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Messages - afroza

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General Discussion / Re: raw bone marrow tastes like ice cream!
« on: April 30, 2010, 12:46:28 pm »
I love it, and my kids love it, too. I think more of butter then of ice-cream when I eat it, though. This is something that I recommend to friends who have never tried raw meats, because the taste is really pleasant. I mostly eat mutton marrow but I enjoy beef too.

afroza, can you recommend some literature on vaccines?
I have read some good research done in Sweden on vaccines but unless you read swedish it won´t do you any good. But below is a link to a collection of interesting intervjues etc, by Jon Rappoport. He has reported on the subject of vaccines for years, and some of the intervjues are with former scientists that worked in the vaccine business. It´s not so much about the science behind vaccines (if thats what you were interested in) but more about the scam behind the vaccine business. Interesting reading I think. I will post again if I find more goodies on the subject.

Off Topic / Re: Eau de Cancer
« on: February 28, 2010, 02:59:57 pm »
Yes, I have smelled it too. Not only cancers. I can smell other diseases too. When somebody has a couple of days left to live, they have a perticular smell. I used to work at a hospital, so I have noticed cancer and before-death-smell a lot.

 My family used to use my "dog-nose" to smell if food where rancid or moldy, I could always smell it long before anyone else could. I can sometimes smell where women are in their menstrual cycle. For what I need that talent, I do not know. It is sometimes a blessing, and sometimes a curse.

General Discussion / Re: What about roots and root vegetables?
« on: February 24, 2010, 04:44:50 pm »
It is always so much confusion on this forum about AV contra paleo, I don´t know why. The two have nothing to do with each other.
 Aajonus PD is a diet that he has developed over the years, trial/error way, and consist of what works for him (struggeling with some difficult diseases in the past) and his clients. You can divide the PD into two parts:

1. The foods that are good for you due to evolutionary reasons, foods that have suited humans since our hunter-gatherer past. This are meats, fats and 5 % carbs (in form of one low carb fruit a day for example, or wild berries), that turns into alchohol and helps digest meats.

2. The other part of the diet is the foods that are supposed to compensate for a life time of eating cooked foods, and are not part of a paleo diet. This is first veggie juices from low carb, mainly green, veggies to give some of the enzymes back to people who have eaten lots of cocked foods. And secondly dairy, that is suppose to give extra minerals back to people who have eaten a mineral deficient diet before, (everyone, but especially vegetarians). This is also to compensate for not getting enough or good quality milk from our mothers. It is natural for us to nurse for many years. He recognizes that some people are not doing well on any carbs, and should avoid veggiejuice and fruits alltogether. Kids that grows up on raw meat does not have to drink veggie juice ever, according to AV. He also states that some people does not digest milk even when fermented, room temperature and honey added for extra digestive enzymes, and they should avoid it totally.
He does not recommend anybody to eat whole veggies (since we can´t digest them and they interfere with the Ph-balance in our stomach, it has to be acid if you eat RAF), and if you don´t have a juicer he recommends that you chew some cellery or other low carb veggies and spit the pulp, for enzymes (if you feel you need them) and for hydration.

It´s all about finding what works for you. Myself, I started out as a strict PD, but have no taste for the veggiejuice more (so I don´t drink it) but I still enjoy raw butter, cream and milk. I think that this might be a temporary phase as well, and I will end up a pure raw paleo eventually. If my body wants dairy I will provide, if I loose the taste for it, or notice any other bad effects from it, then I will quit it.

Health / Re: ALL VACCINES are dangerous to human health. Reject them ALL.
« on: February 20, 2010, 04:07:06 pm »
Polio is a detox of the spine, usually due to heavy metal poisoning from vaccines, canned food or food cocked in metal utensils.
If you get polio (if you are in to RAF, you will not); eat a raw paleo diet, high in fat and organic bonemarrow and let the detox have it´s course and you will be fine.

Health / Re: ALL VACCINES are dangerous to human health. Reject them ALL.
« on: February 20, 2010, 03:40:00 pm »
Old thread but such an important subject!
After years of studying all I could find on vaccines, my firm belief is this:
- Vaccines does not work (in what they say to accomplish). Oftenly outbreaks of disease have happened just after vaccination in the same areas. It is based on false science.
- Vaccines are highly poisonous substances.
- Disease (infections etc.) is a natural part of life, and evolution (weak, malnurioushed individuals dies, strong, healthy ind. gets stronger by it and the spieces as a whole gets healthier).

