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not much connection to diet unfortunately, ive browsed the hairloss forums extensively,

but heres some information

MSM for growth, with lemon water/optional vitamin c / camu to make MSM stronger
biotin for growth
Beta Sitosterol / nettle, pumpkin
silica for strength
iodine for thyroid/ coconut oil
internal dht blocker like saw palmetto, not needed if using Beta Sitosterol
any fresh sprout, like alfalfa, b vitamins,
bee pollen, for b vitamins/ and zinc

he shou wu/gotu kola etc, schizandra, goji powder, may be useful herbs, but nettle should be enough for most people . Nettle also works because of its silica content, which will reduce your need for a silica supplement.

cayenne pepper on food, hemp oil/ omega oil,

externally, you could use emu oil, jojoba oil, castor oil, rosemary oil etc,

how can he be any healthier or any unhealthier than someone eating a standard junk food diet ?

Hot Topics / Giving up bread, difficult, ?
« on: June 08, 2010, 08:56:32 pm »
I read grains activate morphine receptors in the brain, which may explain their addictiveness

Did anyone else find it difficult to give up bread ?

Hot Topics / Re: Using Xylitol as a carb source?
« on: June 08, 2010, 08:55:26 pm »
If you crave a sweet tasting substance, try bee pollen

From personaly experience, what I was personally craving was a stimulant from a high sugar food, not the taste of sugar.

But bee pollen tastes mostly sugarish,

Hot Topics / An idea to make fish farms healthier
« on: June 08, 2010, 08:53:25 pm »
Most fish farms are loaded with mercury, fed GMO corn, and soaked in pcb's etc.

My idea would be make a fish farm, salmon or whatever, and only feed the farm spirulina.

This would make healthy fish, and not pollute the ocean as much.

Thoughts ? Would this work ?

Hot Topics / Re: Raw cow butter has no calcium ?
« on: April 24, 2010, 06:08:22 am »
where are people getting their information from if they are against weston price so much ?

Mercola ? he reccomends a modified variation of raw paleo, but allows some cooked food, its science , not philospohy or religion

In fact, Mercola wrote that someone did cure autism while still eating dairy, alberit cultured goat dairy, so dairy is bad but raw dairy is a good substitue for people who find it too hard to give up.

Hot Topics / Re: Raw cow butter has no calcium ?
« on: April 24, 2010, 05:21:33 am »
Yet there is evidence that many of the communities he described were nowhere near as healthy as he claimed.

what exactly was weston price wrong about

Yes, proabably some of the people with the communites/tribes were ill. Compared to a western civilisation, they were much better

So, who are the healthiest people in the world then ?  I assume you eat the healthiest diet in the world ?
I dont understand why we have to nit pick little details.
The tribes were happy people, in good health. Isnt that enough ? Sure you can nit pick little details and find one or two who were ill, whats your point ?

Raw Weston Price / Weston Price looks like Count Dracula
« on: April 24, 2010, 04:54:10 am »

He really deserves a better picture.

Hot Topics / Re: Raw cow butter has no calcium ?
« on: April 24, 2010, 04:50:47 am »
Im assuming it was grass fed, ?

Its less profitable ? As i assume it has a shorter shelf life ?

Hot Topics / Re: Raw cow butter has no calcium ?
« on: April 24, 2010, 04:06:27 am »
thanks for the reply

Just out of curiosity, what raw butter were you using and where did you get it ? As i also Live in the Uk.

Hot Topics / Re: Raw cow butter has no calcium ?
« on: April 23, 2010, 09:22:46 pm »
Butter is a 99% casein-free food, meaning it does have a small amount of casein in it.  This may initially be a concern to some parents who have been following a GFCF regimen, but we have found that when butter is introduced 4 -7 days after starting the coconut kefir, the small amount of residual casein does not cause a problem- in fact the butter seems to really jump-start the healing process.  Nutritional analysis of raw butter shows that it has less casein in it than human breast milk.

Hot Topics / Raw cow butter has no calcium ?
« on: April 23, 2010, 08:55:17 pm »
Regarding Weston A Price and the Swiss, I wonder what people's opinions are of this.

They basically lived off dairy, rye bread, assuming the rye was soaked and sprouted, and meat.

The chart has butter as having no calcium ? I have also read that butter also has no casein in it.
Of course maybe I'm misunderstanding it?

I mention this because people are against raw butter as it distorts the calcium ratio, yet it doesn't have any ? And the testimonials of people who strengthened their teeth using raw butter cannot be ignored. Raw milk and cheese are different though and may cause the raw dairy problems people go on about.

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