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Topics - Hanna

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Instincto / Anopsology / Inuits didn’t eat a ketogenic diet
« on: October 21, 2014, 10:56:00 pm »
I post this in the instincto section as it supports a diet including substantial amounts of carbs. 

Citation from Wikipedia:
Inuit studied in the 1970s were found to have abnormally large livers, presumably to assist in this process. Their urine volumes were also high, a result of the excess urea produced by gluconeogenesis.[9] However, in multiple studies the traditional Inuit diet has not been shown to be a ketogenic diet.[10][11][12][13] Not only have multiple researchers been unable to detect any evidence of ketosis resulting from the traditional Inuit Diet, but the ratios of fatty-acid to glucose were observed to be well below the generally accepted level of ketogenesis.[10][11][12][13]
Inuit actually consume more carbohydrates than most nutritionists have assumed.[14]  (…) Traditional Inuit diets derive approximately 50% of their calories from fat, 30-35% from protein and 15-20% of their calories from carbohydrates, largely in the form of glycogen from the raw meat they consumed.[22] (…) It has been suggested that because the fats of the Inuit's wild-caught game are largely monounsaturated and rich in omega-3 fatty acids, the diet does not pose the same health risks as a typical Western high-fat diet.[23] However, evidence has shown that Inuit have a similar prevalence of coronary artery disease as non-Inuit populations and they have excessive mortality due to cerebrovascular strokes.[24][25]

Instincto / Anopsology / GCB:Eating meat regularly is harmful to health
« on: February 19, 2014, 10:45:27 pm »
Burger says he changed his opinion about (raw) meat.
He made his claims both orally and in writing.
Source in German: 
Interview with GCB via Skype (word for word):ät-vom-Fleisch-essen-ab/page2
His central messages are now:
Eating meat becomes harmful to health in the long run (after decades). Therefore, meat shouldn’t be eaten regularly. It is only a surrogate for insects. Meat of wild animals is ok, if eaten perhaps once a month (more often, for example, in case of pregnancy).

Iguana! Why didn`t you tell us anything about that?

Instincto / Anopsology / hard coconut meat
« on: January 08, 2013, 04:04:58 pm »
A few days ago I ate hard coconut meat. Although its taste is fine, it seems to be impossible for me to digest it properly (and no instinct will protect me against the resulting indigestion). I even guess there is nobody else who is able to digest hard coconut meat properly and completely. The only possibility (for me) to get all the nutrients out of it and not to risk indigestion seems to be to make coconut cream out of it. Coconut meat is too expensive and precious to throw it on the compost heap... How about you?

Hot Topics / Does ketosis accelerate AGEing?
« on: November 23, 2011, 04:15:44 pm »
One of the strongest indictments of ketosis, in relation to methylglyoxal, is made in a fairly well referenced book by De Grey (2007)...:
… one established effect of very low-carbohydrate diets of the Atkins type is to bring down both triglyceride levels and the body’s total exposure to carbohydrates, so some advocates have hypothesized that these diets world reduce a person’s AGE burden. Unfortunately, it turns out that the metabolic state that these diets induce (the notorious “ketosis”) has the unfortunate side effect of causing a jump in the production of the oxoaldehyde methylglyoxal, a major precursor of AGEs that is also, ironically, produced within cells of diabetic patients when they are forced to take in more glucose than they can immediately process … methylglyoxal is far more chemically reactive than blood sugar (up to 40,000 times more reactive, in fact), and is known to cause wide-ranging damage in the body, of which AGE cross-links are but one example. This potentially makes the Atkins diet a recipe for accelerated AGEing…

Interestingly, the increase in methylglyoxal took 2 to 3 weeks to reach a peak (mentioned in the interesting comments by Tim Lundeen:
So does "deep" ketosis accelerate AGEing? Here is the abstract of the original study:
In the popular and widely used Atkins diet, the body burns fat as its main fuel. This process produces ketosis and hence increased levels of ?-hydroxybutyrate (BOB) acetoacetate (AcAc) and its by-products acetone and acetol. These products are potential precursors of the glycotoxin methylglyoxal. Since methylglyoxal and its byproducts are recognized as a significant cause of blood vessel and tissue damage, we measured methylglyoxal, acetone, and acetol in subjects on the Atkins diet. We found that by 14-28 days, methylghyoxal levels rose 1.67-fold (P= 0.039) and acetol and acetone levels increased 2.7- and 6.12-fold, respectively (P= 0.012 and 0.028). Samples from subjects with ketosis showed even greater increases in methylglyoxal (2.12-fold), as well as acetol and acetone, which increased 4.19- and 7.9-fold, respectively; while no changes were seen in samples from noncompliant, nonketotic subjects. The increase in methylglyoxal implies that potential tissue and vascular damage can occur on the Atkins diet and should be considered when choosing a weight-loss program.

