Salut :
I did not write for some time here because I guessed I should stop asking, after all this years of trying I should finally have found a way to nurish myself in a gentle and sustainabel way. And really, more and more, I know what agreas with me, its my paradise diet:
I know I feel well and happy if I eat fish; shelfesh (very fresh) salads; ,vegetables, some coconut -not too much, it seemes to give me stomach pain-a little bit of avocado, green juices and vegetable juices, some meat, specially organ meat, everything raw
and, so important for my well being, I have to eat smal amounts

, being outside a lot and exercise
The thing is, if I live like that, I feel greate but I loose weight very very fast
It is a cycle, I looooose weight, get very scarry thin; can not regain the weight any more with health eating; starting stuffing myself all day with things that are not good for me at all , making myself sick and, the worse thing, I loose my joy of life
Right now I'm eating loads of organ meats, lots and lots of beef fat, some fish and shellfish, some green juice every day, some vegetables; sometimes I force myself to eat bananas with my meat or papaya to raise my insuline,
I eat as soon as I get up and I often eat before bed to make fasting time a short as possible
I feel not good at all doing it, but as soon as I start eating following my feelings the scale goes down. I allways tell me it is just for a short period of time till I regained my weight and then I can do what I want The thing is that even with all thatI I'm doing I have such a hard time gaining.
Do we all have to eat such huge amounts on this diet (I feel like a monster) Is it the fact that everyting is raw that makes our food so 'thinning'

How can we gain weight in a pleasurable way? Is more fruit the answer?
Of corse exercise, weight training; sleep, EMF is very important, I know