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Messages - Inger

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Health / Re: Cancer.
« on: July 16, 2013, 12:46:59 pm »
Stop wearing bras.  No emfs.  No chlorine in water for bathing.  No chemicals on body. only organic laundry soap, organic dish wash, organic soap if ever on body parts... sparingly, no hair coloring.
Let go of all stress, fear, bad emotions, old anger... forgive all.
Take a vacation in the fresh mountain air, and fresh ocean air by the beaches, take boat rides.
Must sleep before 10pm.

Get acupuncturist + dorn + chiropractor to fix up her alignments and nerves.

raw paleo diet, aajonus vonderplanitz body building diet 3 sets of 3x a day
See for variety
See for the books.

raw green juice
raw meat + raw fat (you may even compromise here with cooked meat and cooked fat as supplement... do not fry)
raw dairy milk (if she digests well)

1 serving of high vitamin c fruit + raw fat (like raw egg yolk)

raw green juice
raw meat + raw fat
raw dairy milk (if she digests well)

raw green juice
raw meat + raw fat
raw dairy milk (if she digests well)

colon cleanse - kidney cleanse - liver flushes - vco detox

bob beck protocol

buy bob beck devices from
Get the entire kit

Your grandma can't lose with this.
Give her this exact post reply I made.
Print the relevant pages from the links as a print out if she's not internet savvy.

Great suggestions from GS. I would add;

High fat, lower protein(mainly seafoods, wildcaught fish, crabs, oysters, mussels..etc). And NO carbs, except of the sort that have cancer healing properties= wild growing berries, wild greens/herbs, maybe some wild fruit (locally grown in season).
Cancer cells have hard time to survive if your body's fuel is fat. My sisters friend living in Norway healed her self recently from breast cancer that had spread, with a diet mainly consisting of fish and veggies. It was not even raw....

No artificial lights.

Full body tanning, completely nude. On the grass, outside in the nature. She will find a lonely place to do this.

Earthing. Tell her to go barefeet on the grass in the morning.. and whenever she can.

Iodine. Tell her to start the Iodine protocol by Dr Brownstein. Have helped many cancer patients.

- - - -

I think if you really want to help you might need to move in with your grandma or she move in with you, and you help her. Many people today lack the power to change their life they have gotten so far down the road. They just are not capable anymore.
The pressure from the mainstream is too big. So you might need to lead her by her hand. Now, often this is not possible.. and that is kind of tragic. The brother of my ex died of melanoma 2 years ago and he really wanted to stay alive.. he asked me what to do. I told, but he was not capable of changing so radically. He loved he's pasta too much.... and other things. It is something with people's brain that does not work properly anymore, believe me. But I do believe it is possible if you are with her, prepairing her food and taking her out for walking barefeet and laying in the grass in the sun with her.

If your digestion works well, healthy intestines and you have enough stomach acid, I believe you have no risk, really. I have eaten lots of risky stuff, and also I have even seen the parasites in the raw fish.. but I seldom had any issues. If I got any stomachy issues after I just eat some wormwood or take a strong cup of wormwood tea and all issues disappeared. I am not really afraid of any parasites that lives around here anymore. But I also take very good care of my digestive system and I am very disciplined about how I live overall. I eat according to the seasons, and as local as I can. And I avoid electro magnetic fields as much as I can as radiation makes your gut more permeable! I know I can digest almost More that a tiny bit fruits in my diet, and the harmony is disrupted.. So IDK if you eat many sweet fruits and have not a healthy colon (bloating and stuff) it might be a risk.

Now, parasites in a different/foreign environment, like for me the Tropics etc. I believe could be very dangerous as I am not adapted to those. Always think, context!

Welcoming Committee / Re: Hello from Sweden
« on: July 04, 2013, 01:52:36 pm »
Hi! And welcome!  I am from Finland, but went to Swedish school as a kid as I am Norwegian.

I would encourage you to also embrace the seafood we have in Scandinavia! They are such a rich source for our health. What meat do you eat? I eat Swedish Elk meat every morning for breakfast..  :) And also our plenty of wild berries that soon are ripe, and wild edibles. Very healing. Good for you leaving the vegan diet, it is absolutely disastrous for us in the Northern hemisphere....

