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Messages - majormark

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Primal Diet / Re: Impressions from AV's lecture
« on: March 27, 2010, 05:01:02 pm »

He says 9 months if you're on a good (probably primal) diet.

We have stake tartar here too, but in a restaurant it costs more than a cooked meal, which is strange to me because it's probably easier to make.

Primal Diet / Re: Impressions from AV's lecture
« on: March 27, 2010, 03:52:53 am »
In "We Want to Live" he talks about two grains of salt once or twice weekly, that's why I'm asking... If he made specific indications, I'd be interested to know.

He says "maybe 4 little bitty grains a week or one every other day... adrenal fatigue can be resolved in about 9 months like that"

I assume it actually depends on the gravity of the situation, but the amount seems to be very little in general.

Edit: I see you are german. Do you people actually eat more stake tartar than the french? (that's what Aajonus claims in the lecture btw)

Primal Diet / Re: Impressions from AV's lecture
« on: March 26, 2010, 03:59:25 am »
Does he say how much?

A little of it, of course.

yeah, somehow the idea of clubbing seals and eating them raw might not go down so well for the California hippie considering RAF.

Was he insinuating the kidney stones are filled with mercury? If so that could explain why even healthy diets could yield stones as a defense and receptor for elimination. Its sounds fishy to me though.

get fat. or else. good slogan :)

He said the interior of that stone was full of mercury from vaccines.

Other interesting points after I re-watched some parts:
- every time you eat a carbohydrate you create AGEs and even more when they are cooked
- when the body makes glycogen from proteins there are up to 12% AGEs created but it can handle them easy and they don't store in the body
- don't drink cold milk because casein will get out of the stomach and into the blood undigested and cause allergies or other problems

So even eating raw meat produces waste products.

Off Topic / Re: Get it off your chest -Things/People You hate
« on: March 25, 2010, 04:38:34 am »

I don't like this idea that we can get toxins really fast and store it in our bodies for years and years...

We should evolve to get those out quicker.

Primal Diet / Impressions from AV's lecture
« on: March 25, 2010, 04:28:00 am »

Here are some notes/impressions from AV's DVD lecture:

0. it would have been more interesting if it was interactive. Those people looked like payed audience.
1. seal is very nutritious compared to other meats. He has to eat less if he eats it.
2. he emphasizes fat a LOT: "get fat, because you don't know what poisons are in your body that are going to come out and start moving and if you dont have the fat to take care of them, you are going to have problems."
3. "all diseases are caused by poisons from the environment, not bacteria, parasites or viruses"
4. "viruses are not contagious"
5. "athletes foot and all fungus infections come from antibiotics"
6. "plastic is a hydrogenated vegetable oil with added dioxin(a toxin) in order to stop it from molding"
7. "more details on how the synthetic vitamins are harmful, with vitamin E coming from Fuji lol.
8. he had a huge kidney stone which was blasted with lasers and that contained a lot of mercury.
9. funny story when he measured the 50 feet tapeworm that he crapped all over the floor. I think even funnier would be the reaction of people that never heard of PrD seeing that.
10. EMFs are bad. I liked that device (environ meter) that measures these things.
11. "when you cook a fat it starts to form lipid peroxides(bad stuff) at about 70 degrees"
12. "salt and water causes cellular malnutrition", "salt is only recommended temporary for those with adrenal fatigue"
13. to put on weight fast -> meat & lubricating formula right after that
14. if you're getting nausea it means poisons get dumped into the stomach -> eat bits of cheese every 10 minutes until it's gone
15. iridology stuff: activity rings in the eyes indicate that those people who have them need to exercise or else they get anxiety
16. vegetable juices are good in the morning because the body wakes up over acidic
17. coconut creme dissolves metals the quickest (use with cation)
18. lime juice is an antibiotic and antiseptic(good for cuts), lemon juice is a fermenter, they are opposite

He talks about a lot of other stuff and tells stories too.

I thought this lecture would be more toward mainstream but nooo, he talks too much about parasites for someone to even consider showing the DVD to friends.

Overall it looks like it's intended for the hardcore PrD-ers.


Recently I talked to a friend who said he just found he has really high blood pressure. When I asked he told me he eats a lot of white bread with meals.

Now, my first reaction was to recommend cutting out grains completely but I knew it was not going to happen like that, so I recommended soaking white rice for a day and than eat it cooked instead of the bread. I had to do a lot of convincing even for that.

I also told him to drink some raw eggs instead of the breakfast (which usually involved coffee & some cooked food) and he surprisingly accepted. I thought if at least one meal would be closer to paleo, it would be better than nothing.

What would you recommend to someone on a standard diet for this? Knowing he will not eat raw meat.

Primal Diet / Re: Milk egg drink
« on: March 22, 2010, 06:31:02 am »

I sometimes eat one or two raw eggs, than drink some milk or kefir and have not been dizzy. For some reason I don't like mixing stuff into a cream.

Do you drink a lot of it?

Off Topic / McDonalds "high" Happy-Meal
« on: March 20, 2010, 03:38:26 pm »
There are stories of people that eat foods high in preserving substances that their body do not rot after death.

If only Tutankhamon knew that:

Off Topic / Re: Couple of things
« on: March 20, 2010, 03:02:49 pm »

Is there any documented evidence that eating whites is bad for you? Like people having very serious problems etc, not the theoretical claims.

What other "bad stuff" do you thing the egg white contains, aside from avidin?

Do you normally throw the white when you don't eat it or use it for something else?

