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Messages - Poncho

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Hot Topics / Re: Why are people bashing Raw Paleo?
« on: June 30, 2013, 05:17:18 am »
Yeah all of that seems to be the same for everyone, I get that.
But then why do we stop there?
It's not the learners that are the problem here, it's the teachers. Us.
Because honestly, the majority of people don't give a shit, right.
But we do,
so we have to learn to teach them in a way that will be effective.
See, we've got the truth on our sides,
it isn't actually possible that we would not find a way to lead others.
People are ALL sick, all of them. (Including us, I think it's going to take at least a few healthy generations going by for us to see health again.) The sicknesses are so unique in each person, which should further prove to them how absolutely poisoned humanity is.
The more videos and articles I read online, the more I see that every type of person is catching on.
People all over the world, scientists, activists, parents, you name it.
The problem is, they are only catching on to pieces of the whole truth.
I've seriously spent weeks and months and now years researching and observing my own symptoms as well as the symptoms of others.
I know that it's only a matter of time before the whole truth gets out, I hope that I'll be around to see it.

Hot Topics / Re: Why are people bashing Raw Paleo?
« on: June 30, 2013, 12:26:25 am »
We can do it.
I'm sure of that.
There is enough undeniable proof out there.

It's just going to take persistence and dedication.
Don't ever accept the idea that you should just keep your wisdom to yourself and live your own happy life.
That's insanity, were all too connected for that kind of thing to be possible.

Omnivorous Raw Paleo Diet / Re: A really Interesting Discovery
« on: June 29, 2013, 09:52:58 pm »

Why do you want to bash something that can't actually be bashed?
I don't get it.

It's doctor mentality, picking at a tiny symptom and not touching the actual problem.

And I mean, why the hell are you trying to make me look stupid when I'm saying that raw paleo is correct and then providing some evidence?
What does it do for you?

Don't try to make me look stupid, that's only gonna put you in a bad place.

Hot Topics / Re: Why are people bashing Raw Paleo?
« on: June 29, 2013, 09:46:10 pm »
But theyre wrong.
Its been proven countless times.
It's cool if they want to deny their bodies the proper nutrients, fab, but I'm not okay with them convincing others that it is right.
You know, the follower-type people who really look to others for guidance?
They want help, and instead they receive false information delivered by some passionate lunatic.

Hot Topics / Re: Why are people bashing Raw Paleo?
« on: June 29, 2013, 10:35:56 am »
I don't like that the web is full of crazy 'intellectual seeming' madness like this:
Why Are People Still Eating Meat?

Omnivorous Raw Paleo Diet / Re: A really Interesting Discovery
« on: June 29, 2013, 08:05:40 am »
/She didn't say that I required supplements, only that they would speed things up and insure it went more smoothly.
You know what assuming does right

Omnivorous Raw Paleo Diet / Re: A really Interesting Discovery
« on: June 29, 2013, 08:04:06 am »
It sounds like a lot of quackery.

You can't tell if someone has parasites by looking at blood.

By 'fat cells' I assume they mean trigs.  And I assume they are saying trigs are floating with the flow.  If this is bad what are trigs suppose to do?

From wiki:   it has been called a "fraudulent" means of convincing patients that they are ill and require treatment with dietary supplements.

She physically showed me examples of what it looks like when there are various different types of parasites present.
They are entirely visible.
She was surprised that I had zero, because of my diet.
Most people on the american diet show parasites.
I'm sure she would have enjoyed it a lot more having an easy type reason like 'you have parasites' to my problems.
Shut up, I hate people like you
If youre going to be a downer, be correct.

I'll do the lemon water for sure, I do that sometimes but I'll do it always haha

Omnivorous Raw Paleo Diet / A really Interesting Discovery
« on: June 28, 2013, 05:34:42 pm »
I believe that what I have is actual evidence that raw paleo is the correct way of eating.
I'm serious, I think, I'm kind of amazed by what I've discovered.
Is it real or am I crazy? haha

Hot Topics / Re: Why are people bashing Raw Paleo?
« on: June 28, 2013, 04:58:32 pm »
Guys I just got a live blood analysis, it uncovered a lot.

It's very interesting.
I wrote a nice detailed post, read it on my blog.

But the point I wanted to emphasize here, is the amount of parasites in my blood.

Guess how many?


Most people typical american dieters have some.

I didn't have a single one.

Hot Topics / Re: Why are people bashing Raw Paleo?
« on: June 28, 2013, 02:04:46 am »
also, a very good example of the weird seemingly maliciously fabricated evidence that leads people away from health:

Hot Topics / Re: Why are people bashing Raw Paleo?
« on: June 28, 2013, 02:02:19 am »
But all of the medical sites posting garbage about it.
They have all of these made up 'facts' painting a really false picture for people.
They've gotta know better, dont they?
Then there are they people who go on these forums and claim to have gotten really sick blah blah blah from raw meat.
That's gotta be bullshit. Cause I mean I've eaten raw a few times daily for about 6 months now.
I started off very ill, now I get complimented on my radiant skin.
I am only going up, slowly but surely.

