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Re: drinking milk and dying earlier
« Reply #50 on: January 23, 2019, 02:26:31 am »
look, it's obvious he's your guru,, but not everyone else here feels the same way.  I'd like it if you could simply state your ideas (AV's ) and not care so much whether others here want to listen or not. 

Offline PaganGoy

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Re: drinking milk and dying earlier
« Reply #51 on: January 23, 2019, 02:41:19 am »
2 can be revoked if you have a solid gut and do it in small amounts dispersed like ajanous does to prevent constipation but most people probably will never do that unless they are very nauseous and sick people.

About fasting, there are so many foods to eat instead of starving yourself its without saying just useless.
Unless you are nauseous or sick and your body is telling you NOT to eat its terrible advice to ever fast, especially for many people like me who were thin as thin on the ropes so much that they dare to find this forum and eat raw meat.
The only other time you fast is when you regularly consume cooked food because it poison.

options instead of fasting
egg (one every hour),
cheese (1tsp every 30 min),
blood (high in enzymes)
certain juices or certain fruit (also high in enzymes)
AV milkshakes (sipping 2 ounces or less every 20 minutes),

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Re: drinking milk and dying earlier
« Reply #52 on: January 23, 2019, 05:03:15 am »
Maybe you should re read them then because you are obviously lost.
Ajanous NEVER reccomended eating bread unless you were a quote un quote "wife beater" he has stated the one time he did it in his book he had not eaten it in 15 something years and that was because when he did his son was supposedly in a paralyzing car accident.

fruits high in sugar, really? The guy ate fruit once every 3 days maximum and when he did he ALWAYS ate fruit unripe or mostly fruit low in sugar
(8 tbsp max), he allegedly used to have juvenile diabetes before the diet.
If anything he was incredibly cautious about sugar and talks about the effects of AGES (for example in honey) quite alot in his workshops and books.
Since when did I say I eat whole vegetables?
If you only do well on cream its probably because your farmer is freezing your butter but refrigerating your cream like mine is.
Frozen butter is TOXIC even when it is raw to me.  If that is the case buy cream, wait for it to warm then get a small blender and make it into butter yourself (frozen fat is trash imo).

The misinformation I see on this forum about Ajanous especially is just phenomenal.

edit* I never said tartar on teeth is "only positive" you are moving from one extreme to the next.

I doubt I am lost. I just know how to read. Page 184 “We want to live”, middle section:

Where I have recommended cooked starch, I am referring to baked, boiled or steamed potatoes, plain grain pastas, air-popped corn, and breads (for instance, French, Italian or sourdough)

I know that he emphasized on unripe fruits, but still, in “The recipe for Living without disease” he did not always mention unripe. He listed pineapple, papaya, mango, orange, tangerines, dates, banana. And A LOT of honey including ACV. Even though I strongly believe in Honey, in some recipes he overdid it. I do know he downgraded the recommended dosage in his newsletters, but still. And it doesn’t matter if he ate it or not, he recommended it to others. And not everybody is up to date on his “latest” research.

And I never said you do eat a lot of vegetables. I said that I believe you eat vegetables, regardless if in juice, raw or cooked. Unless of course you are carnivore.

I am not able to buy raw cream. When I have raw milk I ferment it and get it myself, that´s the best. Regardless if its from cow or goat. And I do not only do well on cream, I introduced butter again some days ago and I have no issue whatsoever, contrary to pre-carnivore, I believe its because of my 6 month carnivore diet, this put my bile function up properly, and the fact that for a month I drank a lot of raw cows milk, that could have given me the bacteria I need to digest it all types of cows dairy. And that butter I eat is raw or pasteurized, organic and conventional, and it might have been frozen or not. So no difference here. Until now I do well on all. Lastly, you clearly stated in one sentence that tartar on teeth is detox. I am not moving anywhere, but I suggest to clarify that properly next time you give suggestions.

I also do not like fasting. Especially if you are thin already. I prefer to build up rather than fast or detox. You should detox with foods, not by starving. But then again I only fasted twice and I did not find real benefits.

Offline PaganGoy

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Re: drinking milk and dying earlier
« Reply #53 on: January 23, 2019, 05:26:30 am »
The passage cited about starch is incredibly situational, 99% of clients wouldn't have probably been recommended it, he writes on and on about this for well over two paragraphs and goes into more detail whenever asked about it.

