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Offline TylerDurden

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Re: Constipation
« Reply #25 on: March 08, 2019, 02:21:18 am »
You can claim whatever you want, but don't say AV's advise regarding veggie juice is bad when you did exactly what he said not to do, in larger amounts than he recommended, and got the results he said you would get by doing what you did.

In synthesis, your juice was too strong and you had too much of it. Of course you were going to have issues.
Yes I know, AV said the same sort of nonsense about my issues with raw dairy, that I had not warmed the raw milk before I drank it or not fermented it or whatever. I tried all those methods, and, of course, none of them worked. As regards the issues that people have, all I have stated is the truth that raw dairy is the raw food that rvafers have the biggest incidence of problems with and raw veggie juice is the 2nd worst in this regard.
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Offline dariorpl

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Re: Constipation
« Reply #26 on: March 08, 2019, 04:20:02 am »
You fail to recognize that AV's advice regarding juicing is actually pretty similar to GCB's philosophy. Mild tasting vegetables make up the bulk of the juice for a reason. If you take a bunch of really strong tasting vegetables that you would never be able to chew on your own due to how awful they would taste, and juice them, then drink the juice forcing yourself to ignore the strong bitter or pungent taste, and have way more of it than your body is able to handle, then yes you're going to have problems.

Don't blame AV for what you did because it's completely different to what AV suggested, and he even warned that many people made that mistake.
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Offline TylerDurden

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Re: Constipation
« Reply #27 on: March 08, 2019, 06:51:08 am »
GCB in his wisdom banned raw veggie juice in the first place as juicing is a process and he only recommended unprocessed foods. GCB was nothing like AV, imo.
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Offline dariorpl

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Re: Constipation
« Reply #28 on: March 08, 2019, 06:59:45 am »
GCB in his wisdom banned raw veggie juice in the first place as juicing is a process and he only recommended unprocessed foods. GCB was nothing like AV, imo.

He was full of contradictions, claiming for instance that chewing a vegetable, drinking the juice and discarding the pulp was somehow unnatural, even though plenty of people have the natural instinct to do just that.

He was also unaware that our instincts were developed for a completely different set of circumstances, one where food wasn't as widely available and where the choice wasn't just to eat one thing or another as a wealthy person, but whether to eat at all or not. He also fails to recognize that super sweet fruit is very rare in nature, and even mildly sweet fruit is only available seasonally, except in the tropics and up the trees where monkeys and birds and squirrels and bats get it far before we are able to. He also fails to recognize that shipping fruit from all over the world, all year round, to your doorstep anytime you want by just pressing a button, is completely unnatural also.

If you follow GCB's philosophy entirely, like AV warned, you will find yourself eating larger and larger amounts of highly sweet fruit, which is completely unnatural and doesn't lead to long-term health.

In any case, what I meant is that in your juice experiment, you juiced vegetables that you would never have been able to chew yourself, and then you probably forced yourself to drink the juice even though it didn't taste good at all, and forced yourself to drink way more than your body could handle. AV's recommendations towards juicing would make a juice mixture that you would be able to chew yourself if you had the time and energy and had good healthy teeth / gums / jaw. AV Also said never to gulp anything, including juice, but to sip it instead, giving your body time to assess the effects and quantities, and to properly utilize the nutrients. Sipping mimics the rate at which the juice would be consumed if you were chewing the vegetables yourself.
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Offline TylerDurden

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Re: Constipation
« Reply #29 on: March 08, 2019, 04:45:00 pm »
Just equivocation as chewing is not the same as juicing. Besides, non-herbivores have no reason to chew plant foods.They simply don't have all the teeth necessary for thet. GCB was not perfect and did indeed recommend sweet fruits himself and even recommend against raw meats at one time, but his actual Instincto philosophy of eating only via taste/instinct is correct. The claim re people eventually only eating raw sweet fruits is nonsense - would only apply to rvaf diet beginners who never go in for much variety so never get used to raw meats. I can see that given my own experience.  For example, I find the taste of raw fatty animal flesh(of high enough quality) to taste far better than raw sweet fruits. The only reason I do not do a 100% raw zero carb diet is that other experiments showed a dramatic increase in brainpower and a steady drop in physical stamina until c. 21 days, when suddenly my health would plummet and my hunger would  be unsated by raw animal foods, thus leading me by instinct back to  an omnivorous rvaf diet low in carbs and high in raw meats. OH, and I still far prefer the taste of raw fruit juices than any raw veggie-juices, even things like cucumber etc.(I have tried a large number of variations over time).
« Last Edit: March 08, 2019, 09:51:38 pm by TylerDurden »
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Offline dariorpl

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Re: Constipation
« Reply #30 on: March 08, 2019, 09:29:27 pm »
Just equivocation as chewing is not the same as juicing.

