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Messages - yon yonson

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Primal Diet / Re: Butter
« on: March 12, 2010, 04:34:39 am »
raw-al: when you make butter from cream as you said, about what percentage turns into butter and what percentage to buttermilk? i found a farm that sells unsalted raw butter, but also sells cream for cheaper per ounce so im trying to figure out which one is more economical. thanks

Primal Diet / Re: Salt and Hydrochloric Acid
« on: March 08, 2010, 02:31:52 am »
Why do you think eating pancreas works for digestion? shouldn't high meats work better?

i don't know exactly why, but i know it works because i've done it. isn't the pancreas associated with creating bile? maybe eating pancreas helps with bile production. i've also heard that pancreas is the organ richest in enzymes... i don't know. but however it does it, it works for me.

Primal Diet / Re: Salt and Hydrochloric Acid
« on: March 07, 2010, 11:20:20 pm »
Hans, i get it from grass fed cows. i would imagine pancreas from any healthy animal would be beneficial so if you can get the small pancreas from lamb, that'd be great. i haven't eaten a lot of pancreas at a time yet, so i guess i'll take GS's advice to not over do it.

Van, do you just not notice any benefit from pancreas anymore because you have excellent digestion now? im thinking that my body really likes it right now so i should keep eating it. i suspect i will also not feel like i need it anymore at some point.

Primal Diet / Re: Salt and Hydrochloric Acid
« on: March 07, 2010, 09:05:57 am »
hey hans, have you tried raw pancreas? i have recently found out that eating a little pancreas before a meal really increases my digestive powers. my stools are pretty much perfect when i've been eating pancreas. anyways, just a suggestion

Hot Topics / Re: Cooked Starches
« on: March 05, 2010, 01:37:52 am »
i tried a steamed sweet potato right before thanksgiving to see if i could tolerate them while with the family. i found that it pretty much acted like a colon cleanse (not in a good way). about 10 minutes after i ate it (only a few ounces), i got a headache and then 30 minutes later i shit it all out. it also made me itchy all over for a while. it seems my body doesn't like them

Journals / Re: Round 2: From addiction to recovery
« on: March 04, 2010, 09:15:18 am »
Just recieved Vegetarian Myth and Black Swan, both of which I can't wait to tear into.

tell me how you like The Vegetarian Myth. i haven't read it yet, but im a big fan of lierre kieth. you might  also want to check out stuff by derrick jensen if you like kieth's point of view. i highly recommend Endgame and What We Leave Behind

General Discussion / Re: Favorite organs?
« on: March 04, 2010, 09:06:03 am »
What about odd organs like lungs?

i've never had them. i would try them if i could get them though. the halal meat market where i got the goat brain had a bunch of unlabeled organs in the freezer. next time i go im going to ask what they are and probably get a few of them. i saw something that was definitely either lung or tripe...

i've heard tripe is sometimes bleached before selling it. does anyone know what a bleached and unbleached tripe should look like?

General Discussion / Re: Grassfed bone-marrow
« on: March 03, 2010, 11:56:55 am »
interesting. yes, it's definitely not common, but im really curious as to what it is. it seems really strange that it's green

General Discussion / Re: Grassfed bone-marrow
« on: March 03, 2010, 11:10:31 am »
my whole foods only gets bones from grass fed beef apparently. i've asked before and they've told me all the marrow bones are grass fed. and i believe them for the most part. i just question this greenish strange ones

General Discussion / Re: Grassfed bone-marrow
« on: March 03, 2010, 09:13:24 am »
for lack of a better place to post this question, i'll post it here.

i get my grass fed marrow from whole foods and they just put a few 3-4 inch long bones in a plastic bag and put them in a side freezer. so the bones are self serve, no butcher involved. anyways, they are almost always very good quality, but occasionally i get a few bones that are... different. these bones have a different smell, color, and taste. they have a strange smell that i can't really describe. it's not necessarily a bad smell, just different. they color is almost green. kind of a light greenish yellow. and they taste kinda like they smell... i guess kind of a mixture of cheese and plastic (?), i dont know.

anyways, im trying to figure out if i should eat these or not. usually i just eat them because they're not that bad, but now im wondering if maybe these are from grainfed cows or from infected cows or something and i shouldn't be eating them. i have no idea really. has anyone experienced anything like this? just curious.

