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Messages - ForTheHunt

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  Well, I agree that the minority here who were underweight pre-RPD diet do seem to have problems re gaining weight on a rawpalaeodiet minus raw dairy, but the others generally find they reach a normal weight and build muscle faster than on a SAD diet, provided they do the usual relevant exercises as before, of course.

Interesting anecdote:- Schwarzenegger in his autobiography said that the canteen food he had in the Austrian Army was so overcooked that he was forced to eat twice as much cooked meat as normal in order to maintain his huge bulk, and then he had to do twice as much exercise in order to get rid of the resulting extra fat.

That is indeed very interesting. Got a source on that? Would love to read some more.

Well, one thing re rawpalaeodiets I have noticed is that they help lose weight much better than other diets and help build muscle quicker(though only with exercise of course).

I'm not really sure I agree with that yet. I had massive trouble gaining muscle mass on RPD. It wasn't until I went primal and started adding loads of dairy into my diet as well as honey till I started gaining any sensible amount of weight again.

Off Topic / Re: Living in the wild
« on: October 28, 2010, 09:46:44 am »
I thought  of renting a place with a fellow raw meat eater.
Or even a few. If you pay only like $150 each a piece.
You could save money fast for some land in the future, and only have to work part time.

Edit: I amsure this only applies to people around my age. lol
Since many of you have solid jobs and prob laugh at that.

I think you should consider becoming a farmer Sully. Sounds right up your alley.

My personal dream is to pursue my career in filmmaking and eventually live on a ranch and be totally self sufficient, grow my own meat, milk and veg whilst working as a director.

Off Topic / Re: Living in the wild
« on: October 28, 2010, 09:42:55 am »
For me the idea was never to start living in the wild, long term. My idea was more in the lines of a survival holiday. Perhaps a month.

Now that being said I would never ever do it for the first time with out proper planning, modern amenities such as fire, shelter, GPS, satellite phone etc.

If anyone was thinking we could just walk into a forest and survive then yeah, that's quite naive.

Exercise / Bodybuilding / Re: Dennis
« on: October 28, 2010, 07:19:36 am »
That was really good. Gripping.

Off Topic / Re: Living in the wild
« on: October 28, 2010, 04:40:49 am »
Ioanna, Yuli, Cinna, Raw... needed!  8)

Yeah that'd be nice =>

Yeah Yuli that is me

Off Topic / Re: Living in the wild
« on: October 28, 2010, 04:16:19 am »
Nice build Hannibal, next time crop it above your underwear LOL  ;D

But I like the idea of this to be honest. I've always wanted to do this, but the plan has always been to go alone. Wouldn't be shabby to have a few like minded people coming along. Is anyone genuinely interested?
And as you can see I'm fit for fight aswell and I've hunted since I was kid, although always with a firearm

My idea has always been to survive in some abundant wood area for a few months.

Off Topic / Living in the wild
« on: October 27, 2010, 10:40:36 pm »
That's an idea....

It might be a cool. We have a few 20 something year old guys, my self included who really want to go out into the wild and live off the land for a while.

I was thinking canada or alaska at summer or perhaps try to join an indigenous tribe somewhere, africa, australia.. Although that might prove difficult

So far I'm thinking Sully, me, Miles, Hannibal, YonYonson or something who are all similar age and find this interesting.

I know for a fact that me, Sully and I think Hannibal are in pretty great shape, so hunting is definitely possible.

I'm also studying filmmaking, so I could document the process and make a documentary. Could be fun.

Primal Diet / Re: Lactose intolerance
« on: October 27, 2010, 08:14:29 am »
Fruit is not the same as raw dairy as it was eaten for far longer than raw dairy. Granted, many people may have issues with raw fruit due to modern illnesses, but  it is telling that the vast majority of fruit-loathing RZCers and fruit-loving raw omnivores, here,  both have issues with raw dairy. That means raw dairy causes far more problems than raw fruit as the former is non-palaeo.

Wasn't the point. I was saying that people here CLAIM they have issues with fruit. I know why they do and the problem is not the fruit it self.

Not saying the same is for dairy, I'm stating this as to WHY I don't just take peoples word for it that dairy doesn't work. Comprende?

Primal Diet / Re: Lactose intolerance
« on: October 27, 2010, 07:00:40 am »
Also what comes to mind here is that how many people here claim they can't eat fruit and that fruit is garbage.

Now does that make it so? No it doesn't. That's why I only trust my own instincts when it comes to dairy.

Health / Re: Sleepless...
« on: October 27, 2010, 03:12:55 am »
First off, just relax. This will pass. We've all had something like this happen. It always passes.

So don't get super anxious. I know it seems hard but I think key here is just relaxing and allowing what ever happens to happen  :-*

Primal Diet / Re: Lactose intolerance
« on: October 27, 2010, 02:04:58 am »
Rubbish. My reason for being anti-dairy is  as follows:- I previously was on other raw forums  where truly hysterical and near-psychotic pro-raw dairy advocates kept on trying to pretend via "shouting" online etc., at the time, that it was absolutely physically impossible for anyone to be allergic to raw dairy or raw butter in any way. They would  say stupid things such as that raw butter contained absolutely no lactose, and the like. It became almost impossible for the  those who did badly on raw dairy to mention problems with raw dairy without a certain hardcore element  of pro-raw dairy morons shutting them down.

