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Messages - Fermenter Zym

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Journals / Re: Zym's Journal
« on: March 24, 2012, 07:02:12 am »
Oh I do that too. Well I actually let mine ferment for like two days with the grains then possibly another day without. Then its really sour!

What's your diet consist of, Adora?

Journals / Re: Zym's Journal
« on: March 23, 2012, 11:23:02 pm »

I began eating raw paleo again two days ago with some liver, chuck roast, and beef fat. I noticed a worsening of candida symptoms in my throat and mouth so that is some concern, as I have also been feeling quite spacey as well. I drank about a cup of raw kefir yesterday and felt good after drinking it but had some pain in my toes and today I now have pain in my knees and joints (which could also possibly be attributed to the fat worsening the candida symptoms). I am planning on driving to a local raw dairy so that I can get some quality butter and cream (to ferment into kefir sour cream), but am worried to introduce it until after a conference I am teaching at this weekend. It would probably be wisest to not introduce it all until Monday. We'll see.

Journals / Re: Zym's Journal
« on: March 18, 2012, 11:54:22 pm »
Thanks. That's a really interesting perspective. Do you struggle with eating high meats while living on a farm with people whom I presume do not eat raw?

That's the situation I'm finding myself.

Journals / Re: Zym's Journal
« on: March 18, 2012, 11:36:35 pm »
Hey I'm still out of town so I unfortunately have not been able to do much in terms of changing my diet for the better. I will definitely do that though. I will probably use kefir whey, butter, and cabbage use when I return home to Philadelphia. Thank you so much for your help again!

Speaking of fermented goodness... do you think that fermented veggies are problematic in a raw diet wherein the majority of what one eats is meat / fat / dairy?

Journals / Re: Zym's Journal
« on: March 16, 2012, 03:32:33 am »
have you ever thought it might be the coconut oil?

If the coconut oil does anything negative, it's usually just the feeling of being sick to my stomach. I'll definitely keep an eye out for it and compare my symptoms. Thanks for helping me, Jessica. I feel less confused and burdened when you provide your insight.

Journals / Re: Zym's Journal
« on: March 15, 2012, 11:10:03 pm »
Thanks Jessica, I am considering some enzymes from Pancreas or from Dr. Ron's Pancreas supplement. I do like liver but haven't eaten it for a while. I should definitely get back into eating more organ meats.


3/15/2012 11:00 AM

I just ate some cooked chicken and coconut oil, which was a leftover. The right side of my body is in pretty severe pain now and my feet from the ankles down are in pain. I believe this symptom is related to eating cooked vegetables or kombucha last evening as this is a very similar symptom I had when travelling in the past and eating cooked cabbage and coconut oil. At that time my toes and my fingers felt like they were losing circulation. I feel a similar sensation but for both whole feet right now.

I'm glad to have this opportunity of experimenting with other foods, especially cooked foods. It is helping me to see the comparison of my physical health when eating raw versus cooked. When eating raw I experience poor mental health just because of a feeling of being socially isolated and awkward, so if I can accept my raw diet and move past that, I can experience both physical and mental health. It's not worth being in pain to eat an enjoyable food.

Now the question is whether I will be able to tolerate raw butter as a source of fat when I return to Philadelphia. And what should I eat for the next five days in Pittsburgh?

Journals / Re: Zym's Journal
« on: March 15, 2012, 09:12:53 pm »
That's a good idea. I made a bunch of sauerkraut so I think I will juice that and then get some cabbage soon. I remember reading somewhere that drinking a liter of cabbage juice a day will get rid of ulcers. That's a lot of cabbage juice!

Do you have any idea how I can better digest raw fats? Should I eat pancreas or just start eating more butter (which also contains the fat enzyme lipase)?

Journals / Re: Zym's Journal
« on: March 15, 2012, 10:42:04 am »
whoa zym those pictures are awesome haha!
i bet it was the GT's that made you spacey, that stuff used to space me out, kinda get me drunk feeling, i drank ALOT when they first came out and for a while thought it might be growing in my ears(no joke) so i discontinued and cannot even think about tasting that stuff again, toooooooo yeasty for sure, even homemade stuff and vinegar i stay away from

I have read kombucha is antagonistic to the bacteria that causes ulcers, which I have been struggling for a couple weeks. Do you happen to know any other recommendations for ulcers?

