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Messages - pantherx

Pages: [1]
Personals / Re: Northern Nevada/Northern California
« on: October 19, 2011, 12:13:43 am »
Thanks for the great information , I have shopped at Great Basin one time  before but never realized they sold  locally produced meat. Whole Foods is overpriced for sure ,  I usually  buy a couple items such lose red beets and watercress . My health is the number one factor in making culinary decisions , heart disease  and gluten are some tough problems ! I followed the Price - Pottinger  diet  for about a year straight , which included mostly raw or slightly steamed vegetables and raw venison . It was perfect for me at that time (1989). All my so called vegetarian friends convinced me that meat eating was detrimental ...etc  it's complicated .

It would be great to meet up with both of you, we could  support our common raw food ideals to start . Lets talk  then when time permits.

Raw Weston Price / Re: Inuit
« on: October 18, 2011, 10:11:38 am »
She looks healthy to me , but can you find good bone structure in most populations.

Personals / Re: Northern Nevada/Northern California
« on: October 18, 2011, 02:50:53 am »
Hello ,
               I have been here in Reno for about two years, originally from Michigan , and have been on a  90% raw vegan regime  for about one year , but recently  decided to start eating some raw meats .Locally the only store who sells grass fed beef is Whole Foods .  Where do you buy your products ?

I have tried every diet there is practically ,cooked vegetarian , Macrobiotics , Ayurveda , on and on , but it feels that raw food is what keeps my energy up .The trouble is I cannot take in enough calories on a raw vegan diet and definitely  need some good sources of raw protein to gain about twenty pounds and  get  to a normal weight while improving my health .

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