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Messages - miles

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General Discussion / potassium lactate and sodium diacetate
« on: January 15, 2010, 09:22:18 am »
It seems that these chemicals may be what's in my beef mince... It's horrible... they repulse me, pain my digestive tract, gives me a headache and makes me feel tired... I'll stay away from them now, but I don't know if there's any beef mince without this stuff...?

Hot Topics / Re: Before Bed-time
« on: January 14, 2010, 11:40:17 pm »
Eh?... Raw seems much more acidic... and if people didn't produce stomach acid, then they'd want to eat food that had acid in it already...? And you said they eat raw.

Not saying I'm right, because I know nothing. It's just I don't understand.

Welcoming Committee / Re: Advice on how to heal the gut
« on: January 14, 2010, 06:15:25 am »
Why don't you just go for Cooked-meat Paleo first? That should get rid of your initial problems. That's what I did, but now after about a year of gradually fine-tuning my Cooked-meat Paleo, I've felt that raw meat is the next step for improvement. My next, after tuning that, will I expect be sourcing more and more pastured beef, and then by adding variety: Other animals and maybe some organs.

General Discussion / Cod
« on: January 14, 2010, 12:07:33 am »
One site said that Cod or Herring shouldn't be eaten raw due to parasites(though the site said that many others were OK and even good so it's not just anti-raw), what do you think about this? If it had been frozen(though that may reduce the quality) would that not destroy all parasites anyway?


I have a mixed tray of chopped fish (Salmon, Cod and one other) which has been frozen for quite a long time, so if I can get a quick response maybe I can go and eat it =D

Hot Topics / Re: Before Bed-time
« on: January 13, 2010, 08:02:56 pm »
Oh man... I ran out of meat I could have raw that was defrosted and left out of the fridge.. So I cooked up some of the mince gently as I have been doing before. I think my stomach was already getting used to the raw because I've got quite a pain now... I think maybe since raw meat's more acidic, I didn't need as much acid, but now my cooked meat is sitting rotting in my guts or something...

General Discussion / Re: Raw Chicken
« on: January 13, 2010, 04:42:21 am »
I really want to keep eating just raw meat but the stuff that doesn't taste horrible is expensive... =/ Just normal supermarket Rump Steak is £1/100g. Then the beef mince, which is a good price, has some horrible added chemical which doesn't disappear unless you cook it or something =/

General Discussion / Re: Raw Chicken
« on: January 13, 2010, 02:05:55 am »
Are you talking about normal supermarket chicken?

Exercise / Bodybuilding / Re: Ultimate Martial Arts
« on: January 13, 2010, 01:27:36 am »
By 'new agers' you mean: Boxers, Judo Players, Greco-Roman and Freestyle Wrestlers?

Barefoot running ftw.

Exercise / Bodybuilding / Re: Ultimate Martial Arts
« on: January 12, 2010, 11:28:52 pm »
Two people I know who went near-Paleo after I gave them some information reported that they have developed a sixth sense for detecting people without seeing them.

Interesting.... That was said of me.. that you couldn't look at me without me knowing and looking back, even from behind. This was after I was eating 'paleo'(cooked meat though). I hadn't related it to anything until now.

Exercise / Bodybuilding / Re: Ultimate Martial Arts
« on: January 12, 2010, 11:17:08 pm »
Go back to Judo!

Exercise / Bodybuilding / Re: Toshitsugi Takamatsu, the last ninja...
« on: January 12, 2010, 11:07:30 pm »
So... He ate raw meat, and nearly died from tape-worms...?

Hot Topics / Re: Before Bed-time
« on: January 12, 2010, 09:01:45 pm »
I thought that in the UK they had to say if they added any ingredients, but there is nothing on the packet..

Heh... I actually tested the beef-mince on my cats too, a few months ago when I first tried it raw. They did eat it, but I didn't give them much, it's possible they may have left it after a while *shrug*.

