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Messages - bharminder

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General Discussion / Re: Hello all need some help
« on: July 21, 2010, 12:42:21 pm »
Hello I am new here
I need some help finding some grass fed beef in missouri

ruffini you are in like

check out

they are 100% grass fed and finished and they actually are in missouri

General Discussion / are fermented fruits good for you?
« on: July 20, 2010, 10:25:57 am »
today i had a couple mangoes that were soft, and mostly yellow and red w/ tinges of green as peel color.

They tasted sweet, but the taste was a bit off. I couldn't recognize why it tasted off at first, then I concluded the fruits must have fermented. I picked the ripest looking fruits I could find at the indian grocery store(best place for fresh mangoes here) and they sat on the counter for a few I've concluded that the fruits are slightly fermnented.

For future purposes, are fermented fruits better to eat than fresh fruits? They would be aerobically aged, as opposed to anaerobically.

Sun is extremely important. The darker the skin, the more time a persons should spend in the sun. Fully body exposure is ideal, as this creates the most Vitamin D in the shortest amount of time. It's best to get out when the sun is at it's peak or near, around 9am-3:30PM. I'd say light skinned people should aim for < 1 hour each day and dark skinned people should aim for < 3 hours each day, and in between colored people should aim for in between. I don't think sunscreen is helpful, from my understanding it blocks the UVB rays which are the rays required to produce Vitamin D. I believe there are other nutrients that we get from the sun, currently unknown by modern science, other than vitamin D.

I try to get about 2 hours a day in the sun, but I live in the Midwest, United States. 6 months out of the year here are without sun,and usually cloudy. In the summer I try to get out for at least an hour if not more.

note: sunburn is bad and does damage the body. it's best to avoid sunburn while getting lots of sun exposure. if you have sunburn i don't recommend letting that part of the skin get exposure to sun until it's healed. sometimes i put aloe vera gel on my shoulders because the shoulders get exposed to the sun no matter which direction you're facing, and they are always being shined on by the sun. therefore I am somewhat prone to sensitivity/pink/sunburn on my shoulders, so sometimes i cover my shoulders with a t-shirt(draped around my shoulders only), and the rest of my body never gets burned because I make sure not to spend too much time in the sun either.

Vitamin D has been linked to so many benefits in modern science, including immmune system and cognitive benefits, as well a link to many many diseases...that is,  having a higher vitamin D level is associated with lesss disease

Wow, I'm sorry you had to go through that. The first time my dog ate the chicken livers from Whole Foods, he puked....then the next time he ate it he didn't puke and seems to digest it fine now without problems.

Currently, I'm not eating any organs meats at all. Otherwise, it wouldn't be an issue, I would just wait it out for a better product. But since I'm not eating any organ meats at all, taht ok? from my understanding, organ meats are incredibly nutritious.

General Discussion / Re: Raw chicken
« on: July 18, 2010, 12:55:32 pm »
I prefer to make sure the chickens are from the best available source(pastured organic > vegetable diet),and to cut up the chicken into bite sized pieces, and to eat it at room temperature. I enjoyed it without any sauce.

The livers are from Pine Manor farms...On their website it says they are fed corn and soybeans,and without antibiotics. There is no way to tell if they are actually antibiotic free though....and I don't know if their corn/soybeans are genetically modified. Moreso, if the livers were from chickens fed GMO-food and antibiotics routinely injected into their lives.....then the livers would be one of the main sources of all these toxins and pesticides.

Aajonus says that he does not eat the organs of animals unless they are organic. So, since there is no way to tell if Pine Manor poultry farms feeds GMO foods and/or gives their chickens routine doses of antibiotics(though I can e-mail them, they may just lie about it)...., are these raw chicken livers worth eating on a routine basis?

They are the only livers available from myhealth food store(whole foods), and I actually feed them to one of my dogs who likes them...and the thought came to me I should be eating these too! But with the GMO issue,and possible use of antibiotics(though their website says they are antibiotic free), I don't know if eating these can do more harm than good.

I read one study on google that said rats eating GMO foods had liver and kidney failure!

Any advice, avoid this, or is it safe? Should I -email them and ask them some questions??


General Discussion / Re: Reaction to rice
« on: July 02, 2010, 07:18:57 am »
Constipation can be caused by low fiber intake and dehydration regardless of the types of food eaten.

I recommend eating plenty of fiber and drinking enough fluid.

Alternatively, you could make smoothies with aloe vera (buy the leaf, cut it open, and put the gel in the blender with some water and blend for no more than 10 seconds so as not to destroy the nutrients) -Aloe has some laxative properties and will keep you going regularly without an excess laxative effect.

General Discussion / Re: Meat cut recommendation
« on: July 02, 2010, 07:15:09 am »
I get success with the grass fed beef sirloin tip steaks. Meat is soft, though there is a little bit of connective tissue which you'll have to cut off else you'll be chewing it for hours.

Is a brisket a soft cut? It looks like a tough cut..

How about chuck roast, is that a soft cut?

Thanks guys!

Miles, thank you for the tips. I had some beef cuts earlier today before reading this. I saw the soft fat connectected to the connective tissue. I chewed the fat off of it but it was still chewy, but it was soft not I ended up just spitting it out. The meat cut(sirloin tip) is so soft and melts in my mouth basically just like how Inger describes the fat cut.

