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Messages - MrBBQ

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Journals / Re: Yuri recovery
« on: March 19, 2010, 02:41:44 am »
I would make an ethanolic extraction (maybe from alcohol of non-gluten source) of the fresh/dried herbs, although I do not have the time to expend/wait, so I just buy it from a mass producer.

The only tinctures I'd prep myself would be fresh cannabis flower (great as a sublingual spray for getting loaded anywhere you can't smoke a joint, plus no heat-mediated toxicity) or some obscure Chinese herbs where my local herbalist is unable to deliver.

Otherwise, let the trials commence...

I stll feel a little bit dubious after seeing keto-boy's black shadows/edema...

Journals / Re: Yuri recovery
« on: March 18, 2010, 09:58:01 pm »
I've just bought some "Swedish Bitters", which I will take just before meals to try to stoke up my digestive juices/fire.

Funnily enough, when I was Googling about the bitters with relevance to ketogenic/low-carb diets, I found this site and in particular, this page:'s_story.htm#Marchant's%20story

The boy is very specifically (not through choice) on a ketogenic diet for fits/seizures - note the dark shadows under the eyes, coincidence? ;-# It makes one wonder...

Hot Topics / Re: Cooked Starches
« on: March 16, 2010, 06:24:52 am »
Thanks for chiming in cliff - I've been thinking about long-soaking the tubers etc., so you've given me a nice cue. Do you have experience with fermenting starches, particularly roots/tubers (as opposed to grains) and do you simply long-soak them?

Journals / Re: Yuri recovery
« on: March 16, 2010, 06:00:04 am »
So thinking about it, you have a damaged metabolism and instead of generating heat (a la high BMR), you're driving the excess calories into abdominal adipose deposits...

Repair the metabolism (ultimately, the cellular metabolism, including mitochondria) and you transform the adipose into radiant heat...

Thyroid, coconut oil, carbs...Try it, you might like it...;-)) Restoring any kind of glucose tolerance after RZC would be tough in the first meals though (and quite discouraging) - that would be transient though...

Journals / Re: Yuri recovery
« on: March 16, 2010, 05:43:00 am »
Also, is it through dogma or some favourable results that you're sticking with RZC? Our other friends have then decided that RZC is never going to be optimal for them (you have seen the experiences of others, right?).

Sugars complexed in whole foods (namely fruit) can be a good thing and it's natural to develop good glucose tolerance (according to some scholars).

Journals / Re: Yuri recovery
« on: March 16, 2010, 05:35:51 am »
I prefer to say you're not what you intake, you're what you uptake...

Well, I couldn't really comprehend the timeline of your photos - is the "now" you the one with a belly or the one that is carved flesh, sinew and bone?!

Do you eat raw or low-heat dessicated thyroid? Also, do you have a good source of carbohydrates? Have you ever considered hi-carb, hi-fat, enough-protein approach, along with glandular support from raw sweetbreads? How about anti-inflammatory glycine from bone meal/broth?

Can you tolerate coconut oil, and do you know about its great effect on the thyroid and metabolism? The medium-chain fats in coconut oil (much more so than in butter) are uptaken without emulsification with bile salts.

Have you seen the anecdotes about restoring optimal peristalsis by increasing bile output? Do you consider the potential that you have severe congestion of the hepatic lobes and ducts, even though it's sub-clinical/asymptomatic?

I think that my dark circles and kidney stress are also in the context of more systemic problems, which can be exacerbated by our original diet of meat+fat.

Our other contemporaries have braved different conditions and stuck with raw meat+fat to ultimately resolve some of their transient challenges (Tyler, Lex, PaleoPhil, goodsamaritan etc.), so it's worth experimentation.

Are you unfavourable towards the ancient shamanic art of herbalism?

Journals / Re: Yuri recovery
« on: March 16, 2010, 04:30:38 am »
Another thing - is food moving well through the GI tract, with a daily bowel movement, at least?

Also, how is the basal metabolic rate? Did you ever measure body temperature upon waking (like via armpit or bumhole, hehe)?

