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Hybrid Origins of the Human Races
« on: November 24, 2014, 01:10:54 am »
Hybrid Origins of the Human Races

Hybrid Origins of the Human Races

Sounds new to me.  What do you guys think?

Excerpt from "Mysterious Origins of the Hybrid Man"
Introduction: The Unexpected Family Tree
by Susan B. Martinez, Ph.D

We live in an age when the truth will out, perhaps even more than we bargained for, bubbling to the surface in unexpected ways. For forty years I have sat by and kept my mouth shut, knowing my confreres in anthropology were not doing justice to the story of man’s extraordinary origin. I had to go off the reservation to find out for myself if we are really just apes who acquired culture and a great brain. Recently, in the course of writing about the little people (homo sapiens pygmaeus) in The Lost History of the Little People, the house of cards called human evolution came tumbling down on my head. I knew I could not turn back: I had to write about man--the hybrid. This then is his checkered history.

Right away I must insert a disclaimer: this book is not concerned with biological evolution, only the ascent of man, who is of course a zoological entity (corporeal) but at the same time something more than an animal (something incorporeal), in a class by himself, a separate kingdom. So let us ask: are we really ex-mollusks, ex-starfish, ex-trilobites?

The VIPs of evolution disagree about almost everything except evolution itself. It seems the extent of quibbling is proportionate to its ill-founded premise. Almost every “important find” is contested amidst a maelstrom of conflicting fossil information. One new fossil find and everything gets reclassified. What this means is that there exist no clearly defined taxa in the whole of human evolution. And for a good reason: all the overlapping among these types of fossil men (erectus, sapiens, Neanderthal, etc.) is due not to evolution but to hybridization. Taxonomy doesn’t stand a chance in the face of the ongoing amalgamations that this book is about. The fossil record is an unsolvable puzzle of mosaics--each hominid type possessing hopelessly mixed racial traits.


I start this book on the premise that people (the races of man) don’t, didn’t, can’t, and couldn’t change or evolve to become something else. Notwithstanding hypothetical family trees and even more fanciful common ancestors, the question of origins today remains completely unsettled and open to interpretation. What evolutionists call change is simply the result of comingling--different races mixing genes.

It is man’s ideas that have evolved.
--Loren Eiseley, The Immense Journey

I don’t believe in physical evolution; our real evolution is in mettle, ethos, character. In A Path of Light, George Morley of the Kosmon Church in England put it this way:

There have been times when Man was more advanced than today. . . . In the civilizations of the ancient Egyptians and Persians, and earlier still on the grand continent which sank beneath the Pacific (Pan), we see great knowledge and wisdom, when men had understanding of the gods. . . . Then what is it that has advanced? It is the conditions of life . . . the ordinary comforts. . . . But it must ultimately come about that there will be a spiritual apotheosis to which Man will attain.

Human history is a “process of ascent to godhood,” wrote John W. White, educator and researcher in the fields of consciousness and higher human development. “Cro-Magnon are distinguished from Neanderthal not so much by physical body design as by their greater intelligence which resulted in the world’s first art, statuary, engravings, music, personal ornamentation, star charts . . . [and] more highly developed social systems. Altogether they showed a superior degree of consciousness.”

One European critic thought that “one day the Darwinian myth will be ranked the greatest deceit in the history of science.” The interpretation of fossil evidence (exclusively) by convinced evolutionists should, thought attorney Philip Johnson, be “scrutinized as carefully as a letter of recommendation by a job applicant’s mother.” If evolution were actually on trial, its mountain of circumstantial evidence, complicated jargon, and factoids would be bounced out of court by an annoyed judge. Darwinism today rides on its reputation. Not on its truth.


The disproving of evolution has already been done--many times! And well done!--by biologists, mathematicians, lawyers, Christians, prehistorians, science writers, and even paleontologists. But a real meaty alternative remains to be offered. If anything, Darwinism has succeeded by default. An alternative comes to life in these chapters, which present our two common ancestors, Asu and Ihin. These races mingled to produce a third, the Druks (erectus).