That is not all of course. The fact is that raw dairy is THE no1 most reported problem food on a RVAF diet. Indeed, one of the main reasons for rawpaleoforum's popularity(vis-avis some other  RVAF diet forums I won't mention) is precisely its anti-raw-dairy stance.

Yeah, and your approach doesn't sound much different than theirs. Except in the opposite direction.

Anywho, CBA to argue.

Primal Diet / Re: Lactose intolerance
« on: October 27, 2010, 01:25:04 am »
I kind of get the feeling that your crusade against dairy is done for the wrong reasons, i.e. you being 'right' on the internet. Don't get me wrong, I like and I think you're quite knowledgeable, but your ego feels explosive sometimes.

Hello and welcome,

What Tyler says is all good and well, but my tip is don't change your diet too drastically. If you intend to change it, make sure you change it over a decent period of time. Makes the transition easier. I say this because you rely on your body for income. Sudden changes may alter your physique (weight changes) etc. So it's best done gradually.

Anyway best of luck

Primal Diet / Re: Lactose intolerance
« on: October 26, 2010, 02:49:49 am »
Fresh milk is more paleo than cheese, butter etc... If you kill a female animal it will have some milk which you can drink.

I used to drink pasteurised milk all the time and never had any overt problems that I could attribute directly to its' consumption, I enjoyed it very much. Doesn't mean it was good though. The only thing I used to have overtly obvious directly attributable problems with was grain. I've drunk raw milk once, a few weeks ago, and it was fine. I wouldn't consume it regularly, as it doesn't make sense to.

There's nothing less paleo about cheese. Cheese originally is just a storage method, similar to drying meat.

Off Topic / Re: Interesting comment on the global warming scam
« on: October 25, 2010, 03:22:37 am »

For all you global-warming-is-a-scamm-ers. What do you have to say about this?

Primal Diet / Re: Best way to make raw butter?
« on: October 25, 2010, 01:54:00 am »
Why do people even bother churning the cream into butter? Why not just eat the cream?

cuz the butter stores way better

What is Warrior Diet?

Means you eat only one meal per day and you eat it close to bed time

fast-5 is similar, but that means there's only one feeding window in your day and it lasts 5 hours.

So for example your feeding window would be, perhaps 17-22:00 (up to you) then you can only eat in that period of time. The rest is fasting. You wont go hungry anyway if you're eating proper amounts of fat.

But caution, by doing this is how I got eczema on my neck. Although I credit it more to the fact that I over ate in the feeding window. So my tip here would be don't over eat.

Try eating warrior diet style. Katelyn does that and in fact that worked best for me when I tried rzc.

Here's also my tip, if you still have brainfog and irritability after 1 week then just drop it. I stuck it out for a month and it was a really crap month. It never improved.

Health / Re: triglycerides and cholesterol
« on: October 22, 2010, 10:22:17 pm »
I'd try drinking more water.

I think RZC don't drink enough water. You should be drinking massive amounts.

You don't have to drink it gradually through out the day, in fact I think that's unnatural.

But once or twice a day you should drink a shitload. It will also help promote bowel movements if you are having issues with that.

But IMO RZC is not the way to go, atleast not for me. My brain doesn't function at all with out carbs.

Consuming weed can make you a mental patient for life. Even taking it once. And it can happen every time after having been taking it for a long time. It happened to a guy I used to hang with. He had to go to hospital, didn't recognize anyone anymore. He recovered fully, I don't know if he is normal again. Some never recover.

And that for what "benefit?"

Tell me about it. I have two childhood friends who are actually mental patients now due to weed.

Two very much so normal kids.

I do suspect they've taken mushrooms aswell, I know atleast one of them did. But I know the effect weed can have because I've felt it myself and it's dangerous.

Marijuana it self is toxic. Doesn't matter whether it's grown organically in the wild or not.

Journals / Re: Yuri recovery
« on: October 22, 2010, 11:09:07 am »
You don't have to be tired.

I think key to having great energy on paleo is being absoloutely starving when you do eat your meat. That way it gets metabolized much faster and you don't get this drowsiness you often get when you eat when not totally hungry.

Hot Topics / Re: Heribert Watzke says humans are coctivores
« on: October 22, 2010, 08:36:06 am »
To me this theory doesn't make much sense, I certainly wont totally dismiss it but but why would cooked food cause our brains to develop?

I think it's more likely that man evolved to eat meat which lead him only needing to eat once per day. This would promote more time for multidimensional thinking, building, hunting and creating instead of walking around gathering fruit and plants all day just to survive.

So all that spare time they had to think and improve there for enlarged their brain. That sounds more logical to me to say the least.

Journals / Re: Yuri recovery
« on: October 22, 2010, 04:38:48 am »
No one is saying it's all in his head. It was more implied that feeling sorry for your self and constantly complaining is downbreaking and detrimental.

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