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Topics - FlyingDutchwoman

Pages: [1]
Hot Topics / Sexuality
« on: January 28, 2013, 05:29:07 am »
I'm a 18 year old girlwoman who has never been sexually attracted to or romantically involved with men (or women). Am I a freak or  just a late bloomer?

Off Topic / Autodidacticism
« on: January 10, 2013, 03:04:18 am »
Hi guys,

What are your views on an existence devoted exclusively to self-teaching?

All my life I've found school systems depressing and monotonous. They tend to limit one's need to roam freely on an intellectual level and suppress boundless curiosity. Especially in Holland when you're an ambitious straight A student which I am you easily become the object of ridicule and the victim of bullies. Dutch people revere averageness.

My mother will object to this  but I'm ditching my plan to study physics (at Cambridge).
My intended career path doesn't require a certificate: I'm envisaging a life as an amateur physicist/inventor and a novelist. If I wanted to pursue a career in the medical profession or law it would be a different story of course.
I've already sent
some novel manuscripts to a publishing house and am eagerly awaiting their response.



Hot Topics / Unrefined Red Palm Oil
« on: November 21, 2012, 10:57:23 pm »
Hi guys,                                                                                                                Does unrefined red palm oil deserve a place in the raw paleo diet?

Welcoming Committee / Janice from The Netherlands
« on: September 25, 2012, 11:14:26 pm »
Hello everyone,

I'd like to introduce myself:

I am Janice, a girl on the verge of becoming a woman. I live in Amsterdam (The Netherlands) with my mum who is a single parent. I just turned 18.

I am an utter dunce when it comes to the Raw Paleo Diet as I've been eating the conventional crap for years. My lifestyle so far has resulted in hypothyroidism. Having lost faith in the teachings of The Netherlands Nutrition Centre Foundation (of course state-funded), I intend to follow a diet more akin to our primitive ancestors' and see how that goes...

After reading numerous  threads on this forum I am eager to give the Raw Paleo Diet a try. You guys are such an inspiration to me!

P.S. English is not my native tongue. I don't have a thorough mastery of it...YET l) So please excuse me if this post has any errors.

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