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Just one more thing to be completely healed
« on: November 04, 2018, 11:39:23 pm »
Hello guys,
I've been changing my diet a lot of times trying to find the way to overcome my food addiction and my SIBO.
After a very long journey I've come to a raw almost-carnivore diet. Mi history with SIBO comes from a severe case of constipation followed by a colon hydrotherapy
Regarding my food addiction, I'm consider myself cured. But, regarding my GI problems, I don't think so.
After switching to my carnivore diet I have no more diarrhea, stomach pain or nausea. What I have now is the following symptoms:

- Gas and/or water on the lower left side of my colon (sigmoid)
- Burping on my lower left side of my  colon (sigmoid)
- Vibration and gas burping on my rectum
- Intermittent bloating
- Not feeling the urge to go

I have bowel movements but I feel like they are incomplete. I feel bloating and discomfort every sitting.
When I stand up it's very hard to maintain my abdomen not distended and, if I deep breath, I make my belly growl.

I'm very dependan on Magnesium Citrate, lime and ACV every morning to feel the urge to go. This kind of symptoms makes me think of a kind of obstruction in my bowels but I'm not sure because a time a go when I ate a cooked carnivore diet I excreted more waste and it passed normal through my large intestines.

I really want to fix this. Because is the only problem I haven't healed so far. Hope you can help me.

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Re: Just one more thing to be completely healed
« Reply #1 on: November 05, 2018, 01:02:15 am »
For constipation issues I would only stick to raw meat and raw eggs until you are better, those should be able to digest the best.

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Re: Just one more thing to be completely healed
« Reply #2 on: November 05, 2018, 03:54:29 am »
I would try probiotics if I were you. I recently started taking some I got for free, but I also ordered from another brand. I currently do a lot of research about them and I think they can be key for solving a lot of health issue. Especially after I noticed why I crave raw dairy so much I THINK. It doesn´t seem to be the dairy as such, but the additional bacteria it has coming from raw dairy, especially cultured. When I recently did raw goat quark, which I did by culturing raw goat milk in a big jug for 2 days until the whey separates, then putting it in a muslin cloth to strain overnight, I had a very powerful and emotional reaction after taking a few teaspoons. A clear sign that my body needs the bacteria or probiotics. So I am now turning to probiotics to maybe help with my similar digestion issues. Happy shitting is one of them :)

There are a couple of things I would consider before choosing a brand

1. According to Neurologist Dr. Perlmutter there are 5 major strains that should be in your probiotic. See below. Many brands do not have all of them, as lots of them are missing Lactobaccilus brevis for example. I would also take a brand that have a lot of other strains, the more the better I think.

Lactobacillus plantarum: Found in kimchi, sauerkraut, and other cultured vegetables, this bug is one of the most beneficial bacteria in your body. It survives in the stomach for a long time and performs many functions that help regulate immunity and control inflammation in the gut. It also helps fortify the gut lining, fending off potential invaders that might compromise the intestinal wall and sneak into the bloodstream. In fact, L. plantarum's beneficial impact on the gut lining is perhaps its most important attribute, for it reduces gut permeability, thereby reducing the associated risks for leaky gut-including an increased risk for virtually every brain disorder. Moreover, L. plantarum can quickly digest protein, and this has the ultimate effect of preventing food allergies and even treating such allergies when they arise. Its been shown in experimental animal studies to protect engineered mice from having clinical symptoms of multiple sclerosis and even reduce the inflammatory response typical of that condition. Finally, L. plantarum has an uncanny ability to absorb and maintain important nutrients such as brain-friendly omega- 3 fatty acids, vitamins, and antioxidants. All of these actions make L. plantarum essential for fighting infection and taking control of any pathogenic bacteria.

Lactobaccilus acidophilus: L. acidophilus is the darling of fermented dairy products, including yogurt. It keeps the balance of good vs. bad bacteria in check and in doing so, aids your immune system. In women, it helps to curb the growth of Candida albicans, a fungus that can cause yeast infections. L. acidophilus has also gained fame for its ability to help maintain cholesterol levels. In the small intestine, L. acidophilus produces many beneficial substances that combat pathogenic microbes, including acidolphilin, acidolin, bacteriocin, and lactocidin.