Over consumption of honey in recipes? Maybe if the person is hypoglycemic or we are talking about his cheesecake desert recipe etc.
In the primal diet workshops written years before the book he would always mention a typical daily allowance of 6 tbsp of honey for every pound of raw meat that is eaten in a day. He reasoned that the body only treats 10 percent of honey as sugar.
For example honey butter ratio is 1 tbsp of honey for every 8 tbsp of butter.
Honey also reacts differently when mixed with food then had by itself or loosely mixed.

ACV is obviously only used in remedies for people looking for help or in a meat sauce and usually in tiny amounts unless they have like liver/bladder stones or something.
We are talking three dates maximum with an equal amount of fat in volume minimum it will not cause issues.
Every precaution is described with honey and fruit.
When you Consider this guy was a nutritionist for decades that allegedly had thousands of clients and had to deal with his own stuff too, its no wonder he mentions so much in his books.

With how many hours of material you can go through with this the last thing you should do is take everything he says out of context for no reason other than "muh orthorexia".

« Last Edit: January 23, 2019, 06:15:58 am by PaganGoy »

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Re: drinking milk and dying earlier
« Reply #54 on: January 26, 2019, 10:23:17 am »
No , I also showed a direct correlation between introduction of raw dairy consumption in the Neolithic era and a corresponding drop in bone-health/bone-strength in Neolithic-era peoples.

Doubtful at best, and it could be only correlation. Can you show that raw dairy consumption corresponds with bone deterioration given the same level of technology and cooking/processing of food otherwise? I doubt you can. The Pottenger studies certainly showed the opposite for cats. As did Weston Price's investigations for humans.

Also, you cannot see the forest for the trees, as you keep on whining about raw vs pasteurised when many other issues exist. Take the calcium issue, since calcium is more absorbable when in raw dairy, it follows logically that it is more harmful as regards excess calcium than pasteurised dairy.

Blah, blah, blah. You keep claiming that calcium in raw milk is an issue with no evidence thereof. All you have is a hypothesis and simple inference based on national reports of consumption/sales of cooked dairy in various countries (I don't think they even looked at total calcium consumption, only dairy consumption).

How do you explain the fact that the Pottenger studies showed that cooked milk and cooked meat deteriorate bones, but raw milk and raw meat heal bones in cats?

Then there are the hormones in raw dairy, and the fact that becoming infected from raw dairy consumption is far more likely than re consumption of pasteurised dairy.

There are also hormones in raw meat and blood. How come they're not worse for us too?

Pure drivel on your part. I had already pointed out links re Pottenger's meat study which proved my point.

Not really. As I said, the studies showed that a fully raw diet heals all disease slowly over the lifespan and increasingly over the generations, whereas a cooked diet generates and worsens all disease slowly over the lifespan and increasingly over the generations. They showed this regardless of the ratio of milk to meat being 1:2 or 2:1. The studies also showed that having simply 1/3rd raw was not enough to counteract the detriments of the 2/3rds cooked diet.

Milk being raw and of good quality was so important that even in the 100% raw groups, if the milk came from cows that received supplemental feed of irradiated yeast (supposedly for added vitamin D), the healing health effects were severely diminished. Likewise as the milk went from raw to pasteurized to processed milk concentrate, the damaging effects of each step were incremental, not only in the overall health of the cats but also in the nutrients able to be absorbed by the plants growing in the area where the cats' excretions were deposited.

I asked how dumbI already pointed to evidence of cats being kept as pets  as far back as 9500 years  ago at least. People would not put mere domesticated animals into the same grave as their human owner, but they would indeed put that human owner's favourite pet in the same grave.

Pure nonsense. How do you know what people thought of when they buried an animal with them? Plenty of societies buried all sorts of things with the bodies, including ornaments, clothes, coffins, trinkets, religious symbols, weapons, armor, food, flags, etc. Were all these pets too?

Likewise, pet ownership in caucasian majority countries is universal nowadays and few if any people actually bury their pets in the same space as the owners.

Also, cats aren't ideal hunters of  rats, for example - that is why people who want to kill rats prefer to use terriers, among other more suitable dog breeds for that purpose.

Nobody uses cats to hunt anything. That's just a gross misunderstanding. Dogs can be used to hunt rats during the day, owing to their superb sense of smell as well as their pack hunting brain and the ability to submit to their human owners and help them in whatever they can. In some areas people do this even today for food. But nobody was going around hunting mice. There's barely any food in a mouse. The point is not to catch mice for food, but to reduce mice populations because mice will eat up your grain stores and multiply, leading to a growing problem. Not to mention the hairs, saliva, urine and feces of the mice will taint your grain as well.

