Author Topic: Need help with possible true keloid on nose  (Read 6900 times)

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Offline salenai

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Need help with possible true keloid on nose
« on: April 19, 2014, 12:03:23 am »
HI guys, I have read many success stories of curing various diseases on this website, and I am thinking about starting paleo diet.
This is my problem so far:
 I had hypertrophic scar for 5 years on my nose from cystic pimple. I had microdmermabrasion done 3 years ago, which improved my scar a little bit, bit also created another scar. That is not important though.

3 and half months ago I started massaging hypertrophic scar on nose (near tip) with castor oil, which made scar both worse and better. Since it made it worse as well, I decided to use qtip to massage the oil and keep it within boundaries of scar.
That was a mistake. Scar became swollen, more raised, wider, scab formed on half of it. Scab fell off after few days.
Anyways, during last month, since this happened, scar has been widening and raising even more, and went beyond boundaries of damage that was done. It has now spread to scar from microdermabrasion and raised it and widened it as well :/.
3 dermatologists and 2 plastic surgeons I visited said during last 3,5 months that this is not a keloid scar, however, they did not give me an explanation as to why my scar behaves like that. Hypertrophic scar does not spread beyong boundaries of damage, this one did. If it is some kind of keloid, then it has to be the so-called "flat" keloid. It stays relatively flat, but on the other hand spread further and to surrounding normal healthy skin. Good thing is, that supposedly it spreads only into the upper layer of skin, and not deeper (from what I read on the internet).

So far, every morning once I wake up I drink 1,5l of water, then take sodium bicarbonate along with vitamin C, after an hour I eat breakfast (always some fruits), then I eat normal food during lunch (random meat,etc.), and in the evening I make myself a salad, which always includes lightly steamed broccoli, kale, spinach, and then raw red radish, carrot, cucumber, kohlrabi. Every second day I take 200 iU of vitamin E with meal, and during day I also take always B complex with Vitamin D3 (1000 iU). Before bed I take vitamin C with sodium bicarbonate again.

I have been following this diet for 2,5 months now, every single day.

Scar has been still spreading :/.

Would paleo diet work? Has anyone managed to get rid of scars, especially keloids?  Or do you guys know about anything else that would surely work? I have read about iodine, but that seems too risky, then being close to 100% raw vegan diet, and that curing various scars, then cleanses, msm,etc. I think I have read something also about paleo diet getting rid of some scars.


Offline TylerDurden

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Re: Need help with possible true keloid on nose
« Reply #1 on: April 19, 2014, 01:17:45 am »
A cooked, palaeolithic diet would not work as it is not that effective against inflammation. A RAW, palaeolithic diet might help a lot.
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Offline edmon171

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Re: Need help with possible true keloid on nose
« Reply #2 on: April 19, 2014, 01:45:10 am »
Raw paleo can only help, give it a shot. Maybe try some intermittent fasting or longer water fasting to get your immune system away from your gut and available to do work elsewhere. But make sure not to go into starvation if you are already slim, as that will only make things worse. Eating raw animal skin will promote faster healing of the skin as well.
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Re: Need help with possible true keloid on nose
« Reply #3 on: April 19, 2014, 06:58:43 am »
Raw paleo diet and rife machine treatment give u the success.
bugs or country chickens

Offline cherimoya_kid

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Re: Need help with possible true keloid on nose
« Reply #4 on: April 22, 2014, 11:12:02 am »
Generally vitamin D is helpful for this sort of thing. Do you supplement?

Offline jessica

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Re: Need help with possible true keloid on nose
« Reply #5 on: April 22, 2014, 09:55:04 pm »
Definitely read up more on iodine..  I have a small melanoma as well as a few angiomas that I have put a dot of %5 iodine on once every few weeks/month and seen improvements, especially in the angiomas, which are now smaller in size and will likely disapear.  I have read plenty (although of course I didn't save references) about iodine slowing abnormal growth of cells in the skin and in all parts of the body.  If you are worried about taking it in supplemental form or applying it topically you can always eat foods like kelp and dulse to get iodine and many important trace minerals from a natural source.  Maybe even  make a poultice of dulse...iodine might also be good for you if you are eating so many cruciferous veggies.

Also consider adding some egg yolks to the diet, as they are a good source of natural vitamin D and cholesterol, which is great for skin healing.  Pastured pig fat is also a good source of fat, as is raw marrow, which I am going to go out on a long long limb and say probably has some other powerful healing benefits.  What cuts of meat do you tend to eat? Do you ever eat seafoods? Ribs and shoulder chops are high in cartilage and good fats, it might seem like you would want to stay away from those but they might provide some good nutrients to help your skin heal properly. 

