Author Topic: Everytime I eat meat it feels like diarrhea in my gut  (Read 11873 times)

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Offline Sorentus

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Everytime I eat meat it feels like diarrhea in my gut
« on: April 22, 2014, 04:09:38 am »
So lately I been trying to experiment with meat and other food and see how it affects my gut. I had 2 week old thawed beef heart last night and I had such indigestion, the meat tasted AMAZING but I could hear my stomach and liver making so much noise trying to digest, so I was thinking maybe it's something to do with bacteria and histamine. This is nothing new I been feeling this way ever since eating organ meat, never from ground beef and it seems to happen a lot more from beef heart then liver.

So today i tried a fresh frozen beef tongue and it feels like i,m about to get diarrhea again, right after the meat is in my stomach, my intestine starting feeling all sick. I tried fresh egg, both white and yolk and although I get clogged from anything, I seem to tolerate the white much better then the yolk to my surprise. I don't get the diarrhea feeling from eggs or fat alone only from organ meat apparently. I haven't tried with enough organ meat to be able to have a clear idea but it seems like something in there is messing me up and I think the more aged the worse it is.

And no I don't get diarrhea it get stuck in my intestine, I absolutely never under any circumstance get diarrhea. I could eat a pound of coconut oil and I won't get diarrhea.

I feel like going vegan for some time maybe it will let things settle down or stick to eggs, the problem is I wanna stay Zero Carb and the only way to do so is from animal food. It's honestly not even feeling clogged that bothers me now, the coffee enema help tremendously with that, I just feel SO sick in my gut from eating meat even when it is STILL in my stomach, WTF, parasites?! Surely these hookworm I tried to kill are probably having a war with my gut, I received my supplements and will go with Clay, GSE, Oregano Oil and finish my humaworm as well as peppermint oil capsules once I receive them.
« Last Edit: April 22, 2014, 04:34:08 am by Sorentus »

Offline edmon171

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Re: Everytime I eat meat it feels like diarrhea in my gut
« Reply #1 on: April 22, 2014, 05:48:09 am »
I think you can figure this out, no need to go vegan just yet. ZC is worth it once you get it dialed in. One thing I noticed that causes abnormal digestion for me is switching from raw to cooked and vice versa. I think the body just wants to get rid of everything it was working on when the other form comes in so it can switch over to different enzymes or whatever it has to do. How strictly have you been doing all raw? Do you mix in the same day or same meal with cooked food? Do you go for a few days and then have something cooked for a meal or more? Is everything in your diet raw? You mentioned some supplements. I would be highly suspicious of those if you don't see anything obviously wrong with the diet. Try researching all the ingredients of those or just do a process of elimination to figure out which one is causing your issues.
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Re: Everytime I eat meat it feels like diarrhea in my gut
« Reply #2 on: April 22, 2014, 06:06:50 am »
No its not the supplements as I tried to eat the food by itself without supplement and I felt a reaction within minutes of eating. I have been eating ONLY raw food since February 16th, I had fruits on a few occasion and cheated once on little bit of peanut butter, I had raw honey in the past and I had 3 can of whipped cream a week back to kill my hookworms which seem to only have upset them.

Initially I did 2 week of ground meat, from beef,wild game, pork and lamb, it was impossible to digest so I switched to suet and organ meat, liver and heart which helped tremendously until it became hard to digest again. But even then I felt a diarrhea like feeling from eating beef heart and now its just SO BAD I felt so bloated that I can't even sit properly, belching way too hard. I'm having this from the beef tongue I ate 3 hours ago.

I never had so much dysentery in my gut before the hookworm or before going raw paleo, I'm going to try seeds and nuts maybe see how it feels, I literally CANNOT go on like this either that or stick to eggs and fat for a few.

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Re: Everytime I eat meat it feels like diarrhea in my gut
« Reply #3 on: April 22, 2014, 07:20:23 am »
did you mean to type dysentery?  because if you never actually get diarrhea it's not dysentery.

your symptoms (nausea after meals, feeling like you have diarrhea that doesn't result in poops, etc )  sound like gall bladder issues.  have you looked into that?

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Re: Everytime I eat meat it feels like diarrhea in my gut
« Reply #4 on: April 22, 2014, 07:22:20 am »
if beef is not working for you now, try something else that does.

gall bladder issues?

have you tried apple fasting? apple juice?
liver flushes? with olive oil? with egg yolks?
coffee enemas?