Cats don't have as good a sense of smell as dogs, and they don't have the pack hunting brain nor the submissiveness of dogs. What they do have is eyes that are wonderful in low light conditions, and since mice are most active at times when it's dark, cats are perfect for reducing the mice population. Also, cats will hunt mice on their own without you needing to do anything to either help, command, train, or incentivize them.

Oh, and Ancient Egyptians kept all sorts of animals as pets(such as hippos,crocodiles etc.:- . Hippos and the like do NOT make suitable domesticated animals.

I'm not gonna keep reading through all your hundreds of links without you at least providing some sort of explanation or reasoning. I keep showing you that you misrepresent much of the content of even the links you yourself post, and you just ignore it and keep spamming links.

Oh, and the ancient egyptians did not only regard cats as pets but also had an egyptian cat-goddess, Bastet.

Medieval Europe had plenty of lion-like depictions in their banners and shields. In much of India today, cows are sacred. It doesn't make them pets.

Regardless of what they believe in, they have the right to criticise various dodgy aspects of the studies.

And I still showed you how their criticisms were unfounded. Yet you disregard my points and focus only on their "rights". I was only adding that to show that you're using the same arguments as the people who want you dead. You're even citing their claims as true. In this link, it shows that the upper classes in the Middle-Ages mainly went in for  meat and many other foods due to the extra variety signifying higher social status, as well as the greater cost, not because meat was viewed then as being superior.

That could simply be a convoluted way of saying that it's healthier. The fact remains that when they could afford it, they'd eat mainly meats, with very little grain.

Oh, and the romans were only decadent and degenerate near the end of the empire.

I believe they were rotten to the core from the get-go, as all agricultural democratic societies are. But it does take time for the decivilizing process to degenerate the society to the point where the fundamental problems become visible.

It shouldn't be a surprise that vegetarianism, publicly praised rampant homosexuality and other anti-life, totally degenerate behaviors arose and flourished in these places.
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Re: drinking milk and dying earlier
« Reply #55 on: January 26, 2019, 10:45:23 am »
I'm not saying animals don't live healthier eating raw, but Pottengers' study seems flawed to me in that 95 percent or higher of cats in the US eat Only cooked diets and live respectable lives in terms of health and go on and have little reproductive issues, contrary to what Pottenger is trying to point out.   What am I missing here?
   IF,,  I'm not missing some important key factor, may I then point out how eager we can be to want to believe in the 'magic' of raw, as if it's going to save us from death.

   *All my pets have eaten entirely raw forever

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Re: drinking milk and dying earlier
« Reply #56 on: January 26, 2019, 11:32:18 am »
I'm not saying animals don't live healthier eating raw, but Pottengers' study seems flawed to me in that 95 percent or higher of cats in the US eat Only cooked diets and live respectable lives in terms of health and go on and have little reproductive issues, contrary to what Pottenger is trying to point out.   What am I missing here?
   IF,,  I'm not missing some important key factor, may I then point out how eager we can be to want to believe in the 'magic' of raw, as if it's going to save us from death.

   *All my pets have eaten entirely raw forever

You're missing the point that cats have increasingly been fed a higher and higher, up to 100% cooked diet, for many generations since the time of Pottenger's studies until now. So due to selection, the cats that are left, are able to cope with cooked foods better. But they still develop plenty of health problems. Also notice the morphology of the bones, the head in particular, which became deformed in Pottenger's studies under cooked, and most domestic cats exhibit this type of diseased morphology to this day.

And no, Pottenger didn't believe in magic. He started studying something else altogether and only started feeding cats cooked and raw as a coincidence, it wasn't his plan from the beginning at all. Once he discovered the effects, he kept studying that.
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Re: drinking milk and dying earlier
« Reply #57 on: January 26, 2019, 02:15:07 pm »
your logic is only partially sound to me.  he said that they couldn't reproduce.  But they have reproduced for generations extremely well.  Do you think most pro athletes grew up on predominantly raw food?   The examples I could give are many. 

