascribe to that "condition" are in fact the kind a person should envy if doesn't have him/herself.
As well, in hindsight, it seems I was constantly depressed, or something like that, with some moments of clarity. Once diet changed that all went with the crap.
Brain begun working right, more or less.

The heart problem kind of debilitated me for months, still in effect. I used to work out and run/jog regularly, but haven't done those for about 4 months now. It's like my muscles go ahead and my heart is dragging a furrow behind, if I try something physical.

Now, this year, as of about 5 days back my messed up condition seems to be significantly better, weird to coincide with the year's change like that. I'd estimate perhaps 6 months to take it slowly, and begin exercising again easily, very easily. And perhaps a year and a half from now I'll be back up and running.

Didn't go to any doctors, and why would I? I was sent from work to check my health and they say I'm fine... I wasn't fine. So what the f are they doing, what are they good for? Morons, put very lightly. I've had problems with health before as well, when younger, the doctors were clueless as usual.

It's very hard to find food in my country, as there's pigs everywhere. I tried pig's fat, it was absolutely disgusting. I'd rather eat it cooked than raw. And unfortunately that's how it has been for about 3 months, as I haven't gotten any fat from anywhere. It's some smoked rib fat and over the months I've noticed a degradation of mind, I've got nothing else to connect it with as everything else is raw. Before the smoked crap my mind was clear, aside the heart's effect.

Perhaps (more like "I must get" 'cause living with crap being my energy source is no option any longer, I feel like crap too, wasn't so with raw fat being my energy source) will get something in the next few weeks, I put up a request on a site. Best to try and get month's worth of food and just store it in the freezer. This country is... if a black hole went through here, well... it wouldn't go through, it would get lost.
« Last Edit: January 04, 2014, 07:04:26 pm by nummi »


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Re: Once I realized being "normal" is being ill.
« Reply #1 on: January 04, 2014, 11:51:49 pm »
nummi wrote :"It's very hard to find food in my country, as there's pigs everywhere. I tried pig's fat, it was absolutely disgusting. I'd rather eat it cooked than raw. And unfortunately that's how it has been for about 3 months, as I haven't gotten any fat from anywhere. It's some smoked rib fat and over the months I've noticed a degradation of mind, I've got nothing else to connect it with as everything else is raw. Before the smoked crap my mind was clear, aside the heart's effect."

What are the pigs eating that the smoked ribs come from?

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Re: Once I realized being "normal" is being ill.
« Reply #2 on: January 05, 2014, 12:59:52 am »
What are the pigs eating that the smoked ribs come from?
Don't know for certain but I highly doubt they are fed their correct diet, ending up as commercial products. Never really liked pig fat anyway, even cooked, but necessity forced to consume it as no alternative was readily available.

Now when I think how it was eating raw fat compared to present smoked/cooked one, I remember my body notifying me when was enough, but with cooked one I could eat my stomach to explode and still not get the "it's enough". Like the body doesn't know what it is.


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Re: Once I realized being "normal" is being ill.
« Reply #3 on: January 05, 2014, 01:09:32 am »
But you say there are pigs running wild all over the place eating up wild foods or am I misunderstanding that? Because if they are, THOSE ARE the pigs you want to eat, not the store bought farmed garbage, gross.

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Re: Once I realized being "normal" is being ill.
« Reply #4 on: January 05, 2014, 01:23:20 am »
Is it possible that you could have had some environmental poisoning. Would you be exposed to dangerous pesticides from the produce in the warehouse or some other pollution in the environment?

Also pig fat is gross and I got some that was suppose to be organic free range, but they supplemented with grain, and it made me feel terrible, so unless you are sure its 100% pasture raised I would avoid all pork.
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Re: Once I realized being "normal" is being ill.
« Reply #5 on: January 05, 2014, 02:04:21 am »
But you say there are pigs running wild all over the place eating up wild foods or am I misunderstanding that? Because if they are, THOSE ARE the pigs you want to eat, not the store bought farmed garbage, gross.
No, i meant farmed pigs. My mistake not being clear enough. And sure, wild ones I'd have nothing against.

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Re: Once I realized being "normal" is being ill.
« Reply #6 on: January 05, 2014, 02:51:09 am »
Is it possible that you could have had some environmental poisoning. Would you be exposed to dangerous pesticides from the produce in the warehouse or some other pollution in the environment?
Possible but doubtful. There weren't any pesticides around, other than those already sprayed on the products. I ate them occasionally right from the crate, but so did others. Neither am I allergic to much anything.
As well the health check thing that was, they took blood samples as well. If I had something they should've noticed.
Even with the problems I've had I've still been generally strong against illnesses (on average about one short and weak fever a year), rarely sick, while others around me used to have fevers and such more often.

Those fits I had, today I found out my father has had them as well in his life. But unlike me he's never been physically as active. I used to do exercises and gym tours as well, regularly, like 10-15 hours a week, still did after I got the job, so the extra physical load from work was definitely a contributor.
It was actually my first official job. Diet wise didn't change much compared to previous jobless life, other than I ate a bit more, without really knowing what I ate (and as you know, the commercial world - "the less fat the better"). After the problem hit hard, and found out how important fat is, I calculated how much I got from food before. Considering the physical activity, I definitely got a bit too little, on average, daily for months. Another contributor.
My whole damn diet was wrong. It's funny how the things every person absolutely should know are never taught in school nor by parents, and what you pick up first are the lies from the media, doctors, commercials, etc. At least I'm a dead end to that idiotic way of life.