It's about the same if you discard the pulp after pressing and drinking the juice.

Besides, non-herbivores have no reason to chew plant foods.They simply don't have all the teeth necessary for thet.

Nonsense, I can chew plenty of plant foods easily even though my my teeth and gums are far from being in optimal health condition.

GCB was not perfect and did indeed recommend sweet fruits himself and even recommend against raw meats at one time, but his actual Instincto philosophy of eating only via taste/instinct is correct.

He arbitrarly claims some foods are non initial even though similar versions would've existed in the wild, and supports others that wouldn't have. And again, the whole notion that humans in the wild would have a whole buffet of hundreds of wildly different foods that grow in entirely different seasons and climates to choose from, at every single moment of every single day, 365 days a year, and that our instincts would be geared towards optimally consuming such foods, is ludicrous.

The claim re people eventually only eating raw sweet fruits is nonsense

I didn't say only sweet fruits. I said very high amounts. Go in the wild and tell me how many supersweet, mostly seedless, ripe fruits you find, and how many months a year does that happen and in what amounts you find them.

OH, and I stillf ar prefer the taste of raw fruit juices than any raw veggie-juices, even things like cucumber etc.(I have tried a large number of variations over time).

Of course you do, and it's still completely unnatural.
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Offline TylerDurden

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Re: Constipation
« Reply #31 on: March 08, 2019, 09:58:53 pm »
I rarely drink fruit juices anyway, and only eat a very wide variety of raw foods such as they did in palaeo times. Scientific studies have shown a very wide  variety in the palaeolithic human' diet, despite your laughable claims. No one is claiming 365 days a year, as famine and storms and droughts existed in thsoe times, but, quite obviously, the abasurd  very retsricted modern diets, such as the primal diet, could never have been adhered to in paleolithic times. What you forget is that, prior to agriculture,  mankind had not destroyed as much as the world's surface as later on, so that vast areas would have contained a myriad amount of fruits, albeit not as high in sugar as now, and also a wide variety of honey and wild game.

Oh, and chewing with human teeth obviously cannot compare to the chewing power of sheep given the latters'  teeth are all designed by nature to only chew grass and other plant foods. And juicing exerts way more pressure/cutting power than either.
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Offline Kaaris

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Re: Constipation
« Reply #32 on: March 11, 2019, 12:22:15 am »
Hi guys. Quick update. Will need your opinions on this.

Fast forward, after cutting dairy, eating kimchi and not having much more than two cups of milk earlier that day that I communicated my gastrointestinal issues to you guys, I had a immediate response to my recently adopted “protocol”, so I had bowel movements on the very next day and it was runny. Possibly in response to kimch, but I was not concerned about the incidenti. Eventually, I guess it took me two days to partly repopulate my gut with new bacteria, which resulted in another  bowel movement — this time around was exponentially easier, and I have concluded that my approach to regaining my gut health must be paying off because I feel far healthier than before.

However, my current issue is shockingly the very opposite of constipation. I eat eggs, Kobe meat, chicken liver and salmon. I wonder if what I am experiencing has anything to do with the fact that I began to eat the salmon’s skin. I don’t atttibute my problem to anything else other than that, because I do feel as though everything has contributed to a better outcome, except for the skin.

Finally, i must mention that yesterday I drank a little bit of alcohol, and obviously as a result my body is not agreeing with it at all. I wanted to throw up, but instead my stomach is now producing its own philharmonic symphony. Earlier yesterday, my stomach was hurting a little, so I just had soft stool, but on the verge of becoming runny. Right now it’s straight up watery (more than likely a problem exacerbated by alcohol). If you guys could recommend some remedies, I would deeply appreciate it.
« Last Edit: March 11, 2019, 12:30:11 am by Kaaris »

Offline Gatsuri

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Re: Constipation
« Reply #33 on: March 29, 2019, 03:00:44 am »
I can give you some extra insight as I did have this issue when switching from a shitty high fiber vegetarian diet to high animal product diet.

Everything needs to be on point in the body regarding HCL and bile, etc.

You have to have sufficient electrolytes, seasalt was important for me to fixing this at least 6 grams per day I would even go up to 10 grams, when switching from high carb diet especially.
Also what helps IMO is daily fasting to let the body heal, 1 meal per day.
I would avoid dairy if you can as others have said, have tried this many times, raw kefir (supposed to be easy to digest) would give me very hard stools, a little but of butter when cooking seems ok.

