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Messages - reyyzl

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Primal Diet / Re: Juicing in Primal Diet
« on: May 14, 2012, 09:07:54 pm »
If av sees a person and it is obvious to him that juicing will not help their health, when he recommends their diet, he will make one without juices. For example, juicing is not good for primal diet children.

Al, many have claimed to me that after a flu or other infection on primal diet that their health and body became and becomes better than they ever had anytime. I don't say you should, but in my life what one might call pain had been necessary. It depends on what your health needs are.

When it causes uncomfortable reactions. It is completely dependant on the individual. Some can do very well on it, some cannot.

If it causes discomfort for a substantial period of time, that's a sign. Also different juices and or different combinations or proportions of combinations will have different effects.

AV has some great ideas and some very bad ones.

For instance getting sick periodically is a good thing/sign.  Duh, what part of pain is necessary.
When is that?

Primal Diet / Re: Naw Aajonus article
« on: May 14, 2012, 08:52:13 pm »
Gives a different take. I like it.

Off Topic / Re: Happy Mothers Day
« on: May 14, 2012, 08:50:36 pm »
Thank you!  I hope you all had a happy day!

We went to a fair yesterday. They sold gazpacho and various fresh fruit. No other near RPFs. It was nice getting out seeing all the other fair offerings, clothes, chairs, etc. Next fair maybe I or we sell the food, and expand it to a more rounded menu we want to eat.

Primal Diet / Re: Questions about Primal Diet
« on: May 10, 2012, 01:03:43 pm »
Btw, did AV shared his own medical documents or his son, or that girl Owanza, who claimed to cure from multiple tumours?

I believe Owanza was a married adult with a teenage child when the story began.

Primal Diet / Re: Aajonus' real name and PhD?
« on: May 10, 2012, 12:55:20 pm »
Anyway, that's the way I interpret it.  Oh, and I think alias worked.

Pen name?

Primal Diet / Re: russian version
« on: May 10, 2012, 12:46:59 pm »
I think, if I'm not mistaken, Jim is Aajonus' guy who handles the web site and appointments and what not? Not sure, but he's the one who answered when I called to say thanks to Aajonus for freeing me from disease and all the illusory aspects of our culture.

The WeWant2Live website belongs to Jim Ellingson. He takes care of that for aajonus. 

... and require more quality control so that over developed eggs didnt make it to the store and also i think roosters make hens competitive.  if you have a local farmer just ask him if he has a rooster, thats not to say all of the eggs will be fertilized but some may be

At a small farm like where I get eggs, the eggs the farmer gathers are from that same day's laying. Once the eggs are away from the warmth of the mother hen's bottom, the eggs don't develop any farther.  It's a small farm and I have not seen competitiveness, but perhaps they would be more docile with no roosters.  Most of the eggs that they check are fertilized at this one.  It's hard to get the non-fertilized ones.

Primal Diet / Re: 7 weeks on an all Raw Milk Diet
« on: April 24, 2012, 10:51:21 am »

    I've seen people who could digest nothing else, subsist on raw pastured eggs.

    Brady, are you drinking milk now?

The only salt I have is sea salt? What vegetables contain salt?
And I DO drink lots of water. Nursing gets me thirsty.

Sea beans  taste very salty, spinach, beet greens, sea grapes (tastes salty too) and animal foods such as kidneys, scallops, raw cow dairy (I found unhomogenized yogurt and cheese to suit me nursing) and you can look up vegetables for sodium content here as well.

As regards salt,  I have only used it a few times, several years ago, as part of various experiments. However, I have never dared use it regularly, as, since going rawpalaeo, salt has a very acrid, unnatural taste in my mouth, which I consider a bad sign. Natural salts exist in meats etc., so  that is not an issue.

I'm thinking that for a nursing mom who is eating complex carbohydrates and drinking lots of water, some sort of salt may be helpful, perhaps from ocean food, blood, rock salt, vegetables?

Do animals happen to eat high meat or only raw fresh one?

My dog found a raw piece of an animal yesterday on the grass under the wooden unfinished fence, this meat on bone stinking strongly, covered and 'crawling' or rather squiggling with many small live worms.  He ate some and carried it around for a bit. He seemed to enjoy it, even though he had eaten a full meal recently before same morning.

Primal Diet / Re: cheesy butter
« on: April 18, 2012, 03:17:53 pm »
Cheesy butter smell is tough to get accustomed to, but it doesn't make it less healthy.

As a direct result, there was a big counter-attack by the WAPF etc. , in which they claimed that the Masai had in the last few decades gone in for grains-consumption etc. which led to less health. However, my impression is that grains-consumption  was part of the traditional Masai diet for  millenia.

The grain they consume is corn, is it not? Corn certainly they did not have for millenia.