We have a lot of ground to cover and missteps to unravel: To begin with, it took many decades for scholars to finally admit that supposed “ancestors” were actually contemporaries. Then more decades elapsed before it was conceded that those contemporaries (living side by side) actually interbred, producing the entire pantheon of hybrids known to us as “the fossil record.”

Read any scientific book about the races in today’s world, hardly a page goes by without mention of admixtures, crossings, half-breeds, etc. It was the same in the ages of the past. Hiding in plain sight is the all-too-human factor of these mergers, what archeologist Christopher Hardaker whimsically calls “the nookie factor.” The nookie factor actually stands Darwinism on its head. While evolution has species lines branching out and separating (splitting) at some time in the distant past, the cross-breeding factor entails quite the opposite--the different stocks coming together, cohabitating to form new races. We are all hybrids. Here’s the nub of this book: fossils interpreted as representing “stages” of evolution or “changes” by mutations are herein shown to represent nothing more than the unstoppable intermixing of the Paleolithic races. Man the Mixer is our constant theme. The peopling of the world, as drawn in these chapters, is about the mingling and merging of disparate types. No evolution there, just the continual confection of halfbreeds, quarter-breeds, etc.--an exchange of genes since day one.

Susan B. Martinez, Ph.D., is a writer, linguist, teacher, paranormal researcher, and recognized authority on the Oahspe Bible with a doctorate in anthropology from Columbia University. The author of The Psychic Life of Abraham Lincoln and The Hidden Prophet, she is the book review editor for the Academy of Spirituality and Paranormal Studies. She lives in Clayton, Georgia.

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The Mysterious Origins of Hybrid Man by Susan B. Martinez, Ph.D. © 2013 Bear & Co. Reprinted with permission from the publisher Inner Traditions International.
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Re: Hybrid Origins of the Human Races
« Reply #1 on: November 24, 2014, 07:29:33 am »
The mention of quasi-Atlantean civilisations does discredit this guff somewhat. Plus, they denigrate the Neanderthals - in fact, the Neanderthals had all the same characteristics as Cro-Magnon humans such as artistic talent, culture etc. Since the Neanderthals had bigger brains than the Cro-Magnons, one could even claim that Neanderthals were more intelligent.

One thing that does strike me, is this:- the Neanderthals clearly possess Caucasoid characteristics. This suggests that Caucasoid/Oriental/Negroid etc. characteristics/differences  were likely already present at the homo erectus stage, and maybe even well before. There has been some attempts to claim that modern humans only gained light skin or blue eyes a few thousand years ago, in order to justify the Out of Africa theory,  but the very fact that Neanderthals have been shown to have had red hair and light skin means that such traits must have appeared long before in the hominid line. Indeed, the common ancestor of chimps and humans has been shown to have had pale skin.

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Re: Mysterious Origins of Hybrid Man by Susan Martinez vs Evolution
« Reply #2 on: April 09, 2015, 07:03:37 am »

Hybrid Man?

“Evolution in our own age of profit, has granted us a subliminal charter for exploitation, privilege, & discrimination.”

Dr. Susan B. Martinez, Ph.D., Anthropologist, “The Mysterious Origins of Hybrid Man:  Crossbreeding and the Unexpected Family Tree of Humanity”


I’m reading a book entitled “The Mysterious Origins of Hybrid Man…” by Dr. Susan B. Martinez who is an anthropologist having received her doctorate from Columbia University.  She’s actually authored several books and has a new one coming out next month.

Dr. Martinez doesn’t buy the standard, mainstream theory of human evolution.  In short, her basic premise is that there never was any human evolution but, rather, that there have always been several species of humans who have all interbred with one another and who still are.  Her theories are radical as you can expect and they are discounted by mainstream evolutionists but she does have some supporters in academia and the science community.

Her theories kind of fit with something I’ve been theorizing myself.  That is, if you know the characteristics and traits of prehistoric man and you look at modern people closely you can see those characteristics and traits in some people today.  As I’ve mentioned before on this blog you can clearly see Neanderthal features in some people including the characteristic bun at the base of the skull.  These people are usually robust just as the Neanderthals were…or are.  In other people you can see clearly characteristics and traits normally associated with Homo erectus.  They even have the sagittal ridge or crest atop their skulls!  They tend to be tall and slim with long legs just like H. erectus whose long legs gave them the ability to run and be excellent hunters.  In other people you can clearly see characteristics and traits of H. habilis, H. heidelbergensis, and in others you can clearly see features commonly associated with the Australopithecines, the true ape-men!  And let us not forget the characteristics and traits typically associated with the Cro-magnons who were the early archaic modern humans. 

