Author Topic: Can anyone tell me what to expect with detoxing from Candida?  (Read 11270 times)

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I have made the transition and am ready to accept health.  I am only eating raw meat/fat and no longer chocolate.  So my body has been feeling very strange lately.  I wonder if anyone can comment on their experience.  What I notice is that I go through states (have been doing it about a week and a half at most) where my breath is rank and awful, then it clears.  The tongue coating is attrocious.  I cannot sleep tonight, but have slept like a rock at other times.  I even have a bit of a sniffle.

Yesterday, I had this need (not craving like for sugar, which actually stoopped pretty much the day I decided to claim my health back-I just eat plenty of meat and it passed) for LOADS of butter.  What is up with that?  I mean I ate a ton of it...I'm wondering if I should venture into the coconut oil territory again or not?

Whenever I do, or have in the past (mind you, I was still eating crap along with my meat) I get sneezy, sniffles, my tongue gets horrid, etc.  Am I allergic or is this helpful.  Is it not necessary to "speed it up?"  sometimes I feel that it is greedy and inadvisable to try and "hurry" nature along.  I took quite a long time messign it up.

Oh, on a good note.  My words are coming to me beautifully now.  I am flyng off the screen with my writing, so this is what excites me.  I know that my potential as a seer (I am a healer-I use hawk energy) and other areas will open wide.  Thank you for any and all experiences you have had.  sometimes, when the candida is angry in there, ticking away as I am burning it out, I need a little bolstering.  This site is helping me with that.

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Re: Can anyone tell me what to expect with detoxing from Candida?
« Reply #2 on: July 14, 2009, 09:10:10 pm »
thank you.  I am feeling a little despondent b/c I just "want to know.." It seems absurd b/c how can anyone tell me what will happen with me, but it would just make me feel better.  Oddly, even though I have been eating TONS of food, and ate more butter in one sitting than I can imagine, my stomach is flatter than ever.  But I feel so "odd" inside.  There is no other way to describe it.  My brain is still working great, but there is a strange feeling inside, like something floating around there.  I have been worrying about not working enough (money), but it is prob better.  Still can't decide if it is better to exercise and sweat or do nothing.  Can't tell.

I am always into moving around.  But I am confused about it.  My whole person feels strange.  I don't know how to say it other than it feels like the "me" that is really me is emerging more and more.  All because of candida leaving???  Is that possible???  Maybe I will stop being so confused about my "career" and will begin to generate more income.

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Re: Can anyone tell me what to expect with detoxing from Candida?
« Reply #3 on: July 15, 2009, 09:21:16 am »
   Yes, I am sure they are not proliferating as normal and dying off without their food sources of carbs.  But also with blood sugar levels in check your hormones are balancing out and your body is probably healing in many ways.  Excess insulin is one of the most damaging things we can do to our bodies and minds.  Can you try to find some Back fat to ad to your fat intake?

Offline PaleoPhil

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Re: Can anyone tell me what to expect with detoxing from Candida?
« Reply #4 on: July 15, 2009, 10:10:33 am »
Coated tongue? Sniffles? I'm not even fully raw yet and I do not have that at all with raw (and still some lightly cooked) meat, animal fat, some eggs and greens, water and some unsweetened tea. Instead, even after a night of sleep I wake up with a clean mouth. This hasn't happened for me in decades.

I used to have nearly constant sinus congestion, post nasal drip, throat mucus, etc. Standard Paleo diet cleared up much of it and eating lots of meats & animal fats with near zero carbs cleared up most of the rest. My sinuses feel almost too dry in comparison now, because I'm not used to it.

Could it be the butter (I don't eat any dairy foods because I don't consider them Paleo--Stone Agers would only occasionally have eaten milk from the carcass of a lactating animal they'd killed, if at all, and it would probably often be partly or mostly empty from the babies drinking it down) and never processed dairy products like churned butter (there were not butter churns, of course).

What are you drinking for beverages? Any carbs in them at all? Carb beverages do coat the teeth and tongue.

I find my teeth are particularly clean after eating beef jerky. It's like the chewy pig ears people give their dogs to clean their teeth.

I did not do well with coconut oil or butter--have been doing much better with animal fat. But maybe that's just me.
« Last Edit: July 15, 2009, 10:16:15 am by PaleoPhil »
>"When some one eats an Epi paleo Rx template and follows the rules of circadian biology they get plenty of starches when they are available three out of the four seasons." -Jack Kruse, MD
>"I recommend 20 percent of calories from carbs, depending on the size of the person" -Ron Rosedale, MD (in other words, NOT zero carbs)
>Finding a diet you can tolerate is not the same as fixing what's wrong. -Tim Steele
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Offline cjb

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Re: Can anyone tell me what to expect with detoxing from Candida?
« Reply #5 on: July 15, 2009, 11:07:12 am »
I only drink water.  The tongue coating got bad when I went full on no carbs.

I have always had tongue coating, so this is not new.

Butter is temporary till I get sick of it.  doing animal fat.  But I go through phases with what I want.  Eggs really grossed me out previously, and now I can't get enough of them.

The only other way I can explain it is that I can tell my body really NEEDS nutrition.  It is not like I am overeating.  It needs it.  AND GOBS of fat.  I wonder after looking on Bee Wilder's site if it is b/c it heals you.

What is "back fat?"  do I just ask my butcher for it?  why back fat in particular. 

My classes were fabulous today.  The brain is getting SHARPER.  HOORAY.  I'm glad I don't have to wait for this. 