Excavations show that humans did not have diseases before we started agriculture 10 000- 12 000 years before. The biggest research on the subject where published last year, I can´t find it now on internet, it was some big American university who conducted it over several years and four continents. For example, it shows that infectious disease was not brought to America by Europeans, they already had TBC and syphilis, among others. They started having them when they gave up being hunter gatherer and started growing maize and such. Occupied by the Europens and not being able to hunt at all anymore obviously led to an even worse diet and more disease.

I have two children, 5 and a half and 1 and a half. They have not had any vaccines. We travel in "dangerous" areas in Asia, and my kids are the healthiest kids around. The locals have all been vaccinated and are sick all the time.

If you are thinking about taking vaccines for yourself or your kids, do the reading first, there is lot´s of good info out there. Personally, I would never let anyone near me or my kids with a syringe!

General Discussion / Re: So how do raw paleosts sleep?
« on: February 20, 2010, 02:32:34 pm »
I have noticed since I moved to India and sleep on the floor that my muscles relaxes much better. When I used to sleep in a soft bed the tension in the muscles from moving/working during the day, would still be there when I woke up, but I was so used to it that I didn´t notice. Not until I slept on a hard floor and the resistance made it nessecary for me to consciously let go of muscle tension. It is absolutetly impossible to sleep on hard surface if your body is tense, it hurts. It is like someone massages your muscles a bit hard, it hurts as long as you can´t relax them. I think that´s one of the reason why the people here has very flexible bodies even in old age in spite of malnutrition, they squat, they sleep on the ground/ floor and their body´s don´t get spoiled using to much furniture.

Health / Re: eating clay
« on: February 19, 2010, 04:39:19 pm »
I thought the elephants dug to find cooler clay. I guess it comes down to follow instinct or intuition; if the place looks good (faaaar away from any farming activity for example), and the clay tastes good, then eat it. For paleo people who eats bone and other mineral rich food, they would not feel the need to ingest clay and such, I guess. When I was pregnant I could get the urge to lick clay or mud even, I still get that, but not as much. 

Health / Re: eating clay
« on: February 18, 2010, 09:34:13 pm »
I was thinking about starting a thread on clay, since I have some questions on the subject, when I found this one. Very interesting to read, Jessica. Sounds like a nice place to live! I have been thinking of collecting clay and eat it for some time. I love the smell of clay (it get´s my saliva running!) and whenever I taste it I really like it and I would like to eat more of it, but I get worried that it can contain things that are easy to overdose, like too much iron or something. The area I have tasted clay from is relatively unpolluted in the Himalayas, but some minerals can be toxic for humans in too big quanteties. Do you just follow your intuition on wich clay to eat, Jessica, and how much? I know you can order clay from companies that tests that it´s safe, but the whole thought of that puts me off. I just want to lay down on the ground and lick it! I got inspired now from you, Jessica, I think I will try it.

Health / Re: Broken bone
« on: February 14, 2010, 08:21:26 pm »
  I keep on hearing from people in countries which don't yet have an organised organic-meat industry how it is impossible to find organic meats. IMO, though, one invariably finds that high-quality meats do indeed exist -  there are multiple small-time impoversihed  farmers in every single country around the world who raise their animals on 100% grassfed diets(peasants in rural areas are the best) but who simply cannot afford to  convert to official organic status.
Yes, what I meant was that I can´t be sure of which meat in the market is organic, since there is no such labeling here. If I ask the butcher who is selling the meat he will just look  ??? When we are in the north I just buy it from the herdsmen or farmers directly and it´s all much easier. I have noticed here in Goa that they are very fond of injecting animals with all kind of shit. I was getting buffallo milk from one guy here and one morning when I came to get my milk the buffallos hadn´t returned from pasture to be milked because the day before the vet had been there to "give them all there shots", and they were scared to come home. In remote villages there is usually no problem with meats, but in the town markets (where I live at the moment) there is always the problem of knowing which animals have been kept indoor, grainfed and injected (because in the more crowded areas, thats how animals are kept) and which ones are freerange and healthy.
That´s why humans and animals should not live in big crowds in cities, ahh I long for april when we go back to Kashmir!
Thanks for the tip on white meat, that´s suppose to be good for building new tissue, AV says. I get lovely seafood here. I guess I can suffer through half an unripe banana too!