The question is why?  Why do we see these rather distinctive features in supposed Homo sapiens (modern humans)?  I’ve long suspected and stated that these species of ancient humans (proto-humans, if you will) never did go extinct but, rather, they interbred with modern humans (H. sapiens) and are actually still around today!  My theory fits in, in many ways, with those of Dr. Martinez and I find that exciting and refreshing.

We humans like to have things nicely arranged.  We like to think we’ve got it all figured out and put everything in nice neat little categories.  But, when something doesn’t fit in our little self-created categories we have a problem.  Oddities that just don’t fit challenge us to rethink and modify our little categories and they upset our conception of the order of things.  In some cases those oddities are so challenging that they cause us not only problems but CRISIS!  And, when it comes to human evolution that is what we have on our hands today.  A CRISIS!!

Most people think that there is one “missing link” between modern man and the classical ape-man or caveman.  However, that is not so because, in fact, there are several missing links!  These missing links are also called “transitional species” and when it comes to human evolution we don’t find many of them.  Take Homo habilis for instance.  This species of hominin is nicknamed “handyman” or “tool man” because it is thought he was the first species to make and use stone tools known as Oldowan Tools. These stone tools were rather crude and simple and not as sophisticated or precise as those developed later by the next species known as Homo erectus (“upright walking man”) who started out using/making Oldowan Tools and ended up inventing and using Acheulean Tools.

There has been much debate about Homo habilis, “handyman,” and some researchers don’t think this species should be included in the Homo genus as it was more ape-like than human-like.  They have suggested that H. habilis be renamed Australopithecus habilis (A. habilis).  Others don’t necessarily disagree with that suggestion but they think Habilis was a “transitional species” (missing link) between the Australopithecines and Homo erectus.  I tend to support the later theory as I think Habilis may have well been a transitional species (missing link) between the two.  As for weather or not Habilis belongs with the Australopithecines or the Homo genus I’m still undecided.

Dr. Martinez doesn’t see H. habilis as a stage in human evolution but as one of several species of humans (Homo) that interbred with other species of humans and, thus, are still around today amid us.  Once again, if you know what you are looking for in terms of features and traits of Habilis you can see them in some people living in the modern world today!

The bottomline is we don’t know!  Many evolutionists will not admit such but it’s true. When it comes to ancient human ancestors we don’t really know much for certain because we have a lot of theories based on some rather scant fossil evidence.  It’s important to keep in mind, as Martinez points out, that many of the artistic reconstructions of ancient human ancestors may NOT be accurate at all because those reconstructions are based on some very limited fossil remains such as a few teeth or jawbone fragments or fossil skulls with no faces.  She’s right!  Fact is our reconstructions may we very inaccurate and should we find the complete skeleton of one of these ancient human ancestors it may well look very different from what we think.  Those few full skeletons we have found of a few species have actually surprised us as they are NOT how we believed the species to appear.

So what is Dr. Martinez is right?  What would that mean for evolutional theory and modern people today living in this 21rst century?  In short, if she is correct or even half right then it has great implications for evolutionary theory and modern humans!!  The most obvious implication would be that various species of human ancestors did not appear and go extinct at all but that they have ALL always been here and are STILL here today!  And that would mean that there has been no evolution in terms of how we conceive of it today but that human evolution has been an ONGOING process of interbreeding between several species of humans resulting in modern humans today. In short, then, Martinez is suggesting all of the known species of humans are still around and in each of us and that means that we are HYBRIDS!

