Isn't it odd how of all the topics, this always gets the strongest opposition and aggression from "ball-earthers"? Why such inability to take this calmly with a sober mind, like adults? The only occasions such behavior is also present is with religious fanatics. Religious fanatics such as the bible worshippers, and vegans, also capitalists, patriots, nationalists, most scientists, etc. There is one common thing among all of them, which is that they take as true something that in reality is not true.
Truth is hard if life is based on lies, and so they lash out to try to prevent getting hurt. Instead of at least admitting that they might be wrong, not necessarily that they are wrong but at least that they might be.
I was rather specific and pointed out to not give negative comments and to actually think the material through. Well, if you cannot even understand this little bit, then of course all the rest will very likely evade you.
I also said: "Some points might be false, but that doesn't mean all of them are; because all of them definitely are not false, especially some of the most direct and important ones."
If anyone intends to reply, then do answer the questions and do take into consideration what has been said. I am not interested in any "pissing contents" nor ignoring what has been said and the not answering of asked questions that are relevant, and the not explaining oneself. - Elementary things like this should not even be said, but since I know and see and have seen mentalities of people, I see what is coming in general following something that is labeled as "controversial", and so make some fore-suggestions (best to heed these suggestions if you don't want to make yourself look like an idiot).
I know very well what a "pissing contest" looks like, from beginning to finish. And you, not me, have already begun. But I'm not interested in such literal nonsense, and if you continue the same path, then piss alone.
Hopefully you can get past the said without making yourselves angry and aggressive and thus lashing out... After all, truth is hard if life is based on lies.
Then how does GPS work? It uses satellites.
GPS is man-made. GPS is not real land, not real world. It is programmable and manipulable. Ever seen animations? GPS is of same essence. The world does not follow GPS.
Satellites? Did you even read the material? And if you did, did you at least try to think it over with an unbiased mind (as I suggested one should do, instead of giving negative comments based on nothing)? The material explains enough about satellites, and many other things.
It's best if instead of saying "this is so" without providing an explanation, you instead do explain why so.
If you don't bother thinking it over and if you don't bother checking the validity of your own opinions and what you think you know, then why say anything at all? This kind of behavior is exactly what I suggested not to do.
I've got bad news for you Nummi: Your belief that the planet is flat is a "parroting" of an intellectual authority you consider more highly than the other, for whatever reason. And the view you have of the world is anything but unbiased. As it is for everyone of us, to some degree.
You know what you would find 100% impossible to do? The pointing out of the spot where I said I believe the planet is flat.
You might as well explain what you mean by the word "believe" and "belief", as these words are used so lighthandedly without even knowing what they truly mean and can mean. Do you know?
Did you read/watch-listen the material? Assuming you did, then did you also think it through? Of course you did not, for if you had you would not have given such a response. Or you did it with biased perspectives.
Why give a reply if, apparently, all you are interested in, regarding this topic, is merely the transmission of your indoctrination and your own beliefs the truth nor origin of you do not know, while such responses were specifically not asked for?
Consider the simple truth that all this "Earth is a sphere", I got the same "education" regarding it all as I grew up. So why would one want to begin questioning it? What are the reasons for beginning to question something that seemingly is so "solid"?
The world has its forms. These forms can be described and explained in many different ways, many different words and sentences and other word-constructs and even ways other than words. There are many different angles and perspective and contexts, of which all are true if they don't distort truth. Unbiased means that whatever way you choose to describe the world, that the forms the world has remain intact and true in description.
Biased is when you are describing the world to be of some forms that it is not. When the picture the description forms does not correspond to the world.
Which means I don't care if you give the description your own "slant", your own personal tone, as long as it remains in correspondence to what the world really is like (to whatever extent it is known). Not to mention different descriptions that are deemed to be true, yet are in obvious contradiction.
The only way a person could know for sure if the world was flat or round is if he went in space, or traveled around the globe. I read Mike Horn's "Lattitude zero", where he tells his amazing journey around the earth by foot and by sailling. He followed the equator within a 20km margin North and South. He explains in the book that he was able to return to the same beach he first left, some 40,000km ago. Now, is "Lattitude Zero" some sort of illluminati propaganda aimed at the adventure book crowd? I doubt it
But who knows....
These also have explanations in the material.