Journals / Re: Zym's Journal
« on: March 15, 2012, 10:22:02 am »

I have been eating a cooked Gut and Psychology Syndrome diet consisting of just fermented vegetable juices, bone broths, and chicken and have felt relatively good (with the exception of an ulcer which began when eating raw fats). I felt good until today when I ate a soup with cooked cauliflower, chicken, and coconut oil and felt incredibly spacey. I am unsure if it was caused by this or caused by drinking two GT's Kombucha's earlier in the day or possible die-off the raw garlic from the day before and the morning of (The garlic made my digestive pains much worse). I would like to get back more on a raw diet and am craving raw meats, but believe I can't digest raw fats. I plan on taking the advice of Good Samaritan and using more probiotics, and I am considering introducing raw kefir in order to inculcate my gut with bacteria.

I am struggling to find the balance of enjoying food and enjoying life to finding health and sticking to a diet plan. I will soon start working at an organic vegetable farm which will put me right by a great raw dairy and meat distributor so I am glad that I can continue to explore my diet choices. I am also starting to realize the importance of the mind and the breath in my healing and am enjoying the journey. I often feel like the wounded healer, and hope this path will bring me peace and joy.

Hot Topics / Re: Bill Gates, Monsanto, and Eugenics
« on: March 01, 2012, 09:35:05 pm »
True, except for the fact that 3rd world nations are all currently trying to emulate first-worlders in terms of consumption etc. I can only hope that when all Indians and all Chinese etc. are using the world's resources at the same pace as the Americans, that we will all run out of resources and have to face famine and other consequences. Quite frankly, I find it already far too overcrowded in Europe, as it is. Perhaps if we had Palaeolithic-era population-sizes, things would be better.

True. Overpopulation is the nature of civilization. Permaculture to the rescue!

Hot Topics / Re: Bill Gates, Monsanto, and Eugenics
« on: March 01, 2012, 09:34:28 pm »
Haha this guy is amazing.
He wants to solve the planet's problem with CO2, which isn't even proven to be a problem in the first place. Scientists haven't figured out yet if the climate change is something human-caused (extra CO2 or whatever) or just something that's happening naturally, as it has happened countless times back in history. At some point in history the air had more than 10% of CO2! Now it's just 0.3% and everyone is going crazy about it.

There is essentially a scientific consensus among climate change researchers that climate change is anthropogenic. Don't believe the media that there is "still a debate raging on." The debate is political, not scientific.

Hot Topics / Re: Bill Gates, Monsanto, and Eugenics
« on: March 01, 2012, 12:06:59 pm »
Bill Gates' depopulation agenda is 100% true. This is a guy who openly admitted on stage in front of a live audience that if society does a "really great job" with vaccines and health care, we can "lower the population by perhaps 10 to 15 percent." Watch that video yourself right here:

"The world today has 6.8 billion people. That's heading up to about nine billion. Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent!" (About 1 Billion People!)

Go to 2:40

We live on a finite planet, so population growth has to stop eventually, either with policy, war, or famine (or a combination of all three). If you read Daniel Quinn's work, one can find that population growth would stop if we stop increasing the supply of food every year. As food reaches a plateau, populations adjust and stop having as many children. Population growth is certainly one of the most controversial topics of today. It challenges the very foundations of Western culture -- that is to say the notions that humans are not animals and are above nature (rather than part of nature), that humans have complete dominion over the Earth, and that economic growth is necessary for a healthy economy and society.

Hot Topics / Re: Bill Gates, Monsanto, and Eugenics
« on: March 01, 2012, 11:59:29 am »
THis b*ll*cks is just a conspiracy theory of dubious means. I wish it were true. I mean, the birth-rate in the 3rd world is already far too high, and needs to be reduced by something like 95%. Otherwise endless species of wildlife  will inevitably get wiped out.

