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Messages - raw-al

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Off Topic / The Truth About Vaccines
« on: April 14, 2017, 10:39:45 am »
This is a link to get the documentary. It is free now. There are 7 episodes and this is the second.

Quite a good doc.

Off Topic / Re: Wind farms
« on: April 10, 2017, 12:22:39 pm »
This sort of thing should be mentioned by RVAFers a lot. Being more environmentally-friendly makes RVAFers seem like the good guys rather than the absurd cannibal-image the more hysterical mainstreamers have of us.

I always mention that in conversation and about how many hours a day are freed up if no food cooking, but it doesn't seem to sink in.

Off Topic / Re: Wind farms
« on: April 10, 2017, 12:21:25 pm »
Nuclear is there, 7th line (11% of the total for the world in 2014*)
Hydro is on the 3th line   (17% of the total for the world in 2014*)
Wind was 9% of the total for the EU27 in 2014* — certainly more now as more wind turbines are installed.
Today, most of the electricity in Portugal is generated by wind turbines, for example
* Cooking causes a huge wastage of energy, not only by the electric cookers, but also dishwashers and industrial production of processed food and stuff like dish-detergents, electric kitchen tools, etc. I wonder if nuclear power plants would be needed if everyone were to eat 100% raw and unprocessed. 
The map you first linked to shows nothing for nuclear and hydro and only shows Europe. However the new link shows it. Thanks.

That's interesting. Hydro is 58% in Canada, wind is 12%, unfortunately nuclear is 16%.

It would be interesting to know the energy usage for food production (processing, cooking, cleanup etc)

Off Topic / Re: Give us a laugh !
« on: April 10, 2017, 12:48:50 am »
A friend of mine who has an interest in history said this: "The use of this stuff in wattle and daub architecture goes back a long, long way. Those Tudor style houses are examples."

Hot Topics / Re: Vegan mother forced to vaccinate her children
« on: April 10, 2017, 12:46:21 am »
I had my amalgams removed and I noticed within a day or so that an irritation in my gut went away. It was a constantly, almost like a buzzing feeling that was uncomfortable.

Hot Topics / Re: Vegan mother forced to vaccinate her children
« on: April 09, 2017, 03:12:10 am »
Having said all of this there are concoctions made in Ayurveda using mercury. It is prepared ina a certain way and used for certain applications. One man's meat is another man's poison.

Off Topic / Re: Give us a laugh !
« on: April 09, 2017, 03:10:39 am »
My understanding is that collecting manure paddies in India is a job. It is used for fire. It burns at a very high temperature and is actually specifically called for for making certain Ayurvedic concoctions because of it's extreme heat.

Hot Topics / Re: Vegan mother forced to vaccinate her children
« on: April 09, 2017, 02:49:18 am »
Since the issue came up there has been a lot of water under the bridge. Dr Wakefield's point was that it needed more study. They give a vaccine to 1 day old babies. That's one of the reasons why my daughter and plenty of others are opting for the non-hospital route.

An allopathic Doc friend's wife had both births at home for that reason.

Re: mercury, it is one of the worse neurotoxins on the planet. Now they are using aluminum which is just as bad. There have never been science done to prove anything and especially the safety of giving this to infants.

They are slowly but surely forcing this crap on everyone and especially on the weakest of all the very young and the very old.

Hot Topics / Re: Vegan mother forced to vaccinate her children
« on: April 09, 2017, 12:26:26 am »
That is weak. Brian Deer is a guy who works for the tabloids and makes a living being an unscientific mouthpiece for whoever is the highest bidder.

Why would a guy like Wakefield and his coworkers who were at the top of their field in another field, gastoenterology, give up a lucrative career to be marginalized and pilloried by his peers? To be in the papers??? That nonsense is trotted out by PPL who don't scratch the surface. PPL who have a big reason to make sure he is buried.

This goes much deeper than what research he has done.

You clearly have not looked at the evidence I put forth and are just quoting tabloid garbage reports.

Hot Topics / Re: Vegan mother forced to vaccinate her children
« on: April 08, 2017, 01:41:54 pm »
First of all Tyler, the study was not done by Dr Wakefield. He was in this with a group of other scientists.

Take the time to listen to his story. There are many excellent interviews with him on Youtube.

