Hello everyone!
I would really appreciate what your experiences are about this topic.
I got my ferritine levels checked after Christmas and they were 180. A red flag for me, not for my doctor though but I think they really have no clue about iron overload.
I started to read about it and put 1 + 1 together....... some minor issues that I had experienced this last summer and fall... that I had not really been able to figure out.
A hurtful joint and a little swollen too, on my finger, but I thought it was because I work a ton in summer as a waitress and we had those new plates that are heavy to carry. Also my fingers were kind of a little swollen? Now I am pretty sure, it was from too much iron. Also one of my knee made some issues so I could not continue running, what I had started to do as season at work ended. I thought it was a injury issue from this summer when I hurt my knee a bit... but I do not think so anymore.
Also in fall my liver started to feel stressed at times, some minor discomfort, especially when I vacuum cleaned for a longer time(working a second job as housekeeper).. I thought maybe the magnetic/electric radiation and the iron reacted somehow. Logical, because iron works like a magnet.
The more I learned the more I am sure I had way too much iron accumulated!! I have been eating mostly raw galloway beef, very high quality pastured meat from a farmer here, they do not get any other feed that what is on the pasture. Not even parasite medication. Nothing.
My friend told me, in France, doctors tell anemic people to eat raw meat. It must be raw because that is how the iron is best absorbed.
I would never have had the slightest idea, I could accumulate too much iron!! And that is really not a good thing. It makes you age way faster.. and causes many issues in your body wit time. It can take many years before issues start to appear though.
Also if your ancestors are from Irland or Norway or other Scandinavian coutries, it is a 10% probability that you have a genetic mutation for excess iron uptake - that used to serve people well and help survival long ago, but today it does the opposite.... because of how we live and eat in the modern world.
I am now doing things differently to reverse it. This is what I do;
No more red meat. If, just liver, once in a while, as it is high in copper and that is what is neded to mobilize the iron. Also heart because it has other benefits too. But no more muscle meat for me in a while, until I have solved this issue.
Instead I eat seafood. Herring and mackerel and oysters I eat raw, and wil caught salmon and cod etc, the less fatty fishes, I eat cooked. Very gently cooked though.
Also raw eggyolks, and here and there some raw sheepsmilk cheese.
I drink peppermint tea a lot, always with meals, because it should help reduce iron uptake. Also green tea.
I do raw coconut oil for fat - seems my liver loves it right now - too much raw beef fat seems not too good at the moment. Small amounts are fine.
I also eat black sesame/sesame seeds because they are high in copper. Or some hazelnuts. Also high in copper. I try to naturally get in more copper, because how I see it is, I have too much iron and too little copper.
Oysters are high in copper and might have saved me for quite a while on the road... balanced all the excess iron out for a bit - but this fall I did not have oysters for a month and that is when my issues in the liver started. In winter it is hard for me to source oysters because it is so much water in the sea as there are plenty of storms here then.
I might do some more veggies/greens when the sun gets stronger, we are in the middle of winter right now so I want to stay mostly carnivore.
And most important, I am donating bood.
This is so important! My blood is really good quality and doctor was happy to get some of it

But in Germany you can only donate 4 times /year as a woman. So I will do those 4 times and hope it is enough, in addition to all the other changes I have made.
I have to say, my liver is feeling better already, even if I have donated only once so far(funny thing is, my liver bloodwork all come back great, all my bloodwork was great - despite the discomfort I have been feeling from time to time. Also my HDL was really good, which also indicates a healthy liver...)
I feel really good about it, like I am on the right path
I am worried now that other people trying to eat raw carnivore and doing lots of raw meat, wil run into an iron overload issue....
Seems really many have some issues and trying to solve them. Please speak out about it so we can learn from you.
To have a metal accumulate in your body is not at all fun because today there is so much nnEMF everywhere. Imagine, it is like you are walking around as a big antenna....