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Messages - formerfruitarian

Pages: [1]
Hot Topics / Former Fruitarians Please Speak Up
« on: January 10, 2011, 01:09:27 pm »
Hey so as I said in an earlier post I want to eat a diet mostly composed of fruit and then maybe 10% of my diet from meat and organs. Anyway, Im wondering how many of you were former fruitarians and what you would eat on a daily basis? Also for the meat and organs I will be eating, do you think it should have most calories come from muscle meats, organs or fat. All I have access to at the moment is beef liver, heart, marrow, muscle meat, suet and chicken heart, liver, muscle meats and gizzard which Im not even sure is edible raw.

Wai Dieters / Anyone here doing the wai diet?
« on: December 27, 2010, 05:12:25 pm »
Hey so you might be able to figure out my history by looking at my username. Anyways after that I tried the paleo diet and it didnt work great but it definately had its benefits. To be honest I kind of want to quit purely out of the fact that I am an animal lover but I realize that fruitarianism/veganism does not work! Anyway I was wondering if you had any luck on the raw wai diet? I kind of want to eat my calories like 80-85% raw fruit, 5-10% raw veges and 10% raw fish or possibly red meat. Or I could do like every 3-5 days all fruit and veges and then one day of all meat/fish. Just would like some input or experience.

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