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Offline xEdgexRNx

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Meal Plan
« on: May 25, 2009, 08:27:06 am »

I'm new to the whole this diet and can't seem to find any specific diet guidelines or meal plans.  What do you typically eat per day?  Cals? Pro? Fat? Fiber? Carbs?

If you can list what u generally eat for each meal, that would offer SO much guidance for me.


-Shelby :-)

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Re: Meal Plan
« Reply #1 on: June 15, 2009, 07:09:09 am »
People have pretty simple meal plans here. I usually try to eat two meals of bite sized beef cubes, or bison, with bite sized suet/fat cubes of beef or bison.

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Re: Meal Plan
« Reply #2 on: June 15, 2009, 07:23:12 am »
Me lately:

one kind of high vitamin c local fruit in season (not sugar bombs)

1 kind of raw animal food (my big meal)

1 kind of raw animal food (if I did not eat enough at lunch)
or 1 kind of fruit for socials with the family.
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Offline TylerDurden

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Re: Meal Plan
« Reply #3 on: June 15, 2009, 05:20:56 pm »
1 large meal a day over a 4-hour-period(usually only 30mins to 2 hours in duration, though).

Usually fatty or lean meat like wild hare carcasses or  leg of lamb/mutton(usually only part thereof) plus some small amount of raw fat like raw suet or raw marrow. I may also have some fruit either some time before or after.Meats are almost always wild or organic/100% grassfed with fruit usually being organic.

I also eat plenty of  raw seafood like raw oysters raw mackerel raw swordfish raw scallops etc.

I rarely touch raw fowl unless it's wild like raw wild mallard duck etc.
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Offline primalpillo

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Re: Meal Plan
« Reply #4 on: October 09, 2009, 04:39:39 pm »
I still have a few health issues to resolve so i am staying primal. (i don't like the way i feel when i don't consume large quantities of butter.)
now on a somewhat modified Primal diet. which goes as.

my meal plan

wakeup 10am 4 eggs.
           4pm   4 eggs (sometimes)   or a package of berries (raspberries blueberries or blackberries.)

some days i have vegetable juice in the morning with 8 eggs.
other days i have a pound of liver

6-7:30 i usually workout in some for. Calisthenics, Yoga etc.
sometime around 8pm
       2-4 (usually 3) pounds of meat (buffalo, chicken, fish, or something else)

an hour later   13-16oz butter with 6 eggs 2tb honey, lemon.

I love organ meats but have been unable to get them recetly. When they are available to me, i would eat 50% of the meat in the form of organs.

I sometimes drink milk too but rarely.
I drink about 3 cups of water a day. ( I Perrier bottle)

I would be curious on what you guys think of my diet.
I read all the talk about how eggs, butter aren't that great of you, but i feel that it makes me feel much better and detoxes me like crazy. (i think maybe some of u guys are just healthier and once u get healthier, you don't really need a "healing diet"

I also feel way better when i am fatter.
When i eat all this meat without fat i loose weight!

Offline TylerDurden

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Re: Meal Plan
« Reply #5 on: October 09, 2009, 04:56:02 pm »
Well, actually, many of us had severe health problems which weren't helped by butter etc. That said, your diet doesn't seem that extreme as I've found many Primal Dieters going in for vast amounts of dodgy raw, artificial foods like raw coconut cream etc. I'm just very concerned re your mention of detox, that's all. More often than not, the Primal Dieters I've known who had issues with raw dairy would call the negative symptoms "detox" when they weren't anything of the sort. What I mean is if those detox symptoms are not too strong, and you always feel slightly better after the detox compared to how you felt before the detox, that's fine it's genuine, but if you're consistently feeling like cr*p , then it's best to avoid the stuff. And generally speaking, genuine detoxes don't usually coincide with the consumption of a specific food(with the sole exception of clay, which has specific anti-toxin properties).
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Re: Meal Plan
« Reply #6 on: October 10, 2009, 02:13:55 am »
I'm curious what kind of stomach do you have to be able to take 3lb! of meat at once?  Are you feeling pretty empty in only an hour to add 13-16oz butter with 6 eggs to it?

I'm impressed.

If I eat more than 150gr of meat it just sits in the stomach, taking forever to feel empty.

Offline primalpillo

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Re: Meal Plan
« Reply #7 on: October 10, 2009, 02:56:05 pm »
Yeah they are deffinately "DETOX" I continue to feel better and better. I tried not eating butter for 2 months, same diet. I felt considerably worse. Eatiing this much butter has deff been difficult on my system. Sometimes it doesnt all digest till morning. I feel like the fasting or semi fasting makes my ph goes up. I need to start eating more high meat to get more bacteria in the stomach.

I was never able to eat more than 1 -2 pounds a day. i would have headaches, feel full etc. but recently i have been able to eat as much as 4.5 pounds of meat and a pound of butter in one day! 

My heath problems revolve around Radiation so maybe its a little different. 
I can say for sure that Butter is the number one healing aspect of the diet for me. withinkn 1 week of getting back on the butter, my eyes got lighter, my tongue got pinker/ some of the cuts went away (think ayurvedic  or Traditional chinese medicine diagnosis) mood improved, skin cleared up. muscle increased. etc.

so I am just putting that out there because for me at least, the butter has been the number one healing factor.
I have not gotten large amounts of suet, so maybe if i consume suet instead i will feel better. but when consuming limited to no amounts of fat, i feel bad.

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Re: Meal Plan
« Reply #8 on: October 12, 2009, 09:01:20 am »
I am eating 1 cooked meal per day but this is what I eat usually.

AM: 3-4 Raw Eggs, 1 Glass of Raw Milk, 1 Piece of Fruit

Late AM:  Fruit, Avacado, Mineral Water

Lunch: Raw beaf with shredded raw cheese, spoonful of honey

After Work: Glass of milk, spoonfull of honey or 2 Slices of French Bread with Unsalted Raw Butter

Dinner: Usaully Steamed Vegtables with Chicken (cooked) or I stray from the diet even worse  -\

Before Bed: 1 egg with Milk and Honey

I honestly feel better now then I ever have in my life and I have only been eating this way for a little over a month. I've lost 5 lbs and my skin and hair has improved. Hopefully eventually I will start eating more varieties of raw meat, but for now I am happy.


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