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Messages - personman

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Off Topic / Re: Total proof that USA is a lapdog of Israel
« on: March 29, 2012, 09:54:13 pm »
what about the "goyim" issue...are non-jews 'animals', 'excrement' there a reliable source to consult?

Off Topic / Re: Total proof that USA is a lapdog of Israel
« on: March 29, 2012, 09:50:07 pm »
do jews believe in the talmud? it seems like a tangleed skein this freemasonic talmudic.issue...

Off Topic / Re: Total proof that USA is a lapdog of Israel
« on: March 28, 2012, 06:57:13 am »
trollofthedungeon: I agree with most of what you're saying. 80% of "jews" are ashkenazi...Hitler was also Jewish by hallachic  law and was financed by the Rothschild and Warburd banking cartels. Nazism and Communism were creations of these same to foment war among the goyim. A small fraction of 1% of the world's population is this masterrace. How is your retreat going and have you checked out mealworms yet? It seems like a sustainable source and can be dehydrated

General Discussion / Re: Flatulence
« on: March 27, 2012, 09:46:38 pm »
thanks guys. I have heard that cooked.whites create digestive problems through changes in the protein molecule....but raw have the avidin and less protein. what what to do....

General Discussion / Re: egg diet
« on: March 27, 2012, 09:42:34 pm »
I can obtain some but not all pastured/farm eggs. I think I will follow the LEANGAINS approach....much more efficient and a relief on the digestion

Off Topic / Re: Total proof that USA is a lapdog of Israel
« on: March 27, 2012, 09:40:07 pm »
the question is about those who follow the talmud, who self identify as "jews". It is a racist religion. Many "jews(turcic-mongol khazars) are talmudists but not All. Many non "jews" are talmudists. The religion centres around the veneration of the "jews" as the master race everyone else is "goyim"(animals/cattle/unclean). They are the racists not myself or ALL khazars

General Discussion / Re: egg diet
« on: March 27, 2012, 08:02:13 am »
Do eggs lack any nutrients? They are always touted as a "whole food". Would I be suffering a deficiency at some point?

General Discussion / Re: egg diet
« on: March 27, 2012, 07:59:02 am »
DR.: are these diseases healed or caused by eggs??? I'm reading your comment as healed but i might be wrong?

General Discussion / egg diet
« on: March 27, 2012, 07:34:20 am »
Hey everyone. Researching the pesticide content of meat I have decided to focus on eggs as the staple of my diet: any criticism to the following? Any nutrients lacking in eggs that would necessitate another dietary addition(such as liver)? Keep in mind I am stranded and have little access to quality food: it's either grain-fed beef or eggs plus grain-fed liver....? what should I do?

General Discussion / Re: Flatulence
« on: March 27, 2012, 03:53:19 am »
Isthmus: do you cook them??? I am thinking I would like to have exclusively egg whites raw but....fear the avidin= biotin deficiency/digestive enzyme reduction (putative) correlation. ANy thoughts.

Thanks Tyler. Do you know what signs/symptoms would tip off a self-experimenter? I could use these cues(if they exist) in my experimentations...

General Discussion / Omega 6
« on: March 26, 2012, 11:44:33 am »
Does the ratio between Omega-3 and Omega-6 ratios matter? If I consume mainly eggs(say 2 dozen per day), would this be a problem in created a skewed ratio between the omega fats(assuming store bought eggs). I have found that no great inflammation occurs but...just to be on the safe side prior to testing this diet....what do people think about thisissue of Omegas.

What about avidin and biotin depletion? Is this a myth or what??? So many mixed messages.

General Discussion / Re: Flatulence
« on: March 26, 2012, 11:23:05 am »
Thanks. right now I have sub-par sources and must pick and choose amongst eggs...beef...and eggs/beef. I am thinking mainly raw eggs would be best as I found the grain-fed ground beef I had consumed made me feel toxic and the eggs less so. Would you buy into the hype re: avidin in egg whites=biotin deficiency notion? Alot of mixed messages bandied about.

General Discussion / Flatulence
« on: March 26, 2012, 11:10:17 am »
What causes more flatulence: beef or eggs? I have been having trouble with both and wonder if I'm consuming simply too much?(1 dozen eggs and 1 lb. of ground beef per day)? ANyone had similar experiences?

Off Topic / Re: Total proof that USA is a lapdog of Israel
« on: March 23, 2012, 11:19:49 am »
I wasn't dissing turks or mongols, etc. I was attempting to dispel(ala arthur koestler in "the 13th tribe") the myth of the "Jewish People" as a distinct and identifiable race. I don't believe they are but many self-identify as such.
I also heard that "semites" aren't a race but a linguistic group? Any one know about this? I recall Bassar al assad's statement when stigmatized as "anti-semitic" that the Syrian's were semites! It is not an actual race which underlies talmudism but a racist ideology(which IS "talmudism"). I'm sure many ashkenazim are not talmudists such as brother nathanial kapfner.