All of this controversy has had me afraid, because it all seemed so deliberate.
Like someone has been planting the weird evidence that would lead people to believing such garbage.
But now I'm wondering if maybe people here in canada are just misinformed as a whole?
So maybe there is hope, if there is a teacher?

I'm confused, haha.

Hot Topics / Why are people bashing Raw Paleo?
« on: June 28, 2013, 01:02:38 am »
I have many thoughts on this topic.
I am not asking because I don't have any idea,
I'm asking because I would like more opinions, opinions from people in other countries etc.
I'm also not saying that I know the answer,

But I am saying that I'm sure you don't KNOW the answer either haha

Just discussion please, I have a lot of interest in this.

No one knows, all we can do is think and talk and put things together to help us progress.

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: Malnourishment
« on: June 27, 2013, 06:22:10 am »

Poncho what is your diet like nowadays? Supplements? Sleep patterns? Exercise? Etc.

I eat a good variety of foods now!
Its great.
I eat all organic, all raw, but a real variety now.
Although I have yet to overcome my stomach issues, I am really progressing.
My face looks healthy, my skin is so soft, I feel entirely sane again.

I am very excited, I even went to a concert last weekend and stood for 5 hours. (Very impressive for me, haha)
Things are looking up

Unfortunately, I think I still have a long road ahead of me.
The results I am seeing are motivation enough.
See, I don't care how hard it is, how long it'll take, how painful it will be, I just want to know that someday I will be good again.
I believe I'm well on my way.

100% raw paleo + raw goat's dairy is the way to go, for me.

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: Raw VS Cooked
« on: June 26, 2013, 07:50:12 am »
Thats more like it^
Thank you sir.

To those sharing their personal successes, I'm sure I'll be able to use it to further prove the greatness of raw paleo.
Thank you as well!

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: Raw VS Cooked
« on: June 26, 2013, 07:18:32 am »
Guys this is exactly what I didn't want to hear.
I know all of that already.

I'm saying that for legal purposes I MUST prove that I am actually working hard for my health.
I have been compiling lots of evidence, that I am planning to use to explain my side of this to them.

They need to KNOW that I am not lazy, I just took the path of most resistance.
If I can't prove this to them, then I will just lose.

I am not trying to get them to go raw paleo, and I'm not trying to prove myself to myself.

I just need the facts, because these people only care about the facts.

I'm just asking for facts.

Links to facts.

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: Raw VS Cooked
« on: June 25, 2013, 11:23:57 am »
Oh they won't even look at the way I eat.
They don't give a shit.

They are far too rigid.

They were both sick, the ones questioning me.
One was obese, the other was a member of the deteriorating old.

They have a problem with me not putting my life in the hands of doctors.
They don't accept that I am taking my life into my own hands, instead.
Because I don't have a degree.
Therefor I am nothing.

I just need legitimate information on the difference between raw and cooked meat, that kind of thing.

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Raw VS Cooked
« on: June 25, 2013, 11:04:08 am »
I'm compiling evidence here, and I need some solid undeniable proof that RAW meat is critical to achieving optimal health.
I'm 100% for the raw meat, I do not consider abandoning it, I simply want to be able to more effectively explain to people why I eat how I eat.

See, I am all tied up in the world of doctors and whatnot.
It is not my choice.
They really aren't cool with the raw meat.
They are simply just wrong, about nearly everything they know.
It's not their fault really.

But I need to prove myself,
or else I will suffer the consequences.

They are saying that I have not been 'trying' hard enough, because I haven't been obeying the doctors orders and whatnot.
Therefor, I am lazy and deserve to be treated accordingly.

I need to silence them. Help me please.

General Discussion / Re: Gradual Transition. Gradual.
« on: June 20, 2013, 08:03:58 pm »
Glad you liked my ramblings, haha.
I always hope that at least a few people will be able to understand what I'm getting at.

I am actually at a point now, after analyzing the fuck out of every single aspect of life, that I feel like I will eventually be part of it again.
On this journey to health, after finding raw paleo, I started becoming more and more aware of how sick everyone was.
Of how wrong everything was in the world.
Of how stupid we were.

I hated it all, everything and everyone.
I basically exiled myself.
Then after looking so deeply into everything, and finding every fault that I could (OH, there were MANY),
I was finding myself feeling a sense of... ease?

Since I knew and understood so much, so much more than most people do,
I was able to begin looking past it.

I saw the horrible flaws in people, the deeper you look, the more flaws you'll find.
I found so many, in each person.
I got very depressed, I had lost faith in humanity haha.
Then I had a long conversation with my family, about a family conflict that was going on.
I realized something incredible:
They TRULY cared. They were invested fully in finding a solution to this problem.

ALMOST everyone has good inside them.

Everyone is just lost.
Everyone is just sick.

I, myself, was sick and angry and miserable (throughout the first 2.5 years of my recovery)
I felt isolated, like I couldn't even go out for dinner with people because I couldnt eat what they served.
I couldn't do anything. The world was useless to me.
The more I learned about my health, the more that was true.

Then, after finding marijuana, raw paleo, a great naturopath, and a nice house of my own, I feel real again.