How is your thyroid/adrenals? Any greasy stools or pain radiating up to right shoulder blade upon eating fats?

Journals / Re: Yuri recovery
« on: March 16, 2010, 04:23:16 am »
Yuri, would you say that you meet your protein requirements correctly, given that you exercise, or even over-exercise? You seem to have little adipose tissue these days - is that optimal? How's your electrolyte balance - any cramps?

I'm interested in this thread, mainly because I am studying kidney challenge myself with the inclusion of plenty of meat+fat...However, it does not mean that I'm scaremongering...

Initially, I seem to remember that PaleoPhil resolved long-standing nephritis with a raw zero-carb diet...Am I right PaleoPhil? If this kind of stress on the kidneys (clearing serum nitrogen etc.) is damaging, how could PaleoPhil resolve nephritis?

Also, all this talk of kidneys here and nobody experimented with nephrolithiasis dissolution through herbalism. I have bought all the roots/herbs I need now for the cleanse and I will subject myself to it next week, which should be interesting.

The question would be - why do some people have kidney challenge and others not? Do the dark circles indicate the irreversible destruction of the nephrons or simply inefficiency? Is the gravel in the glomerulus (formed by various precipitates) obstructing passage of plasma filtrates?

pc701, you seem to be a self-appointed clinician and yet you've not actually demonstrated much knowledge of physiology. Naturally, I appreciate your submissions, but with people only benefitting from meat+fat around here, you will have to be more convincing about your argument, otherwise you're implicitly calling the others liars. Also, hypothesise that fruits aren't in season and you're struggling to gather, yet there's plenty of hunting to be had - what's the call of the wild, survival or kidney ache?

So what's say some of us participate in a kidney cleanse and report back later?

If anyone wants to talk kidney filtering capacity, nephrons or anything else, I'm interested...

Also, liver function affects the kidneys, so wonder how many precipitates have formed in the many bile ducts over the toxic years - city dwelling is a bastard for getting bile to precipitate out of solution and in your nice little liver lobes/tubes, the main ducts and the gallbladder. Like I always say, these things don't clear out on their own from diet...

Much to learn...With all that meat-eating and nephron-trashing, it makes one wonder how our ancient ancestors survived (said with some facetiousness). I hate propaganda...All diets are shit, all humans are shit and the universe is going to implode, hehe!

Too much thinking and not enough intuition...Who's eating bones and organs every day to balance out those muscle meats? Who's eating mixed game from large and small animals?

Omnivorous Raw Paleo Diet / Re: Kidney Stress
« on: March 15, 2010, 05:20:07 am »
Yeah man, square as square can be.

Starch (amylose) begins its digestion in the mouth (courtesy of salivary amylase for breaking dietary starches/glycogens), hence it's rapido! Judging by my earlier glucose blast testing, the (simpler sugars from the) polysaccharides were in my bloodstream almost within minutes - very quick...

I haven't found yams yet, but I want to find some - otherwise, potatoes, butternut squash, carrots, turnip/swede and others. I tolerated grains for most of my young life, so I'm not particularly fearful of gliadin/gluten, although if I did consume grains, I'd be sprouting and fermenting them a la sourdough process or complementary soaking with high-phytase grains/seeds (e.g. soaking pasteurised pure oats with buckwheat or some similar combination).

There's a lot of myth about food combining and you're not telling me that nature doesn't complex polysaccharides with various amino acids...Hmmm...

Wait? As the Zen master said, eat when hungry, sleep when tired...This is the essence of Zen, hehe...

@Paleo Donk: Good suggestion (and thanks for your useful post before). I'm with tyler on keeping my fats raw, which are not at all problematic for me. I will always consume raw where it makes sense to me, and of course, biochemistry is often finding elegant and biologically active substances that are inactivated by heat. One example is "stigmasterol" (Wulzen anti-stiffness factor) in raw butter, which is inactivated by heat - that's useful for preventing degenerative conditions.

I'm loathe to cook anything I eat, especially starches, but like I've said, this is a means to an end. One to contribute to my tooth healing (no organic acids from too much fruit) and two to correct my low basal metabolic rate (which is improving greatly already - I've just found a source for fresh thyroid as well).

