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Messages - RawZi

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General Discussion / Re: Eskimoes and omega 3
« on: October 28, 2009, 09:58:50 pm »
I only had to take about 3g of fish oil a day to experience the Inuit nosebleed problem.

    I'm glad you're feeling better than that now.

    Was the fish oil pasteurized and heat treated?

    Do you think the Inuit use the same form of it that you used?

General Discussion / Re: hyper awareness, paranoia, agression
« on: October 28, 2009, 07:45:55 pm »
You mean this?
One diet might have been eaten in the Miocene era, 4 to 7 million years ago. At that time, the range of foods eaten by our human ancestors was probably not very different from that of contemporary great apes, whose genetic makeup is possibly no more than 2% to 3% different from modern humans.11 This first diet consisted of large amounts of leafy vegetables, nuts (almonds and hazelnuts), and fruit, some tropical, but all purchased in local grocery stores. Theoretically, all these foods could be eaten raw but the majority of vegetables were eaten cooked. The diet was effectively devoid of any significant amount of starch. This diet was compared for effect on serum cholesterol with 2 current diets. First was a high-starch Neolithic-like diet, low in saturated fat and high in oats, barley, whole grain cereals, and dried legumes, with low-fat dairy as the source of animal protein. The second diet was a modern therapeutic diet (NCEP step 2 diet)-very low in saturated fat and dietary cholesterol and with a similar macronutrient profile to the Simian Miocene diet.

The major feature of the Simian diet was the large volume and the length of time spent eating. Considerable pressure had to be brought to bear on the subjects to ensure they ate all their food and did not lose weight. The foods were palatable, but the volume of 5.5 kg/d for a 70-kg man was excessive and the time taken to eat this volume (8 or more hours per day) was a further limitation.
I am more aware than I was not having to eat and digest so often.

General Discussion / Re: hyper awareness, paranoia, agression
« on: October 28, 2009, 07:25:24 pm »
I didn't know there was a welcoming thread. I eat mainly organic fruit, leafy greens and sprouts (Miocene diet). Paleo dieters tend to find it boring/unpopular.

    Check out the child boards, that's where we all start, as I did back almost a year ago.

    What's Miocene?  Is there a book you started with?  What does the word mean? 

    I've been organic raw sproutarian.  I can make better raw sprout loaf, sprout dressing, etc than anybody.  I digest raw meat much better.  With raw meat I get a strong kind of sensitive, so eye opening.  With sproutarianism I get hypersensitive, my skin turns bright orange color, and I get what the professional sprout directors call blood poisoning.  I do find that a bit boring and unpopular, or some other negative, as you've said.

    Organic RAF helps my immune system know what's me, and helps my liver know how to deal with everything.  It's a more interesting diet than Miocene in that manner.   

General Discussion / Re: meat dehydrating
« on: October 28, 2009, 05:00:31 pm »
    Thank you :)

    For now, the most I dry foods, is by leaving it out on a plate, much like AV's latest newsletter.

    I used to put my (wild crafted vegan) food in half a box, put it in the sun, and blow a fan past it.  Yes, I used a fan on my food rather than on me.  I wonder if that would work for meat.

    If I start drying more meat, Lex's thing does look cool.

Welcoming Committee / Re: Greetings and questions from Pittsburgh
« on: October 28, 2009, 04:53:23 pm »
Most people have transitionary effects such as diarrhea or constipation when transferring to raw. It's just part of detox. For example, as soon as I switched to eating raw meats, I had constant green diarrhea for the first  2-3 days, forcing me to visit the bathroom every 15 minutes.

Curious. I didn't experience this "detox." Any idea why?

    I went through it like you Tyler, I think for a couple of weeks instead, but in my case I was changing to (cultured raw) butter and (raw free range) egg yolks.  I counted it as a huge blessing rather than detox, as I had been bound up terribly for the better part of nine years (straight).  It may have been the butter that cleaned my intestines, rheuma and cellulite out.  Raw meat helps me do number two regularly, whereas vegan foods or cooked foods just don't.  High meat kind of has the effect of raw egg or green juice.  I rarely if ever do green juice or egg anymore, I've been eating marrow or suet, and I have high meat, but I guess I'm saving it till I need it, as I don't think there's a problem right now. 

