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Messages - gc

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Health / Re: Does butter need to be raw?
« on: April 15, 2012, 09:09:34 am »
The fish there should be wild-caught from the north sea. I'd say a good fatty species would be a good start, like TD said. Hunting in a lot of places in Europe is really weird, but if it is possible to hunt where you are, that's a sure-fire wild raw fat/meat source. Even better than grass-fed raw if you can hunt clean land.

Health / Re: Less Food?
« on: April 15, 2012, 08:44:42 am »
And it seems in general, the longer i have been eating "healthfully," the less food i need.

I've heard this too. Lex only eats about 2 1/2 pounds a day. I eat FAR more, thought I don't want to.

Off Topic / Re: Ron Paul for President of the USA
« on: April 15, 2012, 08:39:31 am »
It would take some major problem like a big economic downturn or a major scandal for Romney to beat the incumbent. The election was already decided before it began.

The second part I'm sure of, but the first I dunno. I've heard stories that $5 gas will be here this summer. How high that goes will probably tell us who's been picked. We'll see, I suppose.

Hot Topics / Re: Bill Gates, Monsanto, and Eugenics
« on: April 14, 2012, 11:02:07 pm »
Re" nylon shit":-  What on earth is that? is this some vague reference to Survivalism? I actually rather admire that concept, but anyway...

"nylon shit" is a survivalist thing. Survivalism is one thing, but thinking that your survival depends not on what you know about your environs but on how much crap you can fit into a backpack is quite another. Nothing worth admiring.

I didn't think it was all that vague.

What is up with all the misanthropes who value foliage over human life? Whats wrong with murdering trees so long as it provides us with cheap cardboard? I am not conflicted over the issue, I just reconize the duality involved enough to realize we cant have our way of lavish lifestile and support a large population of humans without a little distruction of the environment.

Wow. You're calling me a misanthrope?

No habitat = no humans. If you can't see that, have fun on your super-future spaceship to your imaginary interplanetary colony.

I'm done with this thread.

Off Topic / Re: Ron Paul for President of the USA
« on: April 14, 2012, 01:21:29 pm »
lol I thought that was his definition of insanity?

Haha oops, yeah. I stand corrected.

Hot Topics / Re: Bill Gates, Monsanto, and Eugenics
« on: April 14, 2012, 01:18:51 pm »
You know nothing of my feelings. I am more in tune with the earths energy than you think.  The problem is a lack in my ability to express these Ideas without being misunderstood or labeled delusional.  Its not that I am so heartless and diconnected as to not care for the fate of our trees. I love the trees. I am just trying to be realistic. On a long enough timeline the survival rate of any given species falls to zero. If the trees are threatened with extinction by the activities of man, so what, new life will spring up to take place of the void left by the death of the forrest. Nothing is lost in extinction, life will go on, so there is no need to worry, the tree spirit will live on in us primates, whose hands evolved for gripping their trunks, and whose agility and dexterity were perfected while harbored by its shelter. We will miss you mighty forest trees, you served us well . 

So the first part makes the last part ok, then?

Exactly what are you saying in all this, boiled down to two sentences, so us kindergartners can understand it?

I'm curious, because:

Its not that I am so heartless and diconnected as to not care for the fate of our trees.


If the trees are threatened with extinction by the activities of man, so what...

... are mutually exclusive attitudes.

Off Topic / Re: Ron Paul for President of the USA
« on: April 14, 2012, 04:52:44 am »
I'm actually hoping Romney gets elected. The reason? He's gonna drive this shindig into a hole so deep it'll come out the other side all brown and sticky. There will be a handful of rich people and 300 million poor. Then maybe a few more of us will understand that money + politics = fuckover, every single time.

Seriously, why does anyone think any of these dickheads would spend MILLIONS (arguably, millions that aren't theirs) on a job that only pays about $500k a year? These guys get that much for playing with themselves for ten minutes.

It's all about control. That's why I just can't fathom even bothering to vote.

I think Einstein's definition of stupidity, doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result, sums it up nicely.