Lactobaccilus brevis: Sauerkraut and pickles owe a lot of their benefits to this bug, which improves immune function by increasing cellular immunity and even enhancing killer T cell activity. It's so effective in combating vaginosis, a common bacterial infection of the vagina, that it's added to pharmaceuticals used to treat it. L. brevis also acts to inhibit the effects of certain gut pathogens. Perhaps best of all, it has been shown to increase levels of that all-star brain growth hormone BDNF.

Bifidobacterium lactis (also called B. animalis): Fermented milk products like yogurt contain this gem, which is well documented to have a powerful effect on preventing digestive ills and boosting immunity. It's also known to be helpful in knocking out food-born pathogens like salmonella, which causes diarrhea.

Bifidobacterium longum: Just one of the 32 species that belong to the genus bifidobacterium, this is one of the first bugs that colonize our bodies at birth. It has been associated with improving lactose tolerance and preventing diarrhea, food allergies, and the proliferation of pathogens. It's also known to have antioxidant properties as well as the ability to scavenge free radicals. In laboratory mice, B. longum has been shown to reduce anxiety. Like L. acidophilus, B. longum also helps maintain healthy cholesterol levels.

2. I would take the ones that do not have any or many additives in them, like soy or magnesium stereate. The ones I have now have some crap in them, but I still take them just to see if they have any positive effect. The ones I ordered have a little bit of rice powder, but at least they have all 5 major strains

3. It seems to be important that when you buy some, that you put them in milk overnight (outside) to see if they ferment it, hence make some kind of joghurt. If not then they seem to be dead, hence useless. I for example tried the ones that I got for free and they didn´t ferment at all. So they seem pointless.

4. Another important factor seems to be the way how to take them. According to they showed a study where they concluded:
Bacterial survival was best when provided within 30 minutes before or simultaneously with a meal or beverage that contained some fat content
Another additional way could be the one User Van described to me in That seems to be much more lasting and efficient. He also mentioned human strain probiotics, but I didn´t dive too much into the subject which ones are present in humans too, i think the 5 mentioned above seem to be the most important either way.

What you can also do and what I think I might try myself is overdosing them as explained in the reactions that this guy had sounded interesting. Especially that he said he can digest lectins (pork has them) better, since lectins can have negative effecs on the blood So it could be that probiotics help with blood circulation as well, just speculating.

Since I started taking the raw homemade quark and the probiotics for about 3 days, I feel much better and digestion including stools have improved a lot. And mind you my digestion was not where it should be at all. I also have the theory that once you fix your gut problems things like low HCI could be solved like that too. But I am just speculating here and still need to self experiment a lot. And I think high meat should also help here since this will give you additional bacteria needed to digest your stool, hence things will go easier. So I think even the best quality raw meat or raw organs or whatever will help nothing if you don´t have certain bacterial strains in your gut that can help digest your food. And constipation, bloating and what not will occur, until you repopulate your gut with a good quantity of certain bacterial strains.

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Re: Just one more thing to be completely healed
« Reply #3 on: November 05, 2018, 04:52:44 am »
I would try probiotics if I were you. I recently started taking some I got for free, but I also ordered from another brand. I currently do a lot of research about them and I think they can be key for solving a lot of health issue. Especially after I noticed why I crave raw dairy so much I THINK. It doesn´t seem to be the dairy as such, but the additional bacteria it has coming from raw dairy, especially cultured. When I recently did raw goat quark, which I did by culturing raw goat milk in a big jug for 2 days until the whey separates, then putting it in a muslin cloth to strain overnight, I had a very powerful and emotional reaction after taking a few teaspoons. A clear sign that my body needs the bacteria or probiotics. So I am now turning to probiotics to maybe help with my similar digestion issues. Happy shitting is one of them :)

Thanks for your response,
Well, I've had been taken probiotics some months ago but I left it because I felt that it make no change in my bowel health, maybe because I'm following a zero carb diet and bacteria has nothing to feed on inside me. I have an extra probiotic that I can test. Will it work without carbs in my diet?