Omnivorous Raw Paleo Diet / Re: Kidney Stress
« on: March 14, 2010, 11:24:13 pm »
Another thing that we're all abundantly aware of around here is heat-mediated oxidation products (either minimal or maximal), particularly the so-called maillard products depending on carb/amino content.

I've been adding rooibos tea and other anti-oxidant spices to the cooking water of the starchy stuff as a potential means to minimise oxidation products - I wonder how much difference this would make, but I know that traditional India people add curry/betel leaves while clarifying butter into ghee, which I reckon must minimise oxidation of all components including chole-sterol (the native North Americindians weren't scared of oxysterols nor much else!).

On the matter of proteins, I think it was Ray Peat that said that the aminos in collagen/gelatin(the cooked form) are anti-inflammatory compared to the dominant aminos in muscle meats - hence the recommendation to eat of the whole creature (also out of reverence for life like the native North Americans). Maybe it's beneficial to include either bone meal (minerals in a powdered collagen matrix) or bone broth (probably less optimal, but still with the minerals and anti-inflammatory proteins as a hydrophylic colloid).

Sometimes, when things don't work quite as other people assert/experience, it shows the true value of dogma i.e. worthless. Maybe that's why "rendered" fat works for William, yet "cooked" fats don't serve Tyler...I myself like to keep my fats raw, but it's what works in nature, whether that be a camp in the depths of a jungle or an urban settlement in the 21st century.

Omnivorous Raw Paleo Diet / Re: Kidney Stress
« on: March 14, 2010, 11:10:13 pm »
Haha, the confused state is the best state - it means the mind is still open to the possibility of infinite reality...The human organism in the environment of Earth, the solar system, the milky way etc.

Anti-nutrients are a bugger and like you rightly say, it makes over-consumption less possible (so the animal moves on). I look to cooked starches as a raft across the river, but when I'm across the river, I'll discard the raft and river - in my wisdom. Maybe the domesticated breeds are less defensive in their anti-nutrient profile. Domestication sucks, but let's face it, we're a domesticated breed ourselves - I still think that life is miraculous, even if it is a little tainted by modernism.

The primitives gradually knew what they could procure and prepare from their landbase to sustain optimal health all the way through life (including pre-natal/post-natal) and they weren't restricted by dogma - it became self-evident what was nourishing/anti-nourishing. If I just eat RAF, my hair falls out and I can't eat enough to maintain a healthy weight without unbalancing organ function etc.

Isn't it stupid to sustain something that is unsustainable, hence the saying "the fool that persists in his folly will become wise"? I can say that I will be learning still on my deathbed, in whatever form that manifests...

Large amounts of fruit is NOT tooth-healing, full stop (I don't care what anyone says!), and because my kidneys can't take RZC, I have to find other strategies to make this sustainable. Quite frankly, rinsing my teeth with various substrates (bone meal, green clay, sodium bicarb etc.) after fruit definitely does not stop the rot.

I appreciate that submission on kidney stress pc701, which I found useful and I have been thinking about making some raw pemmican with ground juniper berries and maybe drinking some kidney-herb/root tea to see if that makes a difference. The article is totally undermined by the assertion that soy beans are anything fit for humans - stupid considering that it talks about phytate-related nutritional deficiencies in the same article.

Nature will temper us in its way, so I bow in silence waiting to be instructed...

I would like to be eating "guts and grease" as this WAPF article documents: (what a warrior face on that Navajo - awesome!)

Omnivorous Raw Paleo Diet / Re: Kidney Stress
« on: March 14, 2010, 09:12:11 pm »
I've been self-experimenting these last couple of weeks and I'd agree with carnivore/Hannibal that ratio seems to be everything.

I can say this because instead of relying on fruits for my carbohydrates, I've been eating cooked (boiled/steamed) starches in quite large quantities, PLUS along with more carbs, I've been increasing my meat+fat content to a much greater extent than before, which has been less problematic for me than meat+fat+fruit.