Off Topic / Re: Wind farms
« on: April 08, 2017, 10:37:35 am »
Thanks for the information about turbojets turbines, Raw-Al. Don't worry, I avoid beliefs. Are blades temperature in utilities gas turbines  as high as in aircraft engines and spark ignition automotive turbochargers, not to speak about steam turbines?
The only gas turbine engine that I am familiar with being used by a utility is an old jet engine that was bought by NL hydro years ago. They have it as an emergency generator and I have forgotten the details. I just remember the engineers talking about it. I know that PT6 engines have been used by utilities and I have no idea of the specifics.

As far as steam turbines of course I assume the temps would be considerably lower. Our ITT or inter turbine temperature maxed at 800 degrees C, which was basically the (throttle) limiting factor. However the actual temperatures in the engine might be hotter but we weren't aware and didn't need to know.

Anyway, why would utilities invest so much money in wind turbines if they are useless? It doesn't make sense.
I guess I understated the significance of wind power, because it fairly rare here.
Thanks for the map. They don't mention Nuclear which is over 25% of the total. I am surprised that with the mountains in Europe there is no hydroelectric generation.

My understanding is that peak electrical loads are breakfast and suppertime.

Where I worked we produced 5,428-megawatt of Hydroelectricity. Mind you, it harvests water from a watershed of 67,340 Sq Km while France is total of 547,030 Sq Km so the reservoir alone is about 12.31% the size of France.

Canada is land rich and the reservoir is in a northern largely uninhabited area. Canada has a number of sites and generates about 59% (2009) from hydro and we also export to the US. Hydro is cheap and easy to produce and is dead rock stable power. If you want more juice it's easy peasy as you are not at the whims of the winds. They are working on another huge project to increase the output by 40% last I heard. One of the largest civil engineering projects in the world.

As to why utilities in Europe use wind, I am guessing that there are totally different situations, and Euros tend to think differently than NAs. Europe is close to the ocean, so maybe prevailing winds are the reason. Honestly I have no idea. I know on this side of the ocean there are a lot of subsidies to get PPL off the 'oil Tit', which I suspect are politically motivated, but I would be guessing. There are wind farms here and there is also a water turbine near my Mom's birthplace in Nova Scotia at Parrsboro, which is essentially a large hole into which money is poured. They have the highest tides in the world (Marseilles is next) but there is huge problems with silt to contend with.

There is: in Canada. That is only double what the capacity is @ Churchill Falls. I could not find stats on actual vs usable output.

But why try wind...... Us guys like to believe we can get something for nothing and a number of ideas have been tried from balloons with wind generators on them, solar, and Tesla was rumoured to have dreamed up some amazing thing to produce free electricity, but had the rug pulled out from under him (as the legend goes) by his banker. There are a number of PPL who claim to have made over unity devices, but alas men have egos and if somebody in charge believes in his project then money is no object. For instance the guy who spearheaded the Parrsboro power project was from Parrsboro..... Homecoming hero.... Boy who done well....

I am not an engineer and so I am mentioning what I have heard.

Hot Topics / Re: Vegan mother forced to vaccinate her children
« on: April 07, 2017, 02:00:38 am »
I'm afraid I can't agree with you on that one. For starters if you want to make a few extra pounds in your retirement, Robert F Kennedy has offered anyone 100,000 USD for anyone finding or doing studies on the safety of mercury in vaccines. No takers as of yet. Also there was a very well done documentary called "Vaccines Revealed" that completely refutes all culpability on Dr Wakefield.

You have experienced what it's like to be vilified in the press and so should have an inkling of what happened with Wakefield. The press is owned in the US by four corporations. Follow the money.

Then there's the scandal regarding the CDC scientist who participated in changing the results of a study done about 15 -17 years ago on autism which showed that there was a very real autism connection and that it was double in the male/black population. This guy's conscience got the better of him after all those years, but the problem is that the government is not obligated to do anything unless he is subpoenaed to testify. Interestingly Trump has tapped a Democrat from a family that included a President and congressman etc. to head up a real investigation about vaccines. RFK Junior.

Britain has sadly been implicated very deeply into this medical malfeasance regarding Wakefield and the whole issue.

There is a mountain of evidence that vaccines simply have not been scientifically proven to be safe or effective.

A physician friend's daughter recently was vaccine injured. Coma shortly afterwards.

One of my grandchildren was vaccine injured with an eye turning inward.

One of my friend's son is autistic shortly after being vaccinated.

Here you can sign up to watch a free showing:

Hot Topics / Re: Vegan mother forced to vaccinate her children
« on: April 07, 2017, 12:40:17 am »
I didn't realize that parents were forced to vaccinate in your country.