Hot Topics / Re: Bill Gates, Monsanto, and Eugenics
« on: April 14, 2012, 04:31:02 am »
Holy fuck, I can not believe the things I'm reading here.

Neither can I.

I had a much longer response typed up but I'll wait until I've got over 1000 posts before I make some serious enemies. There are some here who think like my dad -- he sincerely believes that taking as much nylon shit as you can afford into the woods will keep you alive indefinitely, and I'm not joking.

Suggestion Box / Re: Better organization and a sticky board
« on: April 12, 2012, 08:53:08 am »
I don't know about the organization, but a place to put a collection of sticky topics sounds like a good idea. I'm still relatively new to the board but I've seen them put to good use elsewhere. The topics would have to be about as correct and well researched as humanly possible, because a lot of people would likely take them as gospel.

General Discussion / Re: Bow Hunting
« on: April 05, 2012, 09:08:05 am »
LOL, GC, you're a man after mi own 'eart. God luv ya.

'eh 'eh... I'm kilted, too, but the woman likes me to keep that ta' meself.

Last time I had elk.. it was.. really rather blech. Too sweet and definitely not like deer. Is that what sagey means?

On a lighter note, I found and checked out my local Whole Foods. It's not all that local but I DID find some grass-fed at a better price than I've seen it before! I was tré pleased. I bought some. The meat dept guy said for me to call in the morning since they do their cutting then, and they'd see about letting me ave the excess fat. Free grass-fed fat? Count me in.

Raw Weston Price / Re: The Great Dance: A Hunter's Story
« on: April 05, 2012, 12:15:48 am »
Oh, nice! I'm on it.

Maybe I'll see if I can find one here. Would be out of place that there wouldn't be one.

General Discussion / Re: Bow Hunting
« on: April 05, 2012, 12:12:46 am »
Thanks for the book recs. I just looked them up, and they sound like amazing reads. Good forums for civil discussion of controversial topics do seem few and far between, don't they?

Aye, that they do, lass.

General Discussion / Re: Bow Hunting
« on: April 04, 2012, 08:57:05 am »
Wow... I sleep overnight and work a bit through the day and the topic goes nuts! It's good to see people here going for it. Makes me feel better since this has been my plan for the whole time.

It takes practice to take something with a bow. It would probably be best to go for squirrels and other small game with blunt-tips at first. That way you'll at least feel like you've got a little bit under your belt. If you go years taking nothing at all, well, I can see where that would get more than a little discouraging. I'd probably give up at that point, but that's just me. Most hunting licenses cover small animals. Check local regs, as always.

Funny how throughout history the powers that be have always wanted to make it prohibitive or difficult for their native populations to hunt and be self-sustaining. Those who control the meat supply control the populace.

Locking up the food supply is the core tenet of our culture. There lie cans of worms. Read Ishmael by Daniel Quinn, and its sequels. My Ishmael is my favorite. I could go on and on about this topic but this isn't the place for it. Actually, places to discuss things like Ishmael in a friendly and civil way are pretty few and far in between. Lemme know if you know of a place!

I'm pleased that more rawpalaeo people are hunting, it's such an innate  palaeo activity.

I agree more than I can say.

@Adora: What is "diatomaceous earth?" Did it completely take care of the parasite problem?

About hand-made compounds: yeah, they can be made. Even with the carbon fiber - it takes practice and skill. I won't be making one! That's a little too complicated for me. I honestly don't even understand how they work. You'd figure since I've been to school for engineering and a lot of higher math that I'd be pretty up on something like that, but... no. I would like a Penobscot bow, though....

General Discussion / Re: Bow Hunting
« on: April 03, 2012, 12:51:32 pm »
Thank you for the link. I'll check all of that out. Wow, that is a big change, going from big city life to heading out into the wilds. Will you post some pics of your hand made bows? I'd love to see them. Or if you don't have a digital camera and or scanner, just describe them a little. What materials are you using? Are you going for a recurve or compound design? Do you have any finished yet?