Grain may be helpful at this time, but I don't think regular grain. That may help deplete your bones.  Some fermented grain may be better.  Also, enough fluids, especially when eating starches.

Are you using any salt or foods that salts occur in naturally?

Health / Re: Multiple Sclerosis
« on: April 18, 2012, 02:59:37 pm »
Nails in your feet Sclerosis

Hamer’s method is snake oil, it doesn’t work. I know a person who recently had a brain tumor and relied on Hamer’s method instead of taking proper action. 

I too know someone who had a serious case of brain cancer and sought treatment with Hamer. He is well now. I'm not sure whether Hamer's help is what did it. He does eat RAF. He did say some of his healing was spiritual. I may ask him.

Primal Diet / Re: Juicing in Primal Diet
« on: April 14, 2012, 02:47:02 pm »
In some cases juicing is not to be done on the primal diet.

Primal Diet / Re: russian version
« on: April 14, 2012, 02:37:48 pm »

I think knows Russian? Maybe he might have the time and energy to translate it? Ask him? Maybe you, he or both go to Jim Ellingson to do it? Did you know Russian, yourself?

Primal Diet / Re: Fiber in the Primal Diet
« on: April 05, 2012, 02:35:32 am »
Have you been practicing the primal diet and while doing so experienced health problems due to magnesium deficiency? You may find a lesser requirement of magnesium during this time and still get all the health benefits.  Alternatively if you plan to avoid using a juicer the are ways around it. You could chew the vegetables, and spit the pulp out. That's one.

Primal Diet / Re: 7 weeks on an all Raw Milk Diet
« on: March 25, 2012, 06:25:11 am »
    Did you do it, Zeno?

Primal Diet / Re: Colostrum
« on: March 25, 2012, 06:18:29 am »
    aajonus has shown that freezing butter depletes some of it's nutrients. Spring butter is nice.

General Discussion / Re: fish vs red meats
« on: January 31, 2012, 10:04:35 am »
We are a large percent of red meat ourselves, so red meat is kinda closer to what we mostly ...

I've only eaten meat that had the blood drained out of it.  Chickens, goats and pigs have red blood, fish not always.  Cows have red blood.  Drained, cows have red muscle meat, the others tend to be lighter, except tuna.  Why is human called long pig? Have you seen human flesh drained?  I'm told by soldiers human flesh is light color.

Primal Diet / Re: no salt raw cheese
« on: January 31, 2012, 09:55:37 am »
Primalgirl, make sure Trader Joe's raw cheese is truly raw, never heated above 118 degree F.   I know certain "organic raw cheeses" sold at grocers have been heated to 150 degree F.  And the saleperson at grocers may  not be the one who knows for sure. I have to contact the manufacturers to find out. I get my truly raw cheese from a local farmer.

Last I checked with TJ they only 'thermalized' at a consistent 145 degrees throughout for fifteen minutes.

Primal Diet / Re: Aajonus Video
« on: January 29, 2012, 08:57:30 am »
Did Aajonus say he also experimented with urine therapy?

He has said that.

Primal Diet / Re: no salt raw cheese
« on: January 29, 2012, 08:53:59 am »
Try one of these-,,

Shalom Farms Organic Cheese.
Shalom Farms,
RD 1, Box 1628A,
Bethel, PA 19507,
All their cheeses are vegetarian. Raw milk and regular cheese.

Primal Diet / Re: Chocolate?
« on: September 08, 2011, 04:25:20 am »
Yes, it was bumped because a troll left an irrelevant message just before. I deleted the troll's comment only praising chocolate. Obviously by all their other comments on this forum they have never read that we might be paleo or raw.

Something on rare occasion aajonus recommends is vanilla, as organic vanilla.  On this item I have not seen him specify raw, although he does specify that on all other foods I've seen besides the ones mentioned here by KD for certain limited purposes and instances depending on what AV sees in their health.  I have not asked, but I would think the reason he has not put raw for vanilla could be that it being organic is more important for the specific healing purpose, than waiting to find a truly raw source in every way.  I saw this by my own other experiences I've had with herbs, healing and many ways edible plant products are treated with either chemicals and or other substances by man.

One chicken needs about an acre to find enough food to not have its food supplemented. ..

Even if you get pastured hens it DOES NOT mean that they find their own food. The only place you will find that is if just a small amount of hens are raised on a large ranch for the people that eat them. I love to watch the hens jump up in my yard to get grass seeds. ..

I feed my hens food produced by a local person, my leftovers and I will grow them bugs myself when there are not enough in the yard - which is almost always. Hens do not usually eat grass - they eat grass seed. They do eat other greens though.

I have seen my hens catch even a small snake.

Chickens are mostly carnivorous.

Depends on what vines and bugs you have growing on that acre, and what kind of soil it's all growing in too.

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