check the video above and let me know if we have any raw food eaters who look like those guys past 70 years of age.
Id bet they would look like fucking wrecks even of they ate raw meat at that age.
So is HUMAN GROWTH HORMONE and ANABOLICS are really that bad?
and what if and just if those hormones are superior to our diet?
in producing health.. cell hyperplasia..cell maintenance and overall positive effects when used correctly and not abused.
you will be 70.. you will be 80... you will be 90....
your hormonal output will be on the low end no matter how much raw meat you will eat
thoae hormones detoxify the cells..envigor them.. supercharge metabolism and the brain...
and the hate towards those hormonas is caused by people who dont know shit just as the people who hate on raw meats eggs milk..