We can encourage each other. I have a feeling I'll be hitting a lot of stationary targets while building up form and muscle again after all these years, plus scoping the land around here for the game trails and getting reacquainted with tracking techniques. I was lucky as a kid that my Dad took me camping and fishing a lot. He taught me basic tracking. I frequently managed to get close to deer and turkeys, but I was also a lot smaller and a lot more lithe then. He was also a deer, duck, dove, and quail hunter. I had no interest in that then. I could kick myself for it now, because he's too mobility challenged for us ever to be able to do that together.

Thanks for the advice on dressing and cooling down the big guys. I've heard hog in particular can go bad really fast. I might feel a little silly posting pics of me with a downed squirrel or rabbit, but then again, small game is a big challenge with a bow. Anything I can take down I'm probably going to be proud of!

Haha, yeah - I'll be proud of just about anything I take with a bow I made myself! If you get into the bow discussions on paleoplanet you'll see that there is a LOT more to wooden bows than just the run-of-the-mill recurve. Some of the biggest names in the traditional archery community are on there, including all of the authors of the Traditional Bowyer's Bible (TBB) series. Generally, "compound" is a bad word there. As for me, no one can make a compound by hand, so it's pointless for me to even try. You'll want to take a look into your hunting regulations to see what weights are legal.. here in Minnesota 30lbs is legal for big game, in NC and FL, it's 40 minimum. Those weights should be fairly easy to pull for anyone healthy enough to consider hunting their own meat. That's not really a discussion for this forum though, so I'll be posting my bows (and MAYBE kills) over at paleoplanet instead. I'm GC there, too. I lurk more than I post (just like here). I don't have any finished yet but there are two in the works, and will be more when I can get out to cut a few saplings.

As for being on topic, I think that this is probably the best thing we can do. In the wild the animals have no choice but to eat their natural diet at least 90% of the time. You'll get ALL of the organs rather than having to ask for them special or order them from some faraway farm. They're exactly 0% processed. That should make what little fat they have incredibly healthy. You'll have to watch that-- the natives almost universally considered fat as valuable as we euro-descended considered gold for a reason. Wild critters don't generally carry all that much of it. Read Lex's journal to see how important it really is! In some states it's legal to planet forage for them on your own property, too, so you can sometimes even keep track of what they're eating and therefore keep them as healthy as possible.

Another thing to consider is storage. If you intend to go raw you might want to get crazy with the jerky dryers. A lot of people on this forum believe that frozen is not as good as fresh, which I rather agree with. However, you can't eat a whole deer by yourself, raw or not, before it spoils! I know that when I manage to finally go this route I'll be drying a LOT.

I've had squirrel - greasy, but not tough, and their hides can make ok bow strings!

General Discussion / Re: Bow Hunting
« on: April 03, 2012, 11:32:22 am »
Wild Boar (a.k.a. feral pig) is fair game and open and without bag limits in a lot of states. I understand it's incredibly good, if a little dangerous to be hunting. Don't want to wound one of those when it can see where the pain came from! As far as the parasite phobias most people have, I would like to think that the vast majority of parasite infections resulted from feedlot conditions in commercial swine and that the likelihood of infection in wild animals is pretty low. Check the data yourself though and don't trust me on those issues - I didn't look it up.

All of the things you mentioned are on my list of things to get as good at as possible. Have you ever been to the PaleoPlanet forum at ? There are numerous subforums that specifically address most of the stuff you asked about.

I was raised a city kid in Detroit and my dad was a tad wishy-washy (read: opinionated and obstinate) when it came to killing an animal for food. I'm lucky to have been able to SEE woods much less spend time in them. As a result I have to learn all of these things as an adult and it's just not as easy to pick up anymore. I'm just beginning to take up hunting with a bow. I'm going the slightly paleo route and making my own bows, partly for the satisfaction of putting meat on the table as a result of deliberate actions I took and partly because I am... well... dead broke.