Something else Martinez says is that humanity today didn’t get to where we are via aggression and competition but, rather, via COOPERATION and PEACEFULNESS.  I don’t think I need to instruct most of you one the concept of “survival of the fittest.”  We have been taught that that is the way Homo sapiens came to dominate the world and survive but Martinez suggests otherwise.  She says H. sapiens have arrived at where we are today and survived through cooperation and peacefulness not through the “survival of the fittest” concept.  Yes modern humans have bigger physical brains than some other species of ancient humans and we know that is a fact.  However, when it comes to brain size I do not think size matters as much as how those brains were and are wired.  I think how they were/are wired is far more significant than size.  And, in fact, we DID get to where we are today via cooperation and when it comes to peacefulness versus aggression you might notice that we humans get much further collectively and individually when we approach something peaceful rather than by using aggression.

Dr. Martinez believes we have all been misled PERHAPS intentionally or perhaps not. That is, she believes we’ve been misled into believing the “survival of the fittest” idea which actually comes from Social Darwinism and Imperialism.  What this means is that we’ve been taught man is innately aggressive and animalistic and what that has resulted in is a kind of “self fulfilling prophecy.”  Simply, we have been made to THINK we are innately aggressive and animalistic and we simply have filled that role even though as Martinez believes aggression and animalism are NOT our true nature!! Peacefulness and Cooperation are!!

As evidence for this she points out many indigenous stories like those of the Hopi people of Northeastern Arizona.  They speak of a people who once lived on the Earth who had high technology and knowledge very similar if not the same as our own today.  The Hopi say these people became greedy and selfish.  They began to exploit others and the natural resources of the Earth.  They began to set themselves apart from each other with a few being the elites and the masses being conceived of as something lesser.  This all resulted in the demise of their society which soon fell into war and ended in self-destruction.  And with that came the end of their era or age and once again humans found themselves basically “knocked back to the Stone Age.”  It’s not only the Hopi who have these stories that tell of previous “worlds” or “ages” in which humans advanced and then later fell to greed and selfishness.  Many other indigenous cultures around the world have similar stories in their oral traditions and they all agree that as long as humans were peaceful and cooperating with each other everything went along fine and they advanced.  But, once they gave into things like greed, selfishness, anger, hate, discrimination, and aggression their societies self-destructed.  And, sadly, isn’t that what is exactly happening today in our own time and society?

I do not agree with everything Dr. Martinez says or theorizes, however, I do tend to agree with her basic premise as it fits in with some of my own.  As I continue reading her books and pondering her theories I’ll post more of my thoughts here about it all.

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Amazing radio interview

Crossbreeding and the Unexpected Family Tree of Humanity

Crossbreeding and the Unexpected Family Tree of Humanity

Published on Oct 1, 2014

Did we evolve from apes, or are we all descendants of Adam and Eve? Why is the "missing link" still missing? Is the dumb luck of natural selection valid? Piecing together the protohistory of humanity through anthropology, genetics, paleolinguistics, and indigenous traditions, Susan B. Martinez offers an entirely original alternative to Darwin's evolution: Modern humanity did not evolve but is a mosaic of mixed ancestry, the result of eons of cross-breeding and retro-breeding among different groups, including Cro-Magnon, Neanderthal, hobbits, giants, and Africa's "Lucy" and "Zinj." Martinez shows that there were multiple "Gardens of Eden" and how each continent had its own blend of races prior to the Great Flood, which caused the diaspora that brought a renaissance of culture to every division of the Earth. "Martinez's conclusion that the Little People are the real missing link in the history of humanity is supported by worldwide evidence, including pygmy tunnels, elf arrows, dwarf villages and tiny coffins. Her book is lavishly illustrated with photos, diagrams and artistic renderings that bring to life an astonishing view of our biological and cultural origins. Those who are curious about such things will find themselves spellbound by her vision."

About the Author

Susan B. Martinez earned her doctorate in anthropology at Columbia University, where she, also, served as lecturer in ethnolinguistics. She is the book review editor at the Academy of Spiritual and Consciousness Studies and the author of The Psychic Life of Abraham Lincoln, The Hidden Prophet, Time of the Quickening and The Lost History of the Little People.
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Re: Hybrid Origins of the Human Races - human - animal hybrids
« Reply #4 on: May 19, 2016, 09:51:59 am »
This discussion is looking more and more relevant with the advancement of genetic technologies.

21st century beings making human - animal hybrids.
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