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Messages - ForTheHunt

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Hot Topics / Re: to the dairy haters
« on: October 13, 2010, 12:58:50 am »
I didn't say it was due to dairy and I never said gorging. I said it was clearly not a contributing factor towards diabetes.

General Discussion / Re: Food Labelling
« on: October 12, 2010, 10:31:33 pm »
I don't know.

Here in Iceland the only thing I see is "Modified corn/potato starch".

But I tend to shy away from any pre packaged foods anyway that might contain GMO stuff.

Hot Topics / Re: to the dairy haters
« on: October 12, 2010, 09:54:18 pm »
Huh, interesting. I actually just read a 12 year old Icelandic article about this stuff.

Apparantly the Icelandic cows have very little of this a1 protein that promotes auto immune damage in the pancreas, i.e. diabetes.

Also Icelanders, who are extreme milk consumers have a very low diabetic rate among children compared to other nations. So something must be right with our milk.

"The A1/A2 protein notion is a scam. Many of us have tried the "right" A2 breeds etc; and still found raw dairy to be a disaster."

Oh yeah, that clearly makes it a scam. You should really be careful with all the claims you make Tyler. I agree with most of the things you have to say, but it's not right to make such wild claims. It also makes you sound extremely arrogant.

Off Topic / Re: Interesting comment on the global warming scam
« on: October 12, 2010, 08:10:32 pm »
Well, Iceland just had it's hottest summer in history.

Thailand which I spent my summer in last year, had their hottest summer then aswell.

Perhaps these are fluctuations and perhaps I'm misinformed, but things are definitely hot right now.

General Discussion / Re: Raw Bone Meal
« on: October 12, 2010, 08:22:08 am »
Don't stress MrBBQ. Get out of your head.

Off Topic / Re: Interesting comment on the global warming scam
« on: October 12, 2010, 08:17:56 am »
tldr but.. >_>

Global warming a scam? I don't think so.

General Discussion / Re: Constipation
« on: October 11, 2010, 09:35:47 pm »
"Follow those who seek the truth, run from those who claim to have found it."

General Discussion / Re: Constipation
« on: October 11, 2010, 09:20:30 am »
I wasn't trying to imply that it applies to everyone--just suggesting a potential explanation for RawZi's specific case. That doesn't mean it applies at all to you. Individuals are different and what applies to one doesn't necessarily apply to another.

Katelyn recently reported noticing much hate directed at ZCers/VLCers here. I've noticed it too, and it seems to be building. What gives? My philosophy is "to each their own" and "live and let live" and let's speak for ourselves. Why can't we do that?

I find my self annoyed at some of the ZCers here sometimes. Not because they are ZC, but because the way they act. They act like ZC is so right and that everyone else are idiots that don't go ZC. An exaggeration perhaps, but it has that vibe to it.

When I write something on here I say what works and doesn't work for ME. I don't go making huge claims that what I'm doing is right and fits everyone. Because that's not the case. Different bodies, different heritage, different reactions to different foods. Thats what I say.

Health / Re: candida carbs
« on: October 11, 2010, 05:20:10 am »
No it was really nice eating the coconut oil with the rice. It was a lot but not a gross amount if you know what I mean.

Health / Re: candida carbs
« on: October 10, 2010, 11:57:27 pm »
That's all well and good but when I overeat I go to the bathroom more often than normal. A normal day for me is once a day but when overeating it's at least twice a day.
I eat RZC because my body can't tolerate carbs; the carbs perpetuate a leaky gut in me which has resulted in an extensive list of true food allergies.

Yeah I guess everyone is different. If I over eat I'll get constipated for days on end

Health / Re: candida carbs
« on: October 10, 2010, 10:26:57 pm »
I think it is easy to learn the principle of the Virgin Coconut Oil detox at

It is zero carb, zero protein and 100% raw fat and some minerals.

Cures candida super fast.  Helped me, helped my brother, my mother in law, etc.

In thailand I tried something similar. I was not RPD at the time but vegetarian. But what I tried was I ate very small amount of rice (small handfull perhaps) and I ate insane amounts of coconut oil alongside. I was getting plenty of calories and enough fiber from the rice to have regular bowel movements (small ones) and what happened was that my eczema cleaered 100%. Vanished. Also a key factor in this was the fact that I was training muay thai 4 hours a day so my metabolism was like a furnace.

But yeah, my eczema came back in a few weeks but I think I might do this again sometime. It was really effective. But I really wish I knew why the f*** my eczema keeps coming back. It really stomps me.

Health / Re: candida carbs
« on: October 10, 2010, 10:20:18 pm »
FWIW I've bolded the foods in your list that do exacerbate my Candida. Some only exacerbate when eaten in larger amounts (eggs) and some would take a small bit to exacerbate (berries). There are others in the list that may or may not but my food allergies prevented me from experimenting with them once I'd gotten my Candida under enough control that I could accurately gauge things.

Also of note I have Tinea Versicolor which has exhibited a correlation to my internal battle with Candida. When the Candida gets bad the Tinea flares up and when the Candida is under control the Tinea disappears. When I began eating RZC I transitioned into a 1-2 meal a day plan with plenty of intermittent fasting (at least 16 hours a day). The Tinea slowly but surely receded. The past couple months I'd been eating 3 meals a day, with plenty of protein, and the Tinea has gotten noticeably bad. Ive gone back to how I was eating before and things are progressing in the right direction again. To me this indicates that even meat/protein can feed my fungal issues so I need to eat at points where I will utilize it all and not have left overs to feed fungus.