I've also been adding lightly cooked vegetables for variety, to make more "square" meals. Typically, I warm my meat and fat in a bain marie/porringer, which I find much more preferable to just room-temp or cold meat.

With just the addition of cooked starches, my metabolism and mood seems to be very much more favourable (bowel movements are also really regular as opposed to constipation), plus my body just likes/tolerates more meat+fat, which is the ultimate objective - to be able to eat optimal amounts of meat+fat with horrible. Also, I'm consuming an added serving of organ meats (usually dehydrated as a snack food), which I'm readily tolerating.

Apparently, because of being able to eat more meat+fat on account of eating more dense carbs that don't erode my tooth enamel (like fruits), body composition is improving with more subcutaneous adipose tissue laid down, plus my eyes have more shine and hair has stopped falling so much.

My conclusion is that if we've developed large salivary amylase production, surely the human metabolism is systemically geared to a reasonable starch intake. Thankfully, starches are allowing me to eat more meat+fat without problematic consequences.

Omnivorous Raw Paleo Diet / Re: Macadamia nuts
« on: March 07, 2010, 02:57:36 am »
Nuts are a source of free radicals, especially shelled nuts, so definitely eat them very sparingly. Furthermore, for their energy density, they do not provide many minerals due to binding by phytates - hence they are anti-mineralising.

I blame reliance on nuts as the reason for tooth enamel/bone destruction, especially in my case - nuts should not be in the diet when there's sufficient nutrients/energy from more appropriate food, like meat/organs/fat and moderate fruit. Of course, you could consider a Nourishing Traditions style approach, which is less akin to our early ancestry.

I've finally started to give up nuts and I know well the lack of satiety from eating nuts, especially when not pre-soaked.

Hot Topics / Re: Cooked Starches
« on: March 05, 2010, 04:44:09 am »
Worthwhile suggestions, which I appreciate.

Fruit and honey seem to be destroying my teeth gradually (minimise them to small doses) and even though I'm eating green clay, freshly-made bone meal, large amounts of fat and fatty cuts, I can't turn the tide enough for my teeth to be able to tolerate fruit and honey.

Raw zero carb is pretty dangerous for me too (serious constipation resulting in blood in the toilet, major dark circles and more), plus I can't seem to get enough of a good ratio of carbs (to meat+fat) from fruit without my teeth being battered by all of the organic acids.

The only reason I've turned to cooked starches is that nothing is actually working to turn the tide (at the moment) and my teeth are damaged to the extent that I'm not willing to eat fruits in sufficient quantity to balance with meat+fat. Raw starchy vegetables aren't really something that I could sustain, which is the reason I'm engaged in very light cooking.

I particularly don't like the idea of continuining with F-CLO, so I'll stick with land ruminant liver and D3 supplements (and enjoy the sunshine as often as possible).

The interesting observation I've made is that the more cooked starches I eat, the more meat+fat I can eat without too-pronounced dark circles and rapid heart beating, which is something that fruits could never mitigate - almost as if I couldn't eat enough carbs from fruit to balance the meat+fat.

I came across Stephen @ Whole Health Source's recommendations as follows, which coincidentally reconcile with my own experimentation:

- Rich in animal foods such as meat, organs, fish, bone broths, full-fat pastured dairy (if tolerated) and eggs.
- Fermented grains only; no unfermented grains such as oatmeal, breakfast cereal, crackers, etc. No breads except sourdough because they typically aren't made from fresh flour.
- No nuts; beans in moderation, only if they're soaked overnight or longer in warm water (due to the phytic acid).
- Starchy vegetables such as potatoes and sweet potatoes.
- Moderate quantities of fruit, but no refined sweets.
- Moderate quantities of well-cooked vegetables.
- Sunlight, high-vitamin cod liver oil or vitamin D3 supplements.
- Generous amounts of pastured butter.
- No industrially processed food.

It's int'resting that many people tout the benefits of broth, yet never mention raw bone meal, which seems much more convenient to me (and less energy-intensive).

