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Messages - letsdoiteczema

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General Discussion / Re: Alaska's "half-farmed" salmon
« on: June 07, 2012, 01:09:49 pm »

It's a dirty little secret of the "wild" salmon industry that the difference between some so-called "wild" salmon and "farmed" salmon is really just a matter of degree. Numbers vary with region and salmon species, but anywhere from 40% to 90% or more of so-called "wild" salmon come from salmon hatcheries that are essentially large-scale fish farms. The numbers are lowest in Alaska and higher in Washington, Oregon and California. For some species, notably chinook and sockeye from Alaska, it's likely (but not certain) that a fish called "wild" has never been inside of a bucket, tray, tank, or pond.

This is not the same problem as the mislabeling of farmed salmon as wild salmon. Hatchery fish are actually considered to be wild fish by all seafood standards currently in place, and hatchery-raised fish are considered to be wild fish by all seafood standards currently in place.

Definitive numbers are not available, but about 80% of west coast "wild" salmon from major rivers come from hatcheries. Even in Alaska, hatchery fish can be 70% or more of the catch of so-called "wild" salmon. So for many if not most salmon, a fish called "wild" has probably spent a major part of it's life in captivity being fed by people. Sort of blurs the distinction between wild and farmed fish, doesn't it?

General Discussion / Alaska's "half-farmed" salmon
« on: June 07, 2012, 01:06:12 pm »
This is making me really reconsider buying my "wild-caught" Alaskan salmon, although the past 3-4 times I've had it, it tasted very rich and delicious and nothing like the restaurant farmed salmon - tasteless and bland.

I was fooled as well by all the claims that there are "NO" farmed salmon in Alaska.

Alaska's half-farmed salmon
Alaska's love affair with farming of salmon (despite words to the contrary) is slowly coming under scrutiny. Fish people in Alaska should be up front about their salmon hatcheries that are really a lot like fish farms.

Blogfish has noted previously that Alaska's so-called wild salmon include some fish that are raised for part of their lives in fish farms called "hatcheries." These fish live for up to half of their lives in farms, before being released into the ocean. When caught and sold, half-farmed fish are called "wild."

The problem is worst for less-preferred species like pink salmon and chum salmon, but even some sockeye and a very few chinook (king) salmon begin their life in hatcheries (fish farms).

Just this week, a letter to the editor of the copyrighted and subscription news service Intrafish has a scathing critique and a new term that just might begin to stick (excerpt below). Fish farmer Neil Sims of Kona Blue refers to Alaska's hatchery fish as "half-farmed" and writes about the hypocrisy of Alaska's opposition to fully-farmed fish, while simultaneously half-farming huge numbers of salmon. 

Journals / Re: letsdoiteczema's Experiments
« on: June 07, 2012, 12:30:16 pm »
Amazing high meat testimony.

Commercial probiotics didn't do that for you?

Hey Edwin, glad to hear from you. I think I forgot to mention above that my no-shampoo experiment was inspired by you. It is still ongoing and my hair feels so great now! No itching even if I don't have time to wash hair in 24 hours, unlike before.

The high meat experience, I will probably remember for the rest of my life. I think the dream-like state was because my mind was going through so many conflicts with past social conditioning, blowing through thousands of mental barriers in a few seconds of time. I would have never done it without reading testimonials of it here.

I have ordered the best-rated, best-selling probiotic brands on - around ~10 different brands. I tried opening capsules, mixing in water, drinking immediately; tried letting them ferment in coconut water for 1-2 days then drinking.

Can't say whether these commercial probiotics have had an effect on me in the past, but they didn't help at all in my recent depressive episodes. High meat's effect was so strong, I haven't had a crying spell since the 1st day I tried high meat. No stomach pain, cramping or any other food poisoning symptoms as well. I can't quite believe it myself!

Journals / Re: letsdoiteczema's Experiments
« on: June 06, 2012, 09:50:15 pm »
1. First time with "high" meat:
- decided to try high meat 3-4 days ago and continued to eat a little piece daily now, making sure to air the jars daily thoroughly and mixing the meat.
- nearly completely eradicated my crushing/suicidal depressive thoughts and crying spells; I'm much more positive/happy now. Don't know if this is from placebo effects from reading about all the miracles of high meat here, but I'm pretty sure it's both mental and physical (replenishing gut flora).
- 1st taste of high meat from 1 month old beef strips stored outside refrigerator in avg temperatures of ~20-25 Celsius: extremely acidic, strong smell; tried to chew it for several times but in the end had to use water to swallow it (technique learned from TylerDurden!)
- took a few attempts of opening the jar, closing it and going back to the computer to read about high meat before I had the  courage to try it
- act of opening the jar, using a fork to put the piece of stinky meat into my mouth felt like I was in a dream. I could feel the adrenaline pulsing through my veins, felt slightly light-headed, and actions were almost entirely automatic and without conscious thought
- huge surge in positive thoughts and mood observed after one day

2. Continued with VLC diet experiment and Activated Charcoal capsules from "Nature's Way". So far, incredible benefits:
- Face, neck itching, minor rashes are a lot smoother.
- Eating a lot of coconut meat from the freezer: tastes absolutely heavenly. Coconut has become my favorite food now, before it used to be Movenpick Vanilla ice cream! Back when I didn't have a clue about healthy eating.
- ate 2 organic oranges today after abstaining from sweet fruit for a while, they tasted amazing.