Don't forget that the population in industrialized nation use far far far more resources. I remember reading somewhere that one American birth in terms of carbon footprint is equivalent to 20-some births of an Indian.

General Discussion / Re: Kefir fermentation extra strength
« on: March 01, 2012, 10:55:19 am »

It seems that milk kefir grains prefer lactose, rather than just sugar. Explore the kefir wonderland:


Journals / Re: Zym's Journal
« on: February 29, 2012, 05:37:40 am »

My digestion still hurts, even though all I have eaten today is raw egg yolks, fermented ginger carrot juice, and filtered water (with some added trace minerals). I am keeping a close eye on my tongue to see if my oral thrush (which is a sign of Candida) goes away, which it is seeming to right now. I have read that fat is antimicrobial, so I consider it a possibility that it is killing off this pathogen.

I am going to purchase more raw beef and raw fat tomorrow and continue to experiment. I would like to get some raw kefir sour cream for probiotics (and taste, it is incredible), but I wouldn't introduce it for at least a few days to a week after continuing to eat raw fat and raw meat.

I have been feeling pretty healthy, despite the digestive pain, which has inspired me to continue going further. Good Samaritan has recommended overdosing on probiotics and I did this a little bit last evening and this morning, but the pain seems to be worse and I don't have the quantity of probiotics right now to continue doing that. I also don't know if I am willing to spend the expense at this time on that experiment.

Journals / Zym's Journal
« on: February 28, 2012, 08:42:54 am »
Most people find themselves on this forum in a desperate search of a healing diet. Many feel that they have tried everything without success and are willing to unravel every social stigma in order to find peace and avoid pain. I am beginning this journal about my own incomplete search so that people may learn from my successes and mistakes, and thereby decide what is best for their body, their intestinal bacterial symbionts, their spirit, and their joy.

If you ever have any questions concerning my journals and other posts, feel free to private message me.




I began eating raw paleo again after eating a week's long diet of eggs cooked with coconut oil, onions, garlic, and sea salt, as inspired by the full GAPS Diet. Eating mainly raw eggs and some meats was not providing me with enough fat (coconut oil without cooked food was unappealing), so I gave up on RPD that I have been playing around with for a month (with some success) to see if I could develop better stools and get this Candida / Gut problem in order. When I started feeling much worse, I decided I needed to give RPD a more serious try.

I bought two three pound chuck roasts and a 3 pound brisket and maybe 8 pounds of marrow bones from a wonderful local grass-fed supplier and have eaten nearly all of it over the past three days. Yes, that's three pounds of meat/fat a day. I have eaten very little of anything else (just a half cup of fermented ginger carrots this evening), so I essentially have been eating zero carb. From starting this my digestion has been killing me.

I am uncertain if my digestion is hurting because of Candida die-off or an inability to digest raw fats / raw meats. I have had intense cravings for these meats and fats once I had access to them, so instinct tells me its die-off, but it's always hard to tell, as Candida seems to be able to control the human organism to survive (Candida might like the undigested fats). My hope was to continue eating this way for a little while to see if it goes away, which would require that I take another thirty minute trip tomorrow to buy more beef / marrow.

My original plan was to buy A LOT of raw cream to make kefir sour cream as a source of fat and bacteria, but they were all out. The last time I ate kefir sour cream I felt great. I hadn't felt that way in years. I'm waiting on the farm to email me back about when they will be back in stock.

I have to be resilient in continuing the diet for a little to have enough information to decide if I am detoxing or just hurting my gut for food I cannot currently digest. Only time will tell.

General Discussion / Re: Where to Find Fluoride-Free Water
« on: February 27, 2012, 01:46:19 am »
I'm pretty sure that there is no added fluoride in mineral water from natural springs. Now, standard mineral water not from natural springs is often just processed tapwater, so may well have fluoride in it.

Thanks TD, I'll look into it in more detail.

General Discussion / Re: Where to Find Fluoride-Free Water
« on: February 27, 2012, 01:45:59 am »
where do you live?

