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Messages - Polyvore

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Health / Re: Raw liver. Too much vitamin A?
« on: September 21, 2012, 10:45:45 am »
Wow, jessica! 1/2 lb a day is a lot of liver! I would think that is dangerous... are you eating kidneys and SPLEEN? If not I would definitely recommend, they are high in iron, and spleen actually has vitamin C which has a big role in iron absorption! You might think you are getting vitamin c from fruits, but perhaps your anemic feeling is because the plant-based vitamin c is not absorbing well? Plant and animal vitamin types are very different but we need both types to function at our best.

Health / Re: Elevated lead
« on: September 21, 2012, 10:31:19 am »
I can't believe no one has said this yet, as you are all so knowledgeable!

You should definitely be eating lots and lots of SQUID and CRAB! All three are high in copper, zinc and selenium, and low in magnesium. Crustaceons are high in iodine which will help secrete the manganese.
OYSTERs are very high in copper, zinc and iodine, so you should fight to get your hands some fresh  oysters a day.
Grass fed beef liver and goose liver are both high in B12 (good for detox) and high in copper and selenium.

Cilantro and some other herbs are good with heavy metal balancing, so you should be consuming lots of that too. 

Lastly this might sound like a strange one, but try eating underground clay and fat together. Fat does two things, it is a laxative so will help you excrete faster, and it also stores heavy metals by absorbtion-relocation. The fresh underground clay is negatively charged so will help draw metals from your blood into your intestine without passing minerals back into your blood. Fat/clay is a good detox with lots and lots of water.

Exercise / Bodybuilding / Re: Question about weight-lifting
« on: September 21, 2012, 10:08:48 am »
ROFL Meanwhile, in the real world, this is actually working quite well for me.

When I started, I could hang in a pullup position (with elbows at a 90-degree angle) for about 10 seconds. Now I can do about 90 seconds.  I've been doing it once daily for about 4 months.  I'd call that a strength increase.  I also test it by doing pullups to failure every few weeks.  when I started I could do maybe 1 pullup.  Now I'm up to probably 10 or so.

The same thing is happening with handstand pushups.  Once daily, I get into handstand position, then lower myself until the top of my head almost touches the floor.  When I started 4 months ago, I could hold it for maybe 4 seconds.  Now I can hold it for about 20 seconds.

It sure looks to me like my strength is increasing just fine, and with much less risk of joint damage.  Also, my muscle mass has barely increased at all.  I've gained maybe 3 pounds of muscle, total, and very little size.  I like that, because I don't want my strength to be dependent on eating a bunch of food to keep my muscles big.

There is truth in both cases, tbh. Static holds will make you strong, but they will only make you so strong before you will start to require concentric and eccentric lifts again. Static holds might take your strength to a point that impresses you, allowing you to do bodyweight exercises, but if you are wanting to lift multiple times your bodyweight, or reach beyond your 'newb' gains, you will need to do something traditional such as low rep training.

General Discussion / Re: Parasites....... an advert for a cure
« on: September 10, 2012, 07:52:04 pm »
And the related video What Herbs & Foods Will Kill Parasites
Talks about how you should be consuming fresh raw garlic, ginger, cloves and pumpkin seeds to control parasites. Of course having no parasites in your body or a disproportionate amount of a single type of parasite is bad for you too! You need parasites as part of the natural homoeostasis of the intestines.

I am sure you know our answers already raw-al, none of us would take poisonous anti-parasite drugs unless we had a real problem we couldn't cure naturally.

Oh, and I don't throw out that organ soaking milk, I ferment it in the kefir, and the kefir eats up all those 'off particles' and blood residue the milk soaks in.
When I pour off the kefir from the grains, I then let it 'second ferment' in some fruit pulp and peel, or add some quality treacle for a zesty sweet and sour yogurt drink.

General Discussion / Re: Transition experiences
« on: August 30, 2012, 01:17:35 pm »
My 'first' adaptations were pretty bad, I didn't tolerate raw foods very well at all.

First raw vegetarian caused me to become constipated and weak, and I think I even got a 'starvation high' where my brain felt really clear and good from the fasting, as I was not absorbing anything. After a few months I switched back to normal foods.

Then I came here and started eating raw meat, and I pretty much hated it! I do not think my guts liked the raw meat as I would get stomach pains every time I ate raw, and even worse stomach pains when I combined raw meat with normal cooked foods like hash browns or vegetables. I switched back to normal food.

My third adaptation made me feel great! I started with a salt water and senna flush, and I ate lots of marinaded meats, fish, and kefir. I think the marinades and the kefir were the turning points, as they both helped eachother reconstruct my 'empty' guts with good bacteria and helped pre-digest all that raw food. I have had no problems since and am going through a ravenous period that other beginners have talked about, where I no amount of food is enough food! It feels like I am getting stronger every day :) I am getting energy swings, with moments of lethargy, but I go for a run or some lifting and I feel better soon after. As I go on, it is getting more stable.