@cherimoya_kid: I know that you're also endeavouring to heal your teeth post-fruitarianism - what success have you had thus far and with what food? (I know PaleoPhil, Tyler and Lex have no problematic situation nowadays and experienced healing)



Hot Topics / Cooked Starches
« on: March 04, 2010, 09:09:07 pm »
Hey all,

I've been struggling with weight maintenance, energy levels and kidney health on high RVAF and as an experiment, I've been including some cooked starches (butternut squash, carrots, potatoes etc.) to augment my raw meat/fruits/vegetables diet (a la the Kitavans). I can say that for the first time in a couple of years, I feel more motivation/energy, increased strength and weight regain.

I realise it's taboo to introduce this topic in a raw forum, but frankly, it's just an "augmentation" of my raw paleo effort to assist my energy levels and weight gain.

I must say that with these cooked starches, I never feel any subsequent hypoglycemic response (tiredness, yawning) and it seems already that my glucose tolerance has improved, as well as bowel movements, metabolism and weight gain.

Has anyone else experimented with this augmentation to RVAF with beneficial efficacy?



Omnivorous Raw Paleo Diet / Re: Macadamia nuts
« on: March 04, 2010, 08:59:30 pm »
Nuts are high in phosphorous, anti-nutrients (phytic acid) and often have high PUFAs, although macadamia nuts are the exception with low-PUFA, high MUFA, so they're the best choice.

Long soaking (24 hours) makes the nut easier on the body, but there's still plenty of anti-nutrients to tax the system!

Unshelled nuts are also less rancid than shelled.

My teeth and skin health have suffered on account of high nut consumption over a couple of years before RAF.

Macadamias are great for avoiding the n-3/n-6 PUFAs, if you're trying to re-balance your fatty acid profile and reduce inflammatory tissue.

General Discussion / Re: How do I do a really powerful detox?
« on: February 25, 2010, 02:34:06 am »
Use anything that will cause the liver/gallbladder to contract and eject bile into the small intestine - coffee enema, cholegogic herbs (yellow dock, dandelion root, gentian root - best as ethanolic extract/tincture to ensure that compounds go direct to liver), oil/citrus mix (read about the different flush protocols), raw apple cider vinegar mixed in water (1T per glass - honey to taste) - malic acid is a bile solvent (it can stop a so-called gallbladder attack in minutes rather than sufferers waiting hours or going to hospital).

Also, the kidney removes water-soluble toxins via urine (like liver removes fat-soluble toxins via bile), so maybe do a kidney cleanse protocol to increase elimination potential.

Have all the rivers flowing - maybe use a herbal colon invigorator to keep the bowels moving for fast-tracking toxins out into the sewer system - where they belong.

If liver and kidneys are working optimally, toxins will start to be dumped out of blood and lymph and when these are clear, the other tissues will dump their toxins into blood/lymph and eventually out into the sewer system. So there will be a movement of long-standing toxins from the inter/intra-cellular fluids into the sewer system - this means optimal homeostasis, according to some, which means optimal immunity, elimination, digestion, sensory experience, tissue regeneration etc. Sounds ideal, I know - maybe difficult in practice!

Skin brushing and exercise (rebounding) pumps the lymphatic system, so maybe a little dancing and singing per day will be nice! ;-))

Typically, I agree with everyone, although I did say "seems ridiculous" rather than "is ridiculous" on the matter of fruit eating - that was more a nod to the fact that domestic fruits are nowadays higher in sugar/fructose, plus there's the matter of salicylate sensitivity, which plagues a few on here - a la the coconut oil cramps etc.  (maybe check

@PaleoPhil: Have you read any of Melvin Page's books? What about the passages on (wildly interesting!)?

I'll acknowledge that both too much meat/fat and too much fruit results in poor day-to-day health for me, so I'm considering some denser carbs in the form of pseudo-grains, non-gluten grains and maybe potatoes (as of the so-called optimal diet). I hate(!) to undermine paleo in this way, but frankly, it's not servicing my good health. I will be experimenting with high meat/fat/carbs over the next few weeks, with some light (I know, not exactly non-toxic) heat application, just to see if my health is facilitated.