General Discussion / Re: Raw Glandulars
« on: March 03, 2010, 08:08:26 am »
  I am eating maybe two or three ounces of raw pancreas at the start of each meal.  From Bison.  I must really need it, for to me it tastes great.  Really seems to help with digestion.  But it has to be one of the ugliest things out there. At least to others.

wow, i think you're on to something. the first time i tried pancreas (about a year ago) i hated it and couldn't finish it. i just got some by accident the other day and it tastes way better now to the point where im craving it. i also noticed a big lift in my digestion when eating a little at the start of a meal. thanks for bringing this up. gotta agree though, it's about the least appetizing-looking organ around.

General Discussion / Favorite organs?
« on: March 03, 2010, 08:00:14 am »
just for shits and giggles i thought it'd be cool to start a thread listing your favorite organs that you've had. it might also help newbies figure out which organs to try first too. i'll go first with my list from best to worst:

beef marrow
elk heart
goat brain
lamb marrow
wild hog marrow
lamb liver
beef tongue
lamb tongue
beef pancreas
bison heart
deer marrow
deer heart
beef heart
goat heart
lamb heart
chicken marrow
bison kidney
lamb kidney
bison liver
chicken heart
goat testicles
beef adrenals
chicken liver
wild hog adrenals
beef liver
lamb testicles (uh... pungent)

anyways, hope this is helpful/interesting to someone. feel free to add your own list. i'd be very interested.

General Discussion / Re: Eating brains for a healthy brain?
« on: March 03, 2010, 07:42:23 am »
just to interject...

i ate that goat brain yesterday! it's really some good stuff. i would describe it as having the consistency of pancreas, but it tastes really creamy and fatty. if you have ever had beef or lamb neck and found the spinal fluid, it's very similar in taste and texture. also, i noticed it smelled a little fishy (not in a bad way) and thought that was pretty interesting seeing as how DHA is high in both fish and brain. maybe that smell is DHA?

anyways, i think goat or lamb brain is pretty common at halal meat markets and it's usually relatively good quality meat. i would recommend it. i bought 6 goat brains for around $8.50 at $7.99/lb

i will say though, i still prefer marrow over brain. but i suspect that after a few more brains, i might prefer it over marrow. it's pretty damn good and i just might not be well acquainted enough with it.

Off Topic / Re: TylerDurden: Accident & offline for weeks
« on: March 03, 2010, 07:33:47 am »
You could get William to send you some pemmican.


General Discussion / Re: What should i tell a butcher to get suet?
« on: March 02, 2010, 12:10:49 pm »
i just tell them i make pemmican with it. they didn't know what pemmican was the first time, but once i explained it they seemed satisfied and somewhat interested. i told them i take it on camping trips (which isn't really a lie). anyways, they give me pounds of it for free now!

General Discussion / Re: Types of fats
« on: March 01, 2010, 12:51:23 pm »
Hey. That's what I did Yon.. 40C/104F. How much suet do you eat and how do you get on with it..?

i eat suet whenever i run out of marrow. lately i've been eating half my fat as marrow and half as suet (and usually just dried suet, not heated). i feel fine with it. i do remember though that i took a few weeks to get used to the taste and for my body to start digesting it better. used to be able to see it in my feces, but not anymore

General Discussion / Re: Types of fats
« on: March 01, 2010, 08:22:41 am »
the taste of some suet is not great, but sometimes i get stuff that tastes pretty good. anyways, i've found that if you heat suet to around 100 degrees F, it tastes much better. softer and much more enjoyable. im assuming this is the consistency of suet from a freshly killed animal as cows have internal temperatures of about 104 degrees or so.

General Discussion / Re: Eating brains for a healthy brain?
« on: February 28, 2010, 11:05:38 am »
wasn't trying to be insulting. but following your logic of them eating liver or brain when they can't get fat: why do they go for liver first when they could eat the fat? is it because they're addicted to carbs? (haha, okay, that was meant to be a jab at you, but we're all friends, right?)