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Re: Everytime I eat meat it feels like diarrhea in my gut
« Reply #5 on: April 22, 2014, 07:27:33 am »
Sorry, I overlooked the part about hookworms, if you have hookworms, your body is probably just trying to flush them out and its not much to do with your food choices at all. I'm not an expert on worms, but I have a way of solving problems. From a quick scan of wikipedia, they tell you three important things. They feed off of the blood supply of your intestines, they die immedietely from exposure to sunlight or dessication, and their life cycle is about 6 weeks. So if I were in your shoes I would first prepare for battle by weakening them. You weaken them by removing their blood supply. If you starve yourself your body will move blood away from the intestines as they empty out and have stopped digesting. If you have a healthy amount of bodyfat you can water fast safely for up to 4-6 weeks. I don't think any more than two weeks will be necessary, were not trying to starve them to death. So for two weeks eat nothing, take nothing, and drink only fresh spring or distilled water or both. The next step is to stun them. If sunlight will kill them, then a small LED lightbulb will at least stun them, especially in a weakened state. So, after the fast, but before you resume eating go to your doctor and have a colonoscopy but make sure they don't use any staining, it is toxic regardless of how safe they say it is.  The two weeks should be enough time to secure an appointment. We're just doing this to have the doc run the flashlight up and down your digestive system, but as a bonus your system will be clean and empty and he will have a good view to be able to tell you what he or she sees in there such as other worms you were not aware of. I've never had this procedure, its possible they ask you to fast or be on a liquid diet anyway so find out. The final solution is to wipe them out by continued dessication for 2 weeks to make sure all hatched eggs have been eliminated. To do this, you will use the salt/c flush. This is where you megadose with salt and vitamin c twice a day. Take your first two flush drinks before you start eating, work your way up to the full dose in one week then continue it for the second week. It is safe, I have done this for weeks. When you find the right dose for you, there will be diarrhea, so be ready. I think buffered vitamin c will prevent the diarrhea, but they say you are supposed to use pure ascorbic acid crystals. The vitamin c will boost your immune system and help repair the tissue damage from the worms. What dessicates the worms is the salt. Go to for the original precedure and exact dosing for your weight and some gross pictures of parasites that came out when people did this. I was doing something like 15g of each twice a day, but I was a big dude then. If you cannot stand the taste of saltwater, there are salt tablets available somewhere and the buffered C will eliminate the taste of the acidity in the C. The procedure was originally intended to treat lyme disease so disregard the part about doing it for months on end. The author thought that lyme could not be treated when parasites were present and interestingly, he believes some worms are actually mutant forms of the lyme bacteria itself. The salt/C will likely work on its own if you want to skip the whole fasting and doctor bit, but in that case you should do it for longer, maybe 4 weeks because they will be hiding behind your intestinal contents and may not be exposed to dessicating concentrations of salt. Good luck, let me know if you decide to give this a shot, or if you have tried this already and I just wasted 30 minutes typing.
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Offline Sorentus

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Re: Everytime I eat meat it feels like diarrhea in my gut
« Reply #6 on: April 22, 2014, 07:31:06 am »
I dont get nausea, i tried the prep for liver flush a while back and apple juice gave me severe stomach cramp, i never passed any stone on the actual flush,, jyst watery stool. Coffee enems is helping me a lot and i never wanna stop doing them, so much that i ordered 5 pouds of enema coffee and i do them twice a day now. When i wake up and when i go to bed.

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Re: Everytime I eat meat it feels like diarrhea in my gut
« Reply #7 on: April 22, 2014, 10:44:12 am »
edmon171, I haven't tried what you suggested, the whole fasting thing is way too harsh for a hookworm infection, it can easily be treated with meds and also I am already severely underweight and malnourished from not absorbing my nutriment, I get undigested stool very badly. I just finished another round of coffee enema followed by clay earlier and I have long lines of what look like this (this isn't mine but look just like it. I know these aren't hookworm because hookworm are MUCH smaller, we talking a few centimeter top. Not 100% sure they are worm though as there was no head, just flat line. I don't think its from the raw meat diet, probably had that a while before. This encourage me to keep on doing GSE, oregano oil, clay and I'll start the rest of my humaworm soon probably. I'm wary of humaworm because I ended up with severe burning sensation last time.

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Re: Everytime I eat meat it feels like diarrhea in my gut
« Reply #8 on: April 22, 2014, 08:24:59 pm »
I wasn't aware you were underweight, in that case fasting is not an option. But the salt/c protocol has  nothing to do with fasting, it works on its own. Consider looking into it if your chosen therapies are not satisfactory. I don't know of any worm parasites that will not dessicate and dislodge on exposure to high ionic concentrations of salt.

Have you tried juicing your meat to get a bit more nutrition out of it. This would give your digestive system a bit of a break. Just throw the raw meat and fat in the blender with some water until smooth. Maybe add in some raw honey to encourage fat storage. Milk is natures original weight gainer so I would suggest raw butterfat as your fat source.
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1. If it is advertized on TV, don't touch it.
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Re: Everytime I eat meat it feels like diarrhea in my gut
« Reply #9 on: April 23, 2014, 02:34:53 am »
I wasn't aware you were underweight, in that case fasting is not an option. But the salt/c protocol has  nothing to do with fasting, it works on its own. Consider looking into it if your chosen therapies are not satisfactory. I don't know of any worm parasites that will not dessicate and dislodge on exposure to high ionic concentrations of salt.

