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Here ya go
Nice guys, they offer all sorts of raw dairy from sheep, cows and goats, raw meats (beef, chicken, pork) including organs, and various fermented stuff. Everything is 100% grass-fed, organic, and fresh (unfrozen).
Pastureraised works the way cowshare program does, you pay $85 or somewhere around there for a year's membership, agree to waivers that state you like e.coli and want your food to contain it, and they'll give you a phone call to make sure you're legit. Gotta say though, they're kinda pricey.
out of SAD food I eat pizza once in a blue moon. i also eat butter-fried potatoes regularly and sometimes other cooked home foods. i stay away from the sweets. i do not notice any negative side effects. i think potatoes help me with weight gain. i'd like to gain 10 more pounds or more.
My cat eats high meat without any reaction at all. I fed him my high meat before I tried it myself. Had my cat rejected the high meat I don't think i would have eaten it myself.
My cat is 100% on raw meat, organs and fat (and the occasional few drops of raw kefir). When i gave him a piece of slimy high meat he just sniffed it and ate it straight away. No noticeable difference with regular meat.
If i give him something new he has never had before say chicken instead of beef their is a clear testing procedure. First sniff, then lick, then wait a bit. Then take in the mouth and spit out again, wait a bit. Then chew and spit out again, again waiting a while. Then eat a little piece and wait an hour or so. Then and then only he will eat the rest. If anywhere along this testing procedure he notices something wrong he won't touch it again. The fact that he ate the beef high meat straight away after just sniffing it means he doesn't think it's too different from regular beef
Charlie4444 you sound like a spoiled rich kid.
What do you want, the elixir of life? It doesn't exist.
Maybe YOU could study and do the research to explain said mechanisms instead of waiting for someone else to lay it out for you. Maybe your post should be directed inward? No one in the raw paleo movement as far as I know is 'trained' in a vetted institution (thank god!), we have just learned that there is a problem with the status quo, and we have realized that we need to think for ourselves and really learn how to think, since that is NOT what we're taught in school. So, you have as much ability as any of us, more or less, to ascertain the answers to your questions. Use all your resources, and you can learn to explain the mechanisms by which this diet functions just like Ty did in the last post.
get raw cream or whole milk, let sit on counter top til the super thick cream separates, skim that off, put it in a jar, shake it til it separates further and becomes butter........
Perhaps this website will be useful. It specifically tells you if the farmer sells butter or whatever type of raw dairy:-
Do you realize how long he's been doing this diet? ROFL
Seriously, I used to have trouble finding good sources for high-quality, inexpensive raw foods, but, after 12+ years eating a raw diet, it has gotten MUCH easier. It just takes some time.
However, if you're LUCKY, like GoodSamaritan, then you live in a tropical food paradise, and it takes almost zero time, once you actually know which raw foods to get. ROFL
you have so many resources near you www.eatwild.com and localharvest.com also search for local farmers markets and then figure out what ranches sell there and contact the ranch, there is no way you have limited resources, vermont is so tiny you have to have all kinds of options near by
I ate testicle once. It was powerful but wrong for me. I felt that it would be so good for a man, but you are the first man I found to report eating raw testicle. The few experiences with blood have felt so right and good to my body. I thought blood was supposed to induce vomiting. I expected this, but it is like velvet smooth. Perfect. Easy to digest. Comforting to my digestion. I loved the stuff and I'm determined to get more. I also have enjoyed lots of fish row. It feels like a deeply healing food for my feminine body. It seems like you are on the right tract to me even though I come from the Venus side of your streangth and healing ideas.
Yeah sure real great results; shrinking testikels, ruined kidness/liver, extreme agression, spontanious growth of tissue where it doesn't belong.
I have no personal experience with any of them and would avoid them like the plague. I think in general the results are over estimated and the side effects severely underestimated.
^So you don't know from experience! I used to think eating raw meat would give me parasites and harmful bacteria that would destroy me based on respected literature! If you research it, there's no info that supports steroids, and everything that goes against it. People know that it works, therefore, it's kept on the down low. Very similar to raw paleo.
^ I have been friends with and seen many people who take steroids and they have impressive looking bodies, get girls, are smart, and it seems from the fact that they promote human growth. I notice positive growth in girls once they take birth control (steroid), when medically prescribed steroids from doctors I see people grow in intelligence and stature, and looking at bodies of professional, steroid taking athletes compared to amatuer natural ones, I'm just being honest, the professional ones look better to everyone! Steroids come in so many forms, usually prescribed by doctors, they don't even realize much of their success comes from the human growth stimulated by these synthetics.
I hate to burst your bubble, but since when did gorillas juice vegetables?
Maybe gorillas wadge vegetables. I don't know and don't care. How about we focus on what works best for us as humans and individuals?