From the start I was struggling to eat raw meat, and I was very picky. But since I started marinading in  olive oil and a bit of brandy or other spirit, I have found I am really enjoying my raw meat now!
I did a 2 day flush with salt water and senna since reading in another forum, and then started eating copious amounts of marinaded raw grass fed beef, heavy kefir, and now I am even starting to crave organs like liver! Now that is a surprise!

I think the flush had something to do with the change in cravings, as it would have culled my sugar craving gut bacteria, and then feeding the good bacteria with raw meat and kefir let only the good bacteria grow back over the next few days.

I think a lot of my enjoyment comes down to preparing my foods properly, where as before at the start I was simply trying to eat things raw and unprepared.

I am soaking my liver and kidneys in milk, then cutting them up and  covering them in a teriyaki sauce, etc. Soaking them changes the flavour a lot and is much nicer than bloody.

I am covering my whole-fillets of meat in melted butter to stop them drying out, then ageing them for a few days until they change to a dark marble red/brown, a much tastier looking colour.

I am using olive oil and different spirits and ports, with garlic, thyme, rosemary, all sorts of herbs, and letting the cold meat out of the fridge sit for a few hours in the marinade as it warms up to room temperature, then I feast!

Another thing is that adding little bits of raw fat into my diced fillet in marinade makes it much more enjoyable, a ratio of about 1/3 fat, 2/3 meat.

My sugar cravings are down, and I enjoy some 90% cocoa chocolate after my meat, rather than before when I used to like milk chocolate or fruit.

I hope we can encourage newbies to make real preparations with their raw meat so their first experiences can be much better than if they ate it plain.
My family even is no longer disgusted by  my eating of raw meat, because it is in a much more acceptable format, and when I describe it as tasting like prosciutto or somesuch they are much more inclined to give me a nod and a smile! I hope other's can do the same as me and reap the same social benefits, and this is why I am talking about all this!

I know some of you will think it is blasphemy to be changing the foods so much and 'cooking' all the foods with acids and alcohols, but really, isn't it better to do this than to eat meat fried and baked?

General Discussion / Re: How to tell family and friends about your diet?
« on: August 24, 2012, 02:34:20 pm »
Burten and Suiren, how do you sleep? It may be completely unrelated, but I just read your post soon after reading this article about segmented sleep and it's effect on prolactin regulation.

I am sure raw foods will be much more of a cure than sleep though, as food alters homeostasis in an open system, rather than a closed system like sleep does.

Thanks again!

There was talk a while ago about mixing things in with the high meat to see how it promoted different bacteria, and you are now talking about herb high water. I just happened to come across this today:

" Infused oils have the potential to support the growth of C. botulinum bacteria. These products may cause great harm if not made and stored properly. "

If you are to continue doing your herb high waters I would either keep them aired when storing, or simply stick to eating them fresh.

" ...conditions that favor growth of C. botulinum are met: low acid environment with pH higher than 4.6, anaerobic conditions (oil), food and moisture source (garlic), not boiled before eating. " -

" Putrescine (sometimes spelled putrescin or putrescene) is an organic chemical compound NH2(CH2)4NH2 (1,4-diaminobutane or butanediamine).

It is related to cadaverine; both are produced by the breakdown of amino acids in living and dead organisms. The two compounds are largely responsible for the foul odor of putrefying flesh. The pH values I've found for putrescine range from 9.8- 10.0 so it is BASIC. That explains the change in pH. " -

Garlic has a pH of 7.3, and as our meat rots the pH gets higher and higher, so perhaps adding a small amount of dilute citric acid may be healthy at the start of our batches? I assume later, and after much airing, the older generations of bacteria fight off botulism very well, so there is no need to add citric at the start. This is just a theory though, I am no expert. It could be that botulism grows best in a certain pH range like ph7-8, and then when it is above or below this it does not grow well. Of course the amount of airing that happens is also important, I am just going into more detail.

Thanks, I am thinking of putting it in a plastic bag and into the fridge, and just hope the smell doesn't go everywhere. For me it is starting to smell less and less bad. Every time I stir it and air it out I get a good whiff and I did not like the early stage of decomposition. As it ages and is now becoming more black and green, it smells more like the sea.

What are BOD microbes?

I have an idea, perhaps I could freeze my high meat jar, then defrost it for when I want to eat it. Will this kill the beneficial bacteria?

Oh no! I left my jar open for a few hours when I left it to air, and flies got into it... I am now assuming maggots will grow in the next few days, but I will still eat them, maggots and all. Maggots cannot do any harm can they? Older cultures eat maggots all the time, is the only reason people do not eat maggots because they are squirmy and yuck?