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States

General Discussion / Where to Find Fluoride-Free Water
« on: February 27, 2012, 01:11:54 am »

I would like to drink water that is free of fluoride and chlorine, but I remember reading recently that even bottled spring water often has added fluoride. Does anyone have any insight into how/where I can get clean water?

thanks in advance,

Hot Topics / Re: Kombucha tea anyone?
« on: February 27, 2012, 12:15:13 am »
I make kombucha. The difference between correctly home-made and store-bought is gigantic. Kombucha is made with sugar but should have no sugar left in it when you drink it. The sugar should be used by the scoby. Also, capping off the kombucha to make it bubbly makes alcohol and carbon-dioxide - neither of which is good for you. That's why traditionally you put a cloth over the kombucha so these things are released. Home-made kombucha is more like vinegar than the bubbly sugar drink that most people think of it as.

Once you know how to make it, it's almost impossible to get sick unless you are a complete do-do. It's quite clear if your scoby is healthy or not.

Great insight. Thank you, Dorothy. I enjoy fermenting ginger carrots and then making juice out of them mixed with some raw eggs.

Health / Re: Weak Adrenals/Lyme?
« on: February 26, 2012, 10:39:42 pm »
I've also been diagnosed as having Lyme. I think a lot of the diseases of the modern world come from a lack of nutrients, probiotic bacteria and yeast in the gut, and enzymes. Even Natasha Campbell McBride of the GAPS Diet says that Lyme is a catch all term in medicine nowadays for diseases that can't be explained (which usually have gut origin). She said a high number of people around the world have lyme in their blood without symptoms. The problem is that the people getting symptoms do not have a properly functioning immune system. I think the best immune booster would be to eat raw bone marrow, which happens to taste like candy to me haha.

I have also considered introducing raw kefir sour cream as a source of fat to try to provide my gut with probiotics because other sources of fat hurt my digestion, but I also am considering just eating raw thyroid and adrenals to see if they would aid my digestion. It seems that cultures who eat animals prized these organs for their life giving properties (in addition to other organ meats). Feel free to private message me if you would like to talk in more detail.

General Discussion / Re: Hard Fats vs. Soft Fats
« on: February 26, 2012, 10:30:49 pm »
I seem to be having digestive pains from  the white fats on muscle meats like chuck roast and brisket. Is this normal?

Do you think I should switch over only to bone marrow as a source of fat to heal my digestive system?

General Discussion / Storing Meat in a S.A.D. Fridge
« on: February 26, 2012, 09:12:52 am »
Hey all,

I'm going to be interning on an organic vegetable farm CSA (community supported agriculture) and will be eating raw paleo while living there. I was wondering if anyone had any recommendations on how best to store my meat in a fridge of (likely) all cooked diet foods shared by six people. I was considering asking if I could have my own mini-fridge, but otherwise I was thinking Pyrex jars or mason jars. ( )

Does anyone have any better ideas or experience in the like?

Primal Diet / Re: Juicing in Primal Diet
« on: February 26, 2012, 01:45:55 am »
Thanks, Al.

I remember reading that you juice once or twice a week, correct? Do you find that it's essential on the Primal Diet or when eating raw dairy?

Primal Diet / Juicing in Primal Diet
« on: February 26, 2012, 01:18:57 am »
Hello all,

I've been a little skeptical of the benefit of green vegetable juices, but I recently stumbled across information from Dr. Natasha Campbell McBride of the Gut and Psychology Syndrome Diet (a modified cooked food, raw dairy, Weston A. Price diet for people with Autism and psychiatric disorders with miraculous results) and saw that she also recommended juiced greens and fruits for the following reason:

In order to activate the parasympathetic nervous system and to calm down the sympathetic one we need raw juices, rich in magnesium, potassium and other substances.

She would also include that they possess detoxifying substances and raw enzymes. However, I'm not all that interested in juicing (both for taste and expense) but I am interested in introducing raw cream into my raw diet, so I was wondering if juices would be essential to complement that.

Is juicing essential to the Primal Diet?

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