I just googled and found this article:

BACKGROUND: The glycemic response to dietary fructose is low, which may improve concentrations of glycated hemoglobin (HbA(1c), a marker of dysglycemia). Meanwhile, adverse effects on plasma triacylglycerol (a marker of dyslipidemia) and body weight have been questioned. Such effects are reported inconsistently.

OBJECTIVE: We aimed to evaluate the effect of fructose on these health markers, particularly examining treatment dose and duration, and level of glycemic control.

DESIGN: A literature search was conducted for relevant randomized and controlled intervention studies of crystalline or pure fructose (excluding high-fructose corn syrup), data extraction, meta-analyses, and modeling using meta-regression. (...)

CONCLUSIONS: The meta-analysis shows that fructose intakes from 0 to >or=90 g/d have a beneficial effect on HbA(1c). Significant effects on postprandial triacylglycerols are not evident unless >50 g fructose/d is consumed, and no significant effects are seen for fasting triacylglycerol or body weight with intakes of <or=100 g fructose/d in adults.
So it seems that up to 50 g fructose (which corresponds to about 700 g bananas: is perfectly safe and does not accelerate aging. Right?

I also found this:
...some researchers consider small levels of fructose, say 25-50 grams/day, actually a good thing.  In spite of all of its very dangerous properties, fructose can decrease HbA(1c) [prediabetic] levels, improve hypoglycemia effects [5] and potentially assist athletic performance and fueling. [4] (...) What I have found is that most experts consider about 50 grams/day of fructose to be completely safe.

Hot Topics / Cooking increases the digestibility of animal foods
« on: November 09, 2011, 07:38:20 pm »
An interesting study:

Using mice as a model, we show that cooking substantially increases the energy gained from meat, leading to elevations in body mass that are not attributable to differences in food intake or activity levels. The positive energetic effects of cooking were found to be superior to the effects of pounding in both meat and starch-rich tubers, a conclusion further supported by food preferences in fasted animals.

In Wrangham´s book a study about eggs is cited. When the eggs were cooked, the proportion of protein digested averaged 91 percent to 94 percent, On the other hand, the digestibility of raw eggs was a meager 65 percent. 35 percent of the ingested protein left the small intestine undigested.

Some sections of Wrangham´s book seem to be worth reading. However, I´m looking forward to your rantings and especially Tyler´s rantings ;-).

I read about premature aging of the Nenets (raw meat eating Siberian deindeer herders) and the Eskimos. Yesterday I read this:

The Eskimos* by comparison rated this description by Dr Samuel Hutton, who observed them over the period 1902 to 1913, from his book Health Conditions and Disease Incidence Among the Eskimos of Labrador:
Old age sets in at fifty and its signs are strongly marked at sixty. In the years beyond sixty the Eskimo is aged and feeble. Comparatively few live beyond sixty and only a very few reach seventy. Those who live to such an age have spent a life of great activity, feeding on Eskimo foods and engaging in characteristically Eskimo pursuits . . . Careful records have been left by the missionaries for more than a hundred years.

It was also noted that the Eskimos had very low resistance to infectious diseases and suffered severe osteoporosis as they got older. A later study of a small population (about 1000) on the east coast of Greenland by Hoygaard and Pedersen, Copenhagen 1941, showed an average lifespan of only twenty-seven and a half years mainly due to premature degeneration of adults. Their diet was ninety-five per cent flesh food but it was not stated whether the Eskimos had adopted the white man's practice of cooking their food.

It has been said in a previous article that I found the exclusive meat diet in New York to be stimulating - I felt energetic and optimistic both winter and summer. Perhaps it may be considered that meat is, overall, a stimulating diet, in the sense that metabolic processes are speeded up. You are then living at a faster rate, which means you would grow up rapidly and get old soon. This is perhaps confirmed by that early maturing of Eskimo women which I have heretofore supposed to be mainly due to their almost complete protection from chill - they live in warm dwellings and dress warmly so that the body is seldom under stress to maintain by physiological processes a temperature balance. It may be that meat as a speeder-up of metabolism explains in part both that Eskimo women are sometimes grandmothers before the age of twenty-three, and that they usually seem as old at sixty as our women do at eighty.

The Eskimos were very familiar with constipation due to their low-fiber diet, and they created the spirit Matshishkapeu, the most powerful spirit in their mythology, to embody it.  The spirit's name literally translates into "Fart Man." In Inuit stories, he is known to inflict painful cases of constipation upon people and other gods (7).
For instance, in 1976, before the worst of the processed food crisis hit them, they consumed 2,000 mg of calcium a day from all the soft-bone fish they ate, a huge amount. All the same, they had (and still have) the highest hip-fracture rate in the world becuase they consume so much animal protein from fish (19).

I started my experience with instinctive nutrition 25 years ago

Congratulations on your 25th rawfood jubilee!

 I started my rawfood experiments 16 years ago. I have eaten relatively strictly rawfood for 11 years now and I have eaten neither any cooked food nor milk products for seven and a half years now.