IIRC he got the idea from Inuit who wrapped a piece of meat in fat, then  skin, and buried in dirt covered with rocks so scavengers would not get it.

    I've made it in the refrigerator, and I've made it in a clay urn outside the refrigerator.  There were definite differences, but I didn't put it under a microscope.  I have posted on the forum about some of my high meat culturing experiences.  Thank you for all your information above.  If you don't hunt, what skin do you recommend?  I only get small pieces of skin on my meat.  I don't have a leather jacket, not that I would trust commercial leather like that.

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: Tapeworms? Salmonella?
« on: October 28, 2009, 01:39:27 pm »
    Any idea which TV program?  Amount of days?  Exact temperature?  Did it sound very believable?

General Discussion / Re: meat dehydrating
« on: October 28, 2009, 01:37:17 pm »
    phatdave, is that one good for making pemmican too?

    Anyone have a dehydrator to suggest for pemmican?  If so, why is yours good, or why is it better than another you've tried?

    I don't think I'll get a chance to try this, but I think it would be good information for you.

General Discussion / Re: Vegetarians are really Starchitarians!
« on: October 28, 2009, 01:31:05 pm »
I agree, which is why I asked if you had experience with a raw alkaline diet to contrast with the diet you now practice. I am asking for your experimenting experience in lieu of the absence of scientific studies supporting your claim that raw meat is not acidifying or mucus-forming for humans.

    I have been close to thirty years completely vegan including clothes, shoes and bed linens, etc.  Most of that time it was only whole vegan foods.  Much of that time it was raw vegan.  I include air there (no heating, fans or air conditioning), water (pipe temp water no heater), no ice cubes, etc.  I have been raw fruitarian.  I have long term water fasted.  I have dry fasted.  I have done most of the other programs too when it comes to veg.  How old are you?  What is your diet?

    Didn't pastrami and many other meats used to be raw originally?  Where can the raw ones be bought nowadays?  I've never thought to have a clue.  I did look over meats in a nice health food store nearby, but the uncured meats there were cooked according to the manufacturers. 

    I liked coriander seed, fennel seed and red pepper flakes/seeds that were always typically used in these preparations.  Are spices paleo?  I still like the smell of ground fennel seed.

But i got a feeling that he didnt want to talk/mention about the high-meat eating  since it kind of puts-off people to try the diet. I mean who would really want to eat rotten meat for the rest of their lives?

    It's probably one in a million who needs high meat every day the rest of their life, and I think he would have them try regular raw meat first. 

So while he was doing his min-consults which were kind-of like palm reading he said to every person who got one that they should drink lots of eggs. never have i heard him mention raw meat or rotten/high meat.I didnt get the mini-consult which cost 40$ because i was skeptical about that practice.Through the palm reading  and touching he supposedly figured out how your digestive system is doing how your ovaries, and testicles, and and i forgot what else.

    I wonder why he didn't mention raw meat.

    When he read my hands (and I was eating and living vegan at the time which I had not told him at all) time, he said I totally lack healing (growth?) hormones.  I was supposed to have been eating primal diet at the time, but I was not, and only my closest family members knew.

Hot Topics / Re: Pemmican
« on: October 28, 2009, 10:56:30 am »
One last point to think about with the US Wellness pemmican; salt inhibits the storage ability and lowers the nutrition of the pemmican and US Wellness' pemmican is notorious for being overly salty. If you plan on using it as an emergency store, travel food, or main source of calories you might find it lacking FWIW.

    I tried theirs.  It wasn't salty, I didn't detect any.  The one I got was without berries or honey.  I only bought and tried one individual serving bar, and gave most of it to the cats.  It was good, but they liked it too, and I didn't care.  I felt fine after eating what I did, so I was surprised, as I didn't feel good after each of the couple times I tried jerky.  I would try the pemmican again, and I think my family would freak if I dried meat in the dehydrator or allowed suet to melt, so it will probably be US Wellness if I try it again.

Cool, I'm getting lots of the questions answered right here. So it doesn't seem fair of Susan Bourette to have mentioned all his names without including that explanatory context. Her article did seem to focus on painting a negative picture of Aajonus, as most in the media do, unsurprisingly.