General Discussion / RAW EGGS
« on: March 23, 2012, 08:32:12 am »
Hi. I am wondering if the whites contain antinutrients that reduce protein absortion by interfering with enzymes that assist in protein absoption. I can't remember the source but I heard this somewhere. Also: glutathione and egg whites? Is this a good reason to consume the whites? Also:  Would it cause digestive upsets to consume say, 2 dozen eggs raw per day?  Would it be unhealthy? I found that cooking the whites(to preserve the protein content) that I got an upset stomach consuming 2 dozen. Is this maybe attributable to sulfur content in the eggs? I would like to avoid beef and meat giving the pesticide content in store bought varieties. Currently I cannot obtain quality meat and given the way the world is headed I am not sure about the reliability of meat as a dietary staple. I would like to have my own chickens and consume mainly eggs. Advice would be greatly appreciated....

Personals / Re: Whitehorse, Canada: Anyone?
« on: March 23, 2012, 07:38:41 am »
My uncle used to have a fishing camp in pickle lake. I wet to yellowknife for a vacation once. Nice places. Orginally from Norwestern Ontario and soon to be on the lower mainland and victoria.

General Discussion / Re: EPSOM salts(magnesium sulfate)
« on: March 23, 2012, 07:12:52 am »
Best to google it. There ae many mealworm farmers(sellers via the internet) and many books available. "minilivestock" is another name for it; also "vermiculure". How is your survivalist project going?

Off Topic / Re: Total proof that USA is a lapdog of Israel
« on: March 23, 2012, 07:04:53 am »
regarding Brother Kapfner: he is not against JEWS but against TALMUDISM which is the core of the so-called "jewish" ideology. Those who subscribe to this ideology range from blacks like samy davis jr. to queen elizabeth 2 and the royal family. Most people who self-describe as "Jews" are Khazars, a turcic-mongol racial strain otherwise known as Ashkenazim.They constitute 80% of the so-called JEWS. THEIR mission is world zionism or the formation of a one-state with themselves as the "man-gods" of the earth. Muslims are no threat to anyone but the media which is controlled by these khazars has created this impression n peopls minds to fulfill the prophecy of Albert Pike(former head of American Freemaonry) that 3 world wars will be created and the last will be a religious war between muslims and christians who will destroy one another and in the aftermath a "new world order" will be created with "jews"(those who self-describe as such) and freemasons as the rulers of the earth. Sound crazy? do your research:
Jeff Rense(Rense radio)
Michael Collins Piper(the Piper report)
Texxe Marrs(Power of Prophecy)
Nathanial Kapfner(rea zionist news)......

General Discussion / Re: EPSOM salts(magnesium sulfate)
« on: March 16, 2012, 12:08:31 pm »
perfect glad you have a place to escape the nwo. im a little too close to vancouver and surrey for comfort but its next to a small river so as long as the water supply isnt poisoned i think ill be ok. ever thought of a mealworm farm as a sustainable paleo food source. you can feed them flax seeds,oats etc. they have per volume twice the protein of muscle meat and more vitamins/minerals...

you could take a greyhound...once i travelled across canada(1/2 way) on the greyhound for 38 hours...slept 2. once i met a girl from yellowknife and spent some of my student loan money to take a plane to visit her...currently i am in northwestern ontario and will be heading to cranbrook bc then to surrey bc to set up the farm in the summer. i plan on chickens and mealworms for a sustainable protein/paleo source, eggs and wormmash...i am seriously looking for some interested participants to join in the endeavor. i can supply a travel trailer and we could correspond through pay phones and calling cards til then. Better escape the US while you can before the gulags are constructed. see "gulags in america" on youtube/google vids. not to creep you out but....

adora: just noticed your post...I would like some helpers for the property. It is outside of Vancouver on the agricultural land reserve 15 minutes drive to downtown surrey central.bc canada. An unusual place...
where do you hail from

General Discussion / Re: acids and bases ph the body as chemistry set
« on: March 15, 2012, 07:55:32 am »
wow im convinced that no changes are necessary and no attention needs to be paid to the ph propaghanda further. alot of info here.
Adora: why not escape the US while you can and come to my survival retreat-same invite all parties. I will establish a.mealworm and chicken farm there...

General Discussion / Re: EPSOM salts(magnesium sulfate)
« on: March 15, 2012, 07:49:41 am »
thanksfortherepliesguys. trollofthedungeon: raw chocs? never heard of them. I usually eat bakers...Have you located a survivalist retreat as yet? I will be headed to Cranbrook BC then Surrey BC Canada starting in two weeks. I will set up a.survivalist.retreat there. Care to come along?

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