This is not a reckless move, but on the back of reading diverse blogs that aren't exactly pro-lo-carb+raw. Suffice to say that all of my animal foods, fruits and fermented vegetables/beverages will be raw, along with the addition of cooked starches (did you say Maillard-facilitated Acrylamide formation?!) in an attempt to raise my metabolism, which high-fat RAF has failed to do thus far. I could imagine that our ancestors diversified when their health was not facilitated (a la the robust peoples reported by WAP), so I feel confident to follow in their footsteps, albeit with the greatest respect for maintaining my high RVAF intake.

Low PUFA intake is assumed, so I won't be buying any more F-CLO in the short term, replacing instead with a D3 supplement and ruminant liver. I've also found a new source for game, so that will be nice to include, plus I've found a source for raw Jersey cream, so that may be useful as a short term boost of fat-soluble vitamins.

I'm also beginning to wonder how healed+sealed my permeable gut lining is, so I will up my intake of homemade raw bone meal.

Also, I really appreciate this community, so don't be thinking for a moment that I'm trying to undermine anyone, when I'm actually just trying to stimulate creativity and bring the best out in anyone/everyone - without sounding corny, that is...Maybe I will get myself a glucose meter and do the metrics thing...

It seems ridiculous to avoid fruit, given that the human organism has the metabolic pathways for processing the associated substances (fructose metabolism via liver etc.). What about the pigment-richness of diverse fruits and their associated anti-oxidant status, i.e. polyphenolic compounds, beta carotenes, tocotrienols etc.

Maybe there's some underlying cause for the intolerance (i.e. causality rather than symptomatology), which needs to be "weeded out" and addressed.

The experiential dynamic of our reality should teach us that nothing is ever quite what it seems - hence the cosmology of dualism. Stay open-minded like a true child of the universe, LOL!

I urge you to read other people (especially physiologists and endocrinologists) outside of raw/non-raw paleo dogma.

Another thing is that it's health to read raw vegan blogs/forums, just to accumulate all the great ideas for preparing benign plant foods, which include beneficial anti-oxidants, minerals/vitamins/co-factors and weak organic acids - all of these things are beneficial to the human physiology.

Of course, there are also the great ferments with their complement of organic acids for detoxifying in a very toxic world.

It's a shame that non-heirloom fruits contain massive sugar imbalances, which are not greatly beneficial for the paleo-wannabe.

Does anyone read about the GAPS diet, particularly with a focus on increasing collagen/gelatin intake for healing+sealing an over-permeable gut? I've been grinding my own bone meal recently (thanks to great advice about farrier rasps from my friends here) and I wondered if anyone knew if this powder/meal contains collagen, like bone broths do (I imagine that there is). I somehow almost always feel great after a couple of tablespoons of raw grass-fed bone meal (usually eat it with some marrow from the same bone).

Also, does anyone know about lipid peroxide levels in long-aged "high" meat, which could be a source of radicals, unless it's protected by the lactic acid fermentation from native cultures?

I've not been on the forum for a few weeks due to professional commitments during the week and domestic commitments during the weekend, so it's nice to come back to a thread like this...

I have big fangs on top and bottom, which is great, considering that my jaw was underdeveloped enough to crowd those fangs up a little (if I knew about Weston Price's studies when I was a fuetus/infant/child, I would've informed my mother, who was at least prudent enough to breast feed me for 18 months).

Meat and fat feel great and perfect for my own taste/bite...

Nevertheless, along with the anecdote has to come some understanding/science/physiology/pathology and precipitates that have crystallised out of solution in the various channels/ducts/organs should be a focus of anyone trying to heal the complete cellular metabolism, be it bone, skin, brain, endothelial cells, GI tract, blood, lymphatics etc.

Particularly, the cholelithiasis (debris and then tissue pathology in the biliary/liver/GB system) and nephrolithiasis (debris and then tissue pathology in the urinary/kidney system) should be of great concern, given that after the upstream blood/lymph/tissues/organs, these are the primary organs of elimination. Any pathology in the liver can result in a pathology of the kidneys, and vice versa.