I like this comment by Aajonus I came across. It applies to the RPD too: “You have to know that a weird diet like this has to work or people wouldn’t be doing it. It is catching on like crazy.”
If I told you what it is I'd have to kill you. ;)

I get the sense that some people may be sensitive to questions about Aajonus. When I ask questions they are just that...questions. Nothing more. Not like the insinuations that some in the media seem to make. If the questions bother someone, just let me know and I won't ask any more.

If Aajonus does not wish to reveal the name of the Filipino tribe it would be better not to mention the tribe at all, in my opinion, because there's no way to verify it if it's secret, unless someone else knows about it. GS, have you heard of it? Plus, if they truly wish to remain secret, it's better for Aajonus not to make any mention of them or their country so they can stay secret.

    :)  I think it's funny that you, me, Tyler and a host of other people talk in open forum asking what his name is, why he has several names, etc, and most of us are using pseudonyms ourselves at the time we are asking and discussing.  I know none of us means harm nor will cause any, it's cool.  I like AV because of his experience with health, etc.  Susan Bourette maybe could have been more fair as you said, but some people will misunderstand no matter what.  Everyone should use their own mind as best they can rather than relying solely on some reporter or news service. 

So that's a good question to ask him at his lecture.

    Sure.  I'd like to hear someone ask it.

Another question is why did he change his name so many times and what was his name at birth?

    I believe his birth name was John Richard Vonderplanitz.  I think the other names were stage names for working in soap operas.

    Is you real name Phil?  Some people like changing their name, some don't.  Of course there are out-for-no-good con-artists who change their name, but there are positive reasons too.

Welcoming Committee / Re: Hi - Where do I fit in?
« on: October 27, 2009, 07:07:55 pm »
    That sounds like it could be like GoodSamaritan's diet oftentimes.  Welcome Crudivore!  Plenty of raw paleo people are not low carb, you fit it, better than me as I do raw milk/butter.

General Discussion / Re: Vegetarians are really Starchitarians!
« on: October 27, 2009, 07:03:25 pm »
    Have you tried raw meat?  You need HCl to digest vegetables, did you know?  I didn't have enough HCl for that.  Fiber binds my intestines somehow.  For intestines to work magnesium can help, but what works better is raw fat.

    About twenty-five years ago, still veg, it looked like I was getting osteoporosis.  Young I know, but I danced, etc.  About four years ago I started eating (raw) meat.  As a result my jaw got broader, my back got broader, I got taller, may waist and tummy got slimmer and my colon started working for the first time in nine years.

All food goes through acidic stomach to kill germs initially. Afterward a fermenting intestine, duodenum & colon allow for more nutrient absorption and bacterial flora to thrive. Acidic elements in meat/grains/dairy such as Fe, Cu, P, S, Zn, etc leave acidic residues in contrast to the more alkaline residues.

It isn't just seeds, grains, nuts, meat and dairy that are acidifying. Foods without fiber have longer transit time. Fatty meat in contrast to lean meat, promotes transit though.

I did find some mention that less HCl is produced with raw meat as opposed to cooked meat.

The British Journal of Nutrition. Sep 2008. Vol. 100, Iss. 3; pg. 615.
Acid-base homeostasis is critical to health; examples of the negative health effects of increases in acid loading or acidosis include growth retardation of babies, decline in sports performance and increased atrophy and loss of muscle mass . There is increasing evidence to suggest that even small disturbances in acid-base homeostasis have deleterious effects on bone remodelling in the animal/cellular model, and may be a risk factor for osteoporosis especially given that a high dietary acid load may have a negative effect on bone health by increasing Ca excretion and bone resorption. In addition, dietary acid loading can have detrimental health outcomes through an increased urinary N loss and nephrolithiasis. Currently, there is a general consensus that diet can undoubtedly affect acid-base balance and that an individual's net acid load can be specifically modified by dietary intervention.

General Discussion / Re: Sashimi knife for raw meat?
« on: October 27, 2009, 06:56:05 pm »
    I put meat in unheated honey (actually it was just the cappings of the honey) the other day, and in less than a couple hours it drew so much liquid from it, that the meat got very hard.  It made me think, that if I try this again, I want to slice the meat very thin first, and see how that turns after applying bee product.  The hard meat didn't feel good on my teeth.  I use a sharp ceramic knife much of the time.  I like it much better than any metal I've tried.