General Discussion / Re: Eating brains for a healthy brain?
« on: February 28, 2010, 10:49:06 am »
While brains are certainly paleo, their use as food is doubtful both because of the carbohydrate content and paleoman's need for clothing.
See here:

while it is true that brains were occasionally used to tan hides, it's ridiculous to state that "their use as food is doubtful." leather lasts a very long time. after everyone in the group (maybe 30-40 people?) had clothing and shelter, they wouldn't keep tanning every single deer or buffalo hide. also, scavenged brains from carcasses were probably not used for tanning as the hides would have been unusable. there are also many other ways to tan hides with tannins (from bark, acorns, etc). this method renders the hides waterproof if you oil it which makes it a preferable method in many cases. brain tanning makes leather like cotton and is not waterproof at all. here's a very good description of bark tanning:

also, to condemn brains, liver, or any other animal food for containing carbs is really pretty silly and i think you know it. you are aware that all obligate carnivores eat liver first right? and if they could get to the brain, i would damn well bet they'd eat that too.

General Discussion / Re: What are you eating right now?
« on: February 28, 2010, 09:36:40 am »
about to eat:

beef pancreas
beef suet
beef marrow
beef kidney

i don't know how i feel about pancreas yet. i've had it once before and didn't like it much. this one tastes better, but still not my favorite. it's kinda sweet i guess which is nice

General Discussion / Re: Eating brains for a healthy brain?
« on: February 28, 2010, 09:09:13 am »
so, right after i made my last post, i searched for some local ethnic meat markets. bingo! i found a halal meat market! i read some reviews and apparently their goat is from local ranchers and organic! i can't be sure it's 100% grass fed (probably not) but it's safe to say it's at least partially pastured as evidenced by what most goat ranchers do around here. so, i went to the market and they had goat brain, tripe, and lots of other organs (i wasn't even sure what they were actually, ha). anyways, i bought 6 brains (they're pretty small)! im really excited about them. but i won't be eating them for a few days because i've already got a lot of stuff that's thawed out. i will definitely give you guys a rundown when i try them though. maybe some pics too!

on a related note, i picked up some free grass fed suet at whole foods and when i got home i found that they had accidentally included half a pancreas! pretty good luck i guess. anyways, that's part of the reason im not gonna thaw the brains tonight, gotta finish that pancreas.

anyways, i recommend that if you want brains, check to see if there's a halal meat market nearby. apparently they almost always have organic and most likely local animals. good luck. i'll keep yall posted

General Discussion / Re: Eating brains for a healthy brain?
« on: February 27, 2010, 09:20:25 pm »
so you guys are fine with getting a non-grassfed brain at an ethnic shop? i'd think brain is one of the organs you would want to be sure was grass fed...

i can't find it locally, but i will keep trying. i would think i could probably find it at an ethnic market but im skeptical of grain fed brains. the only other option i have now is buying a live grassfed goat/sheep and slaughtering it myself or hunting for a deer. i really want to get some brains though. i've never had it before, but it sounds very tasty

General Discussion / Re: What are you eating right now?
« on: February 14, 2010, 11:41:21 am »
for some reason this evening meat and fat sounded disgusting to me. the only thing that sounded good was an apple. so i ate and and then felt like eating more apples but didn't have anymore. so i found some frozen dates i had in the freezer (from nearly 2 years ago when i was trying to stay alive on raw vegan, ha) and ate one but didn't feel like eating more. then i felt like eating some pecans so i ate 3 whole ones. that's probably the strangest meal i've eaten in a long time, but i feel fine and full.

it was weird because usually i dont eat that many carbs even throughout a whole two days or so. it just felt right though so i followed my instincts. i had some really fatty pork loin for lunch though so maybe my body just needed a rest from that. who the hell knows...

also, megan, kudos on eating the salamander. that's pretty adventurous

Hot Topics / Re: Tapeworms.
« on: February 11, 2010, 10:24:00 am »
if the suet is from the fat around the kidneys perhaps it's part of the adrenal glands?

this intrigued me so i did some research and i think you're right! according to the site below, the adrenals are greyish in the middle and yellowish on the outsides. that fits the description that djr gave (like an overripe banana) and fits with my own experience. i had no idea that adrenals were located just atop the kidneys (where suet is).

it says: "These are located immediately anterior to the kidneys, and are encased in a connective tissue capsule that is usually partially buried in an island of fat."

if you look at the triangle diagram, that's where it mentions the color.

so i guess we've been getting free adrenal glands. i'll take it.

can anyone who has ordered adrenals confirm that they're yellowish with grey on the inside?

Hot Topics / Re: Tapeworms.
« on: February 11, 2010, 09:22:54 am »
yep, i get those in my suet too. someone on here said they were glands of some kind. i eat them occaissionally but i really don't like the taste. anyone know more specifically what they are?

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