I've noticed constipation and dark eye circles related to increased meat/fat consumption, which is definitely not a hallmark of healing - something I attribute to inter-related DEFICIENT liver/kidney function. Furthermore, I cannot maintain a decent BASAL METABOLIC RATE when eating only fruits and meat+fat, plus I believe that excessive nut/seed consumption represents too much PUFA in the diet, which I don't have the vitamin E or ORAC status to counter sufficiently.

As always (at least for me), the cosmos seems to be presenting me with a catch-22 scenario and that ain't good.

Personally, in my opinion (which is also wisely stated by goodsamaritan), it's necessary to clear debris in the elimination organs before embarking on our true heritage diet. Some people here think that you only need food to heal, yet there are many other tools to streamline healing - goodsamaritan seems to be one of the only ones here to embrace that, along with myself.

For example, any deficiency in bile production and liver/GB contraction definitely means a diminished ability to uptake fat and fat-soluble vitamins.

Decades of poor diet/lifestyle results in crystallisation of solids out of solution (and in most cases calcification) in the many passageways and chambers of the body/organs, which don't normalise with a paleo diet, therefore, other tools are required (herbs/tinctures, cleansing/flushing).

Does anyone know about the beneficial effect of small amounts of juniper berries on the urinary system - maybe it's a good choice for blending into pemmicans or further drying and grinding with salt/pepper onto raw meat?

Currently, I'm trying to heal my teeth on raw paleo and I consider increasing my bile output to be priority number 1 in this endeavour.

Furthermore, I imagine that most of you somehow listen to Patrick Timpone's podcasts and he often mentions the "digestive bitters" formula for stimulating digestion - that's probably a great interim measure while people are trying to become "stone free" in their organs of elimination. I live in the UK, so I probably wouldn't buy that formula, but I make my own teas/tinctures, so complexing such a formula myself would not be too challenging.

Another great tool for keeping bile moving/liquid is Apple Cider Vinegar (even though it absolutely destroys tooth enamel on contact - rinse before use and immediately afterwards with sodium bicarbonate). Apple cider vinegar has the potent malic acid content, yet without the nasty sugar spike from apple juice - perfect in the week build up to emptying the liver/GB/ducts with a flush!

KISS is a great approach, if you have non-impaired elimination organ function...My motto is that food cannot save you alone and simplicity comes through a wiser understanding, hence the Egyptian cosmological axiom "as above, so below"...

Medicine existed in the pre-neolithic period, so let's embrace those tools.

Omnivorous Raw Paleo Diet / Re: Raw Omni + Tooth Healing
« on: January 06, 2010, 10:20:12 pm »
Thanks for all of the pointers, which I really appreciate.

@Jessica: You seem pretty wildcraft-savvy, which is refreshing. Do you know the name of the peruvian breed because there're quite a few that're purple available, although none of them are called "Peruvian Purple" as such (that is, on the regional websites offering seed potatoes). I like the idea of the purple spuds though, if they're starch-free and low-glycotic-rate. I like your kelpy-sauerkraut too, but there's the caveat that sauerkraut is full of organic acids, which are destructive of tooth enamel (counter-productive, even though sauerkraut is great in many ways, especially in that there're some K2 quinones in there).

@Tyler: Just out of interest, how come you're eating bananas and pineapples, knowing how screwed up their gene pools are(?) - nothing like the original ones...I don't consider these almost morbidly-hybridised species to represent paleo nourishment, so I'm naturally interested in your mindset. For me, a single banana elevates (and crashes) my blood sugar all too easily...

I've not been able to procure myself an appropriate file for bone meal yet (nor the time to sit and produce it), but I've just decided to do some interim experimentation with bone broths (for the short term) and will gauge the effect on my teeth in the next couple of weeks, just to see if the high mineral level will make a difference. I realise that bone broths are less-than-optimal as a long-simmered item, but I'm getting a little desperate with my teeth and I need to find a balance somewhere...(nowhere to run, nowhere to hide!)