Hot Topics / Re: Why have we been cooking all this time?
« on: October 26, 2009, 07:35:22 pm »
i believe what they sell in the market in those tiny capsules are raw fats
like fish oil, lyprinol, oleaia, etc.

    What is oleaia?

    We did survive the Ice Age, with probably very little fresh plant material, yet plenty of water (ice we could melt by fire).   The Ice Age lasting numerous of our generations, this must be possible some how.  I guess it's hopeful that women who go zero carb do have children during and after.  I wonder what they ate back then.  Frozen mammoths and their stomach contents?

General Discussion / Re: Testicles
« on: October 26, 2009, 07:09:21 pm »
    I only got testicles once.  They were too big for me.  I couldn't finish them fresh.  I had to ferment them.  Ovaries on the other had I got several times.  They are tiny, and taste milder.  I wonder, why are the ovaries so much smaller than the testicles?  Are they from younger animals?

General Discussion / Re: hyper awareness, paranoia, agression
« on: October 26, 2009, 05:30:45 pm »
I noticed feeling more relaxed and blood pressure dropped 10 points by replacing fish with fruit too.

J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2003 Aug;88(8):3554.
Maternal consumption of a high-meat, low-carbohydrate diet in late pregnancy: relation to adult cortisol concentrations in the offspring.
..high-protein diets stimulate the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis..excess cortisol and programming lifelong hypersecretion of cortisol.
cortisol concentrations increased 5.4% per portion of maternal meat/fish consumption per day (P = 0.03), decreased 3.3% per portion of green vegetable consumption per week

"i remember discussing with someone that the feelings that an animal experiences at death are carried over into the muscles via different hormone and other chemicals releases into the body at that point....
anyone know anything about that?"

Even though you may already produce enough testosterone, you're also consuming it in meat.

You're definately not paranoid about 'paranoia' then...

    Fructus, I don't see you in the welcoming thread.  What do you eat?

ive always had these personal traits to a varying degree but most often more aware of my surroundings, hypersensitive to noise, color and ...

however i have notived an increase in these that seems to coincide with my comsumption of raw meats. 

i eat elk and salmon, sometimes buffalo (if im cooking it at work)
maybe too much elk?

i remember discussing with someone that the feelings that an animal experiences at death are carried over into the muscles via different hormone and other chemicals releases into the body at that point....
anyone know anything about that?

    I've never tried elk.  Deer and beef make me ill, just the taste!  Even slightly cooked buffalo too.  Raw buffalo fares fairly well with me, salmon about the same, but the fish grease doesn't work as well for my body as the fat from the grass fed red meats.  The best for my health, mind and body?  I don't know why, but raw real free range chicken feels the best, seconded by some other raw white meats.  I think AV says white meat nourishes the nervous system and glandular systems.  I know cooked white meat makes me sick, but the raw is perfect for me, so far. 

Health / Re: ALL VACCINES are dangerous to human health. Reject them ALL.
« on: October 25, 2009, 05:15:17 am »
Pinguvore just doesn't sound right, especially since there is a place called Pingo National Park in Stefansson country. - Note the weather!

    Animals get good fat in the Winter.  It's cold there.  Maybe that would have something to do with it.

Off Topic / Re: Gender-bender chemicals
« on: October 24, 2009, 06:19:56 pm »
    I've seen a biological dentist generously slather wet poly-vinyl onto a boy's gums and open teeth to make impressions for dental work.  Is that the same as the PVC that gender bends?

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: Raw Liver?
« on: October 24, 2009, 12:58:37 pm »
I just tried a little of raw liver for the first time.  It tastes exactly like cooked only have more moisture and easier to eat.  I find cooked liver really dry similar to hard-boil egg.

    I think that's a good analogy.  Cooked liver is textured similar to cooked egg yolk.  I've never liked cooked egg yolk nor cooked liver.  Raw unfermented liver tastes sweet.

Aajonus just made up his name.  I forget what his name was before that.

    John Richard aka Dick Vonderplanitz.

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