General Discussion / Re: Lacto Fermented Raw Eggs
« on: August 17, 2012, 09:14:15 pm »
Didn't really answer my question, but thanks for good info I will try that.

Why would you put white in your eye?

General Discussion / Lacto Fermented Raw Eggs
« on: August 17, 2012, 04:08:04 pm »

Can you lacto ferment RAW eggs? I know they would probably wish wash around in the liquid but you could drink the whole thing when it came to it. I was thinking about what to do with all the egg whites I throw out, and thought perhaps I could chuck them in some fermenting liquid like kefir water, then drink the whole thing after a few days... that would be a nice high carb high protein drink, assuming the egg whites actually change in composition?

I want to try but I don't want to be the pioneer... I would like to know others do it too and it can be done.

Well Adora,

My meat is a dull gray with a yellow smear, the insides of a piece is still slightly dark pink.

Does this seem right? I have only been airing it once a day for a few minutes, and it is otherwise left in my cold garage. I didn't want to use the fridge as the bottle lid was slightly leaky and would make the whole fridge smell bad. I have missed a day or three of airing, but aired it twice the next day each time.

My first batch seems to be ready, it has been a month now and the smell has evolved as I stirred it around and it aged. It has a distinct smell I remember from fishing bays, old seaweed and rotting fish? Strange that it is like this when it is really lamb! I have not tried it yet, I hope I don't die...

Health / Re: Post meal Ketogenic crash?
« on: August 14, 2012, 09:23:13 am »
Also remember that whilst you may have functioned best on a ketogenic diet for a long time, just as vegans function well for a long time, the human body is naturally omnivorous and thus you may be best to cycle your ketogenic diet with another diet that includes some high quality carbs. I don't want to press my opinion, but maybe alternating ketogenic winter with omnivorous summers would prove helpful to your health?

Hot Topics / Re: fish species to become extinct in coming years
« on: August 14, 2012, 08:37:43 am »
This is so sad, but fish is so integral to a healthy diet I don't want to stop people eating it. This is why it is so important to reduce our population, and improve our genetic engineering so we can flourish on more sustainable foods!

Health / Re: Post meal Ketogenic crash?
« on: August 14, 2012, 08:34:05 am »
If your brain is starving, then you should definitely try MCT oil! It is not raw, but it gives a great ketogenic metabolic boost and feeds the brain like no other thing I know of. If you are unsure of it, then do some research on brain diabetes in alzheimer's patients, it is one of the few strong treatments for them. Perhaps your brain is taking a longer time than your body to adapt to your low carb diet? The coconut you speak of has MCTs in it, which would be why it is helping you, but there is only trace amounts. MCTs are saturated fats that are digested and metabolised very differently to animal saturated fats. They seem healthy in small doses, you could take a tablespoon one to three times a day and I am sure you would feel a difference.

General Discussion / Re: Fermented meat vs high meat
« on: July 28, 2012, 03:24:14 pm »
Except that the anaerobic ones include a real nasty: botulism. That's why it's critical to aerate the high meat, like Tyler mentioned.

This is the other confusing thing... fermenting fish apparently requires anarobic action, and not aerobic action - sourced by Agrodok 12. They add salt, and let it sit in the bottle to ferment anarobically. Whilst high meat requires aerobic fermentation... confusing!

General Discussion / Fermented meat vs high meat
« on: July 28, 2012, 03:19:02 pm »
From what I have read, there are many ways to ferment a fish, but only one way to ferment meat, and usually tribes will dry meat out rather than ferment it...
There are recipes for lacto fermented fish, but why no lacto fermented beef or lamb?

I remember a thread a while ago where someone asked about lacto fermenting meat, and I thought because there are no carbs in meat there would be nothing for the lacto cultures to eat, therefore the cultures would die... but then how does the fish lacto ferment? What is this big difference between fish and land meat?

Omnivorous Raw Paleo Diet / Re: Order of eating, and food coupling
« on: July 27, 2012, 02:30:59 pm »
HIT_it_RAW do you have any sources for me to read about that?

what is the digestion time of raw meat vs cooked meat?

Now if you make a new batch, can you use the uncleaned jar of the old batch as a 'starter'?

Health / Re: The downside of raw paleo, tiredness?
« on: July 27, 2012, 12:20:03 am »
It is undeniable that athletes perform better with carbs, you could just be needing some healthy carbs in your diet, I know I do!

Hot Topics / Re: Is Alcohol good for us?
« on: July 26, 2012, 06:54:52 am »
From my research about a shot glass of wine a day is the limit before the benefits begin to get replaced with damages. A shot glass of wine is not much!

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