Offline paper_clips43

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Re: Need help with possible true keloid on nose
« Reply #6 on: April 23, 2014, 12:31:25 pm »
Raw paleo can only help, give it a shot. Maybe try some intermittent fasting or longer water fasting to get your immune system away from your gut and available to do work elsewhere. But make sure not to go into starvation if you are already slim, as that will only make things worse. Eating raw animal skin will promote faster healing of the skin as well.

Can you elaborate on this skin eating if you don't mind? What parts of what animals do you find the skin easiest to consume or prefer?
Gnawing on bones.

Offline salenai

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Re: Need help with possible true keloid on nose
« Reply #7 on: April 25, 2014, 01:18:31 am »
Raw paleo can only help, give it a shot. Maybe try some intermittent fasting or longer water fasting to get your immune system away from your gut and available to do work elsewhere. But make sure not to go into starvation if you are already slim, as that will only make things worse. Eating raw animal skin will promote faster healing of the skin as well.

Thanks. Which animals in particular would you recommend me to eat? Yeah, I have been reading a lot about fasting (juice&water), I guess I could start with 1 day fasts a week :D.

What advice would you give me regarding meat? What should I watch for in order to be safe and not get parasites? I know, grassfed is necessary, but then again, anything else?:) Thanks.

Offline salenai

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Re: Need help with possible true keloid on nose
« Reply #8 on: April 25, 2014, 01:26:59 am »
Raw paleo diet and rife machine treatment give u the success.

Thanks, which animals/vegetables would you recommend me to get rid of the scar?
What is Rife machine if I may ask? From what I have found out about it, is gets rid of infections or something like that. Does it have effect on scars as well?

Offline salenai

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Re: Need help with possible true keloid on nose
« Reply #9 on: April 25, 2014, 01:28:27 am »
Generally vitamin D is helpful for this sort of thing. Do you supplement?

Thanks, I read about keloid relation to vitamin D, there has been at least one case where keloid went away after vitamin D supplementation.
I take 1000-2000iU a day :).

Offline salenai

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Re: Need help with possible true keloid on nose
« Reply #10 on: April 25, 2014, 01:43:12 am »
Definitely read up more on iodine..  I have a small melanoma as well as a few angiomas that I have put a dot of %5 iodine on once every few weeks/month and seen improvements, especially in the angiomas, which are now smaller in size and will likely disapear.  I have read plenty (although of course I didn't save references) about iodine slowing abnormal growth of cells in the skin and in all parts of the body.  If you are worried about taking it in supplemental form or applying it topically you can always eat foods like kelp and dulse to get iodine and many important trace minerals from a natural source.  Maybe even  make a poultice of dulse...iodine might also be good for you if you are eating so many cruciferous veggies.

Also consider adding some egg yolks to the diet, as they are a good source of natural vitamin D and cholesterol, which is great for skin healing.  Pastured pig fat is also a good source of fat, as is raw marrow, which I am going to go out on a long long limb and say probably has some other powerful healing benefits.  What cuts of meat do you tend to eat? Do you ever eat seafoods? Ribs and shoulder chops are high in cartilage and good fats, it might seem like you would want to stay away from those but they might provide some good nutrients to help your skin heal properly.

Thanks, I have read about it, and it's relation to keloids. Well, from what I have read up, keloids may have either low telomere (which is related to aging), and that may be increased by taking antioxidants, such as Coenzym Q10. Also it may be related to low content of EPA/DHA, which is present in fish oil, also it may be related to lower amount of sulfur in body, therefore supplementation of MSM may help. Or it may be related to low amount of Iodine in body, which is extremely common in western world. Or it may be related to vitamin D3, which may help.
Also, fasting and liver flushes and different kinds of cleanses worked for some people. Also 100% raw diet (either vegan or paleo) worked for some people. We are talking here about keloids and scars here of course, which are supposedly unfixable, which is not true.

The thing is, that if you will cleanse your body, reduce inflammation that it gets from either food or overall lifestyle, and give it exactly what it needs and why it has created certain health problem you have, it will clear up. My research confirms this.

I do not know everything, in fact I know very little :D, but I read up on some things.
I know that cruciferous vegetables may affect thyroid function. That is something that makes me a little bit afraid. I try to supplement myself with natural iodine through sea salt. I know that there is not that much of it in it, but it is at least something (I put it in the salad every day).
I have a question though. Does type of iodine matter at all? Only iodine that I know I could get in city I live in would be Potassium iodine. Now, 3 questions arise:
1. Do you recommend me to take it internally or externally?
2. What are the chances I would get bromoderma or iododerma? I read that it usually shows up once I take 3 mg/day.
3. Should I take selenium always with iodine? What if I would choose not to take iodine, but only selenium? Would it prevent thyroid damage that could occur from eating cruciferous vegetables?

Regarding topical iodine, has damage to normal healthy skin occured in your case? Some people report that there has been damage to normal skin, some people report that there has not been any damage to surrounding skin, only to skin tags, scars, etc, and that they either reduced or disappeared.

Thanks mate :)


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