Hot Topics / Anyone eating a strict raw food diet?
« on: December 16, 2010, 12:42:18 am »
Is there anyone in this forum eating a 100% raw diet without much cheating? How long have you been eating a strict raw food diet? Is there anyone eating strictly raw without ANY cheating?

Instincto / Anopsology / Study: Low carb diets and death risk
« on: November 18, 2010, 12:56:45 am »
I post the study in this forum since gcb (the chief instincto) has warned against meat-based diets for a long time. He noticed that (raw) meat in excess seems to cause cancer. Some instinctos eating a lot of raw meat even died of cancer.

Low-Carb Diets Based on Meat Protein Rather Than Vegetable Protein May Raise Death Risk, Study Finds
The study followed nearly 130,000 health professionals for at least 20 years (...)
The study, based on regularly administered questionnaires, found that eating a low-carb diet based on meat protein was associated with a 23% higher risk of death from any cause, 14% greater risk of heart-related death, and 28% greater risk of cancer-related death. Eating a vegetable protein-based low-carb diet, however, was associated with a 20% lower risk of death from any cause and a 23% lower risk of death from heart disease.

Instincto / Anopsology / Fishing wolves
« on: October 14, 2010, 05:22:14 am »
I was somewhat surprised to read that even wolves (not only I ;)) "instinctively" prefer fish to red meat:

"Fishing wolves" in coastal British Columbia are also looking to snatch some salmon, and will eat the fish almost exclusively when they are available, new research reveals.
Biologists analyzed years of data from gray wolves' feces to monitor what the animals were eating.
The team found that the coastal predators, like many other wolves, rely on deer most of the time in the spring and summer.
But during several months in the fall, the wolves ignored deer to focus on migrating salmon.
"Salmon continue to surprise us, showing us new ways in which their oceanic migrations eventually permeate entire terrestrial ecosystems," he said.
"In terms of providing food and nutrients to a whole food web, we like to think of them as North America's answer to the Serengeti's wildebeest."
"People forget, but it wasn't too long ago when both salmon and wolves co-occurred over much, much greater portions of North America and even Europe. This fishing wolf would have existed from southern California up to Alaska," he said.

Instincto / Anopsology / Censorship
« on: September 03, 2010, 06:38:11 pm »
I remember a post written by Alpha in Paleophil´s journal pointing out that "instinctive" censorship has taken place. It was posted at least two times, I think. But again I can´t find it any longer. Was this post censored away two times? Why was it censored? And what was censored in the posts about cassia? Have my posts been censored too?

Just would like to know.

You may eat more of the same meat if it’s ground, so you’ll easily eat too much of it. As a result you may have digestion troubles and if you systematically grind your meat you can remain permanently in a state of meat overload which can be dangerous in the long run.  

Have you ever experimented with grinded meat, Iguana? I can´t eat much meat, even if it is grinded, so I cannot experiment with it. But when I pureed, for example, nuts, I could actually eat LESS of them as usually, the alliesthetic stops manifested earlier or at least clearer (maybe because the surface of the pureed food is larger?) and my digestion was more perfect, at least with some kinds of nuts. When I add salt to meat, avocado, vegetable etc., I can suddenly eat more of the respective food, because alliesthetic stops disappear, and this can have negative effects (in my case). But after extensive experimenting with pureeing food (because I wore fixed braces for one and a half years...) I think that there is no reason to "forbid" mechanical treatment of food on principle, as long as one doesn´t mix different foods together and doesn´t add condiments.

Instincto / Anopsology / Salt
« on: August 14, 2010, 03:04:18 pm »
There are instinctos and other raw food eaters in Germany who believe that one cannot digest proteins and in particular raw meat if one doesn´t consume sufficient amounts of salt. Therefore, they drink, for example, every morning a sea salt solution or seawater or (if they are not instinctos) they eat salted meat or the like. What do you think about that? Do you consume seasalt or seawater on a regular basis? I like seaweed, but if I don´t eat any seaweed I probably don´t consume much salt.

Instincto / Anopsology / Meat
« on: August 11, 2010, 06:14:51 pm »
Gcb, Iguana, Susan and other instinctos or omnivore raw food eaters,

How much meat  (including fish etc.) approximately do you eat?

And do you think that there is a kind of "standard" of how much meat instinctos should eat or another standard or rule regarding animal food?

Gcb, you wrote that "one of main rules of instinctive nutrition precisely specifies that one should not remain more than a few weeks blocked to a food category." What exactly can I do or try if I remain blocked?

Instincto / Anopsology / Instincto`s tropical paradise
« on: July 11, 2010, 03:19:17 am »
Since my questions tend to be forgotten, I open up a new thread.

Gcb said that our instinct has to be trained, because "we are no longer placed in an environment close to the one where our genome evolved, thus a series of precautions must be taken". My question: When and where did the instincto species eating durian, cempedak, jackfruit, banana, dates, safu, avocado... live? Where was this tropical paradise and when did it exist? Were the instinctos living there apelike or already human?

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