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Hot Topics / Re: Raw Dairy? Who embraces it?
« on: October 19, 2010, 11:53:24 pm »
Exact same thing happened to me.

Before my fast I couldn't touch dairy, same reasons as you.. I could just feel my lymph nodes swelling up and my ears getting stuffy. But after the fast I couldn't feel a thing.

what breed of cow was it

that is hugely important . avoid black and white holsteins as a general rule

Health / Re: best animal fats for skin
« on: October 19, 2010, 12:39:41 am »

Cleopatra bathed in donkey milk, however its very expensive.

Use emu oil, its said to help dry skin etc

Hot Topics / Re: Raw Dairy? Who embraces it?
« on: October 19, 2010, 12:35:12 am »
I dont know, but look into donkey milk, sheep milk, and goat milk if the cow milk controversy is too complicated.

Raw Weston Price / Re: Anti Weston Pricer's are hypocrites
« on: October 19, 2010, 12:34:09 am »

How would you argue with durianriders ? I quoted to him weston a price and he mentioned the china study in response. What else can be said about 30bananasday(70 bananas actually) apart from the fact that eating all that fruit is just silly and ridiculous.

Raw Weston Price / Re: Anti Weston Pricer's are hypocrites
« on: October 18, 2010, 11:29:46 pm »
what are you quoting this from.

At least I can refer to the weston price book for details, where do you get this information

And Weston Price himself said, the tribes got cavities, about 1 per 100, compared to the westernised sugar diet, where it was about 25 per 100,

Raw Weston Price / Re: Anti Weston Pricer's are hypocrites
« on: October 18, 2010, 09:10:12 pm »
so your saying they got ill because they ate cooked food ? wow, you will do anything to prove weston price wrong.

Raw Weston Price / Re: Anti Weston Pricer's are hypocrites
« on: October 17, 2010, 05:20:32 am »
Yes but he found tribes that didnt eat grains or dairy either.

He also found they ate some raw and some cooked.

Raw Weston Price / Re: Anti Weston Pricer's are hypocrites
« on: October 17, 2010, 01:23:26 am »
NO, I just want to understand why they hate weston price. So what, the man made a few mistakes in his research. His heart was in the right place and Im sure he enjoyed travelling the world.

So according to you, raw paleo eaters are invincible and will never get ill ?

Raw Weston Price / Re: Anti Weston Pricer's are hypocrites
« on: October 17, 2010, 01:13:21 am »
I agree with you, but the people he studied certainly have better teeth than me, or anyone else in the westernised countries.

So what, they got ill. Was this after they introduced westernised foods ?

Raw Weston Price / Anti Weston Pricer's are hypocrites
« on: October 16, 2010, 10:45:04 pm »
The say, all the tribes weston price studied got ill eventually, he didnt study them properly, etc etc.

yet they ate a raw paleo diet ?? are they implying that the raw paleo diet made them ill ?

They counter this by saying they got ill because they cooked their meat, they ate grains, or they ate dairy.

Yet, not all the tribes ate dairy, not all the tribes ate grains either.
They cooked some of their meat, ate some raw aswell.

Health / Re: best animal fats for skin
« on: October 16, 2010, 04:24:40 am »
check the amazon reviews of emu oil

also, use goat milk based soaps for washing,

Hot Topics / Re: Sleeping- Seasonal Nutrition and the "lights out" book
« on: October 16, 2010, 01:22:29 am »
I was interested in this because I came form a family where they would watch tv til about 12 at night.
it definitely affected my sleep patters.

I read all bright light 3 hours before bed overstiumaltes you, causes stress to the body, and thus causes adrenal fatigue, which in turn will cause thyroid problems etc.

Keep it simple, if its dark outside, use dim lit lamps in your house, not bright overhead ones which trick the body.  or use candlelight. keep computer and tv use to a minimum, and try not to before bed. be aware how artificial light affects health. Also, paul nison said that whenever light enters the eye, it triggers something in the body to keep digestion going, when you shouldn't be eating.