Also pig fat is gross and I got some that was suppose to be organic free range, but they supplemented with grain, and it made me feel terrible, so unless you are sure its 100% pasture raised I would avoid all pork.
The one I eat now, I have no idea what the pigs were fed. Won't be on that for long. Found two sources of fat (one email yesterday, the other today, plus some other minor ones), just need to contact back and find a way to receive it (mainly beef and sheep).
Once I get my sources fixed I'll be off from cooked crap for good. Just not possible to live on it. Being alive and living are not the same.


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Re: Once I realized being "normal" is being ill.
« Reply #7 on: January 05, 2014, 03:15:07 am »
Have you gotten creative looking for different ways to get the right  foods? Craigslist, barter, wooffing, grow or hunt your own, traps, etc

It has been my experience that all over the world wherever you go, there is some relatively inexpensive raw paleo staple food, you just have to find it. Think local, think seasonal, think abundant, and visualize the kinds of food youd like to have in your life ideally. If you are in that rare place where you are legitimately isolated from any possibility of good foods the only remedy is a circumstance change!
« Last Edit: January 05, 2014, 06:01:27 am by TylerDurden »

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Re: Once I realized being "normal" is being ill.
« Reply #8 on: February 16, 2014, 09:29:49 am »
Damn... the heart thing I had fits so well with dilated cardiomiopathy and especially congestive heart failure... The symptoms were perfectly spot on.
Got another look at it when reading A cause to that is listed as congestive heart failure. As well hypothyroidism, I definitely had far too little iodine. And many symptoms for hyponatremia I had as well. I was really fvkced up. Weird how symptoms of one are the symptoms of another. Coincidence? No. More like one underlying cause and a plethora of symptoms.
It's kind of stupid to label a clump of symptoms with one name and another clump with another name when the underlying cause and cure for them all is the same. The cause is simply the lack of something essential, in most cases, and everything else is the symptom, and some symptoms can act as causes leading to further ones (I suppose that's one where confusion comes in, they become fooled by body's reactions and "treat" the wrong thing, thinking it is the underlying cause when in truth it is just symptom creating another symptom). Not me of course, I didn't go to doctors at all.

About a month ago went to have a blood test taken. Mainly to have my parents stop nagging, and oh how they stopped...
Results came back as expected, everything just "perfect"...

At least it's much much better now. Next week, or whenever snow will be gone enough, I'll try some running, up to 30 min. As I can already do exercises with extra weight that get my heart bumping without any issues.
Has improved unexpectedly fast. A few more months, perhaps 2, at this rate.

Finally can even continue doing my studying. Creative writing of quality stories (primarily sci fi and fantasy) the goal. And whatever is needed for it. Will even include drawing pictures from imagination to improve the details of scenes I conjure in my mind. All in English.. which isn't my native tongue.

Found a meat supplier too, about 5 weeks ago. Beef. That's nice. Funny how have to sort of stumble on it to find it where on first glance seems like nothing's there.

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Re: Once I realized being "normal" is being ill.
« Reply #9 on: February 16, 2014, 09:45:17 am »
Found a meat supplier too, about 5 weeks ago. Beef. That's nice. Funny how have to sort of stumble on it to find it where on first glance seems like nothing's there.

That's what happened to me, too. I never stop checking out possible suppliers, and it really pays off. It's fun sometimes, too, because I drive to farms and ranches within a reasonable distance.
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Offline Celeste

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Re: Once I realized being "normal" is being ill.
« Reply #10 on: February 16, 2014, 11:49:09 am »
Possible but doubtful. There weren't any pesticides around, other than those already sprayed on the products. I ate them occasionally right from the crate, but so did others. Neither am I allergic to much anything.
As well the health check thing that was, they took blood samples as well. If I had something they should've noticed.

Those fits I had, today I found out my father has had them as well in his life. But unlike me he's never been physically as active. I used to do exercises and gym tours as well, regularly, like 10-15 hours a week, still did after I got the job, so the extra physical load from work was definitely a contributor.
It was actually my first official job. Diet wise didn't change much compared to previous jobless life, other than I ate a bit more, without really knowing what I ate (and as you know, the commercial world - "the less fat the better"). After the problem hit hard, and found out how important fat is, I calculated how much I got from food before. Considering the physical activity, I definitely got a bit too little, on average, daily for months. Another contributor.
Don't downplay the pesticides on produce. Especially working in an enclosed area with them, and eating them. I remember reading in a mainstream newspaper they were connecting them with Parkinson's. Also factor in industries that were in the area you grew up in. The working out might have contributed to the acuteness of your symptoms. You might have released some toxic substance into the blood stream with no healthy fats in your diet or body to neutralize them.

Regarding the heart, I knew a hygienist nutritional doctor, who ate raw eggs and raw cheese, juices and salads to treat a heart problem. He eventually had a growth that had developed over his heart burst and filled towels with a dark blood. He attributed it to long time exposure to toxic paints in his environment as a child.

Glad you are gradually finding your way. The raw fats will help to neutralize and get rid of whatever it is that is effecting you in this way.  :)
« Last Edit: February 16, 2014, 11:54:54 am by Celeste »


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