Off Topic / Re: Wind farms
« on: April 06, 2017, 01:15:46 pm »
Back when I was hang gliding I flew from a place where when the sun was getting low the cold air would slide down the mountain side, filling the valley and actually causing rising air, so you'd run like h#ll off to smash through the layer of subsiding air (subsidence) close to the wall and dive out of it and then once you got out a short distance you'd be in what we used to call "Magic" air. Lift everywhere in fact it was a bit difficult to land because you had to dive through it to the landing zone (LZ).

Off Topic / Re: Wind farms
« on: April 05, 2017, 02:05:31 pm »
Hmm, i live just 1 km away from the nearest wind turbine; we have ducks, hens, bees, people nearby have dogs and cats and we don't notice any ill effect of these turbines. There are plenty of wild animals around, mongooses, mice, birds, etc.

The wind doesn't stop at night!

Most large thermal power plants use steam or gas turbines which, AFAIK, can work at full power immediately after starting without any problems. Diesel and gas-engines generators can be also started and stopped at will. There's more wear when they are often cold-started, but it's not such a big problem.

This post signed Alan looks like complete bullshit to me.
Belief is a wonderful thing Iguana.

The wind does indeed 'not' normally make it to the earth at night. Yes it does sometimes and in some locales this may not be true but normally it doesn't. Close to the equator the air is rising and so there is very little wind period, low or high. I've seen it blowing 30 to 50 knots, even at 1000' AGL (350 M) (Above Ground Level) and zero on the ground more nights than I could tell you. It is very strange to be coming in to land (130 to 140 knots approach speed) with a crab of 30 degrees or more into the wind and a major headwind on final and just before touchdown the wind dies to nothing so you suddenly have to straighten out and add power to keep from slamming into the runway. In some locales on the ground, you can even hear the windshear which sounds like a distant roaring from up above. Windshear is the change in windspeed with altitude and is often used to determine where it will be bumpy by pilots, because where there is a stronger wind as you change altitude there is mixing and thus turbulence.

What I have noticed is that often when the wind is 'howling' meaning speeds in the Jetstream in excess of say 80 knots it is often practically dead on the ground.

The theory of why the wind dies at night that I was taught, which may have changed in the intervening years is that during the day the sun heats the earth causing the air next to it to warm up and thus become more viscous and have less mass or inertia, so it sticks to the earth less and can move more quickly and thus windy and also the wind is gusty because it is deflected by everything from trees to mountains to houses etc etc making it tumble.

Conversely in the nighttime the sun's heat is missing, so the air cools, becomes heavier, denser, more resistant to being moved and in essence sticks to the earth, thus no wind and it falls or settles.

Maybe where you are in France, the prevailing wind off of the ocean is incessant because there is less friction on the ocean and diurnal heating/cooling is less. Where I am next to the Pacific we have a mountain range between us and the prevailing westerlies, so the friction is again at work.

Meteorology is a huge topic that PPL spend a lifetime learning. Some books to read that are unusual but fascinating are written by an American hang glider pilot whose name escapes me but he wrote on micrometeorolgy, which is about the winds/air movement below 3000'or 1000 M to the surface.

Re starting and stopping powerstations, I was repeating what a number of electric engineers that ran diesel etc powerplants told me. When they run the powerplants at low speed they puff out a lot of smoke because they are not efficient at low speeds. Basically they would get complaints from the locals about the smoke dirtying the laundry on the clotheslines.

The turbines that I flew were basically damaged by starting and stopping them. This damage is essentially caused by the expanding and contracting of the vanes etc during the temperature changes of starting and stopping, causing the vanes to rub at the tips and stressing them with speed changes. Basically Pratt and Whitney once said to us on a training course, that someone had figured out that each startup caused (probably in today's prices) about 75+ dollars.

What I said about wind turbines being all over the place in regards to output was told to me by friends who did training at a large facility in the US where they trained on simulators. They complained about these wind turbines because at the time they said they were useless. You cannot have inconsistent power on a grid, plain and simple.

I recall discussions at the university where the electrical engineers were discussing the variable output of WT and things were discussed like doing what they were at the time planning in Iceland where they were planning to convert the electricity from the geothermal sites to produce hydrogen and running local cars on it.

There are maps of North America where the wind speeds are given and thus can guide planners to where the wind is most consistent and strong and when I was leaving work, they were constructing a lot of these windmills near the site I lived at, because they had the strongest most consistent winds in NA and it is basically uninhabited.

I heard of one scheme where they have basically a pipe that sticks up in the air and has a sort of drum spinning around it with vanes sticking out to make it spin, sort of like a squirrel cage air fan. I saw pics of it on a Popular Science cover being used on ships to assist to power them.