Health / Broken bone
« on: February 14, 2010, 04:48:55 pm »
Five days ago, I went hiking with my two kids, the youngest on my back in a carrier, and I slipped and fractured the fibula bone near the wrist. I heard it snap like a twig, when my foot bended sideways ( I instinctively tried not to fall on my back, where my son where sitting). I used flip flops (not the best shoes for hiking, but it was a spontaneous hike!) and the hillside was full of round shaped gravel. Bad combination. I have had a fracture once before in my life, 18 years ago, and it´s the same bone in the same place as this time. Can it bee that I didn´t heal properly that time (it was in my vegetarian days) and the bone was already weaker there then the rest? Or maybe I just used the same way of bending my right foot when I lost my balance, and thats why I fractured it in the same manner. I don´t think I have brittle bones in general.
It is healing remarkably quick, though. I started putting weight on it two days ago, and I am walking without crutches. I refused casting (is it called that in engl?), I want full blood circulation for optimal healing and I need to be able to move the foot as much as I can.
I just eat the same as usual but I drink more milk, I crave it at the moment. I love bonemarrow, but I can´t get organic meat here, in Goa where I am at the moment, and I dare not eat marrow full of toxins so I stay off it.
Does anybody have any input on what might be good food for me for healing this? I still have a bit of swelling and bruising around the ankle.

I use eggs nowadays for hair, from pasture-fed chickens, and it gives you some of the "clean" feeling you get with schampoo. It even lathers a bit. But you need to rinse with quite a bit of water, cold water.  I have long hair and I wash it once per month. I brush it everyday, that spreads the fat from the skalp evenly in rest of the hair and makes it easy to manage. I always braid my hair, othervise I would not be comfortable with the oily look you get when you don´t wash it oftenly. I never put any other oil in my hair, or on my body, I feel that it makes the skin dry after some time. Just avoiding soap takes care of moisterising skin.
I have never used deodorant or perfumes, can´t stand then, except musk oil wich I find very attractive. Not sure if it is acctually real oil from the musk deer, probably not I´m afraid.
No tothpaste, I brush if I get fuzzy teeth, usually in the evenings. I still use soap (some herbal, coconut stuff) for my armpit, othervise I stink, but I think it might be a problem that will go away after beeing on RAF for some more time. The person I know who have done this the longest (about 5 years), he stank for the first 3 years (detoxing from bad SAD) and is, I would call it, odourless nowadays. No bad breath either. I hope to reach that stage. Don´t mind normal body smell though, kind of like it.
For washing I use the soapnuts that Nicola mentioned earlier, and Raw mentioned Ritha, it´s the same thing (ritha is the name for it here in India and Bhangladesh). It grows where I live, but if I where back in Europe I would prefer to use soft soap from pine trees, or something else local.
In Kashmir I am lucky to have a natural stream just next to our land, with cold glacier water running, and we use it for drinking and bathing. It is rich in bacteria and oh, so tasy.  When here in Goa we suffer with the clorine water like everyone else. We take baths in the ocean though, it is better than the tap water, but I dont like salt water hair so I rinse it in tap water.

General Discussion / Re: Are there any Nutarians out there...?
« on: February 12, 2010, 09:07:56 pm »
I used to be able to eat nuts when I started with RAF, I could even handle some veggies back then. But now when I eat almost exclusively meat and animal fat I get stomach cramps that leaves me on the floor in featus position if I taste nuts! Nuts does not go well with a diet high in RAF in my experience. Haven´t tried fresh almonds though, they look tasty!

Hot Topics / Re: Tapeworms.
« on: February 12, 2010, 08:17:46 pm »
That´s what I´m talking about, Spearhead says it all! And the rest of you can post any link you want on this parasite or that in this animal or that, we know that all animals are hosts to other spieces, call them parasites or not. The people doing the research in these links are all trained to be phobic of parasites and bacterias and the conclusions they draw from their data is probably much different than if a RAFoodist, or any other person with a different mindset, did the same research.
Sure you can poison your inner pets with herbs or zapper if you wan´t to (done that, yes it works), but why would you want that? It doesn´t make you healthier, quite the opposite.
For people with more free time and better speed then me can sure google for research on parasites and bacteria curing deadly diseases, cancers and others. There is lot´s out there.
And Miles, why I said parasites is good for us when we are dead is because otherwise the cemetarys would be a strange place, if all the corpses wheren´t eaten by our lovely worms and maggots. Even if you die in a sterile environment, with no incoming air our other means for pollutants, your body produces all parasites to make sure that there is nothing left but bones after a while. They get to it when your tissues are decaying, they don´t eat your healthy organs.
Love your parasites! ;) They love you!

