Off Topic / How to turn your computer screen into a virtual fire
« on: September 06, 2010, 11:24:33 am »If you go to your monitors setting and lower the blue and green light(maybe just blue) to 0 than you won't get the stay up effect of computers but still be able to see in red.
Anecdotal evidence, as well as Kayumov’s experiment, support the belief that
blocking melatonin-suppressing light is the equivalent of going into
darkness as far as the pineal gland that produces melatonin is
concerned. Putting on blue-blocking glasses several hours before bed
time for a number of days in succession appears to advance the
circadian clock, making sleep come quickly at bedtime. Because the
melatonin flow is of limited duration (not more than 12 hours) it
suggests that advancing the circadian cycle so that melatonin flow
stops before wakeup time, will accomplish the same result as morning
light treatment. Wu8 et al
describe photochemical actions that may occur when blue light impinges
on the retina that may result in macular degeneration. [See also "Artificial Lighting and the Blue Light Hazard"
on this site.] For this reason it seems logical to try using blue
blocking glasses in the evening to advance the circadian cycle, rather
than blue light in the morning.