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>>> My life has become very FUCKED UP because of eating such an entirely raw food diet with a lot of raw meat, now even if I have a spec of raw beef, it triggers the deadness personality and nobody wants to be around me.
Adjust adjust adjust. What does raw fish, raw sea food, raw lamb, raw buffalo, fruits and vegetables do to you? Don't get stuck with beef.
I had the same thing in my early 20's.
If your really down or something has really upset you to the point of despair try sleep deprivation. Stay awake all night...you will feel better.... then go to bed early (6pm) and then wake at 12pm. Sleep for only 4 hours. Keep this up when you need it.
And to be honest, chasing women, and playing golf isn't fun and mabe your friends actually suck...thought about that? It's time to move on.
Did anything happen three years ago to destroy your intestinal flora? Appendectomy or heavy course of antibiotics?
Anyway I noticed on myself that having healthy flora is crucial. The source of friendly bacteria is fermented vegetables (pickles), milk (yoghurt, kefir, sourcream, cheese). High meat is basically fermented meat rich in bacteria that fixes your guts, this is funny how much influence guts have on brain
Hey, my names matt i was recently introduced to this forum by my cousin. He was telling me about the benefits and just the general outline of what the diet can consist of, and how it's so beneficial for your health and overall well being. But about four months ago I began to take an interest in gaining muscle and mass. I took a few supplements and changed my diet, and ended up gaining about 15 - 20 lbs of muscle in two months. So after discussing the Raw Paleo Diet with my cousin, I asked him if there's anyway to bulk on this diet to gain noticeable mass and muscle gains? Or is this mostly applied for health and such?
P.S Any tips to beginning this diet would be helpful. Thank you!
Because of your DNA.. that's what determines how big you'll naturally be.
Adding muscle on top of this is hard work for everyone in my opinion, no matter how skinny or big.
You know, there is nothing more unpleasant than someone who pretends that someone else is just making it up, when there are no grounds for believing such. Granted, there are hypochondriacs everywhere who invent fake conditions on a regular basis, but I do not have those characteristics. If I did, I would still be inventing ever new health-problems right up till now, whereas I have already stated that I had recovered ages ago. As regards depression and anxiety, they are 2 distinct, wholly separate states, as recognised in psychological circles. Afaik, though I'm no MD, depression means a lowering of mood/listlessness/lack of motivation and anxiety means being in a constant state of anxiety/fear/terror etc. I had both such conditions, therefore.
That said, I have already encountered such wilful lack of acceptance of reality among my own family. Well over a decade ago, I used to also have to sleep in the afternoons for several hours due to chronic fatigue, couldn't exercise at the gym without collapsing and had appalling stomach-aches among many other conditions(some of which my relatives actually noticed at the time), but my own relatives since then have altered their perceptions by pretending that I never had any such health-problems in the first place. I can see why, in a way - some of those relatives are very old, so have a faulty memory so only want to remember the good bits, but the younger ones have no such excuse - it's obvious that they are so leery of my rawpalaeodiet that they cannot, on a psychological level, accept that my rawpalaeodiet has healed me, so they pretend to themselves that I never had any health-problems to begin with - after all, to their limited mind-set, a raw-meat diet kills, so when deaths don't happen, even after many years, they have to come up with some distortion of reality to explain away this inconvenient truth, to fit in with their paradigm.
I am aware, incidentally, that the mind does play a role in health, given the placebo effect, but only a very minor part. Health-problems really do exist, not just in the mind.
Primal diet. Though i don NOT consider myself to be a bodybuilder. The term bodybuilder is most often used to describe to mindless, drug addicted, genetic freaks that dominate that world nowadays.
I have been doing HIT for several years with rather good results. Since going primal i improved quite a bit. For those who can tollerate dairy without any problems(like me) the primal diet is probably the best for bodybuilding puposes. I'm 1,78mtr and 99Kg at 12%bodyfat. I've been leaner and can be again without much effort but I feel healthier like this. I'm with AV on bodyfat, its necessary in our toxic world.