Omnivorous Raw Paleo Diet / Re: Raw Omni + Tooth Healing
« on: January 03, 2010, 01:27:11 am »
Also, Tyler, I remember you saying somewhere that you didn't really eat that much fat along with your meat these days - just what comes along with the meat. Is that the case - that you're not adding suet, brisket, marrow or some other fat to each cut?

Really, looking at the raw paleo diet and its very varying efficacies, it seems like as much as a gamble as other approaches - namely one thing doesn't apply to everyone.

So, I suppose I'd be wondering who supplements their raw omni diet (or raw zero carb) with some kind of abundant minerals for any reasons...teeth compromisation, cramping or otherwise (and if so, why?)!

Omnivorous Raw Paleo Diet / Re: Raw Omni + Tooth Healing
« on: January 03, 2010, 01:15:03 am »
Well, Tyler, it's odd because my bite seems stronger and my teeth feel firmer in my jaw, but whenever I have anything that can cross the dentine pores/tubules and hit the nerve, I recognise that my teeth are still "weak". Also, the areas where the enamel has disappeared, revealing easily-stained dentine (brown areas on the tooth) seem to be growing.

I have some avenues to explore anyway...

I used to have a handful of long-soaked nuts every day, which may have tipped my mineral balance somehow - I've eliminated nuts completely now, except for the very odd occasion, when I may have one or two.

I'm wondering if the heavy metals in my mouth are causing some kind of dysbiosis, giving rise to unbalanced saliva pH.

Bile insufficiency (clogged bile ducts from liver/gallbladder, as well as stone-clogged gallbladder) causing nutrient uptake insufficiency(especially fat-soluble vitamins) could be the primary explanation.

It's possible that my enamel was universally compromised by years of a daily grapefruit and lemon slices in tea.

I just don't know, but I'm determined to discover what separates me from those healing their teeth with apparent ease. I know that there are some on this forum that mentioned only tooth healing when they included bone meal or clay, which is similar to the recommendations from the Weston Price Foundation regarding a steady mineral supply. I'm sure that the minerals must vary in grass-fed meat...

So Tyler, what are your raw carb staples please? Are we talking an apple and an orange, or anything more exotic?

Omnivorous Raw Paleo Diet / Re: Raw Omni + Tooth Healing
« on: January 03, 2010, 12:56:20 am »
Bone meal is a great suggestion, although I've found it impracticable to manufacture the fresh stuff myself. I've sat for a few hours trying to file small batches down, but I'm sure that it could easily become a full-time job without automation!

None of the local/regional butchers or farms that I know can provide bone meal (they have leftover bones collected by some contractor - I may ask for the contact details of the contractor and see if they can grind some for me!), so I suppose that the only alternative is bone broth, which is of course, boiled bones/collagen. I've boiled a few bones in the past, but I wonder what toxins are dissolved considering that the broth simmers for 24-48 hours.

I've previously looked for "store-bought" bone meal, but to be honest, I don't really know what you mean. If I Google "bone meal ...", the searches usually present the typical fertiliser offerings, rather than for human consumption - is that the stuff you're buying, or are there higher grades? Also, what about the mineral ratios in the bone meal - would it vary between grass-fed and grain-fed etc.?

Does anyone know of alternatives for making bone meal from fresh bones, such as smashing and then hand-stone-grinding? I reckon it would be great to have a couple of tablespoons worth of these bio-available minerals each day.

Is it worth me just having bone broths in the meantime to bring some more strength to the teeth (as a head start)?

I've experimented with tooth brushing formulas and the best stuff seems to be the Ayurvedic herb/bark powders with some added peppermint oil or neem oil - I've not tried tea tree oil though.

I've recently been consuming some french green clay, although I'm not sure how available the minerals are. I know that the clay is naturally-dried and high quality, but I can't seem to find any commentary on the bio-availability of the minerals. What do you reckon?

Normally, I do the oil swishing thing for better hygiene, plus I also swish with different things after carbs/acid to neutralise the mouth pH, although I have to be careful with clay given my amalgam fillings (I've tasted metals in my mouth before when clay swishing, given its metal-binding quality!).

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