Hot Topics / Re: Tapeworms.
« on: February 12, 2010, 12:10:31 am »
I think we have parasites in many organs and it´s the same thing, they are janitors. Parasites and larger animals have co-existed for hundreds of thousands of years because we all benefit from it. All animal tissue have inactive "parasites" in them that becomes active when needed, for example when we die. That has been scientifically proven. We don´t always get them from food, we are suppose to have them. They clean up messes, if you have them.
Whenever we slaughter sheeps, for example, they ALWAYS have two short, fat, white worms in there brains, that crawl away when you break the scull open. Isn´t that funny? Always two. I have asked my husband and his family (from Kashmir) who has seen hundreds of sheep beeing slaughtered over the years, and they confirm that they always have two worms in the brain. I am supercurious to ask a brain surgeon or people who do autopsys if humans have large worms in the brain too. I have heard from people who promotes anti-parasite cures that we can have parasites in the brain, but I don´t know how they know that or if there information is correct.

Hot Topics / Re: Tapeworms.
« on: February 11, 2010, 05:12:38 pm »
I´m with rooney on the parasites. They do their hosts good in predigesting foods. The people in third world countries who eat mostly grains have a lot of them, they probably wouldn´t be able to digest that inhuman diet otherwise. Unhealthy people have unhealthy organs, the parasites are not doing the damage, the diet is. My son had those that look like a whip ( I don´t know if they are whipworms, or they just roll up like whips). He had had an operation a year before that, and had been taking strong antibiotics, and right after that he got problems with the digestion, he was constipated all the time and in pain when going to the bathroom. Then the digestion started to improve and after a big meal of raw, fatty ground beef, the biggest raw meat meal he had ever eaten, (he ate like 25 pretty big balls of meat!)out came a big worm. After another week came another one, and a third. Thats it, he was fine, his digestion since then has been super, it is more then a year ago. I think the parasite helped him get rid of toxic material in his intestines.
I also get those sacks in suet, brown slime, smells awful. I don´t eat those. What are they?

General Discussion / Re: Lamb
« on: February 03, 2010, 12:40:17 am »
Might be useful to try honey with meats and fat, too. It´s loaded with enzymes to help digest proteins and fats. It has to be unheated.

General Discussion / Re: Lamb
« on: February 03, 2010, 12:20:21 am »
"In the wild" on a RAF diet you would not have detoxes. No toxins in your body to get rid of in the first place. But if you are brought up on modern cooked food like the rest of us you are sure to have them. I personally embrace them, since they make me stronger and healthier, but I can understand if you would like to minimize the negative effects of them. Experiment with different meats and fats, small quanteties, and just take it from there. Stay with the fats though, it is the only thing that can bind with stored toxins from cooked and processed food, pollution and shit.

General Discussion / Re: 2 Questions.
« on: February 02, 2010, 09:55:04 pm »
Don´t know about the K vitamins but a have seen some research done on the D-vitamin in animals, I think it was through the weston a price website. In short, they make vitamin D from sunlight, obviously, and meat or eggs from pasture fed animals contains a lot of it, especially liver and yolk. Indoor kept animals have very low vitamin D levels in their meat and organs. The levels of vitamin D have drastically gone down in meats since industrial meat production started. I have noticed that for example chickens that are running free outside have dark yellow fat compared to cage chickens white fat. I think that vitamin D makes the fat more yellow, but this is just my own idea. Fishliver is another booster of all the fatsoluble vitamins, if you can get wildcaught, skate liver is high in K.
I would stay away from the supplements, they are too far from it´s natural state to do you any good.

General Discussion / Re: Lamb
« on: February 02, 2010, 08:56:05 pm »
I eat almost exclusively lamb, or mutton actually, since they don´t kill young animals here. I live in India and beef is not a biggie in the market (but I do get it sometimes, now that I know where to find it). I had the same reactions that you mention for the first month or so, going raw, and I have them still every time I fall of the wagon and eat carbs and crap for a while. Not when eating cooked carbs, but whenever I start with RAF again, fever and diahrrea and absolutely no energy. I feel certain that it is heavy detox, every time. The body is dumping toxins in the stomach and using the extra fat to bind with it and throw it out the quickest way possible. Everytime I go through one of these detoxes I feel much better after then I did prior to it, so I think that I am gaining health by cleaning out old shit from my cells by using fever and diahrrea.
 Maybe what you are experiencing is part detox?  -v
I also use more and more fermented mutton, it also gives me a strong detox for the first week or so, and then I feel that I get loads of energi, since the food is predigested and all. I just buy extra meet, as fatty as I can get, when I´m in the market, chop it up and put it in a jar, filling it properly so that there is not so much room for air. After a couple of weeks I eat it, I even like taste, and it definetely helps my digestion.
Maybe you could try fermenting.
I would just keep on eating lots of fat, white or yellow, if I were you. I am sure the body is doing the right thing by giving you a fever and diahrrea. That´s probably just what you need right now. I don´t belive in dangerous patogens, your body will use any kind of bacteria or virus that is appropriate for the cleaning job at hand.