That said, I'd encourage you to go for it. Then you can report back here what your results are to encourage the rest of us! Well, mainly me. I'm getting a little discouraged because for numerous reasons but I keep chugging along.

I'm of the understanding that dressing should likely take place either at the kill site or back at camp. At any rate it should happen as soon as is feasible as you do not want the gut contents to go high too soon. With a large animal you are going to want to cool it off as fast as you can to keep it fresh until you can get it butchered.

Raw Weston Price / Re: The Great Dance: A Hunter's Story
« on: April 03, 2012, 11:09:37 am »
That isn't the documentary, is it? Two guys talking?

Sure you can.  I'm pretty sure Winn-Dixie is even worse.  ROFL

I grew up in NC and have lived there most of my life.  Recently I moved to Virginia, but I'm back in NC every weekend.  Where do you live?

Winn-Dixie is in Florida. I'd have killed to have a Winn-Dixie! They had.. *gasp*... variety. Try any Food Lion in or around Lexington, NC and if you're reading this forum, you'll leave the store empty-handed. I did, many times.

I'm back in Minnesota now. I'd expected to find that Bison (or grass-finished cow) would have been easier to get here (or at least a little cheaper), but no. Just as rare to find and bloody expensive as anywhere in the East. But Sweet Holy Jebnizz every chain grocery store near me is huge and has everything. I honestly can name only one thing I can't get at any of them: grass-finished beef.

Journals / Re: Lex's Journal
« on: April 03, 2012, 10:57:45 am »
Sounds like heaven. I grew up by the ocean so I miss the ocean like you miss the forest Lex.

And the meadows and the clean streams and the rocks....

Personals / Re: kudzu vine
« on: April 03, 2012, 10:54:24 am »
I've seen that stuff cover an entire neighborhood in Dalton, Georgia.

General Discussion / Re: Alligator, Snake and Scorpion.
« on: March 27, 2012, 01:18:11 pm »
When I was a wee tyke, my mom would take me and my brother to the Detroit Zoo. I had no idea what the zoo was, all I know was that I was goin' to "go see the nakes." My mom still tells people this. I'm 38 now.

While in my 20's I raised a female burmese python. She was awesome. She only struck once and it was because I stupidly stuck my arm back in the cage on feeding day after feeding her with a hand that still smelled like rabbit. My bad. I had about 600 needle-sized puncture wounds on my arm before she realized I didn't taste like rabbit. God I loved that snake.

Personals / Re: Minnesota / Wisconsin?
« on: March 27, 2012, 11:52:06 am »
I did in fact. I've been a lazy slob so I never did get back on the forum and announce it. I got your PM just tonight and I emailed ya. I understood from some of your posts that you work nights so I didn't call ya up. Lemme know if I barked up the wrong tree, haha.

It would be good to network / associate with people who think a little closer to how I do for once!


Personals / Re: Minnesota / Wisconsin?
« on: February 19, 2012, 08:38:20 am »
I'll be 20 mins north of St. Paul by the end of this week.

The bulk of Publix meat is not grass-finished.

I used to shop there when I lived in Florida. They're one of the cleaner and generally better of the supermarket chains in terms of variety. But they still sell grain-finished. If it's grass-finished they'll say so and charge a premium for it.

I just moved to North Carolina and all we really have is Food Lion. By contrast, one could not find a worse supermarket if one looked.

Hot Topics / Re: Remove wisdom teeth?
« on: February 13, 2012, 06:09:34 am »
I had 6 removed (yes, 4 on top). I am the only person I know who had 13 teeth removed and still had a full set. My jaws were just not wide enough to carry them all. Nowadays I know that the reason for this is the SAD diet while I was a child and for the time while mom was preg with me. But I digress.

Getting them removed has to be on a case-by-case basis. Perhaps our children won't need to have them done because of what we eat (I'm new but working my way to raw.. I got my wife to accept that we both are primarily carnivorous, but baby steps), but our parents believed in the 4 food groups and still trusted the FDA and here we are, asking this question.

Do it if they have to go. But I would not do it if they didn't. Mine had to.

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