I don't think it's the fungus that causes your tinea to flair up. I think it has something to do with fecal matter in the colon.

Take me for example, I have eczema issues and like you I always thought "candida candida candida". If I over eat, and got constipated then things would flare up badly, but if my colon was kept pretty regular I'd be really good. Now I've also done juice fasts where I drank unlimited amount of juice, sugary and pasturized crap.  I also used enemas regularly to make sure my colon was always squeaky clean. But the fruit drinks in theory should make my 'candida' flare up like crazy. But it definitely didn't. My eczema improved drastically and I felt awesome. Now that I'm eating again and I'm slightly constipated my problems resurface big time. So I've come to the conclusion it's more because of old fecal matter not being released when it should, rather than candida.

Perhaps the 'candida' is feasting on stuck fecal matter, but even if so, I still think it's more important to keep your bowel movements regular than avoiding carbs.

Hot Topics / Re: Is Fruit Meant For Man
« on: October 09, 2010, 03:03:47 am »
Blueberries grow in the wild, they're not grown

Hot Topics / Re: Is Fruit Meant For Man
« on: October 08, 2010, 11:54:04 pm »
Native Icelanders are not accustomed to a lot of fruits. They've always eaten only a little bit of them. Am I wrong? ;)

Fruit started here probably 200 years ago and then it was a rarity and people only had it for christmas and only the rich people.

There is no fruit grown here what so ever. My parents and grandparents never touch fruit, my dad for example, just doesn't want it. Never ever eats it even though there's always a lot of fruit available. But yeah there's plenty of imported supermarket fruit.

Hot Topics / Re: Is Fruit Meant For Man
« on: October 08, 2010, 09:57:17 pm »
Can you get the fresh stuff on Greenland? If so, WTH?!

Actually I'm Icelandic, but yes, yes you can.

I hunt in greenland quite a bit and they have very western stores with all the western junk along with loads of fruit. They eat mostly sugar and wheat, atleast the people that live in towns do.

It's a very sad evolution, most of them are very fat, depressed and unhealthy. They are kind of lost in the modern world, all the modern bullshit has been pushed upon them and they think that they need it to be happy.

I hope one day they go back to their roots, greenland is one of the most amazing places on earth. I love it.

Hot Topics / Re: Is Fruit Meant For Man
« on: October 08, 2010, 09:37:09 pm »
Ive tried to look it up. but you can only get stuff thats been frozen and it is supposed to taste something like cognac with coffee and cream. Which...well that sounds lovely  actually, but I have still not even found the frozen stuff.

Yeah, I guess it could be said to taste something like that.

I'd describe it as a creamy custard desert with a tinge of cognac. It is really a spectacular fruit. It is very potent.

Hot Topics / Re: Is Fruit Meant For Man
« on: October 08, 2010, 09:35:49 pm »
I think it is genetic.
The first time I smelled durian was when I was 9 years old and I looked for it in the house because it smelled so good.
Tasted it and I was immediately hooked.
All my kids have the same experience and genes.

Yeah I wouldn't surprised. It took me a while to appreciate it but in the end I was totally hooked

Hot Topics / Re: Is Fruit Meant For Man
« on: October 08, 2010, 08:23:33 pm »
Your title is sort of misleading but thanks for the video. Most enjoyable

Hot Topics / Re: What cooked, non-palaeo foods are you eating?
« on: October 08, 2010, 06:02:32 am »
Sweet, sweet potatoes.

I do cheat regularly but I never ever ever eat any grains.

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: some questions about rzc/keto
« on: October 08, 2010, 05:59:05 am »
I gave up after 6 weeks aswell. My heart stopped racing eventually and my energy levels were pretty OK, but my mind was a total mess. Irritability, brainfog, couldn't concentrate.. etc

I wouldn't recommend rzc but that's how I experienced it.

General Discussion / Re: HELP EATING RAW FAT PLEASE!!!
« on: October 08, 2010, 01:44:51 am »
In my experience, don't overdo things with the fat.

There is so much talk about fat on this forum and I think it leads a lot of newbies binging on fat.

To begin with just eat fattier cuts of meat and see how that goes down. I wouldn't bother with suet, I think it's sort of the lowest grade of fat you can get, but better then nothing I suppose.

I think key here is just experimenting and trying to see what works best for you.

General Discussion / Re: salt purges?
« on: October 07, 2010, 09:51:42 pm »
I've done two liver cleanses and that uses epsom salts, which although is not the same thing as normal salt.

I'm happy with the results with that.

But think i'd ever drink several teaspoons of normal salt. But if you do, make sure you use natural sea salt or himalayan rock salt

Primal Diet / Anyone have kefir grains?
« on: October 07, 2010, 09:37:00 am »
So I'm looking to start a kefir culture with my milk. Does anyone have any nice spare grains they'd be willing to spare? I wouldn't ask usually, but people in the kefir community seem to be very eager to share their grains, so I figured I'd give it a shot.

They can be sent as just a normal letter in an envelope, it worked fine when I once bought it online, so it shouldn't be too much of an hassle

If anyone is willing then that'd be really appreciated, thanks

Primal Diet / Re: RAWSOME raid on Colbert Report TONIGHT 10/6/10
« on: October 07, 2010, 03:12:01 am »

General Discussion / Re: Constipation
« on: October 06, 2010, 05:49:48 am »
For me over eating is always a ticket to constipation. So try eating slightly less and see how that feels

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