Well, at this moment I have wasted a lot of money in supplements that were useless, so I'll take my time to choose a brand.
The thing about human strains is a possibility worth considering too. Looks similar to AV's suppository.
I'm a long time ago wanting to test some high meat but I share my refrigerator with family and this would be a problem.
This is the first brand of probiotic I used:

This is the brand I have now

Both had very interesting reviews so I bought them. First one gave me gas the first days then It goes. No emotional nor intestinal improvements.

What are your tips to improve digestion? I really have trouble digesting fats I think. Frequently I see white pieces of raw fat on my stools.

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Re: Just one more thing to be completely healed
« Reply #4 on: November 05, 2018, 06:30:03 am »
increasing fat digestion takes time, as to get the bile flowing again to handle the increased amounts of fats.  Chew better.  Shouldn't see the fat regardless of whether it digests or not.  Savor each bite and take your time eating.

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Re: Just one more thing to be completely healed
« Reply #5 on: November 06, 2018, 12:00:49 am »
From another thread:

Step 1: Eat More Cholagogues

lifespa image, digestive enzymes, green apple and celery and glass of juiceEat more cholagogues or bile-movers such as raw beets, celery, apples, artichokes and leafy greens. Greens should make up 2/3 of your plate. The cellulose in greens will attach to the toxic bile and escort it to the toilet like a non-stop flight! Turmeric has been shown to increase gallbladder contraction by 50%!

Step 3: Cinnamon

Have cinnamon with every meal. Cinnamon supports healthy blood sugar levels while supporting normal bile flow.

Step 4: Olive Oil and Lemon Juice

Mix 1-2 tbsp of organic olive oil with 1-2 tsp of lemon juice. Shake and drink every morning OR night on an empty stomach for 1 month. This will exercise the liver and gallbladder while supporting healthy bile flow in the bile and pancreatic ducts.

Offline norawnofun

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Re: Just one more thing to be completely healed
« Reply #6 on: November 06, 2018, 03:30:09 am »
I don´t know if it would work with zero carb. That´s something I can´t comment on as I don´t know. But maybe you took too little of the probiotics, especially if you have a big deficiency already, or they were dead, so you took them for nothing. The 2 you pictured I checked, the first one I would not take since it has way too many additives and only 3 strains, especially not the ones I want, and the 2nd one was one that I was considering but it didnt have all 5 mentioned strains, however it had at least not a lot of additives. Once I get mine I will first see if they are alive by putting them in raw milk to see if they create joghurt. Then I will take one, two and then I plan to overdose to see any reaction. I also want to do Van´s way including the high meat, to get the FULL blast of probiotics so they finally stay in my gut.

And are you sure this is fat? I saw the same thing in my stool, first I thought it´s parasites, then I thought it´s fat, but it turned out to be mucus. And for how long are you on zero carb? If you already do it for some time then I think that your body should be able to digest fats by now. But since you hinted a colon therapy there could lie the problem. Enemas and colon cleansings can flush out beneficial bacteria needed for digestion. I know this because the last time I did an enema, I could no longer digest meats properly. And drinking lots of homemade kefir didn´t bring it back to normal status. Because kefir is a maintenance tool, not something to permanently replace missing bacterial strains. So I am pretty certain that I flushed out a good amount of good bacteria which I now need to bring back with the 3 methods mentioned. Overdose, Van´s method and High Meat.

I also tried many things to improve digestion, different types of juices, ACV, lemon and and and. But I think this is all useless because it´s only a band aid that will temporarily help until you take it, but it won´t fix the underlying problem permanently. And I overdid it with these natural methods, to the point where I could no longer stand ACV and all this crap. You don´t want to take something for all your life, it´s like chasing your own tail. What you need is a permanent fix. The gut is the first brain, not the second to me. It controls everything. If your gut is in imbalance your brain will be too, and so will be all other body functions. Fixing your gut means fixing your health. That´s at least my point of view now, after wasting thousands of euros and trying all kinds of useless 'remedies' and diets throughout the years.