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Re: drinking milk and dying earlier
« Reply #58 on: January 26, 2019, 06:03:07 pm »
This is quite frankly a waste of time. I spent ages writing text on a smartphone on this nonsense as my PC was out of order at the time. Basically, my scientific and other evidence provided in this thread has been extensive whereas  dpl has merely provided poor scientific studies on rare occasions and mostly just  religious-fundamentalist opinions on raw dairy. No point in continuing. Hier stehe Ich, Ich kann nichts anders.
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Offline dariorpl

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Re: drinking milk and dying earlier
« Reply #59 on: January 26, 2019, 08:25:22 pm »
your logic is only partially sound to me.  he said that they couldn't reproduce.  But they have reproduced for generations extremely well. 

All of the studies he did, together encompass around 900 cats total. Only a fraction of which were on 100% cooked for 4 generations straight. This is a small sample size and it's perfectly possible that all of them were unable to adapt to cooked foods. However, when you take a sample of hundreds of millions of cats, and slowly introduce them to cooked foods in incremental stages, there is the possibility for mutations that enable them to better handle cooked food to arise. And those are the ones that survived and are today able to survive a 100% processed, commercial cat food diet. They don't thrive though, they have plenty of disease problems still. They just manage to survive and reproduce before the illnesses kills them.

Do you think most pro athletes grew up on predominantly raw food?   The examples I could give are many.

What does that have to do with anything?
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Re: drinking milk and dying earlier
« Reply #60 on: January 26, 2019, 08:29:09 pm »
This is quite frankly a waste of time. I spent ages writing text on a smartphone on this nonsense as my PC was out of order at the time. Basically, my scientific and other evidence provided in this thread has been extensive whereas  dpl has merely provided poor scientific studies on rare occasions and mostly just  religious-fundamentalist opinions on raw dairy. No point in continuing. Hier stehe Ich, Ich kann nichts anders.

Tell yourself whatever you want. You're starting to sound like cherimoya kid. We're in a raw foods forum and you're saying that cooked foods are better. You didn't provide any substantial scientific evidence for your claims, just tons of links that you expect me to go through, many of which contain plenty of errors in your statements about the claims therein. And you rejected the scientific evidence that I provided purely on the basis that it doesn't suit your biases.
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Re: drinking milk and dying earlier
« Reply #61 on: January 27, 2019, 12:15:20 am »
Tell yourself whatever you want. You're starting to sound like cherimoya kid. We're in a raw foods forum and you're saying that cooked foods are better. You didn't provide any substantial scientific evidence for your claims, just tons of links that you expect me to go through, many of which contain plenty of errors in your statements about the claims therein. And you rejected the scientific evidence that I provided purely on the basis that it doesn't suit your biases.
Deeply hypocritical a remark on your part. And I did not state that cooked foods were better in general, merely that they were in many ways(not all) "less worse" than raw dairy.
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Re: drinking milk and dying earlier
« Reply #62 on: January 27, 2019, 02:59:47 am »
All of the studies he did, together encompass around 900 cats total. Only a fraction of which were on 100% cooked for 4 generations straight. This is a small sample size and it's perfectly possible that all of them were unable to adapt to cooked foods. However, when you take a sample of hundreds of millions of cats, and slowly introduce them to cooked foods in incremental stages, there is the possibility for mutations that enable them to better handle cooked food to arise. And those are the ones that survived and are today able to survive a 100% processed, commercial cat food diet. They don't thrive though, they have plenty of disease problems still. They just manage to survive and reproduce before the illnesses kills them.

What does that have to do with anything?

yes, you can create explanations, still sounds quite suspicious to me.     

the comment on pro athletes;  we tend to put too much value on raw.  animals and peoples can do just fine on cooked, especially when not eating junk. 
« Last Edit: January 27, 2019, 03:51:57 am by TylerDurden »

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Re: drinking milk and dying earlier
« Reply #63 on: January 27, 2019, 03:53:26 am »
I'm not saying animals don't live healthier eating raw, but Pottengers' study seems flawed to me in that 95 percent or higher of cats in the US eat Only cooked diets and live respectable lives in terms of health and go on and have little reproductive issues, contrary to what Pottenger is trying to point out.   What am I missing here?
   IF,,  I'm not missing some important key factor, may I then point out how eager we can be to want to believe in the 'magic' of raw, as if it's going to save us from death.

   *All my pets have eaten entirely raw forever

Pottengers study enabled the pet food industry to supplement their nutrient deficiency cooked kibble with synthetic aminos and vitamins so as to avoid the kind of deformations and sterility caused by an unsupplemented cooked diet.

I would think this supplementation of cooked food carries over to the human world, so that many processed foods are supplemented with extra vitamins and minerals, and humans raised on primarily cooked diets can still grow fairly well and be athletic...even though the diet isnt rawptomal.

