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Hot Topics / to the dairy haters
« on: October 12, 2010, 09:08:52 am »

I read if the cows are fed correctly and they are the correct breed, jersey, guernsey , etc its okay to eat.

Just avoid the black and white cows.

Raw Weston Price / Where does he mention homosexuality
« on: October 11, 2010, 11:46:15 pm »
Someone said about the weston price book that he mentioned that homosexuality could be caused by a nutritional deficiency

weston price found a tribe who lived on bread, milk , butter and chesse, and some meat and veg, and their teeth were fine

i know its been discussed 1,000 times, but its worth pointing out

Anyhow I got to thinking and did some more research and I found that the fillings once removed must go to a hazardous waste dump and if they are disposed of improperly will result in heavy fines.

and did your dentist use a different water supply to get rid of the mercury ? or just dump it into the public water supply

A regular one. I got ceramic fillings instead.

when you say a regular dentist, do you mean one that doesn't know about the potential dangers of mercury fillings ?

a regular dentist replaced one of my mercury fillings, yet still left some mercury in it.

a homeopathic one will remove all the mercury from the filling. alternative dentist, whatever you call them.

a homeopathic will use safety precautions so you don't breather in mercury.

a regular dentist will just drill and replace. this is dangerous for the dentist and for you.

of course it depends on the size of the filling, how much mercury was in the filling, how long you were exposed. my guess is a regular dentist doesn't use the same safety mesaures as a homeopathic one.

My opinion is , you got a schmuck to get the filling removed, no matter how nice or good hearted the dentist is, is irrelevant. my dentist is the nicest person you could meet, yet he didnt remove my mercury filling all the way.
secondly, he did not use the safety precautions compared to a homeopathic dentist, which I had to travel to a different city to get to, but its worth it.

Also, did you get an x ray of your mouth to see where the mecury is, and an x ray faterwards to see if the mercury was gone ??

At least gte yourself an x ray that detects mercury in the mouth to at least see if you got it all removed.

how to remove them properly

The mercury-in-fish issue is merely a scam set up by PETA and various environmentalist agencies. Here is info on the issue:-

was it a biological dentist ? or a regular one

Hot Topics / Re: Merged DR discussions...
« on: September 19, 2010, 07:03:44 am »

his new channel, amazing

and a comment

primal diet, paleo, aajonus diet, roadkill diet, smear shit on a steak and eat it diet...whatever its all whacko and humans only started eating meat when faced with starvation.

join the ranks of the abundance mentality and increase the peace by going vegan or raw vegan. lifes short, eat a mango and pat a cow. 

Hot Topics / Re: Sleeping- Seasonal Nutrition and the "lights out" book
« on: September 17, 2010, 02:28:38 am »
4 hours sleep doesn't mean anything

so did margaret thatcher, i doubt she ate raw paleo

Off Topic / Re: Alternative to Finateride?
« on: September 17, 2010, 02:27:47 am »
are you doing the big 3 ?
fin, miz and rogaine/propecia, i forget which , nizoral aswell i think .
They are all completely unnatural and have side effects, but they work.

you can block dht externally with things like emu oil, castor oil, jojoba oil, rosemary oil,
block it internally with things high in zinc, saw palmetto, etc
a liquid zinc/angstrom zinc may help

Off Topic / Re: What does daniel vitalis eat???
« on: September 17, 2010, 02:24:11 am »
he does alcohol and natural highs aswell

he has explained it in several youtube seminars,

Hot Topics / gwyneth paltrow vegetarian diet nearly killed her
« on: September 17, 2010, 02:11:54 am »
she was a well known vegetarian, who only ate eggs and cheese presumably

Hot Topics / Re: Sleeping- Seasonal Nutrition and the "lights out" book
« on: September 16, 2010, 08:15:05 pm »
Maybe they wouldnt need that much sleep at all since the RPD diet takes care of most of recovery. Aajonus says he sleeps only 4hrs a night after being raw for 40 years

aajonus eats bread, His definition of raw is 80 per cent raw

And Paul Nison wrote a similar book about daylight eating, adrenals, exhaustion stress, and light, and light's role in health

Hot Topics / Durianrider article on wonderplanitz
« on: September 16, 2010, 07:54:48 pm »

Hot Topics / Re: durianrider on youtube has holes in his food theory....
« on: September 15, 2010, 10:08:17 am »
Heh, I could only handle a mere few of his videos before I wanted to throw up...
When I have properly digested my food and have some time I shall try and observe more ha ha

I watched this one where he is running beside a girl on a bike, showing people how 'athletic' he is...ummmm I know many people that can run like that for a long time, even ones on SAD diet...and then the girl is like "I can hardly keep up with you on my bike"...I just burst out laughing, you kidding me is that how fast she can bike? She must also be a that video they are making fun of their own selves its soo funny.

what video is that

We are animals, were just another species.
We are unique and different of course. As are many other animals.

Did humans evolve with computers and cars? NO
 Did we evolve eating raw foods? YES

obviously what you say is correct, but is completely irrelevant.
based on your logic we SHOULD eat raw dairy and raw soaked legumes, because, well, its raw

We're not discussing raw, we're discussing dairy, legumes and grains

back to the topic

you asked the difference in aajonus diet and paleo diet

and i told you he eats bread and dairy and a little cooked food

i then attempted to justify it, fairly i guess, and said you could still be healthy with those foods in a very small amount


weston price proved you could be healthy on grains and dairy

anyway, clever people know that they contain enzyme inhibitors, so thats why they ferment/ or culture them

so what no other animal cooks food ? we're not animals . animals dont sit on computers, drive cars, so what ?
thats a silly argument

your logic makes no sense.

An ideal diet would be a paleo based diet, but ideal for what is the main question . ?
most people have the same goals and ambitions and emotions anyway regardless of the food they eat

well, lets look at it

most paleo's will say they avoid the big 3

yet, cultured dairy is fine in small amounts
soaked and sprouted legumes and grains are okay, as long as its done long enough for about 2 days

and as long as it doesnt go over about 10 per cent of your diet, they shouldnt affect your health much , like things associated with excessive grain use

Paleo diet is just philosophy and ideology. Just so you can call yourself a paleo eater ? so what ? thats just ego

raw paleo is all about doing what paleos did, and is philisophical and not based on science

a little bit of cultured dairy, and 72 hour fermented rye grain, not higher than 5 per cent of your diet, is fine,

Ajonus admits in his book he only eats 75 per cent raw
He eats raw dairy,
Does vegetable juice
Does eat bread ,

Unlike a paleo, a paleo eater only does it because, 'thats what paleos did back in the day'

Health / Re: Bleeding gums
« on: June 19, 2010, 12:25:27 am »
# Chewing raw watercress leaves can cure bleeding gums.

Hot Topics / Re: An idea to make fish farms healthier
« on: June 09, 2010, 04:42:39 am »
Well , mercury or no mercury, they are fed GM corn, and they still develop properly.

Or, I read they were fed dead fish from the bottom of the ocean, that may be contaminated.

Hot Topics / Re: An idea to make fish farms healthier
« on: June 08, 2010, 09:43:36 pm »
If anyone wants to start this an a business idea with me, drop me a PM

ignore the vegan dogma but he knows his stuff,

but i reccomend the coconut oil because its so high in good fat and helps thyroid , and helps your body absorb nutrients.

theres a brillaint youtube channel who speaks about this a lot

he has LOTS of information about hair loss . he knows a lot about it

i even added him on msn and i spoke to him about it and he always responds to emails and comments

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