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Re: Just one more thing to be completely healed
« Reply #7 on: November 06, 2018, 07:01:30 am »
@surfsteve: 2/3 of my plate as greens, celery... That thing really scare me a lot. I've become intolerant to various vegetables after my colonic. I'm scared of fiber. At this time I'm doing ACV + lemon, that makes me go. That thing about turmeric is good?

I will take everything you have suggested with a grain of salt. But, as far as I understand. You are insinuating that I have bile attached in my gut that seems to be toxic. That is one of my hypothesis.

When I go to the bathroom, I evacuate really easily. My stools are soft and not well formed. But, after that, I feel this accumulation of gas and liquid in the lower left side of my abdomen that doesn't want to move. I don't know exactly what is this. I have thought in adding fiber to push this thing. But, maybe the reason my stool pass through my colon is that it is soft and that makes it possible to evade the obstruction and that makes it not-well-formed. What if I add fiber and that doesn't go through?

I've done an olive oil flush. No improvement. Thinking on going to the doctor in December.

@norawnofun: you make me doubt. I don't know if it's fat, mucus or collagen. That is something I will consider check the next time I see some. It looks like the stools where painted on the outside.

In the past, when I ate a cooked carnivore, my stools were always pale, hard at the beginning and they came with blood and white mucus. After raw no more mucus, blood, hard or pale stools. Just in case I change diet, symptoms occur. The last case of constipation and hard stools I had is when I wanted to save money and ate canned sardines.

I'm 4 months on carnivore and 2 months on raw carnivore. If I'm adapted? I don't know how to test for that.

@van: As norawnofun said, probably is not fat and I'm wrong. I've seen translucent liquid at the top of my stools, not so much, but some. I remember seeing undigested raw tallow on my stools for sure. You are making me doubt that Im not adapted, but I feel with good energy. I don't know.

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Re: Just one more thing to be completely healed
« Reply #8 on: November 06, 2018, 07:53:32 am »
Not just clearing out stuck bile in your colon but mainly to make you able to produce more bile to enable better digestion. If the article as I recall is to be believed the main reason you don't produce enough bile is because it's too thick and clogs up the glands that produce it. I been trying this approach to produce more digestive juices instead of taking digestive enzymes and I seem to be digesting every bit as well. Only greens I've added back so far are wheatgrass juice. Been taking an apple a day plus a can of beets since I read that article and it seems to be helping to the point I haven't felt the need for digestive enzymes. No expert as I'm just learning myself. I've always loved olive oil and lemons but haven't added any lemons in since I stopped going full carnivore and only a little olive oil but gradually more and more till today when I instead ate nuts to keep my fat levels high.

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Re: Just one more thing to be completely healed
« Reply #9 on: November 06, 2018, 09:16:53 am »
Update: I saw some of that white stuff. It is not fat nor mucus (in this case), it is connective tissue. The type of connective tissue that is chewable like gum and as you chew more it becomes whiter.

Altough, I saw some rendered fat and white foam next to them.
One thing I would want to add is that I tested clay some days ago, but I didn't hydrated for the recommended 5 days. It gave me diarrhea, gas and bad breath. It has been 3 days that I stopped taking it and I still erupting gas that smells like clay.

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Re: Just one more thing to be completely healed
« Reply #10 on: November 26, 2018, 06:59:36 pm »
The gas and sounds on my higher upper side of my belly are lessening. It seems that I'm unable to digest certain parts of the meat that are similar to collagen which I'm trying to remove when eating my meat.

This is the problem that I have lately:
My stools are becoming very sticky and thin which makes it hard to evacuate. I'm currently on zero-carb but I'm thinking in adding some fruit to see if this address this issue. What fruit do you recommend to makes things moving?
I have tried lemon water, acv, magnesium citrate and olive oil but they don't seem to fix the problem.
Hope someone could help.