It would be interesting to take the offspring of the most awesomely athletic cooked food specimens, and raise them on a totally raw diet for comparison?....until then all we can do is speculate on these matters
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Re: drinking milk and dying earlier
« Reply #64 on: January 27, 2019, 03:58:07 am »
Just added a bracket to your post, van. Granted, cooked foods are not 100% toxic and fatal in the immediate. And there  were always ways for humans in the past to detox some of the accumulated toxins derived from cooking,  such as regular fasting and lots of exercise, but the inflammation caused by cooking can easily harm people even in the short term, regardless. The other aspect which I think people neglect is the (likely) appallingly negative effect of cooked foods on the human reproductive process via epigenetics. A case in point was a past thread suggesting evidence that humans are natural eaters of rotting meat(re our palaeo past) and that this may well be the cause of hominid increase in intelligence/brain-size in the Palaeolithic era. If so, consumption of cooked foods could lead to us becoming homo erectus re intelligence/brain-size in 20,000 years.
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Re: drinking milk and dying earlier
« Reply #65 on: January 27, 2019, 04:01:31 am »

It would be interesting to take the offspring of the most awesomely athletic cooked food specimens, and raise them on a totally raw diet for comparison?....until then all we can do is speculate on these matters
Might backfire. There was that epigenetics study comparing 3 generations of humans, which showed that if the grandparents  smoked, then the grandchildren would have a much higher risk of asthma etc. even if their parents did not smoke. I wonder how many generations it takes  of eating RVAF to fully get rid of the negative effects of  cooked foods?
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Re: drinking milk and dying earlier
« Reply #66 on: January 27, 2019, 05:10:01 am »
yes, you can create explanations, still sounds quite suspicious to me.

I don't see what's suspicious about it. Domestic cats today that are fed cooked foods are still sick. Humans are sicker than ever. If your parents are 70+ years old, chances are they also grew up eating a significant amount of raw animal foods, besides raw plant foods. So you're first generation raised on 100% cooked as far as animal foods go. Yes you can do "fine". Look at the people who's parents are younger than that, and you can see that they have poorer health on average than our generation. And you can also see that our generation has poorer health than our parents, even though we largely gave up smoking and other harmful toxins which they had plenty of.

the comment on pro athletes;  we tend to put too much value on raw.  animals and peoples can do just fine on cooked, especially when not eating junk.

Most professional athletes are fed primarily grains, sugar and synthetic drugs/hormones to increase training results and performance. They break down fast. Most have to retire by their mid 30's or even sooner. Athletic performance by itself is no sign of overall health.
« Last Edit: January 27, 2019, 05:15:16 am by dariorpl »
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Re: drinking milk and dying earlier
« Reply #67 on: January 27, 2019, 05:17:56 am »
I wonder how many generations it takes  of eating RVAF to fully get rid of the negative effects of  cooked foods?

Why wonder? Look at Pottenger's studies. It takes 3 generations.
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Re: drinking milk and dying earlier
« Reply #68 on: January 27, 2019, 06:29:02 am »
you're mixing cooked food with the added junk seed oils, copious amounts of corn syrup and truckloads of highly processed grains playing havoc with blood sugar and insulin levels causing entire body inflammation.
   I have friends whos dogs and cats live as long as mine on cooked foods.  I'm not saying raw isn't better, just that a cooked diet that stays away from JUNK foods is what healthy societies have eaten for eons.  Look at the,  I believe Mexican, long distance mountain runners who live on cooked grains and beans primarily with some meat thrown in,  they run into their middle ages.   
   I am saying specifically that JUNK in the diet is far more detrimental than cooked food.  And to be very specific;  the combination of JUNK fat with JUNK sugar is most likely the biggest killer out there.
   Pottenger's cats:  a limited diet as he fed where those two foods Could have been overly processed in the case of the heated versions might only tell us that certain nutrients were nullified by heat to the point that deficiencies were created, that would have been sorted out had other cooked foods been eaten along with.    Just like the aforementioned Mexican runners: take out either the beans or the grains and they most likely would have perished.