PPL will always be attracted to what seems like free electricity and will hope and dream that it will work but reality steps in.

Off Topic / Re: Wind farms
« on: April 05, 2017, 03:08:21 am »
To explain more in depth re: the power fluctuations, the turbines do not produce at the early times in the day and the evening when the power is most needed and some days they produce nothing so the regular power plants still have to be there and they don't like running at low power and intermittently so turning them down does no good, only harm. It's sort of like idling your car. After awhile the plugs just foul up and the oil gets dirty and the rings break or wear out.

Off Topic / Wind farms
« on: April 05, 2017, 03:04:28 am »
I knew that wind turbines cause beehives to exhibit all of the symptoms of problems, such as
very angry bees, which means that the farmer cannot get even a bit close without being completely suited up (I and lots of beeks work with no suits at all)
low honey production
Swarming which means loss of a massive amount of bees when they basically flee
death of hives completely

But I was not aware of the devastating affects (death blindness spontaneous abortion etc.) on livestock, wild birds, pets of all sorts,
Deaths of humans and physical misery

I used to work at the largest underground hydroelectric power plant in the world, so I knew from talking to the control room guys that these wind turbines are not far from being useless as they only produce intermittent power and it is a crazy fluctuating power. In other words when you turn on an electric item it requires basically rock steady power or you will have devices constantly burning out from too much power or no working from too low power. That is why they have to have so many turbines, to smooth out the power. Additionally the turbines do not produce at the early times in the day/evening when the power is need and some days they produce nothing so the regular power plants still have to be there and they don't like running at low power so intermittently turning them down does no good only harm.

However this report outlines the reality. Starting with the PPL who live in cities and buy the propaganda and then onto the PPL in rural areas who know the reality. It is financially and environmentally a disaster. Some species are actually being put on the edge of extinction by these windmills.

I personally have read the books on global warming, but now serious doubt has been cast upon it by other PPL coming in who talk about climate cycles being associated with sunspots…


Hot Topics / Re: Preventing mould
« on: March 23, 2017, 06:18:18 am »
IF the electro medicine guys, you know them in the RIFE forum have invented gadgets that can obliterate molds / fungus / yeast / candida in the human body / animal body... than please post links to those gadgets too!
The difficulty that I have with killing everything on the skin of plant material is that not all of them are molds although I can see the good in say and avocado but on apples for instance they have beneficial bacteria on the skin.

As far as killing mold, I first figure out why it is there in the house and fix it... (moisture) and then I kill it with ozone. My latest gadget tho is to use colloidal silver from my Spooky2 CS maker. Works like a charm for the best nano CS. A farmer friend used it for an eye infection one of his goats had and also for a child with a skin infection.

We used a spray mold killer before but I will be putting the CS in a spray bottle in the future as it will leave a film behind of silver which just keeps on working. Costa me maybe 75 cents to make a litre of CS.

I have a number of gadgets for molds infections like zapper. Works for skin infections. Not as good as the one you have GS.

The best gadget is a cleanse or coffee enema, exercise, relationships and most important of all is good food.

Off Topic / Re: The end of the world as we know it
« on: March 17, 2017, 04:01:33 am »
nobody even read the work that Einstein did for awhile. Then it took the German Max Planck a lot of energy and perseverance to believe in his work enough to get him a job which no one wanted to give AE as he was a nobody and a Jew.

If you read the comments below Iquana's links there are big arguments with big sweeping statements.

Whenever someone uses the word 'quack', I take that as a comment on the commentator them self.

Off Topic / Re: Give us a laugh !
« on: March 17, 2017, 03:09:36 am »
and hence the expression fresh-air salesman or saleswoman in this case. Apparently fresh air does nothing for appearance.

Off Topic / Re: The end of the world as we know it
« on: March 17, 2017, 03:05:11 am »
Sorry Iguana, but the "Raw Food Diet" is a dangerous scam, just Google it silly, there are so many links to set you on the right path.

Alive, I'm with you. Whenever I see some self-righteous person who has their degree based on a particular notion justify that it's their way or the doorway, I laugh and leave them alone. No point talking to them. There's always room for better theories.

Off Topic / Re: The end of the world as we know it
« on: March 16, 2017, 01:21:39 pm »
This winter is a very cold one here, probably 10 degrees Celsius colder than usual.

Off Topic / Re: The end of the world as we know it
« on: March 15, 2017, 01:43:35 am »
There's an expression- "Even a stopped clock is right twice a day".

Anything the government says is automatically wrong.

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