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Re: Just one more thing to be completely healed
« Reply #11 on: November 27, 2018, 01:00:24 am »
Perhaps “if” it's fat or protein you should work on your digestion. If it's collagen it's not fat. It's protein. Have you considered digestive enzymes? Betaine HCL seems to work well for me. I also like the other form of betaine “TMG” which has no HCL for digestion and gives me bad breath in large quantities. I've taken papian and bromelain in the past and had good luck with them. Considering going back on them. I also tried preparations from companies of digestive enzymes but they always upset my stomach and were expensive.

Many think digestive enzymes are not the way to go and that you will become dependent upon them. I don't think the betaine HCL makes you dependent. Mostly because your body can not store HCL. When you take it, it breaks it down into what it uses to make it's own HCL through a sort of recycling process. It keeps the chemicals separate and mixes them together to form HCL on demand.

I been supplement free for the past couple months and just went back on all my acid supplements and TMG a couple days ago and it has helped immensely with muscle and tendon aches. It has also changed my digestion back to digesting like a pro. Am considering enzymes and will probably go back on them too and stop being afraid of “all” supplements.  Apparently I need some of them.

This advise is all based upon my own experience so do your own research and due diligence.

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Re: Just one more thing to be completely healed
« Reply #12 on: November 27, 2018, 01:51:50 am »
have a radish or two, or a big thick dark green leek leaf as a snack in between meals.  Fruit will most likely cause cravings if truly on zero carb.

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Re: Just one more thing to be completely healed
« Reply #13 on: November 27, 2018, 02:53:29 am »
When I was eating nuts (soaked, sprouted) I had the best bowel movements ever. Unfortunately they made the rest of my health and my mood much worse. I agree with Van that fruit would be a huge risk in addiction which is why I suggested considering supplements that might help with your digestion. If you don't want to consume greens; have you considered resistant starches like legumes? I'm considering adding some greens back in my diet. When I was in the best shape of my life back in April I think I was still adding cooked kale along with my supplements into my raw organ meat smoothies.

I'm not totally against fruit but right now it is not even in season. Sometimes I like to gorge myself on watermelon when it is. Before modern transportation fruits were available only for a short period of time. The availability of fruit year round, not to mention sodas and other sources of sugar, has led to a huge increase in diseases like diabetes. Perhaps some of the acids I mentioned in my previous post like malic acid would give you some of the good in the fruit without the bad sugar. Or maybe some unripe fruit like green apples might work and not provide the excess sugar. What do the rest of you think about that?

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Re: Just one more thing to be completely healed
« Reply #14 on: November 27, 2018, 04:58:46 am »
Radish and leeks? I switched to ZC because of vegetables. Are you sure is safe to eat that types of fiber on ZC? I come from a severe case of fiber obstruction and posterior IBS. I haven't tried any vegetable since then, I'm scared of getting obstructed again.
Sure, I can try betaine HCl but I'm skeptic about digestive enzymes. If there is a natural way to obtain all that stuff I will do. I really need a juicer. I will try HCl 500mg for 14 days and keep you posted.
Regarding fruit. I just go for the easiest to digest and high in soluble fiber and water. In the past after a bite of carbs I'll get like crazy and seek for more. But, at this time, I see fruit as medicine or a supplement. If I think to eat just one piece I'll eat just one, they don't attract me. Eating raw has bring my instinct back and I easily recognize when I'm hungry or not. I was thinking about 1 or 2 servings per week.

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Re: Just one more thing to be completely healed
« Reply #15 on: November 27, 2018, 05:52:32 am »
Never tried HCL capsules. I always buy powders. I pay around twenty dollars for a kilogram of betaine HCL. Probably about ten times cheaper than buying it in capsules. I buy malic acid in 5 pound bags for about the same price. Malic acid and most other powders taste ok in smoothies. Never tried HCL in one...

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Re: Just one more thing to be completely healed
« Reply #16 on: November 27, 2018, 10:29:28 pm »
How is it possible to drink HCl? Won't that burn your throat? How much HCl in mg do you take?

Holy fuck! Two days of fruit and I fucked up my teeth. Just 200g of papaya and 1 mango for each day. What's happening? I throat was sore all day long. I couldn't eat the next day.