General Discussion / Re: deer dont drink water
« on: July 04, 2013, 01:46:11 pm »
Our sheep always drink water, and they only get hay and in summer only pasture feed. When it is rainy they do not drink, they get enough from the wet grass. In winter they even eat a lot of snow!

If you live in the rain forest and very humid, and eat oysters with salty juice, and coconutwater, juicy fruit... I believe you need no extra water. But most do not live like that..

Hot Topics / Re: Why are people bashing Raw Paleo?
« on: July 04, 2013, 01:33:44 pm »
Poncho, I just wanted to say I love your mindset! That is how I think too... it needs creativity to help others! And that makes so much fun when you really go for it! Very challenging. But it sure is possible. What you need though, is so much love. Love makes you creative. I use this in my family all the time. And patience!

I 100% believe we can help the ones around us. We might not see the results, at least not soon, but I very much believe it has an impact. Because this raw paleo diet is just amazing.

Just never get upset if things do not happen on your pace.  ;) Great stuff to learn!

I think GS has a great way to think about it too. Be happy about every little change in the right direction! Never demand perfection from others, only from yourself. That is what will give you power, too.

My parents do far from perfect... but they do way better than years ago. And you can see it on them. They look way healthier now, and their mental state is better too. My "hubs"/best friend does great too, he looks great and eats way better now. Not perfect but way better! And you can really see it.

I always tell, ditch the crap, and add in lots of seafood, preferably raw, but any seafood is great. Add wild edibles. Etc. Step by step.  :) And all the way long they see me drink raw fishhead smoothies... eating about everything raw.. having awesome energy and happiness. Daddy says to me, Inger I will try to do better, step by step! I say, great dad! If you do next step I promise I will stop painting my toe nails (he thinks this is very sinful) and he thinks that is a great business! LOL I sure would do it for him if needed. It is not that important to me.  ;) But he has to go

I do eat quite a lot of protein.. from quite the clean sources. I do this for years already. I have not noticed any issues so far....

General Discussion / Re: Your view on supplements
« on: June 02, 2013, 11:53:20 am »
I think, everything in context!

There are situations where a supplement can practically save your life, like B12 shots and stuff. People are so broken today and that is why it might be necessary to do some "unnatural" stuff at times. But to choose supps over food sources when decent health is not clever at all me thinks. Nature gives it to us all, if we just want to take it. In a way we were ment to get it, and it is a big difference.

So I really do not get the "fight" To me there is nothing like "supps are always bad" or "supps are always good".

I think like Van, the fresher the better. Only maybe high meat (which is always made from meat with no fat on it) I do believe is beneficial. I do think we can survive on a bit rancid stuff too.. I eat a bit old fish and beef fat at times myself because I have no other. But that is different. I do it only because I get no better, if I would I would always choose fresh fat, especially by fatty fish.. and nuts also..

Stuff like pemmican is great for surviving and certainly way better than any man made food you can buy today in stores. But I bet if they could have gotten fresh they would have preferred that.

Fresh food just makes so much more sense, as the longer you store something, the more vitamins and such disappear....

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: Malnourishment
« on: June 01, 2013, 12:26:43 pm »
Hmmm.. I would not say refined fish oils are anything close to high meat at but each to he's own.  ;)

If you suffer from low vitamin D.. you need to tan more in summer. Make it your priority, always when you can. I do that, and I never take any vit. D extra. Real sun is so much better. I do think it is normal to get a bit low in vitamin D in winter too. It is seasonal. I believe in the rhythms of the nature very strongly... I believe they are all there for a reason, only the messed up human being have started to create her own rhythms.. and that can only end sad, like it uses to do when we are messing up with nature.
Day / night, winter / summer, warm / cold.. all those are there and they are good. Also to eat a keto diet in winter is very important if living in places that have no growing season then.

If we mess up with those rhythms it might be we think we need extra vit. D.. and other things that are actually very unnatural... to feel good.

PS. It is not only vitamin D that the sun gives us.. there are so many others things.. the sun really is magic! Here goes the same rule like the fish oils. We can make us feel "safe" eating the vitamin thinking we can go with less sunshine.. but oh no.. how dangerous a thought that is. The sun should better have a very high priority in our lives...  :)

General Discussion / Re: What time do you guys sleep?
« on: June 01, 2013, 12:17:37 pm »
I sleep 7-8 hours.

Go to sleep at 10 PM (in winter at 9 PM) and wake up around 6 AM.