Also constipation= hard stools, not going to the toilet is not always constipation, for example when dieting for example there is not a lot of waste.
If you feel there is a lot of stuck stools in your colon I would do a water enema.

Offline PaganGoy

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Re: Constipation
« Reply #34 on: April 03, 2019, 01:05:56 am »
You are claiming to have been constipated on raw dairy.
I would know what that feels like as I had to do enemas 2 months straight BEFORE going on this diet and had it so bad I was in the hospital multiple times with my colons heart beat visibly beating out of my body from all the shit.

Every time I read this forum you people are fat deficient and giving horrible advice for constipation when constipation is only a
I only have 12-18 ounces of clabber a day max.
However every time I drink it for every 6 ounces of milk I add 4 ounces of cream, 3 eggs, and 2 tbsp fine print unheated (not raw) honey.  (Aajanous vonderplanitz recipe for living without disease milkshake).
How much raw clabber or kefir did you have daily?
Did you add ANY fat to it? 
What kind of fat exactly?
How much fat did/do you have per day?

rock Salt is only a laxative because it is poison, it is not a fix or a cure.

Offline norawnofun

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Re: Constipation
« Reply #35 on: April 03, 2019, 05:47:57 am »
Everybody is different, so to say raw dairy cannot cause constipation is far from true. I ate shitloads of raw dairy and since I stopped all dairy my constipation is practically gone. I will do another test and include it again when I am abroad, but so far my digestion is far better without dairy. If you stop raw dairy you need another source of fat, for me avocados did the trick, mostly including tomatoes and lots of olive oil, so a bit of fibre could help if you tolerate it.

And just because you add more fat it does not automatically mean that constipation will not occur. If you have low HCI you can eat the fattiest steak in the world, including extra animal fat, but you can still experience constipation. If you have strong gastric acids and good working pancreas then the hardest fat can be turned into proper liquid and make things go through smoothly, if you don´t have that constipation can easily occur. Even liquids like milk will clump and form "balls" in your stomach due to the acid, and if your acid is not strong enought it can cause constipation. Yes, these shakes might make it easier to digest dairy, but one needs to think of the practicality. Sometimes it´s easier to just stop what´s giving u problems rather than trying to find ways how to make it digestible. After years of experimentation with dairy I can say that it´s not essential, at least for me. I found that it definitly has it´s place to heal certain things, and at times it helped me a lot. But then comes time when it´s better to be without. So when Gatsuri said everything needs to be on point in the body regarding HCL and bile, he is correct. And I think its important to sometimes stop acting like a vegan saying "you did the diet wrong" while in fact certain foods of the diet itself are wrong, for your own body.

Offline Kaaris

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Re: Constipation
« Reply #36 on: April 06, 2019, 12:57:40 am »
I can give you some extra insight as I did have this issue when switching from a shitty high fiber vegetarian diet to high animal product diet.

Everything needs to be on point in the body regarding HCL and bile, etc.

You have to have sufficient electrolytes, seasalt was important for me to fixing this at least 6 grams per day I would even go up to 10 grams, when switching from high carb diet especially.
Also what helps IMO is daily fasting to let the body heal, 1 meal per day.
I would avoid dairy if you can as others have said, have tried this many times, raw kefir (supposed to be easy to digest) would give me very hard stools, a little but of butter when cooking seems ok.

Also constipation= hard stools, not going to the toilet is not always constipation, for example when dieting for example there is not a lot of waste.
If you feel there is a lot of stuck stools in your colon I would do a water enema.

Thanks for the insight. After much research, I figured that the underlying cause for my inability to process/digest protein and especially fat rich foods was largely due to stomach acid. So in my attempt to remedy the problem, I have included a good quality salt in my diet in order to serve as a catalyst for the production of more HCl, and as consequence reignite a large excretion of pepsin and bile. Upon adopting this protocol of consuming salt (about 12g/day), I’ve noticed that it was still relatively difficult to process different kinds of fat, such as cow’s milk cheese fat, not so much goat’s. Overall, there was still some tinkering and manipulation of my diet to do. However, I began to incorporate honey, limes and lemon — although I was reluctant and hesitant to do so — and much to my relief and satisfaction I’ve experienced regular bowel movements. So I actually feel confident in eating any kinds of fat, irrespective of the amount.