Hot Topics / Re: Before Bed-time
« on: January 12, 2010, 05:23:13 am »
F***. Is there some chemical they add to beef mince that disappears or becomes harmless when it's cooked or something? There is some chemical(Natural/Unnatural, Added or not I can't tell) in the beef mince that repulses me, tells me not to eat it. It gives me a kind of headache as I eat it and for a long time afterwards(many hours), and I had it last time I tried raw mince. It's horrible.

I don't think I got this with the Rump steak I had raw this morning... But then maybe I just didn't have so much. However it still repulsed me, the taste... I could handle it though, thought I just needed to get used to it, but with the mince I think there is something different...

Edit: Just had some properly raw Beef Rump Steak, left out of the fridge for ~6hrs and it was delicious. The last one I had, I had heated it in the oven to just make it warm; didn't taste nice. I don't know what that was in the mince though still...

Hot Topics / Re: Before Bed-time
« on: January 12, 2010, 12:08:45 am »
During the week my second session finishes between 20:30 and 22:00. I could eat a lot before the second, but I'm struggling to eat a lot of the raw meat(Supermarket beef mince approx. 18g protein/16g fat and deep red colour which I think is good) which I've just started trying... Once I can eat enough of it, I'd think it might satisfy my hungry for longer than cooked as well?

Why is it that body-builder types talk about eating a load of protein right before bed.. cottage cheese/chicken breast? I'd think that if they did it that it must be good for recovery, but it doesn't feel good normally to eat protein w/o fat, and the fat, it would seem, might be what's keeping me awake..? They actually talk about purposefully eating foods that will make the protein digest slowly, to last them through the night, but also saying at the same time not to overeat because it's 'just meant to be a snack'. This doesn't really make sense...

Hot Topics / Re: Before Bed-time
« on: January 11, 2010, 08:42:44 pm »
Well the hunger built up and I felt so strongly that my body was telling me to eat(High stomach acid and getting jittery) and I didn't think I should ignore it. I ate some raw beef-rump(ended up finishing at 1am since I'd tried to go without eating), quite a lot of fat. Again I didn't get to sleep for a long time, and when I did I kept waking up. I then woke up a few hours before I usually would, and I had strong hunger again and couldn't get back to sleep. That's my second time waking after a day without fruit and again feel achy and non-recovered from a bad night's sleep, even more so than yesterday since I guess it's kind of 'stacked up'.

General Discussion / Re: To Chew or not to Chew
« on: January 11, 2010, 09:08:25 am »
Could one of the reasons that humans have less sharp teeth than other carnivores be because of our hands/nails? We can hold with our hands/nails and tear away the meat quite precisely with our two front-teeth, where as a cat may be limited in the amount it can tear because it's hard for it to use its' paws and have to rely on cutting with the sharp canines.

General Discussion / Re: Hunting
« on: January 11, 2010, 07:12:11 am »
Unless you live in a very remote spot, I would be worried about what the animal had been eating.

Maybe you could dig a ditch in your back yard and cover it with twigs and branches and then try to coax a deer across it by playing highway noises on the other side.

Yeah.. I think I heard that's the reason why Islam forbids the consumption of pigs; because they used to be 'used' as 'cleaners', foraging the streets, so they would be bad to eat *shrug*. I also heard that the best mussels are found at sewer out-lets, but then they're 'filter-feeders' so I suppose they can dodge the bad stuff.

Hot Topics / Re: Before Bed-time
« on: January 11, 2010, 06:39:26 am »
All I need is to recover properly.. I train 2 times in the day. In the week I do 'conditioning'(with weights etc.) early on and my sport late on; week-ends it's reversed. I eat low-cooked fatty meat(alone but with fishoil/small multivit) before the first and between the first and second session. What to do after the second is where I get stuck...

I'm not a body-builder exactly, we have weight-divisions; but I need to make sure that every time I train in my sport I am strong, recovered, ache and pain free to perform to my best and get the most improvement I can out of the session. That is the goal of everything I do outside of it, preparation.

When exploring what to eat before sleeping, I've only really found information from/for body-builders. It varies a lot, but it seems to be mainly to have protein with little else. Would this also keep me from sleeping?