I love my sleep.. I get so sweetly sleepy in the evening.. and wake up refreshed without any alarm. New to me, I never was like this before I started to follow the Kruse protocols. They really fixed my circadian biology!

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: Malnourishment
« on: June 01, 2013, 12:13:53 pm »
I do not doubt you feel good from CLO if you are depleted in the fatty acids you get from it. I still would never continue the use, but just take it maybe a short time for emergency and then switch to real seafoods. Any prolonged use of fish oils can not be good. From all the research I have done.

Take it as a sign that your body is severely depleted of those fatty acids, and start changing your diet instead!

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: Malnourishment
« on: June 01, 2013, 12:05:10 pm »
I would love someone to explain how it is that 'fermented' cod liver oil doesn't go rancid, with it's high pufa content.  Hanging salmon in the fridge, I witness it's oils going off.  I've tried it, and burn in the back of the throat was enough for me to 'believe' the oil wasn't only fermented (what ever that means for an oil/fat, but oxidized and damaged.  My opinion there's a trade off, V-D for unhealthy oils.   Some speculate the visible aging seen with peoples of the North eating high amounts of pufa fish and seal meat, is due to the highly oxidized fats.     I'm open though, persuade me and my taste instinct that the burn in the throat is healthy. 

I do no fish oils... I rather eat fish. It is always better to eat the whole package. That said, I read somewhere (sorry I have no time to look for the place/link now..) that the high Iodine content in seafoods protects the body from negative reactions of any PUFA in it. Iodine is way stronger anti oxidant as vitamin C, BTW. I do not think there are any iodine left in extracted fish oil?

As long as I eat my fish raw, even if it was a few days in my fridge.. I am not concerned. Because there are all the stuff my body needs to deal with rancid PUFAs in that seafood. I do would be concerned eating any fish oil though. Not only is there so many things missing... but I also think it might make the fatty acid profile screwed... in the long run.
It might give a false "safe feeling" being able to take the fish oil and leave out the real seafood - what would make one miss out all the other components we so need, like zinc, selenium, iodine, magnesium..... that seafood is full of.

Sure, if no access to fish, it still might be a good idea, better than nothing. IDK for sure. But I would choose real seafood over oils ANY time. I would just not choose a place to live where no seafood available, that important it is to me.

My sister just told me at the weekend about her friend in Norway that cured her breastcancer (that had spread to different organs) with  anti cancer diet basically made of fish and vegetables. Maybe your mom could do that? She might be able to eat raw fish as sashimi or tartar? Try to limit carbs very much, tell her cancer cells feed on carbohydrates/sugar.

Tell her to tan as nude as she can, on the ground. Vitamin D helps kill cancer cells too. This is very important, to tan the whole body! No sunscreen! She must start slow if she burns easily.

Tell her to avoid ALL artificial lights if only possible, or really limit them, after sunset.  They cause cancer in many studies. She really need to rely on natural light.

Circadian hygiene is very important too, to go early to bed and sleep well.

Earthing. Tell her to walk barefoot, or sit bare feet on the ground at least for 30 minutes / day, but the more the better. She needs this very much as a cancer patient. If she can go to the ocean, to stand there in the water as long as she can do every day is the most healing thing she can do for her. Cancer is a electron depleted state.. and she can gain them best from grounding in ocean water.

Iodine. She should try the Iodine protocol. tell me if she is interested and I will post the link. Or you can google it too. Iodine kills cancer effectively. There are many who have healed their cancer with it. Maybe that is why my sisters friend was healed too, with all that fish=high Iodine foods...

Cold would do her really good. CT = cold thermogenesis. She could be in the ocean, take cold baths, cold showers.. whatever she likes the best.. but it would do her really good for many things. Any amount would help, even if she can do just a little.

Where are you living? In a city or at the countryside? If in the city... really try to get her out. Today's cities are full of radiation = very bad for a cancer patient. Hard to heal there.
She really needs to limit her EMF exposure = wifi, cellphone, smart meters, any place or stuff in the house that radiates much and she are close to it like microwave is really bad... check her bedroom, it is the most important place.

Do not forget you mom has to want this.. or it will not work.. But I am sure you know that. Do not get stuck in only raw, there are many things to do that are not about raw only, like you see above. Your mom can heal with a diet and lifestyle that is not 100% raw I am pretty confident. I sure think raw is best but other things are as important or even more important.