3. Realized more good symptoms from ~6 months of RPD diet:
- great flexibility. I have never been able to touch my toes standing with straight legs my whole life, now it is so easy that apart from touching my toes, my nose can touch my knees with my legs fully straight. I admit that it still hurts, but at least I'm able to do it.
- almost never fart. Used to fart all the time at home, or had to hold in gas when in public to avoid embarrassment (that was very hard to do!). I still sometimes pass gas about once or twice in bed at night, but it is very little and short - a sign that digestion has massively improved. Indigestion causes a lot of gas. One time of farting in the past took on average ~2-3 seconds for all the gas to come out.
- much stronger, thicker nails

Journals / Re: letsdoiteczema's Experiments
« on: June 02, 2012, 01:48:57 pm »
1. VLC experiment turned into 3 days of Zero-Carb - 2 meals a day of (all grass-fed, organic, except for grain-fed chicken) bone marrow, beef tenderloin, lamb tenderloin, chicken meat; organ-meats - lamb kidneys, chicken livers (all I have access to right now). Tried to eat as much fat as I could without forcing myself, around 4-5 pieces of bone marrow a day.

2. Bad symptoms:
Crushing depression yesterday - teary-eyed a few times during the day, cried a bit. Had to use spring water enema to clear out bowels after 2 days, minimize risk of absorbing toxins.
Slightly weeping, painful eczema rash appeared under my left armpit. Used external uropathy to accelerate healing - after applying before going to bed, next morning weeping ceases and wounds are not painful to touch anymore.

3. Trying to get as much direct strong sunshine as possible: 1-2 hours a day. Noticed a while ago that I don't sunburn anymore. Aajonus mentions this in his book - eating raw fats forms protective layer of fat on skin, and people eating his diet for a 1-2 months are more resistant to sunburn.

4. Good symptoms:
Dry, itchy, rough, slightly red rashes on face, neck has obvious improvement; skin feels smoother, rotating neck no longer feels uncomfortable (before it felt like whole neck was covered with dried glue, skin would stretch very uncomfortably when trying to turn neck).
Possible reasons for improvement: members here mentioned that carbs (especially very sweet carbs I used to love eating before on omnivorous, e.g. very ripe bananas, feed the bad fungus, bacteria in gut. Zero-carb diet meant that bad bacteria was starved.

5. Experiment with activated charcoal (2nd day with 2 capsules per day) Brand: Nature's Way Charcoal Activated. Hopefully absorbs toxins from body. I'm guessing Zero-carb diet doesn't seem to absorb and transport toxins very well (very little excretion)

6. Experiment with eating 4 bananas this morning, along with 2 charcoal capsules opened and mixed with spring water. This is to hopefully absorb the toxic bile contents from my coffee enema this morning - I figured I was going to have to do water or urine enemas daily to stimulate bowel movement, might as well do it with coffee sometimes to help liver dump toxins. Not planning on doing daily coffee enemas, maybe once a few days, depending on symptoms.

7. Drinking high quality (hopefully) spring water from "Natural Springs Australia Hong Kong" since 2 days ago. Seems to hydrate a LOT better than my normal boiled tap water filtered with a 4-cylinder water filter.

8. Zero-carb seems to be doing pretty well for me, not much cravings for sweet fruits. 4 banana meal this morning tasted very different than before, sweetness almost seemed a bit repulsive and tasted a slight bitterness. Maybe we aren't supposed to eat sweet fruits afterall?!

Journals / letsdoiteczema's Experiments
« on: May 30, 2012, 11:32:20 pm »
Firstly, I have to say a big big BIG thank you to everyone contributing in this forum, and for the founders of this forum. You people have seriously saved my life.

I am 90%+ sure that if I hadn't stumbled upon Raw Paleo through GoodSamaritan's website and then found this forum, I would have been dead probably a couple months ago. The severity and incredible agony of full body eczema rashes, nearly 0 quality of life would have pushed me to consider suicide as the only way out of hell.

I have learned so much from reading threads here the past few months, and I wanted to start documenting my experiments and experiences to hopefully give back in a way to this forum, and of course, to keep track of what I'm doing myself as well.