Hot Topics / Re: Do you live forever on a rpd?
« on: March 20, 2010, 05:54:07 am »
    As for extended age...well there's massive amounts of theories on that one, lol. I'll constantly use Luigi Cornalo as an example but there are certain things which are known as anti-aging which i'll list
1.) Raw Food Diet. Obviously some of the youngest looking old-heads are raw fooders. two examples off the top of my head are
Storm Talifero-
Roger Haeska-

The raw food diet is not the only thing that they do to stay healthy. If they would look like that just because of the diet, that would be more relevant.

It's interesting how some people can thrive as vegans (assuming they actually eat that way).

There is also calorie restriction btw.

I feel that all these things have more to do with improving the quality of life and the possibility to reach our maximum genetic potential, not necessary go beyond that potential (energy work may be an exception).

If I see someone hitting 200 while doing all those things, I may change my mind.


With family, you can just do eggs, butter or make yourself a stake tartar meal which is more socially acceptable. You don't need to start biting on a raw stake right in front of them, just to make a point, unless you actually want it.

I noticed that my skin stays clear as long as I don't eat any processed junk.

General Discussion / Re: Irritability
« on: March 17, 2010, 02:26:55 am »

If you consider eating eggs as liver flushing than I may have done it already since I eat raw eggs regularly.

Still, I think it will be better to have a correlation between "stone composition" and "type of flush indicated".

General Discussion / Re: Irritability
« on: March 16, 2010, 11:59:17 pm »

What if those stones were composed of different things for different people (not everyone has the same lifestyle) and each would require a different approach regarding flushing?

Someone has to come up with more specific things before I would consider them. Not just "do the flush and see what happens, maybe you're lucky or maybe not".

General Discussion / Re: Do you eat meat or fat first?
« on: March 14, 2010, 05:01:40 am »

Both at the same time or fat first. I don't have a strict rule now.

Journals / Re: Round 2: From addiction to recovery
« on: March 13, 2010, 06:09:40 pm »

I also want to get those amalgams replaced but it will be done the old fashion way, without any protection, because I could not find any dentist here who would follow a safe removal protocol.

Another thing is that I also have a little mercury inserted at the bottom of a root canal and that will probably stay there for a longer time. I want to keep that crown for functional reasons.

The funny part is that I found out about the amalgam dangers just a few weeks after I got them. Very encouraging.

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: Digestion.
« on: March 13, 2010, 05:22:31 pm »

If you eat the fat first, it will hit the fat receptors at the end of the stomach and you will not be able to eat much because you will not have the hunger sensation.

To prevent that, in the warrior diet, Ori recommends eating the vegetables first. This does not apply to RPD since you probably don't eat vegetables together with meat and fat, but you could try to eat the meat first.

Journals / Re: majormark - so far so good
« on: March 13, 2010, 05:02:16 pm »

I left the kefir for two days and I got cheese...

The resulted whey smells and tastes very alcoholic. I will not add honey anymore, that is for sure.

Omnivorous Raw Paleo Diet / Re: Raw Omni + Tooth Healing
« on: March 13, 2010, 05:37:01 am »

Well, if you want to add some more "punch" to nutrition you could also study Quantum Touch and run energy into the food before you eat to see how that affects you. They claim some good things can happen. I understand at least one course with a good trainer is necessary in order to get the skill. I never really tried it yet, but maybe I'll find some time in the future.

For now, I got a 600+ pages book on Ayurveda... hmm.

Omnivorous Raw Paleo Diet / Re: Raw Omni + Tooth Healing
« on: March 13, 2010, 02:48:21 am »

Thanks for the Ayurveda tips. It's yet another thing to think about/experiment.

It looks like those recommendations are for individual foods so maybe certain combination have a different effect. I almost never eat just one food at a time.

Omnivorous Raw Paleo Diet / Re: Raw Omni + Tooth Healing
« on: March 12, 2010, 11:47:47 pm »

I read that questionnaire and it seems that I score about the same on all 3. The type with highest score (only by point difference!) was Pitta though.

So that means I can mix them however I want :)

Journals / Re: majormark - Kefir
« on: March 12, 2010, 06:58:42 pm »

I got some kefir grains and I will experiment with those for a while.

They seem to float on the surface, I thought they were supposed to stay at the bottom. I got them from a person who was making Keir from pasteurized low fat milk, so maybe they are not used to the raw milk yet.

So far it started to smell a little like alcohol (which I don't like) and I also added a little honey to see what happens.

Hot Topics / Re: How do you make "Raw" Pemmican?
« on: March 12, 2010, 04:29:21 pm »
The global earthquakes have got me jittery.
I need to prepare an emergency kit for the family.
Pemmican is reputed to be a good survival food.

lol "2012" is just a SF movie you know.

Omnivorous Raw Paleo Diet / Re: Raw Omni + Tooth Healing
« on: March 12, 2010, 04:13:19 pm »
Solution -

ditch the fruit, anything sour , sugar (anything but honey) salty flavours, hot or spicy or pungent foods such as pepper or chilis, onion, garlic and so forth. If you have honey absolutely get raw unheated honey and have it with an equal amount of raw unheated butter.
Basically avoid - sour, salty and pungent foods period, no matter how much your nutritional theories suggest them. Reduce water intake also.

Favour sweet tasting foods like chicken, beef and foods that taste sweet without processed sugar. Favour sweet, bitter and astringent foods.

Is Kefir good for a Pitta? I don't see it listed here:

Also, how do you find out which type you are?

I read the description about Pitta type here: and could identify with some of the characteristics.

... but than, I also read the one about Vata here: and found some matching characteristics there too.

Things may not be black and white here.

Info / News Items / Announcements / Re: Why drinking water is bad.
« on: March 11, 2010, 04:36:14 pm »

I think wild carnivores drink it because they don't have a choice. They would drink vegetable juices or milk if they were to choose.

The water from streams is also different from the usual filtered water which does not contain bacteria.

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