Hot Topics / Cure Aids with raw milk
« on: October 15, 2010, 09:32:39 am »

at 15 seconds

i support raw milk over pasteurised milk, however, saying it cures AIDS, is quite frankly, absurd and ludicrous.
And it gives everyone who supports raw milk a bad name

Hot Topics / Re: Is Fruit Meant For Man
« on: October 15, 2010, 08:59:38 am »
I understand the difference between natural fruits and hybrids etc.

i think the real point is, is it sensible to be a fruitarian ? and is it sensible to eat 70 bananas a day ?
he doesnt need to overcomplicate things, all that sugar from the fruit will simply cause many health problems

Hot Topics / Re: Is Fruit Meant For Man
« on: October 15, 2010, 08:55:54 am »
he blocked my comments for promoting meat/weston price/paleo and discussing weston price

Hot Topics / is this a raw food forum or a raw meat forum
« on: October 15, 2010, 08:55:30 am »
 theres a difference. i know many raw meat eaters (3, to be exact) who emphasise eating raw meat but eat cooked vegetables and other cooked food, saying some foods are better cooked, like potatoes, but foods like meat, should be eaten raw

Hot Topics / Re: Is Fruit Meant For Man
« on: October 15, 2010, 06:21:23 am »

Health / Re: best animal fats for skin
« on: October 15, 2010, 06:20:29 am »
Emu oil is an animal oil.

Did you mean something you apply externally to your skin, or something you eat to make your skin better ?

Emu oil is applied on the skin and not eaten. Why an animal fat, though, if that was your question ? Jojoba, castor oil, sweet almond oil, aloe vera are also good.


Hot Topics / Re: Is Fruit Meant For Man
« on: October 14, 2010, 07:02:59 am »
I agree, even if he is paleo, he does believe people should not be strict about any diet they are on, unless it's obvious things like avoiding white sugar and white flour etc but they come naturally.

I'll find the video, one was hosted on naturalnews. , watch all 6

He didn't say what alcohol in particular he drinks, just said fermented ones that are not pasteurised.

Are you a member of 30bananasday, (should be called 70 bananas a dayy, anyway).
How else would you know they were taking about daniel vitalis on that forum ?

Hot Topics / Re: Is Fruit Meant For Man
« on: October 14, 2010, 03:18:40 am »
should be noted, vitalis does not label himself any diet, but does eat raw meat. he also promotes alcohol in moderation, dairy if its the right type, and even cooked food.

he made a fascinating video exploring the history of natural drugs and alcohol and how its been used throughout the ages, and for people to dismiss thousands of years of history and uses of alcohol by saying they will never drink it because they are raw paleo, is just a bit silly.

Vitalis used to be a raw vegan, but he also studied the psychology behind raw veganism and studied things like eating disorders and identity and ego, and he realised that raw veganism is also bad for you mentally aswell as physically. Simply labelling yourself to any diet, or having your identity to any diet, or having your identity as someone who avoids certain foods, will only lead to eating disorders and mental illness, most prevalent in raw vegan communities.

Hot Topics / Re: Is Fruit Meant For Man
« on: October 14, 2010, 03:14:21 am »
durianrider is clearly watching these forums, as he made a counter video to it , probably after seeing this thread.

Hot Topics / Re: to the dairy haters
« on: October 14, 2010, 03:12:54 am »
What is A1 and A2 milk?

maybe you should read the article ??

But simply, holstein black and white cows are genetically engineered, thus produce a low quality milk, even if organic and grass fed, will produce a1 casein.

Jersey cows, guernsey cows, goat and sheep dairy, are more traditional and have been used for thousands of years compared to the new cow breeds, produce, in the case of the cows, a2 casein.

a1 casein has been blamed on certain health problems.

Hot Topics / Re: to the dairy haters
« on: October 13, 2010, 06:27:36 am »
who's a vegan ? not me

Hot Topics / Re: to the dairy haters
« on: October 12, 2010, 09:24:06 am »
secondly, one thing i never understood.

they say milk gives you congestion and clogs you up, runny nose etc, because of the fat content.

yet it has about the same fat content as meat, or even an avocado, yet they dont give you congestion and a runny nose.

So that makes little sense.

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