General Discussion / Re: Mega dosing iodine
« on: May 22, 2013, 11:39:03 pm »
No idea. I am going to try Nascent Iodine next time, I need to order some soon because i gave my sister my lugol's bottle this weekend. It should be very powerful, energetically active Iodine.

General Discussion / Re: Can we do without vegetables/greens?
« on: May 22, 2013, 05:41:10 pm »
Do you mean that living on the first floor is better for bone health?

I think so. Not only for bone health, but for our overall health too. After what I have learned past months I would not ever move to any floor above the 1st. And certainly NOT into a city anyways. They have turned into a radiation danger zone for our health... and they continue to get worse..

Health / Re: Tapeworm & other food poisoning.
« on: May 22, 2013, 05:38:27 pm »
I was thinking if weak stomach acid also makes a issue when it comes to worms.. that normally it should kill them before they enter the intestines?
I always had a strong digestion.. I wonder if that is what have saved me too... because I sure know I have ingested live worms.

Off Topic / Re: Beauty Recipes
« on: May 22, 2013, 01:40:57 pm »
I always rinse my hair in the river after washing it, our well water here is very hard too and makes my hair not so nice.
I am going to try the applecider rinsing today...  :)

After my teacher in high school told that one can preserve flowers with glycerine.. I never ever used it anymore.. how can this be good.. I do not want to be preserved! I have read elsewhere too that it collects in the body.. and the teacher said it is true but it is so little. But I do not want even a little, huh

I use only coconut oil, EVOO, and argan oil on my skin, sometimes sheabutter too, it is great for dry hands and lips, in winter I use beeswax lipstick too at times.

General Discussion / Re: Can we do without vegetables/greens?
« on: May 22, 2013, 01:28:21 pm »
After a few years on almost animals only and high fat and protein my enamel on my teeth is crazy strong told me my dentist. I bet my bones too because this winter I fell 3 times with my bike on plain icy roads I recognised too late.. and I got zero issues....
But I always eat wild greens in summer too. Quite a lot. I always tan when I can, too.

Radiations is a big cause of osteoporosis. And loss of magnetic field. So if you live on 10th floor in a city today..... really bad. Wireless internet everywhere, smart meters.. etc. Those really do no good for your bones. If you are concerned about your bone health, look at those first, and do lots of nude tanning, and earthing.

It is never only one thing. There might be plenty of things missing when our health suffer. We need to look at them all.

Health / Re: Tapeworm & other food poisoning.
« on: May 22, 2013, 01:20:17 pm »
try wormwood tea. Avocado peel, and papaya seeds helps kill parasites too. Fresh ginger. Iodine drops (Lugol's) kills parasites too.

Avoid EMF's. they make your gut suffer. A healthy gut I think gets not so easy infected with parasites, at least that is my own N=1. I have had live worms in my fish not only once.. I recognised it too late... and I really have been taking some risks with food choices  just to see what happends..  but I never had any issues...

Off Topic / Re: Beauty Recipes
« on: May 20, 2013, 05:56:54 pm »
I did every day for years.. but lately I do every other or so. My hair easily get greasy me thinks but it might be because I have washed it every day for so long. I want to try to stretch it to every 3 day wash but it is hard as a waitress.. I no way can work with dirty hair..huh! And after a day of work in the restaurant I kind of have to wash my hair because it get smelly from the cooking.. I do not like that at all either.

General Discussion / Re: Mega dosing iodine
« on: May 19, 2013, 01:02:32 am »
Oh yeah, DaBoss please be careful if you are not a masochist.. lol.
 I was on 8 drops of Lugols 10% in just a few days... and I painted my breasts.. the soles on my feet.. I think now I was crazy!
But now I know that Iodine truly is GREAT stuff. You just need to help the body get rid of the toxins, and do it clever.

I love the salt water. I drink huge amount of water from own well every day now, that I had out in the sun to get some good electrons in it. I love how it makes me feel!

General Discussion / Re: Mega dosing iodine
« on: May 18, 2013, 01:49:36 am »
I did the Iodine supplementation.. and had not all CO factors.. and I still suffer the detoxes. ugh! I started way too many drops, titrated up way  too fast, I though, ha - I am so healthy I sure have not much to detox.. I was SO wrong. I got weird bumps on my fingers.. sooo weird pimples.. and the worst, my mood got so dark! That thankfully lasted only a week or so but was horror. One day I was so tired - it was horrible, too. I am not used to be tired at daytime at all anymore.