First picture: lower teeth, enamel is gone, teeth are yellow are sensitive.

Second picture: I have my enamel intact but my teeth turned yellow.

This helped me go to the bathroom just a little bit. Stools are still sticky and have a lot of connective tissue. I'm adding 650mg HCl for 2 weeks.

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Re: Just one more thing to be completely healed
« Reply #17 on: November 28, 2018, 02:50:56 am »
After I dissolve the betaine HCL in water and swallow it just rinse my teeth with clean water.  No it doesn't burn my throat at all. I take up to a tablespoon in a glass of water. You might try less. I take an awfully big dose.

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Re: Just one more thing to be completely healed
« Reply #18 on: November 28, 2018, 06:14:36 am »
I just tried a tablespoon of both kinds of betaine, HCL and TMG mixed together and the TMG seemed to cancel out some of the acid from the HCL form. At least taste wise it did. I may be onto something! I asked a friend if I had any sign of bad breath that the TMG used to give me and they said no and they should know because they were the main one complaining when I was taking it. Maybe. Just maybe; the bad breath from TMG is neutralized from consuming lots of acids. I sure hope so! It always seemed like the more TMG I took the more energy and less aches and pains I had!

I don't like the idea of taking man made supplements to make me feel my best but it is what it is...

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Re: Just one more thing to be completely healed
« Reply #19 on: December 22, 2018, 04:54:13 am »
I did ad the HCl for 3 weeks; no improvement with the trapped water and gas.
Bowel movements are regular at the moment, but the pain and discomfort afterwards persists.

I think I have Candida. The reason is that my tongue is coated and I've seen that mething strange in my stools that seem to be Candida - at least as Google Images has told me.

Does anyone has experience or knowledge on how to kill Candida? I know some people say it's beneficial, but I can live this way, fatigue is unbearable.

Lately I've had a lot of sugar cravings that I've tried to satisfy with raw honey. I feel shit everytime I have succumbed. I will avoid all sugars after Christmas. Wish me luck!

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Re: Just one more thing to be completely healed
« Reply #20 on: December 22, 2018, 11:00:25 am »
honey is a trap, you will just want more.  look into prebiotics and cultured products if you aren't going zero carb.   Good fats are key for energy on low or zero carb.

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Re: Just one more thing to be completely healed
« Reply #21 on: December 23, 2018, 02:33:49 am »
I second the argument about honey. I thought that I would tolerate it, but It became addictive after a few days. No more honey nor fruit now.

At this moment I can't get suet nor backfat from grass-fed ruminants. The only fat source that I have is butter. What are your thoughts on butter? Mine is raw and grass-fed. I don't have problems with it, but I think it might be lacking several long-chain fatty acids such as stearic acid and others.

There are some hype on mainstream low carb about short and medium chain fatty acids such as MCT or butyrate because they are fast burning fats. In my opinion, humans have a tendency for more complex tissues. And the most complex tissues has always more long-chain fatty acids than SCFA. LCFA are more difficult to get rancid, give more calories and probably are a cleaner type of fuel that's why they can be burned with no hurry.

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Re: Just one more thing to be completely healed
« Reply #22 on: December 23, 2018, 06:43:34 am »
for some butter seems to work well.   Maybe you can get lamb fat trimmings.  They tend to keep much longer than beef fat.  I think it may be that it has higher sat. fat. not sure, but very good sliced very thin and eaten warm along with meat portion.

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Re: Just one more thing to be completely healed
« Reply #23 on: December 23, 2018, 10:19:30 pm »
The problem is that I have no way to know if lamb is grain-finished or grass-finished. Beef is easier to distinguish because the fat has a discernible color and taste when grass-finished.
Do you have any recommendation when looking for lamb fat or lamb in general?

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Re: Just one more thing to be completely healed
« Reply #24 on: December 23, 2018, 11:54:38 pm »
You can ask the butcher to track it down, or ask for the rancher and ask him.  But,, most lamb isn't grain finished.   And quite often grass finished beef has white fat, I know, I go through a  lot of it, though no where near as tasty as yellow fat.  I think it's genetics and age of the cow.


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