Edit: 11pm, maybe finished my 'conditioning' around 1hr ago; though finishing would usually range between 7-9pm. I'm feeling fairly tired, but I'm also a bit hungry.. The stomach acid is building up. I don't know if that's just because I'm used to eating after my second session, or because I should be eating, but just lean meat or something *shrug*.

Hot Topics / Before Bed-time
« on: January 11, 2010, 12:40:21 am »
I'm an athlete. What is good to eat as a last meal, not long before going to bed?

If I have fruit(maybe even with some meat), it means my stomach will be uncomfortable, I'll feel weak and tired and get to sleep fast, and sleep for a long time. Next morning I will feel as though I am fully-recovered: No aching, no tiredness, not feeling like I need more sleep; but I will have some muscle pains/inflammation including in my gut.

If I have meat(~18g protein/16g fat) I will feel strong and I will lie in bed a long time before I can get to sleep, when I wake up I will feel tired, muscles aching, quite dehydrated and feel like I need more sleep(which I don't do); but I will be strong, no muscle pain or inflammation, just ache.

As I am inconsistent, since nothing's been completely comfortable yet, I don't know whether if I were to stick to the meat only before bed(I eat almost solely meat the rest of the time already as I can't afford muscle pain/inflammation during training) I would get used to it and no longer ache or feel tired upon waking, or whether I need to try something different still.

For example: Perhaps eating leaner meat before bed-time instead of fattier-meat. I have my meat(mince) very barely-cooked now, so the fat remains in the meat, but I seem to remember that when I used to microwave it that during the day I would get all the fat up with the meat, and before bed I would leave a lot of the fat out of instinct but I'm not sure. Although I seem to remember being even more dehydrated during the night/upon waking having lean meat before bed than fatty meat.

Anyway, that seems like I've written quite a bit. Responses will be valued.


Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Burning Protein/Flushing Amino
« on: September 17, 2009, 08:13:30 pm »
Do you guys find that you need to pee+drink a lot when you start some intense exercise(If you have had meat any time beforehand, even hours before - the more quantity/most recently I'd had meat the more I would need to pee)? I wasn't sure if it was just the body flushing the amino acids because they just get in the way/damage you if they're not being used; or if it was the NH3 because I was burning protein or something. I was thinking the former. I know that if I don't accept my body's urges to drink and flush I get muscle cramps.

Also, I have found very limited sources which say that, amongst the sub-cutaneous adipose(to store fat), there is also collagen which stores protein. Although most sources claim that protein can't be stored in the body, they would also say that there should be a constant flow of slow-release carbohydrates and that burning stored fat is only an emergency response and is bad.

Does anyone know more about this?

General Discussion / Re: Headache
« on: September 12, 2009, 07:55:14 pm »
Detox right after eating raw beef mince?

General Discussion / Headache
« on: September 11, 2009, 07:00:24 am »
Anyone else get a headache from eating raw beef('normal' store beef)? Didn't eat all that much of it but I could feel it coming on(and remaining) along with mild sickness(brain thinking, whether correctly or not, that it has ingested toxins - if the feeling gets strong enough the body will throw up. False example is dizziness)

Everyone knows chimpanzees fish and go hunting. They hunt in bands to catch monkey meat, they do it for fun, not dissimilar from raids in World of Warcraft... 100% serious. They often THROW AWAY!!!!! fine pieces of meat they catch!!!!

LOL did you play WoW? What server? ThVeCo. ftw?

I actually picked a pair up for myself after seeing them here. Took about a week for my feet to get conditioned to more direct feel of the pavement but after that they've been great. The pavement around here is too littered with miscellaneous debris for me to consider true barefoot but these suffice for me in that regard. My family still thinks I'm nuts for wearing them but if it works for you why stop? Unfortunately it's been 40*F the past few mornings and doesn't look like it'll be warming up any time soon so they're probably going to sit until spring.

Heh, the only weather that got me to bring them out was the heavy snowfall which covered the pavement so I couldn't see what I could be running on =)

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