General Discussion / Re: Children and RPD
« on: December 15, 2009, 02:55:49 pm »
Sorry for the delay, my internet connection is not working since the last two days.

My sons school has some good qualities, obviously, otherwise we wouldn't have choosen it. But the vegetarian mindset of the staff and parents are a problem for us (and for all the other kids, they are very emotional, being high on starches all day). I am more and more leaning towards making my own home school situation working, and keep it open to other children too, if other families in the area would be interested. And just do our thing. I am nervous at the thought of other people educating my kids, especially if their way of life is too, different from ours ("killing animals is bad karma" etc). We bought some land up in Kashmir, where my husband is from, earlier this year, and we will set up a small animal farm there and some tourist cottages, and I will probably try to get some school thing going on there as well. If you want good things I guess you have to do it yourself. Would be nice to send the kids to a nice outdoor oriented RAF school where they could explore nature and be creative! Maybe in the future such places will exist ;)
Let's hope and work towards that!

General Discussion / Re: Children and RPD
« on: December 14, 2009, 02:23:41 am »
No, Phil. No meat. We live in Goa in India for the time beeing and most of the kids in his school have vegetarian parents who doesn´t like meat to be served in school. They are nearly all foreigners like me, and many of them are into yoga, spiritual practices or just being hippies. In any case, meat is a big no, no.

General Discussion / Re: Children and RPD
« on: December 14, 2009, 12:26:21 am »
Kids and RAF is a tough one when it comes to social life. For some familys it seams to work very well, I am so happy for them. This is my experinces, in short;
I have two sons, 5 and 1 year old, and I let them eat cooked foods when they see other people eat it, although I always try to explain what is healthy and what is not and what long term effects different foods have when you eat them (at least to my 5-year old, the youngest is too young for reasoning). I follow the Primal Diet, and my husband does too, for the most part. We live in a joined household, all in all about 15 people, and we are the only two eating raw, so the kids do eat cooked foods everyday with rest of the family (cooked meats, and some rice and bread, no veggies - they don´t like them). I feed them raw, fatty meats everyday and raw dairy (milk and butter) and they both take Blue Ice fermented codliver oil every day, I can´t get them to eat raw fish, unfortunately. I am not a fan of any supplements, but I must say that the fish oil saved my oldest sons teeth, or what little was left of them. I was a vegetarian for ten years before having him and nursed him for years, thinking I was doing him a favour, only the milk was of so poor quality, and he didn´t eat much else, so his milkteeth just rottened. Since I started giving him cod liver oil the tooth decay has completely stopped.
My oldest son goes to a pre school where he gets terrible lunches (only veg, mostly cooked starches like pasta or bread). I am not happy with the amount of cooked crap that my children encounters during the day, but I hope that the good stuff I give them will at least give their bodies usable nutrition for health and growth. I am all the time trying to find better solutions to these problems, I am not going to keep him in this school next year, for example. The family issue is a hard one to figure out though, I want them to have close relationships with rest of the family, their grandparents and cousins etc, but the stuff that this people eat sends shivers up my spine sometimes!
I think that as the children grow and experience the effects that different foods has on them, they will be able to choose wisely. I guess most of the people here never had anybody showing them how to eat RAF but they were intelligent enough to find this path themselves. I guess trying to be a good rolemodel is the stand I am taking on the parenting issue, rather than having a lot of rules. Strict rules often tend to get the opposite effect, if I remember my own childhood correctly:)

I think you should buy Aajonus Vonderplanitz two books and follow the dietary advises in there very carefully. I know many people with IBS have been very successful on the Primal Diet. The first thing I would change if I were you is to stop mixing meats and veggies, because you will not have the benefit of either one of them if you eat them together, the digestive juices needed for meats and veggies are completely different. Eat meats with plenty of raw fat, dairy if you can get butter or cream or coconutcream or avocados if you cant get it. Stay off the almonds and any nuts, they are extremely hard to digest for humans. Good luck!

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