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Re: drinking milk and dying earlier
« Reply #69 on: January 27, 2019, 06:38:02 am »
Why wonder? Look at Pottenger's studies. It takes 3 generations.
Wrong, all pottenger's studies showed was that taurine was desperately needed by cats , so that supplementation of taurine corrected the problem. Incidentally, taurine is easily water-soluble, so , as long as the meat is coooked in water and the water also drunk, then the cat gets enough taurine.See the mercola article re  this below:-

Also cats fed on raw plant food would also suffer from taurine deficiency:-

Note that dairy, however raw, is low in taurine:-

I was also referring to slight changes to the genome. For example, 10 generations of humans fed on a RVAF diet(minus raw dairy) might  lead to much higher fertility as well as far lower chances of birth-defects.
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Re: drinking milk and dying earlier
« Reply #70 on: January 27, 2019, 06:41:23 am »
While HG tribes were no doubt healthier than modern, settled peoples, it would be a real stretch to call them healthy, per se. For example, the stress-free lives of settled peoples alone counts for the greater health of wealthier city people, regardless of diet or pollution etc.
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Re: drinking milk and dying earlier
« Reply #71 on: January 27, 2019, 12:54:23 pm »
Might backfire. There was that epigenetics study comparing 3 generations of humans, which showed that if the grandparents  smoked, then the grandchildren would have a much higher risk of asthma etc. even if their parents did not smoke. I wonder how many generations it takes  of eating RVAF to fully get rid of the negative effects of  cooked foods?

I agree that epigenetic adaptation to, and genetic damage from cooked foods, may take a few generations to unwind.... so it could be that the first generation to go back to raw may actually be worse off...even if the study was utilizing quality, whole animal foods.

Also, even if there was the will and resources to do so, I doubt our mainstream science establishments are sophisticated enough or righteous enough to carry out in a fair and unbiased way, such a difficult task, as multiple generational raw vs cooked dietary studies.

From my own anecdotal observations, I have seen good results by utilizing combinations of both cooked and raw foods for my Animals, Girlfriend and Children.

My cats are prolific hunters, and will regularly eat chipmunks, squils, mice and birds, while being supplemented with a little grain free meat based kibble.

The dog eats raw scraps and bones, and is also supplemented with grain free kibble.

The chickens get plenty of bugs, compost and raw meat scraps, while being supplemented with organic scratch grains

The Girlfriend eats cooked ominously, while limiting grains and soy, and also utilizing raw foods including sushi and rare red meats

The children eat a primarily cooked diet, that includes grains and standard american junk food. The situation with the mother, school, the nation, and the rest of the family is impossibly difficult to deal with,  but I try my best to utilize raw foods and rare meats when I have them.

Like it of not the world has been so inundated with cooked foods that its near impossible for the average person to even attempt an entirely raw extremist way of life. Im the rawest living person I personally know, so its difficult to gain information regarding the raw vs cooked, outside of purely subjective and anecdotal suppositions.
« Last Edit: January 27, 2019, 01:04:19 pm by sabertooth »
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Offline PaganGoy

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Re: drinking milk and dying earlier
« Reply #72 on: January 27, 2019, 02:48:48 pm »
Wow I would have never thought your family of all is mostly cooked.
I can never go back to the old ways, cooked food is hell to me.

Offline TylerDurden

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Re: drinking milk and dying earlier
« Reply #73 on: January 27, 2019, 03:07:50 pm »
The sheer low quality and pervasiveness of school food is a solid argument in favour of homeschooling.
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Offline sabertooth

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Re: drinking milk and dying earlier
« Reply #74 on: January 28, 2019, 11:32:36 am »
The sheer low quality and pervasiveness of school food is a solid argument in favour of homeschooling.

I would homeschool if I could...the food choices in the local schools are truly horrid.
For breakfast they serve items like pop tarts and sugar cereal
For Lunch its the most processed low quality food imaginable served with a carton of low fat chocolate milk.

My personal situation is quite dire at the moment, the mother of my children is in a losing battle with insanity and I am not yet financially able nor do I have the family support to file for full custody of the children. Me and my girlfriend are the only ones in their lives who actually cares about the quality of the food and environment, with any true passion.

Having them for only two or three days out of the week it is difficult to rebalance and compensate for the 4 or 5 days of junk food they get with their mother and at the school. We have been at odds for years over many issues, and she refuses to pack lunches and serve them unprocessed foods, even though I offered to pay the difference in cost and deliver farm fresh meat and produce to her door.

The ideal situation and reality as it is now, are worlds apart, and it breaks my bleeding heart to have to make these compromises....alas for now I provide them the best combination of cooked and raw foods available when they are with me.

A man who makes a beast of himself, forgets the pain of being a man.


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