  • severe depression, PTSD, occasional extreme fatigue since ~2-3 weeks ago
  • rough, dry, occasionally itchy skin on face, neck, behind knees
  • Stopped daily coffee enemas ~1 week ago after members here detailed the dangers of it stripping the colon of gut flora etc. Using fresh urine retention enemas to heal, repair gut and keep daily bowel movements. Went 2 days without BM after stopping coffee enemas and got desperate - didn't want to reabsorb toxins and overburden weak liver, decided to use urine enemas - hopefully not as damaging as water/coffee enemas.
  • Very Low Carb (VLC) experiment day 1: 2 meals in total. 1st meal: (all raw) mix of lamb tenderloin, wild-caught salmon, grass-fed beef tenderloin, beef bone marrow. 2nd meal: mix of similar meats, didn't desire fats so didn't eat any. No strong craving for fruit so didn't eat any.
  • No shampoo since ~2 weeks ago, was already no soap for most of my life (fortunately!)

General Discussion / Re: Need a bunch of testimonials on high fruit/low fat
« on: February 25, 2012, 09:21:11 pm »
Hey Cherimoya, I'm a recovered 80 10 10 low fat high carb raw vegan. I'm copying and pasting a part of my testimony from my website here. For the full thing, go on my site at

Summary of diets tried:

Diets by far have had the most profound effects on my body, even though alternative treatment methods may have some benefits, they're usually very expensive, time-consuming and not worth it. Also, the power and satisfaction in taking control of your own health is elating, knowing that you are not dependent on other people for your own well-being.
~September 2010 to December 2010. Tried the "Candida diet", similar to cooked organic whole foods diet with meat but excluding all sugars including fruit. Rashes didn't improve and I had sweet cravings all the time. I first got into this because allergies, eczema and a lot of autoimmune diseases were said to be caused by "candida overgrowth" in many online communities.
~December 2010 to January 2011. Tried the high-fat raw vegan diet, similar to what Dr. Robert Young (author of The pH Miracle) - rashes improved by 20% but was constantly tired. Sweet cravings continued, and I couldn't control my bulimia (binge and overeating followed by self-induced vomiting). This disorder would happen once or twice a week. I was so ashamed of it. I would binge some store bought vegetarian food, pizza, curry etc. and go to the toilet and vomit it out. At first, I felt like it was "smart" thing to do - having the pleasure of eating good tasting food but not allowing the "unhealthy" food to be absorbed by my body. Then I discovered chewing and spitting (link), and I thought I cured my bulimia. Turns out it is another eating disorder. I was utterly disgusted at the spat out food in the toilet but I couldn't control myself. I would seem to get into a trance-like state while I chew and spat, then felt absolutely horrible and guilty after. I learned that food gets rapidly absorbed by the area under the tongue and around the mouth even if you're not swallowing anything. Your body will also excrete excess stomach acid to prepare digesting the food that you have spat out. Excess stomach acid will cause stomach problems such as ulcers (Source).
~February 2011 to May 2011. Tried "The Gerson Therapy" - rashes improved by ~10% but not as well as I'd hoped (thought cancer would be an easier thing to cure than eczema! I was dead wrong...) The chew-spit disorder continued, this time including any meat leftovers from dinner at home. I started to get massive meat cravings. I have kept the coffee enema in my daily routine as it has proven to be the best liver detox method I've tried.
~May 2011 to November 2011. Nearly raw fruitarian diet with 80 10 10 (or 811rv, raw vegan diet promoted by Dr. Doug Graham), worked for couple months with significant improvement, then health went downhill pretty rapidly with a full body rash and a host of other symptoms after around 6 months. Meat cravings were more intense than ever and chew spitting continued. I wanted to stop my disorder desperately and would picture the cruel factory farming techniques of animals, the toxic antibiotics/hormones injected to factory meat, to try and morally stop my behavior - didn't work a single time. It was mentally exhausting. It just sounded like the perfect diet in the world - no cruelty, peace and love to all animals. I felt so righteous. Some symptoms I had when my health went downhill in the last 2 months of eating 80/10/10 included:

Fingernail fungal infections (never had them in my life) that spread to 2-3 fingernails on each hand.
Extreme fatigue during the day even after 12 hours of sleep (I thought it was detox)
Extremely cold hands and feet. Toenails and feet turned purple very easily.
Wake up in the middle of the night with chills and feeling ice cold
Deeply cracked fingertips that wouldn't heal
Resurgence of eczema rashes on whole body
Extreme meat cravings, resulting in binge eating, self-induced vomiting, then chew-spitting disorder when I "discovered" it.
Anxiety, panic attacks
Diarrhea or very loose, liquid stools (bowel movements)
Eyebrows started falling out and thinning (left eyebrow has a chunk missing)
Rapidly receding gums, leading to tooth sensitivities

Nearly all symptoms gradually disappeared within a month on uropathy and raw paleo diet. Eyebrows and receding gums will probably take a while to recover.