Thanks for answering.  If anyone has other experineces.  The tongue is my fascinating study--I look at it every day and the breath--well, that also tells what my inside is doing.  On a positive note, the last time I did this, it took a long time for my urin not to seem bright yellow and dehydrated no matter how much water I drank.  The first week of this, I was bloating myself uncomfortably with water, but the kidneys were not processign it effecicientyl and I was still dehydrated.  Cut to today.  Drinking barely any--just to taste-I don't overdrink.  And I am not dehydrated. 

Any and all experiences are welcomed and appreciated!!!  I am on this for the long-term.  Now when I look at chocolate at Trader Joe's, I just think "unhappines.." ;)

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Re: Can anyone tell me what to expect with detoxing from Candida?
« Reply #6 on: July 18, 2009, 01:49:18 am »
I was an insane sugar eater before i started this diet.. I had a skin itch so bad that i would have gladly taken a knife to peel the skin off of my back.. thats when my wife said enough is enough and its not "Winter Itch" which i swore up and down it was. We started the candida diet and did that for three months..  Holy shit it wrecked us.. Felt like a truck had hit us, backed up, then ran over us again.. Waking up and throwing up gobs of green crap and feeling terrible..  From there we knew that the candida diet wasnt something that was healthy and began a half assed rawish paleo diet.  That still wasnt working as good as we wanted so we said enough is enough and took the meat diet seriously and would never look back..

We're skeptical on wether or not candida actually exists or if its more of a word for a list of symptoms and we just shocked the shit out of or bodys changing our diet so drasticly so quickly.  We feel great now that we're not half-assing things. Why spend all week taking care of yourself and then ruin it on the weekend 'treating yourself'. you dont get anywhere doing that.

I am also anti-dairy, I think you love gobs of butter because gobs of butter are delicious. And i also call BS on the whole needing so much fat that you need a 'source of fat'. I just eat the fat thats attached to my meat. I am active and do not have problems with energy levels. If you need fat you will know it, and i find that after eating a little piece of lamb neck which is pretty fatty im wobell past my STOP. You will know the stop because you will have it in your mouth but would rather spit it out than swallow. I doubt you will get something like that with butter, probably more of a 'oh my god ive eaten so much butter i feel sick'.

I used to be paranoid about eating enough fat because of the terror of protien poisoned death looming over my head. But after a while on the diet even more of your fear gets eased. I have fed my cat and dog on nothing but heart and ground beef for about two years now, they have never had a source of fat or anything like that, mabye the bits of fat i dont want when ive hit my stop from my meals. They're not dead yet but ill be sure to let you guys know if either of us die from not eating butter or back-fat daily.. haha..
That's not paleo.

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Re: Can anyone tell me what to expect with detoxing from Candida?
« Reply #7 on: July 21, 2009, 04:01:07 pm »

Could it be the butter (I don't eat any dairy foods because I don't consider them Paleo--Stone Agers would only occasionally have eaten milk from the carcass of a lactating animal they'd killed, if at all, and it would probably often be partly or mostly empty from the babies drinking it down) and never processed dairy products like churned butter (there were not butter churns, of course).

It was pointed out by other posters in another paleo  forum a long while back that the milk only gets generated as a result of the infant suckling on the teat, which immediately stimulates the release of hormones which proceed to  stimulate production of dairy. Without that, the breasts contain only tiny traces of milk in them.
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Re: Can anyone tell me what to expect with detoxing from Candida?
« Reply #8 on: July 24, 2009, 11:54:29 am »
The tongue coating got bad when I went full on no carbs.
Interesting. My whole mouth got cleaner and fresher on a mostly raw meat & animal fat diet (with some greens). That butter is looking more and more suspect, though I don't know for sure if that's the main culprit.

It was pointed out by other posters in another paleo  forum a long while back that the milk only gets generated as a result of the infant suckling on the teat
I used to think that the likelihood of hunters drinking any milk from a carcass was basically nill when a WAPF advocate made that claim, but somewhere I found confirmation of that from an objective source and I granted the possibility that it was an occasional treat. I can't find that source now, though. It's pretty much a moot point anyway, because part of a population eating a food as an occasional treat is not likely to lead to biological adaptation. But if you come across anything more on this, I would be interested in it.
>"When some one eats an Epi paleo Rx template and follows the rules of circadian biology they get plenty of starches when they are available three out of the four seasons." -Jack Kruse, MD
>"I recommend 20 percent of calories from carbs, depending on the size of the person" -Ron Rosedale, MD (in other words, NOT zero carbs)
>Finding a diet you can tolerate is not the same as fixing what's wrong. -Tim Steele
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Offline TylerDurden

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Re: Can anyone tell me what to expect with detoxing from Candida?
« Reply #9 on: July 31, 2009, 05:26:11 pm »
You're overlooking another factor:- that  paleo animals weren't bred for domestication yet so had far smaller udders than today(the aurochs anyway)
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Re: Can anyone tell me what to expect with detoxing from Candida?
« Reply #10 on: August 01, 2009, 12:45:46 am »
What you are going through is the die off of the Candida Albican. You will feel miserable for a few weeks.... and then your head will clear, the symptoms will start to disappear. I lost 8 pounds eating more than I did before. You need to eat vegetables too. Research what you can eat to replace the healthy bacteria in your colon. I ate organic, plain yogurt, which is not allowed on the Paleo diet. When you go on a Candida diet, you NEVER eat anything processed. You also do not eat leftovers. Good luck. It is not difficult, but you need patience.
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