Have you tried juicing your meat to get a bit more nutrition out of it. This would give your digestive system a bit of a break. Just throw the raw meat and fat in the blender with some water until smooth. Maybe add in some raw honey to encourage fat storage. Milk is natures original weight gainer so I would suggest raw butterfat as your fat source.

Edmond,  I am not approving of your suggestion to blend his foods.   He is young, has teeth, and can masticate till it becomes 'juiced' in his mouth which will much better inform him of how much is enough, and won't oxidize his foods during the blending process.  Drinking blended foods is always a crap shoot for you never really know when you've had enough, especially if you blend more than one ingredient. 

Offline Sorentus

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Re: Everytime I eat meat it feels like diarrhea in my gut
« Reply #10 on: April 23, 2014, 04:46:53 am »
Edmond,  I am not approving of your suggestion to blend his foods.   He is young, has teeth, and can masticate till it becomes 'juiced' in his mouth which will much better inform him of how much is enough, and won't oxidize his foods during the blending process.  Drinking blended foods is always a crap shoot for you never really know when you've had enough, especially if you blend more than one ingredient.

I agree

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Re: Everytime I eat meat it feels like diarrhea in my gut
« Reply #11 on: April 23, 2014, 12:14:12 pm »
Sorentus, please excuse me if this question is redundant, have you tried air drying your meat? If so how do you feel from it?
Gnawing on bones.

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Re: Everytime I eat meat it feels like diarrhea in my gut
« Reply #12 on: April 24, 2014, 12:53:36 pm »
How much fat are you eating? It doesn't sound like much. I remember reading that Stefanson and his men would get diarrhea if they ran low on fat. It cleared up again when they got a new supply. We also had switched to a leaner raw chicken for our dog and he got diarrhea.

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Re: Everytime I eat meat it feels like diarrhea in my gut
« Reply #13 on: April 25, 2014, 12:16:54 am »
Lol celeste, i been eating a handful of pure fat twice a day on very occsasion sometime even 2 handful, enough ti get SEVERE nausea and liver cramp. Of course no diarrhea, im immune to this crap :P. I never dry aged my meat, whats the magic cure meznt behind this? Seem like meat without water to me, not sure how this would help anything(easier to digest due to less water maybe?, what about tge bacterias?)

Offline eveheart

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Re: Everytime I eat meat it feels like diarrhea in my gut
« Reply #14 on: April 25, 2014, 02:42:41 am »
I never dry aged my meat, whats the magic cure meznt behind this? Seem like meat without water to me, not sure how this would help anything(easier to digest due to less water maybe?, what about tge bacterias?)

During dry aging, meat goes through many changes besides loss of water, such as enzymatic breakdown and complementary fungal growth. These actions help form of new beneficial compounds.

There is no "magic cure" claimed for the dry-aging process. I would suggest that you should expect a slow cure because of the severe and chronic nature of your illness. You have received excellent advice here when you post your challenges. It might help if all your questions were confined to your journal so that people can see what steps you are taking and your progress or lack of progress in one thread.

Commercial dry aging is typically stopped at a water loss of about 15%, at which point the meat has a dry crust that you can easily slice. There is no harm in more or less water loss, and you still get the beneficial compounds.
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Offline Sorentus

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Re: Everytime I eat meat it feels like diarrhea in my gut
« Reply #15 on: April 25, 2014, 03:53:46 am »
During dry aging, meat goes through many changes besides loss of water, such as enzymatic breakdown and complementary fungal growth. These actions help form of new beneficial compounds.

There is no "magic cure" claimed for the dry-aging process. I would suggest that you should expect a slow cure because of the severe and chronic nature of your illness. You have received excellent advice here when you post your challenges. It might help if all your questions were confined to your journal so that people can see what steps you are taking and your progress or lack of progress in one thread.

Commercial dry aging is typically stopped at a water loss of about 15%, at which point the meat has a dry crust that you can easily slice. There is no harm in more or less water loss, and you still get the beneficial compounds.

I have been putting my meat in a stainless bowel covered so that it doesn't actually dry, so would just leaving it on a plate air open in the frigd be enough? I realized that when it was air open in the rigd it would dry very quickly within a day, I'll give a shot at dried meat, it seems much less palatable to me though. What exactly change when the meat goes dry though, you are saying enzymatic breakdown, does it makes enzymes more bioavailable or something and what about fungal growth?

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Re: Everytime I eat meat it feels like diarrhea in my gut
« Reply #16 on: April 25, 2014, 04:45:47 am »
I'm sure you have visited the threads on this forum from members who have different methods of dry-aging meat, so I won't repeat all that here.

As far as how dry, that is up to your taste buds to determine.

You can google information about changes in dry-aging. The only one that interested me is the rise in glucosamine, but that might not interest you. Instead of researching changes, how about finding a way to eat, then research why it worked for you (if that information is what you seek).

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