I’ve been following this diet consistently since January, so I guess the hiccups that I have faced along the way might have been the natural challenges that one has to endure when the body is making the transition from a glucose-adapted body to a fat-adapted body. Though I must point out that my physiognomy had made considerable strides and improved for the better, but surprisingly or shockingly my digestion (the internal aspect) wasn’t following in the same progression as the outside (such as skin, muscles, hair etc), which was needlessly to say puzzling to me. In hindsight, it must’ve probably been strenuous for the digestive system to process the amount of fat I was consuming from different sources, albeit small relative to what I used to consume in the past. But now, with a better understanding and expanded knowledge of the different metabolic as well as mechanistic effects taking place in body as a response to the consumption of a particular foods, I feel like right now I am on the right path.

Offline thehadezb

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Re: Constipation
« Reply #37 on: June 03, 2019, 05:04:01 am »

Thanks for the insight. After much research, I figured that the underlying cause for my inability to process/digest protein and especially fat rich foods was largely due to stomach acid. So in my attempt to remedy the problem, I have included a good quality salt in my diet in order to serve as a catalyst for the production of more HCl, and as consequence reignite a large excretion of pepsin and bile. Upon adopting this protocol of consuming salt (about 12g/day), I’ve noticed that it was still relatively difficult to process different kinds of fat, such as cow’s milk cheese fat, not so much goat’s. Overall, there was still some tinkering and manipulation of my diet to do. However, I began to incorporate honey, limes and lemon — although I was reluctant and hesitant to do so — and much to my relief and satisfaction I’ve experienced regular bowel movements. So I actually feel confident in eating any kinds of fat, irrespective of the amount.

I’ve been following this diet consistently since January, so I guess the hiccups that I have faced along the way might have been the natural challenges that one has to endure when the body is making the transition from a glucose-adapted body to a fat-adapted body. Though I must point out that my physiognomy had made considerable strides and improved for the better, but surprisingly or shockingly my digestion (the internal aspect) wasn’t following in the same progression as the outside (such as skin, muscles, hair etc), which was needlessly to say puzzling to me. In hindsight, it must’ve probably been strenuous for the digestive system to process the amount of fat I was consuming from different sources, albeit small relative to what I used to consume in the past. But now, with a better understanding and expanded knowledge of the different metabolic as well as mechanistic effects taking place in body as a response to the consumption of a particular foods, I feel like right now I am on the right path.

Did you heal your digestion problems with salt and honey or just honey?

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Re: Constipation
« Reply #38 on: October 30, 2019, 04:24:12 pm »
Hi guys. I’ve been following a raw primal diet for over a month now, and I must say that I feel much better when compared to the period in which I used to follow a cooked paleo/primal diet. I only eat organ meats, muscle meat, raw eggs, raw dairy, seafood etc. Water intake has drastically been reduced, as I naturally don’t feel the need to drink water. i would say I drink about 250 ml a day, if not less. Similarly, salt intake has dwindled as well to the point that I don’t consume any salt.

I have absolutely no issues, except for constipation. Initially I was looking for a culprit, so I assumed dairy must be the one to blame. But as I’ve stated before, I don’t experience any other issues aside from constipation, so I don’t necessarily think dairy is the problem. I’ve grown taller, I have a clear skin, and I have no mental fog or mucus. No sinusitis, gas or anything.

I thought perhaps because salt intake must be relatively high to produce HCL and other enzymes to break down protein that I must include more sodium in my diet. It turns out that doesn’t happen to be case, as my experiment with 4g of salt hasn’t made much of difference in my bowel movements, and as a result I  ended up retaining some water.

Next, I began to drink more water, 2 liters or more. Didn’t seem to work that much, but then again I am not very inclined to drink as much water as in the past, so I haven’t carried on with that practice for that long to notice any results in the long term.

I thought of eating kimchi, as I have learned that these types of fermented foods aid in digestion. Even though I know plant foods are wreak havoc, given the circumstances I am reconsidering giving it a try. As far as other fermented foods, Raw kefir didn’t quite work, but I only drank a quart of it.

I would like your opinion and I would appreciate any input. This is the only thing that I want to solve, as I’ve only had fantastic experiences with the diet. Thank you

Edit: there’s blood in my stool

"Raw dairy" does not cause constipation however raw cheese can. You're supposed to be eating equal amount of fat (butter or avocado) with your raw cheese but depending on the cheese and how much you eat sometimes this isn't enough. I noticed when I switched from raw cheese I was buying from other people to the raw farmers cheese I was making myself (with NOTHING added) its become much more difficult to get constipated. When I was getting constipated from the raw cheese I was eating before I noticed that eating a small piece of high meat every day prevented the constipation (recommended by Aajonus in his book).

Also you're only supposed to eat a sugar cubed size piece of cheese every half hour MAX (powerful detox method), but I would start with much less frequency and work your way up, monitoring your bowel movements.
« Last Edit: October 30, 2019, 04:30:57 pm by rawdog »


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