5. ~November 2011 to present. Finally stumbled on uropathy and raw paleo diet and experienced 90-95% cure in a month. Absolutely phenomenal. After a few days of transitioning, all cravings disappeared and I finally freed myself from being a slave of food.

Raw Weston Price / Re: Raw Food and Bone Broth
« on: February 25, 2012, 09:11:17 pm »
TylerDurden, your post is so so so useful. I eat 4-5 pieces of grass-fed beef bone marrow every day now, and I hate to just toss it into the trash, and been looking at trying bone broth.

From your info, I've decided that it is better to waste the marrow-less bones than to introduce cooked toxins into my body through bone broth. I've tried it a couple of times and it has felt harder to digest than raw meat/marrow etc. obviously I guess...haha I wish I had dogs though, so the bones wouldn't be such a waste. Here in Hong Kong, grass-fed meat/bones are so expensive.

1kg of grassfed bones is $100 HKD = $12.8934 USD

Thanks again.


    It sounds wonderful, thank you so much!  Uropathy with his high fruit vegetarian diet makes a lot of sense.  Fortunately or unfortunately, he reacts better to the idea of eating meat, so far.  I will share this with him.  I'm very happy for your healing!  Hopefully my son will change his mind and read your information and use it.

Unfortunately, I was on 80 10 10 raw vegan diet on the first month of uropathy. Although uropathy prevented me from getting sick that first month just by putting drops under tongue every half hour (that's when I knew it really worked), my full body eczema rash did not subside until I switched to a raw omnivorous paleo diet.

I really hope you or your son can download some 100% free ebooks to read about uropathy. It will really blow your mind. Beats any antibiotic, antifungal, antiparasitic, antiviral man-made drug or ointment.

You wouldn't need to worry about food poisoning, or any bad bacteria any more when you know about "Your Own Perfect  Medicine".

"Your Own Perfect Medicine" banished all my fears about bacteria and viruses in this world, check out my post here on the health section:

Disclaimer: I'm not a medical doctor, just a 21 year old university student who has stumbled on mankind's greatest medicine and of course RPD (I do omnivorous RPD, feels right for me). I have NO commercial interest at ALL on my website, not selling anything, no Google ads, nothing. My intention is purely to spread the truth about this miraculous fluid that's produced inside our bodies.

Thank you thank you to everyone who responded. Especially Edwin, thank you for creating the Curemanual website and this forum and for being so selfless in spreading the message. I hope in the near future I can get healed and contribute to the spreading of RPD as well, people nowadays have strayed so far from our natural diet and have suffered so much (unnecessarily)!

Thanks for everyone's suggestions, I didn't vomit anymore after that one time last night, and actually thinking back, the experience was very strange to me because last night's vomiting didn't involve any stomach/intestinal pain. It just all came out 30 seconds after I started salivating - easily and pain-free, I think my body is telling me that it hasn't adjusted to digesting the raw tough tendons/fat yet. I will stick to mostly eggs/seafood for now.

Thanks again everyone! Glad to be part of this forum.

Omnivorous Raw Paleo Diet / Vomiting after meal: Newbie (4 days into RPD)
« on: December 08, 2011, 10:39:55 pm »
Hi everyone, this is my first post so might as well introduce myself before outlining my problem.

I've been into high-fat raw vegan, then 80 10 10 (with some cooked vegan meals) which caused my eczema to get better at first, then deteriorate after a couple of months, then I've stumbled onto RPD (on my 4th day).

Just vomited once (feel fine after vomiting, wasn't even painful) after a meal of:
1) Raw beef (first time swallowing the hard/tough fat to try - guess I know now that this was a mistake)
2) Raw honey (3-4 tablespoons, extremely sweet, might cause my vomiting as well?!)
3) Raw salmon after I got tired of raw beef
4) Strongly craved oranges, bananas (I know it is not good to eat fruits after meat, but craving was too strong!)

So I need some advice, what am I doing wrong? Usually these few days, I will eat a medium portion of fruit (1/2 of what I used to eat in 80/10/10), then I will eat raw meat/fish/eggs until I'm full.

Thank you all in advance for replies, and I'm so glad I stumbled on RPD. I know RPD is my answer, experienced 50% better results with my eczema around my bod, especially fingertips are all healed from deep cracks. I would like to ask for advice on transitioning from 80 10 10/cooked low-fat vegan to RPD. I hope I haven't done too much damage to my body through veganism!

Has the fat digestibility of my body gone down too far so it can't handle the raw beef fat? Should I use lemon/raw apple cider vinegar to marinade and "pre-digest" raw fat for easier digestion? Many thanks!!

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