I started seeing the potential in everything everywhere, I regained hope.
I felt such a strong sense of purpose and comfort when I realized that I know whats best for people, I know the way, I can teach them.
If I can't teach them, I cannot blame them,
I clearly just need better methods of teaching.

See, the world is a giant network of people right.
And it is scientifically proven that we are all connected, on a very real level.
If you exist here, and live to serve yourself, in doing that you are actually doing the opposite.

From what I make of it, you must get yourself in perfect condition (mentally and physically), and then live your life serving the planet.
I don't mean by going to your job and following the set of rigid rules society lays out for you.
I mean by teaching others, by helping others reach health, it will be hard.
But in doing this, I believe you can reach fulfilling happiness.

I don't believe that in my lifetime I will see a happy planet earth, no.
But I am just a number, right?
Just one of the billion people. I'm just going to spend my life helping.
There is already so much literature out there, people are beginning to understand.
And I'm just one of them.
So are you, embrace it.

Read 'The Art of Non-Conformity', by Chris Guillebeau. I was recently introduced to this book, and it really confirmed what I had been thinking about life. Certain thoughts, not all, but as I said its all just a start.

I had been thinking of a bunch of the controversial things written in this book,
I felt alone, no one liked my ideas.
I felt a little crazy, then my aunt showed me this book.

I realized how people all over the world, who have lived very different lives, are all catching on to the same problems in our world. People are starting to realize.

I'm 20 now, and quite a few people have talked to me about raw paleo.
I have told many adults about it, and the ones that take the most interest so far are professionals of some kind.
They are VERY interested, and wish to learn more.
They had never heard of it in their lives, but I have. And I'm 20.
I hope that gives you some idea of how people are catching on.

Have faith in the world, and know that all you can do is help change it.
It's beginning to consider going in the right direction, help it!
Otherwise, what are you even doing?

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: Malnourishment
« on: June 20, 2013, 08:08:36 am »
You are right about everything.

Its also interesting how now I can stay inthe hottest sun as long as I went and never get burnt, I feel incredible after actually.

Before I went raw I used to get burned in the slightest sun and I would be red all over.

Now Im still just as white as I ever was (im actually pinker now at all times sun or no sun) but theres is never any burning I may only get a tan for a bit but I still dont hold one for very very long.

That excites me. I knew there was something just wrong about how easily us humans burned in the sun.
How would we survive before sunscreen? I hate sunscreen.
I knew it was wrong. I hope I was right

General Discussion / Re: Gradual Transition. Gradual.
« on: June 20, 2013, 08:05:32 am »
I can't anymore either, haha. But it served me well.

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: Malnourishment
« on: May 31, 2013, 08:13:05 pm »
We live in a world where we can achieve actual perfection, in one sense.
And then also we can never achieve perfection, in another sense.

We can give our bodies ANYTHING it needs to be healthy,
other than a perfectly natural world.

I am unsure about what I think of that.

In nature, if we were all messed up like me, we would just die.
You know what, I probably would have died within the hour of the accident.
Here in the modern world of supplements and artificial life, I lived.
Artificial near death (vehicles), artificial things kept me alive (medically induced coma etc etc etc)

I really think that you guys are all fighting a hopeless battle wondering whether or not supplementation is okay.
This world is pretty much completely insane?
Let's not try and figure out if supplementation is truly acceptable.
Let's just do what we need to do to feel the best we can.
Why does it matter what our means are to achieve happiness?
All that matters is happiness, happiness is in health.
Try to see the point of all of this, instead of the many intricacies that really can't be worked out the same for everyone.
We are a lllllll so artificially different.
Sure, in the perfect world you can treat us all the same.
I believe that 100%
But this world is nowhere close, time to improvise right?

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: Malnourishment
« on: May 31, 2013, 10:05:28 am »
How many 'units?' should I order?
I'm thinking one to start, but would that maybe be a bit foolish when considering shipping charges and whatnot?

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: Malnourishment
« on: May 31, 2013, 10:02:45 am »
Well, I don't have a son.
But I'm also not near nyc, so maybe later

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: Malnourishment
« on: May 31, 2013, 09:51:59 am »
Is this club like a fraternity?
Or can I just join?

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: Malnourishment
« on: May 31, 2013, 09:03:44 am »
It's great that you take such a proactive approach to your health. When I first started raw paleo I had the frame of mind that all I needed was to eat raw, nutritional deficiencies wouldn't occur, I'd instinctively find the right foods, etc. I later realized that there's no such thing as "done learning" how to improve your health, which is what I felt at the time - raw paleo was the solution to all my problems lol.

I ended up adding back my supplements. Using a shower filtration system. Using fluoride free tooth paste. Special shampoos and conditioners. Trying to go to sleep at a good time and wake up early. Adding in Lugol's iodine to remove heavy metals and toxic halides.

By giving up on that I know everything I need to heal, I actually ended up adding a lot of things. And I'm sure I'll end up adding more at some point if I find something else that can improve my health. Maybe it'll be zappers (which I'm actually going to start looking into), who knows.

haha I'm on that road now.

As for that link, which form should I get?
obviously unflavoured right?
and liquid?

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