Thanks Inger for the pic that looks pretty nutritious!!

Yes, great point. That helps to put aged/high meat into perspective. Thanks!!!


hmm, interesting

Most definately a strong possibility. Should I separate the fat from it? Do you eat connective tissue?

General Discussion / Re: Raw Poultry
« on: June 30, 2010, 10:26:05 am »
I've had raw poultry from supermarket chicken. I made sure to get free, range organic. Whether they were truly free range is questionable, particularly if they are from the Winter(in cold winter climates). Best option for poultry is to get pastured(allowed to roam on pasture and eat grasses, bugs, etc, ...probably some grains). That said, I got a whole chicken and cut some up into bite sized pieces. The breast was by far the best texture. I felt good after eating it!

Ah I see. Anyother opinions are welcome.

Rawzi, so if rotten meat makes ammonia,, isn't consuming ammonia bad for the health? Please explain.


Along the logic of "high" meat, what about "high" fruits and vegetables?

For example, I had some strawberries that got a little moldy(the white fuzz on the outside of the berries).....I washed it off with vinegar and they weren't bad so it tastes normal.

But it got me thinking of the concept of "high" meat, so I want to know,

1) what about "high" vegetables and fruits? Are they better fresh, or aged, or "high"?
Can you get sick from eating moldy fruit or slimy vegetables?

And, 2) does the logic of anaerobic bacteria (and it being bad) include fruits and vegetables? For example, I leave vegetables in the fridge, usually sealed in their plastic bag they came with in the grocery store. It is pretty much sealed from air. Generally I push out all the air with my arm as I've noticed the vegetables stay fresh longer. But that is opposite to the anaerobic bacteria theory, where if the vegetables had air they would last longer. So should I "air" my sealed vegetables and fruits every couple days to prevent anaerobic abcteria from growing?

Sometimes I leave vegetables sealed in their plastic bag for 2 -3 weeks because I forget about them or don't want to eat them.


lol what else could it be?

The beef is 100% grass-fed and the chicken is 100% grainfed.

Like the topic inquires, whenever I eat raw beef or chicken the fat is always so chewy and hard(not like crunchy, but I can never adequately break it down with my teeth). Generally I end up spitting it out, then at the end of the meal, putting the piled up pieces of fat in my mouth and chewing it like gum until it is completely dry. Then I just spit it out because what's left is a dry and hard/chewy blob. The meat, on the other hand, breaks up very very easily in my mouth, it almost melts. The fat on the other hand, is so chewy and and pretty hard that it almost seems undigestible.

What do you do with the fat from meat cuts and how do you ingest them? Do you just swallow big lumps of it, spit it out, grind it somehow, other methods?


Hey Rawzi, thanks for replying.

I don't know if you called them just for me but either way thanks. 155 F doesn't sound RAW at all. I guess it totally depends on the company and I'll have to individually contact them.

I would prefer eating the butter raw, and the cheese, and essentially everything else. I'm just trying to make do with what's available though. I can't find any local sources of grassfed organmeats it seems my only sources of primal fats are eggs and the fat off of muscle meats.

Do you think grainfed organs?(for example, chicken liver) are healthy or should they be avoided?

The pasteurized butter doesn't seem to affect me but I'm only eating it for the nutrients(like vitamin a, CLA, omega 3's, etc), and I'm sure much of that is diminished by pasteurization.

Hey like the title inquires, ..I went to the health food store and looked at the cheese section. Among some of the ones I noticed were grass fed cheese(but pasteurized), organic raw cheese(organic valley), and simply raw cheese. Since I couldn't find the grass-fed and raw combo together, am I better off avoiding cheese altogether until a better source comes along and just eating healthy fats from other sources?

A similar question in regards to butter. I found some, at the same store, of organic grass-fed butter, but pasteurized. Am I better off not consuming this butter and trying to get healthy fats from elsewhere?


Health / Question about brown spot on upper left canine tooth
« on: June 18, 2010, 05:11:44 am »
Hey how ya doin? I noticed this tiny brown spot on my left upper canine tooth, and it is near the back part of that tooth. I had gotten a routine checkup and cleaning Midmarch of 2010. Also, on that same canine tooth, in the front part, I had a composite filling put in at the same time as the dental cleaning. In regards to the brown spot, it is not sensitive to poking or probing. When I try to scratch it off, I noticed this layer over that part of the tooth and I can't scratch it off with my fingernail or another tool like a sharp screwdriver or knife. I'd like to ask my dentist about it, but I had a sensitivity problem about 2 months ago with one of my teeth and saw the dentist about it and he charged me $75 for a 5 minute evaluation and all he did was give me some extra fluoridated toothpaste. If i go for another evaluation and I'm told it's just a stain, I would feel I wasted another $75 and that is a lot of money. Here are 3 pictures for reference..

Since my next 6 month cleaning and routine checkup is not due until mid September, what do you recommend I do?


Primal Diet / Re: Need vegetable juice base ideas
« on: May 28, 2010, 12:31:46 pm »
The three main bases I like are celery, cucumbers, or carrots. They are all excellent and I think you can use them separately as bases or combine them in different amounts to vary juice recipes.

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