Now I feel like a queen again.. ;D but I still have a few not pretty pimples on my face.  l) But I take those any day over depression.

But I can tell the Iodine is powerful, crazy powerful. I am going to do the whole thing properly as soon as I have money to buy all the co factors. For sure.
Here is a link to the protocol;

Another huge Iodine thread with lots of great info;!!!

Health / Re: Middle of night cravings -- help please
« on: April 07, 2013, 06:15:42 pm »
I agree with CK,  fat is key, in fact being to use fat as fuel is key.  Otherwise you're waking up most likely because your blood sugar has dropped ( could be mental anxieties) and your body is digesting muscle for fuel, and obviously brain fuel as well.  The last thing you want to eat at night is sugar, will just spike your blood sugar and add injury to your condition.  If eating enough fat for 'lunch' dinner doesn't hold you over till the morning,,  try an egg yolk or two, or a table spoon of truly raw coconut oil. Both easily digestible.  But again, if you're waking up with low blood sugar, you're probably experiencing low and high blood sugar spikes during the day also, which you might want to look at.

Great advice, Van.

Off Topic / Re: amenorrhea
« on: April 07, 2013, 06:12:38 pm »
Avocados tend to sap your energy.  I eat a lot of them, because that effect is no longer apparent in me, but it was very pronounced for several years. I don't know exactly what caused the change.

Intresting... Shows how different we can react to stuff...
I do eat avocados once in a while but not much. Hard to get in good quality here anyways.. I do love the taste! I have not noticed any ill effects but as said I eat them very occasionally.

Ionna I am so sorry you have this particular issue.  -[ I never missed one period so far, and I can imagine that being concerning. I just had my very regular period starting 1 week too early.. I thought.. WTH that has never happend! I have no clue why. Was a perfect period, no PMS, just smooth sailing.. but I still wonder why. I did had 1 whole bottle of organic red wine the weekend prior.. I had no alcohol for long and it was plain stupid of me. I felt not good the next day at all. If that was it? I had a few pretty intense oxytocin releases too prior to the early starting period.. I wonder if those messed up my hormones a little? lol

Hope you get it figured out soon! I think it will sort itself out if you feel great, sleep is great, food is great.. plenty of sunshine..etc.  :) (do not forget to tan nude, the best thing you can do for your hormones  :))

Off Topic / Re: Beauty Recipes
« on: April 07, 2013, 05:57:37 pm »
Love your idea, Ioanna!  :)

I am using all organic make up so far but I am going to try out the charcoal stuff. Have you tried it yet? For water soluable mascara could one mix the charcoal with water only?

I do not get dry skin if bathing only in the river.. but I do when I shower. The water is hard here, from own well and makes the skin dry out pretty bad. What I do is, right after the shower when still wet skin, I use lots of EVOO on the places that tend to dry out. Coconutoil should be great too! That helps a lot, for me at least.

Anyone knows of a natural fat-free solution for washing hair?

I have been using Ghassul mud for many years and I love it....  :) best shampoo ever! Makes the hair a little fuzzy like this;

but I am ok with it. Great for washing the skin too! I love love to wash with mud.. it is just so.. huh.. fun!
I use zero additional hair products, and I was a big user of sprays and stuff 10 years ago! So happy to get rid of all those chemicals.. I have pretty thin hair genetically so it want never get thick, but it is pretty healthy, even if using hair dryer every day for all my life.. -[ Too bad about the EMFs, I tested my dryer and it was horrible. Horrible. Made me use it only in emergency situations from now on.

In summer I make a amazing conditioner with horsetail, nettles, fresh lemon with peel and all, EVOO, one eggyolk and a bit water into the mixer, let it sit for a hour or so.. the best thing ever for my hair! And cheap. Now I get no horsetail because the snow is still present here but soon I will, and then I can start making the conditioner weekly.

If I want some additional color on my face I sometimes use chaga tea, it has pretty strong color so use only little.. Now I have already gotten some tan so I do not need it anymore. But I bet it is awesome for the skin too! Sometimes I put it on for the night.

Our sheep got lambs last week and I milked some colostrum and put on my face could not hurt!

I wonder how to make natural lipstick? Anyone tried something? With close to natural color please.. ;)

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