Author Topic: Whats the consensus on Edward Snowden  (Read 5158 times)

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Offline sabertooth

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Whats the consensus on Edward Snowden
« on: January 19, 2014, 09:31:09 am »
I have some serious questions about the entire Edward Snowden saga, but before I go off on a rant I would like to get some opinions from other people who may have different points of view. 
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Re: Whats the consensus on Edward Snowden
« Reply #1 on: January 19, 2014, 12:09:44 pm »
He brought forward a lot of information about the NSA that people didn't know. At least it's forcing them to discuss it in Washington.
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Re: Whats the consensus on Edward Snowden
« Reply #2 on: January 19, 2014, 12:42:03 pm »
greatest hero in the spotlight of our times. that he escaped prison, torture and murder is even more important as they were not able to crush his spirit. he instantly became a symbol of freedom and revolt against tyrany and gives hope to all individuals everywhere.

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Re: Whats the consensus on Edward Snowden
« Reply #3 on: January 20, 2014, 01:15:15 am »
I agree with both Daboss and RogueFarmer.

That is if he is legit.

Although I think he is legit.
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Re: Whats the consensus on Edward Snowden
« Reply #4 on: January 20, 2014, 01:16:47 am »
Quite a cautious whistle-blower, where caution is necessary to be effective. Whistle-blowers have to be effective or they get stifled completely.
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Offline sabertooth

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Re: Whats the consensus on Edward Snowden
« Reply #5 on: January 20, 2014, 03:54:29 am »
These responses seem to reflect the basic attitude of many others from all over the web. After personally looking at the issue, reviewing the interview of Snowden, the media coverage of the revelations, while carefully considering the information leaked, along with what information was left out, I have come to seriously doubt the entire story.

He brought forward a lot of information about the NSA that people didn't know. At least it's forcing them to discuss it in Washington.

What information did he bring fourth that was already not leaked and common knowledge within the alternative media? There are reports going back over a decade and exposed the roll out of the control grid system.

greatest hero in the spotlight of our times. that he escaped prison, torture and murder is even more important as they were not able to crush his spirit. he instantly became a symbol of freedom and revolt against tyranny and gives hope to all individuals everywhere.

I am suspicious of his hero status. Judging from the limited interview statements( which seem completly scripted), and the limited scope of the leaks he brought forth, he is no hero of Mine, or the truth movement. Perhaps I am cynical or delusional, but I see that anyone who is spotlighted in the mainstreme is ussually a distraction from the real issues.

People like Arron Swarts who gave his life for our freedom, and the hacktavist groups who continue to fight to keep the internet free are the real heroes of our day and age.

Quite a cautious whistle-blower, where caution is necessary to be effective. Whistle-blowers have to be effective or they get stifled completely.

Perhaps at first his caution could be viewed as prudent, but now he has the worlds attention why isn't he following up with direct messages to the people he claims to be serving by his actions. A true hero would rise up and speak out against the state sponsored terror which has been used as an excuse to build up the surveillance grid.

Wake up people... The shoe bomber, underwear bomber, Boston bombers, Sandy Hook, were all staged events and yet nothing about staged terror events are being addressed by the Mainstream Media or Snowden or Wikileaks.

The leaks are carefully designed PR damage control documents which only released some of the details about some of the crimes to the media. All of the information leaked was already basically known. The medias hyping of the leaks are being used to confine the scope of the public reaction , without ever revealing the true scope of the crimes that were not part of the leaks.
« Last Edit: January 20, 2014, 04:02:33 am by sabertooth »
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Offline RogueFarmer

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Re: Whats the consensus on Edward Snowden
« Reply #7 on: January 20, 2014, 05:54:31 am »
note i said "in the spotlight" how much can you ask from one man? if i were him i probably would say no more because one it might endanger me further and two the media might try to use it to discredit me. what you are suggesting he should be saying is assuming he is an enlightened individual. i would warrant that he is not or was not that. he worked for the shadow factory after all. he probably believed in what he was doing, believed in counter terrorism, but being a righteous, inteligent and free willed man with morals and principals became disilusioned. the way he explained his actions speak that to me. i would not be so quick to judge. if we are  lucky some day we may know the real truth. it is good to give your life for a cause but in this day and age there are little standards. when you aren't there to defend yourself the media has no trouble villifying you all they want. i am happy he is alive. let the force be with you eddy snow

Offline sabertooth

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Re: Whats the consensus on Edward Snowden
« Reply #8 on: January 20, 2014, 07:33:12 am »
Believe what you like RF....

I don't expect Snowden, or the mainstream media to provide the answers that I seek. I am asking people directly what they believe the truth of the matter is?

I am makings some outrageous suggestions, based more on intuition than verifiable fact, in the hope of provoking others to ask the same questions I have asked myself.

Its difficult to believe or trust the media outlets that parrot the talking points on any public relations scandal. I ask questions outside of the box, which as far as I can tell, neither the media, government , nor the" hero" himself is willing to answer.

As far as him committing treason by giving secrets to Russia and China..... that's a joke.... Both Russia and China's intelligence agency's are both involved in operating their own control grid systems which are in accord with what the western intelligence agency's are doing. Putin already knows more about whats going on than Snowden could possibly tell him.

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Re: Whats the consensus on Edward Snowden
« Reply #9 on: January 20, 2014, 07:57:15 am »
Putin already knows more about whats going on than Snowden could possibly tell him.
This basically says it all.

The treason and such, simply a charade for the public, to keep people's biased/brainwashed/indoctrinated mentalities in check. Propaganda, and nothing more. Wouldn't wonder if it's all orchestrated... as matters like this are always dodgy and shady on all sides. And even if wasn't, they are all wrong with all their ways either way.

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Re: Whats the consensus on Edward Snowden
« Reply #10 on: January 21, 2014, 12:45:13 am »
The hunt for Edward Snowden could very well be a grand charade, that panders to the growing truth movement and gives the rebellion an impression that there is a true resistance and our voices of dissent are being heard (Via Snowden). Then Obama can make a few speeches about NSA reform and how they are dealing with the issue, while assuring the public that its OK to go back to sleep.

And its truly upsetting that many people are buying into the bullshit, while others choose to remain completely silent in the face of it all.

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Offline sabertooth

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Re: Whats the consensus on Edward Snowden
« Reply #11 on: January 30, 2014, 10:28:25 am »

Perhaps he deserves the benefit of the doubt, and his decision to hold back on disclosing certain truths are for the best.
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